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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 12 hours ago, Sloan441 said:


    That's why you do them when they're up so when things like VaubonP come along you have, like, you know, large quantities nitain ready to go.

    7Ps. Mind the 7Ps...


    Oh right, you have to have been playing for a long time... And not using it on the crap tonne of other things that Need Nitain... Gotya 

  2. On 10/11/2016 at 1:14 AM, Sloan441 said:

    Nah, it's how you deal with things.

    What's ridiculous is whining about something so trivial.

    Exept that it's not trivial if you can only get maybe 1-3 nitian a week and you need 20 for Vauban P.

  3. "Pay to Win"

    "Pay to Win"


    Chanted like a cult...

    I don't think OP is right, but the cries of P2W are not even a good argument... In COD it might matter, but this is Primarily PVE game, it's almost exclusively PvE at this point., P2W makes no actual difference, and also, we have Prime Packs for $100+... Oh but they don't count in this loose ragged definition of a system that is an irrelevance to PvE...

  4. On 10/5/2016 at 3:45 AM, Sloan441 said:

    It's more of a mindset.

    Do the alerts whenever you can, whether you actually need the stuff or not. It WILL get used at some point.

    Stockpile the stuff. This comes down to the 7Ps: proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance.

    Then when something you want requires it, you're set and you can spare the community another nitain complaint thread.

    lol... Work, also just a mindset... Family, obviously just a mindset... Life is a mindset... the general obscurity with with your toss around this stuff ridiculious...

  5. 23 hours ago, mikey619 said:

    Pressing key '4' should be a toggle that lets us use key 'e' to BladeStorm. Trying to parkour and pressing key '4' doesn't seem natural and I feel it will be uncomfortable to use. . 


    I know not everyone has a set up like me, but all my abilities are on my mouse, 4 is right click of scroll wheel for me, and the suggested DE version of SB is perfect for that.


  6. 21 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

    See, I know you said you just re-read the patch notes, but it's crap like this that pisses me right off.

    It wasn't even out for one single full day. Don't pretend you did something longer than you did to try to make your feedback seem more valid or experienced.


    What I see:

    The Vacuum within, posted Thursday 7:47AM

    The Vacuum within hotfix #2, posted Yesterday (Saturday) 7:20AM


    So what you're saying is that 2 days does not equate to a full day... Gotcha...

    We got a Genious here ppl.

  7. Yeah, Bumping this, The new Gazal Armour, It's metalic parts are once again (as this seems common) to be on colour 1... While the Ki'Teer Diaz Syandana's metalic parts are colour 4 (as they should be) and colour 1 is for a MAJOR part of its texture... The result is really annoying...

    Or the Uru Prime Syandana, it's metalic stuff is Colour 3!!!

    WTF DE, why can't they get a consistent template of how to colour, All Metalics should be on colour 4, and thats 90% of all the issues fixed.



  8. I was talking with the clan the other day how cool it would be if TWW brought a new aspect to the game by way of your guide, We're so used to Lotus as our guide, but as TWW trailers seem to suggest, Teshin will have a large part to play as he did in Second Dream/Natah.

    What if in TWW you get to pick to fight for Teshin or Lotus, this would suit the quest name somewhat well, and what if Teshin does become "space dad" and you take him as a guide in place of Lotus, he gives you the mission updates and does all the stuff Lotus does ATM.

    Would you side with Lotus or Teshin?

    Do you think it's plausible that they would do this as part of the quest, and it remains your choice thereafter?

    I know this basically doubles the amount of voice acting to be done on literally every single mission, but I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility...

  9. Personally I think the mod version is the best outcome for vacuum, the 5M range was really hurting one of my main builds (Nekros Equilibrium (Channeling/Despoil) build) as it needs to be picking up Energy and HP orbs continuously to stay in Melee, and the 5M range was painful, I was fine with the 3 way split of vacuum, as I only need the HP/Energy, but what we got first was crap IMO.

    Having Vacuum as a 12M Mod is the perfect solution as far as I'm concerned. The vacuum can be a powerful tool and should take up a mod slot, I think those who want it as a 12M passive really just want everything without a downside.

    I'm happy to take Deth Threats if needed from the community,

    But thank you DE for this (hopefully) final outcome.

  10. At first I didn't think it would be that bad...

    But after playing with this new universal vacuum for a few days now...

    I'm not impressed...

    In fact I think it's crap... Compleate nerf... I'd rather have the 3 mods because this range is somewhat usless... the difference between it being vacuumed and me just picking it up normally is so small it's pointless even having vacuum.

    EDIT: Ok I ddin't read the hot fiz 2 notes. Vacuum is a mod again.... LOVE...

  11. Was just talking about this with a mate, we're of the opinion Mag (off all frames) needs a prime retouch and a deluxe skin the most.

    She is THE ugliest frame and in comparison to Vauban P. and Nekros P. she is hardly even prime worthy in looks, I think they just need to completely revisit Mag P. when they do her deluxe skin.

  12. IF you copied and pasted from the net, it was likely not in the correct format;

    1. Clan Emblem must be a 128x128 .PNG file. No exceptions.

    Did you check that your copy/paste was of this exact specification?

    If you link the image you tried we can see, I'd make a support ticket, as that's pretty S#&$ty to take your plat and reject your image.

  13. 20 minutes ago, KAHO16 said:

    There is no reason for use carrier now.

    Vacuum became common passive, Ammo case is replaceable with mutation (and has lower efficiency)

    Now, what is the character of carrier? Floating potato aka Ammo king?


    DE should make clear that the identity of carrier is.


    I'll be speeding up my Braton P. Fire rate and using Carrer with it now... Num num num...

  14. Just now, Imaru said:

    It's the same problem that we had with Warframe abilities as mods: to fully optimize one thing you needed to totally sacrifice another. with only 10 mod slots you can't actually customize your sentinel without shooting yourself in the foot by massively handicapping yourself or your sentinel. 


    Out of interest, what would be your preferred outcome to the current vacuum issue?

  15. Just now, Imaru said:

    Because if we have both then we're just eating up 3 slots on every sentinel. Then you add your health and shield (up to 5), armor (Possible), shooting and sentinel ability (ghost, vaporize, etc brings it to 7), Guardian, and Regen (9 slots used out of 10). We already have a massive lack of modability on sentinels and this would only further reduce it. 


    Yeah, that's kind of the trade off for wanting to make a high radius max vacuum Sentinal of any type.

    As it stands you don't even get the choice.

  16. Yes, another Vacuum thread... Sorry I know, I feel dirty already...

    So the 3 mods are now a universal reduced range passive due to feedback, But I don't see why we can't do both, yes, all Sents get the passive 5M vacuum, but why not also allow an extension of that vacuum radius to 10M for the 3 drop types via the 3 initial mods that were originally proposed?

    I mean does that not satisfy both parties? We get the universal vacuum, but if we chose we can spend 1 to 3 mod slots to make any Sentinal a vacuum machine and reduce some other functions by needing those mod slots, I think that's a fair trade-off BTH.

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