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Posts posted by SprinKah

  1. 8 minutes ago, TheGuyver said:

    I wasn't having too much of an issue solo on my nekros today, they were getting up the 120s before I got bored and ran out. Gas and Slash and general alertness are your best friends when it comes to straight up power farming these guys for toroids. 


    19 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

    Gas n slash and shields are no longer an issue.

    Hell, I suppose you guys are right, Tbh with ya I have not been on many Toroid farm sessions, I've been on like...2-3 of them, went up to like 130 or so then leave simply because my teammates were dying quite a bit. So I'm not ENTIRELY sure if it's like what you guys said. 


    7 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

    That, also you can control the alert level as you please and reset it occasionally if you feel the need to. 

    sometimes I wonder if the whole level scaling thing with 4 beacons active over time is actually...intended, sure it's nice and cool but man, wonder if DE actually intended that. 


    16 minutes ago, renleech said:

    I wonder if the toroid farm we players do today will be the real toroid farm after the big spider hunt is released.


    that's something to think about yeah, though maybe the current way of farming them won't exactly go away when the orbs are released and ready to mingle. WHo knows, I know one thing for sure, veterans love to camp and farm like this. 

  2. So, I'm sure we all know, DE just now, adding in another branch to the Corpus Terra army, some of the Corpus enemies become "Elite" after lvl 30+, bringing back some great urgency for the veterans and IMO, brought up a few concerns and problems in theory.

    I do have to say, I know that this whole Fortuna Enemies nerfed has been a bit...problematic for DE and a part of the player-base and I don't really want to hinder DE's efforts in making Fortuna as fun as possible for both newbies and veterans. For me personally, I disliked the Terra Enemies nerfs which kinda brought down the difficulty level of Fortuna a bit (I do have to admit, it still retained a lot of the urgency which I loved).

    So, with the recent hotfix, 24.0.9, DE brought back up the difficulty level in a rather interesting yet simple way, Replacing the some of the Terra enemies with an "Elite" varient that all have boosted HP and Shield and dealing more damage and stuff. Which is very nice. But that's where my concerns kinda rose up.

    I feel that the HP and Shield boost of these Elite Terra enemies are pretty overkill, and a lot of us do go to Orb Vallis without a bountny to go to Temple of Profit to farm Toroids. The enemies level scales up overtime the longer you play with 4 beacons active and with the HP and Shield boost of the new Elite Terra enemies, THEORETICALLY, I fear that the scaling is gonna be a tad bit too much , WAY more than before because of the new boosted HP and Shield. Haven't tested it yet but I feel like it would. Honestly I didn't think DE would do something like this, I really just thought they're just gonna bring back the pre 24.0.4 Terra enemies but I guess this is better for players who aren't veterans that are just gonna do <lvl30 bounties. 

  3. 21 minutes ago, kingvaldemir said:

    basically this. When Fortuna came out, the challenge was really interesting and of course the 'vets' were happy. It really bummed us when DE nerfed it, but i can see where it come from.

    Fortuna was made for everyone, both vets and newbies alike.Thats why, Venus (the second planet), was the place that was chosen for this new open world. Sure it's fun for the vets to have the challenge, but its a problem when a newbies that can't even finish the quest, and thats why DE nerfed it.

    Fortuna was not made for endgame. That being said, there are some way to please vets and the idea from DreisterDino is one of it. An option for vets to have a higher difficulty enemies in Vallis without having to wreck havoc and worrying accidentally destroyed the beacon.

    I doubt, even with all the nerfs recently, newer players would still be able to do the quest with ease, if DE REALLY wants new players to experience Fortuna and the quest with ease, they should nerf EVERYTHING in Fortuna, make enemies super easy and deal like...I don't know...1 damage per shot or something, eliminating any kind of challenge or hardship that Fortuna has. Does that sound great?

    I HIGHLY doubt, whether they're going to keep nerfing the enemies, I still think that new players that JUST REACHED VENUS, won't be able to really handle Fortuna, plus all the problems that come with it, you know that new players that just reached Venus probably won't have K-drive or Archwing, right? They're gonna have to RUN all around of Fortuna, which is HUGE. I'm sure it'd be bloody boring.

    Let's be real, Fortuna and Cetus...aren't really content suitable for newbies. New players really shouldn't be hastily roaming around Fortuna or even Cetus starting out like they can handle everything. There are Orbs, Racknoids, freakin Eidolons and Auto Turrets everywhere ready to shred their 100 shield and 100 health right off. I don't want to restrict or enforce any rule, but I feel like newer players, should work on their stuff a bit more if they want to "survive" these content. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, Littleman88 said:

    I ran a tier I bounty (just to check them all off my list for the day) and hit an outpost to turn it.  It was throwing enemies level 20+ at me with all the variety afforded an alert level 4 right off the bat, no stars.  This is an instance of Fortuna set to levels 5-15, and I was getting hammered by level 20's using mods and gear that no newbie properly challenged by level 5-15 content would have.

    The nerfs were necessary.  Enemies scaled way too hard on the Vallis, just as they did on the Plains back in the day.

    If people want enemies to hit harder and soak more damage, they can remove vitality and serration, or equip dragon keys if they can't bear the thought of actually managing their own difficulty slider like anyone's actually judging them for being an under geared scrub.  It's easy and totally within One's own control, and the only reason not to is for epeen strokage.  Epeen strokage makes DE money, but quantity matters, hence why raids are gone.  Like wise, if people want content to be made easier, they have to find better equipment and better mods, and do a little CC cheesing of their own... provided they could get past the nullifiers.  It's a pretty lopsided amount of effort to reduce challenge vs increasing it. 

    And no, the alert pylons aren't a great way to control the difficulty out there on the Vallis.  It's totally random whether or not an enemy will place one down, and there's generally no way to lock it to level 2 or 3.  You're pretty much looking at 1 and a trickle of basic fodder enemies, or 4 and a tsunami of specialized, durable and lethal elites (the overtaker replaces the crewman and is basically a Bombard with a rapid fire missile launcher, and that's just to start.)  If DE wanted us to have finer control, then each pylon would = 1 star, and AoE weapons couldn't slag them.  And for what its worth, enemy special abilities remained largely untouched.  They just reigned in the raw firepower a fair bit so non tank frames could exist up through at least star chart levels.

    yknow, I do agree, that SOME Terra Corpus enemies need nerfs.

    But man, They nerfed the wrong ones!

    What they should've nerfed are the Terra Moa and Terra Elite Crewmen, priority! Not because they're strong, but because they're the enemies that spawn the most. And despite that, Terra Elite Crewmen deal far more dps than the rarer ones that got nerfed.

    I can understand the sniper crewman nerf, they were able to one-shot my Chroma from time to time before, and unlike Balistas, their Opticor are accurate so there's always a high chance you'll get hit if you stay in their Opticor beam.

    I tested these things in the Simulacrum a lot yknow. The ELite Crewmen and their Tetra, out damage Jailer, Overtaker, Plasmor. Some of the enemies that were nerfed. It's just weird that they made the enemies that spawn the most deal more damage than the enemies that spawn less frequent. Check it yourself, it's ludicrous. 

    Plasmor Crewman didn't need a nerf, its gun is like super low-ranged, Overtaker didn't really need a nerf since they don't spawn in a lot, Jailer didn't really need a nerf, since they only spawn in "Rescue Solaris" missions. And I don't really know about this whole alert pylon that replaces normal units with overtakers and what not, I don't think I've noticed it yet so I can't really say anything on that, I've done a few camping in Temple of Profit to like level 130, and the most I've seen are mostly...Combas and a buncha Elite Crewmen and stuff, i think Elite Crewmen by then still spawn a lot more than Overtakers. Combine with the fact that they deal a lot more dps than Overtakers, that's a lot crazier than the nerfs that we had. 


  5. 54 minutes ago, Kyenhael said:

    In my experience, I was actually getting one shot or downed very quickly by level 40ish mobs. These mobs are (or were apparently since they've been nerfed) a lot stronger than other mobs their level in other places in game. Add to it the constant CC spam, AOE, and magnetic procs, and you got yourself a challenge that is way out of wack for this time of content. Most players would not want to spend a lot of time playing such frustrating content (especially when you add bugs. connection seems to be a lot worse now in my experience). If DE wants to spend a year+ developing nothing but content which will be enjoyed by 5% of the population AND put that on the second planet, that's their choice. They just need to understand its consequences.

    I don't even consider Cetus and Fortuna are places where newbies should even be, despite them being on the first and second planet, there has to be requirements to get into these places I mean, CMON! Even with the tweaks and nerfs to the Terra and Tusk enemies, they are still way too hard or at least, not something new players should be able to fight against effortlessly. I doubt any players just reaching Venus would be able to fight against enemies on Fortuna, they'd be like mastery rank 2 at least, unless they got mad plat and spend it on a buncha equipments then sure they'd probably stand a chance but for normal players, doubt it'd be possible to survive in Fortuna.

    Cetus and Fortuna on the first and second planet? I think that's irrelevant. that should be considered as something purely....theme based, Cetus is near a beach, Fortuna is an icy place, Earth and Venus, where are they supposed to put them, the Void!? 

  6. 7 hours ago, Firetempest said:

    Their damage did not match other enemies of similar level. It's still the second planet. They could independently boost the final bounties enemy level but Rio likes drama for clicks.

    yknow what I think? There should be a mastery rank lock on those regions. OBVIOUSLY, Fortuna are meant for players who have had their fair share of experience and time put iinto the game, veterans I mean (Cetus also but to a lesser extent). And the fact that Fortuna is on Venus really shouldn't be taken into account. Cetus is on Earth, the first planet! And I doubt even when DE nerfed some enemies there, new players would still be able to play there. Mastery rank 1 and stuff. DOUBT. 


    I get it, DE wants EVERYONE to enjoy Fortuna but this is such a lose-lose situation. Fortuna and Cetus, they are on starter planets, Earth and Venus, despite that, I don't think they should include Fortuna and Cetus as beginner content. I mean cmon, even with the nerfs to the enemies, they're still hard for new players! The spider robots, The eidolons, Tusk and Terra enemies are easily, leagues away from the Corpus enemies on Venus nodes or Frontier Grineer dudes. What do they expect, new players who use low-tier, non-super charged, weak-modded equipment to be able to handle Cetus and Fortuna!?

    Cetus and Fortuna are high tiers, veteran content, new players shouldn't be able to play them without breaking a sweat. DE nerfing Cetus and Fortuna enemies, not only solving nothing about this whole beginner problem, but also leaving veteran players, who want an actual challenge, with almost nothing that's worth their rank and equipment stats to do. 

    Still, I get why they did it, not saying I like it or it should be like it but honestly who cares what I think, but man after spending so much time in this game, Fortuna was a good place to break a sweat with such urgency, but now it's kinda gone back to the old. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Siilk said:

    Yeah, I understand what you mean. I usually try to feel the gun's rhythm but still misclick from time to time. Not sure if autofire will solve the problem though. Or rather if it will not introduce a new one: letting the button go a fraction of a second too late and firing an extra shot. I think the best way to counter the issue in the first place is to introduce an audio(or maybe even visual) cue signalling the gun is ready to fire. Say, an audible click of a new set of rounds being chambered or a "reload meter" not akin the bow draw indicator(except that quartakk's "draw" will be done automatically of course). I'd personally prefer the former but wouldn't mind the latter on top of it.


    I think auto fire will solve the issue because it will just shoot when it's ready to shoot, doesn't require you to keep track of when to hit the button anymore, that's a huge yes

    I guess the audio click thing that you suggested may work perhaps too though. 

    Though I gotta tell you, I think the recoil before all the changes really worked well with the slow rof, not sure though. Because after the gun coils back after shooting, it's probably ready to shoot again, as for right now, the gun only coils up just a little then comes down when you shoot, it doesn't match well like it did before

  8. I don't mind it having this low rate of fire, just PLEASE GOD DAMN, make it into AUTO fire mode, because I just simply cannot stand the fact that I always miss the time to shoot my next shot because of the INSUFFERABLY LOW FIRE RATE!

    You hit shoot once, then you hit again expecting the gun to shoot but IT DOESN'T because you're 0.01 second away from the gun being able to fire the next shot...If it's changed into Auto fire mode, we don't have to worry about that ordeal anymore. 

    Tbh, I don't dislike the rof before, I do like the rather slow pace of it but it's still a damn pain to use because of the fire mode, it doesn't go well with the low rate of fire, I feel like I have to wait an extra eternity to fire another shot....

  9. 14 hours ago, Siilk said:

    Quartakk feels bad? *Checks his trusty quartakk*  Still hits like a truck, even more so in fact. Still procs status reliably and crits quite often. Still one-shots(well, one-quad-shots) everything but toughest eximi enemies. Still sounds like an artillery battery making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside with each shot. Nope, still awesome. =)


    @DE: please guys, keep Quartakk as it is now, it is currently one of my favourite rifles in warframe. It looks awesome, sounds awesome and is rather unique while still being fun to use and effective at what it does.

    while i agree with you about the facts that you stated, but none of them sound like that relate to the main argument of this thread man.

    how you said it, I have no idea what you think of the fire reversion, it certainly made it deals a lot less DPS, even with the damage buff, and imo, it is such a pain in the &amp;#&#33; to use right now. 

  10. On 11/2/2018 at 6:30 AM, DarcnyssWolfe said:

    Honestly, I find current Quartakk decent, but I'd definitely like a 20-40% rof buff, even if we lost say 5-10 damage per pellet/bullet.

    i'm sure it does well on its own, even so, it's such an annoying weapon to use right now. 

  11. 6 hours ago, Sennera said:

    I decided I liked the look and feel of the Quartakk and Stubba (its secondary counterpart, ofc) earlier this week, so I stuck 4 and 5 forma in each respectively and got my hands on Rivens to reroll for hybrid builds on each.

    The Stubba wrecked this morning's level 100 Sortie Grineer nicely, but the Quartakk was terrible. In fact, it struggled against level 80-ish Kuva Flood Grineer.

    After the changes I took the Quartakk into a Kuva Flood without touching ANYTHING about my build. It's significantly slower now, but it hits like a truck and has become just as powerful as the Stubba now. I was just thinking a couple days ago that the Quartakk would be perfect if it had more damage per shot, and that's what we got. The trade-off of fire rate took a little getting used to, but I used to run around with a Tigris Prime all the time so I'm personally fine with having to line up before pulling the trigger in a rhythmic manner.

    Overall I'd call the changes a buff rather than a nerf.

    Edit: I used the Simulacrum to recreate the level 100 Heavies and Bombards I took on in today's Sorties, then spent half an hour-ish taking turns mowing them down with my Stubba and Quartakk using body shots only (so that the difference in strength would be magnified.) My conclusion is that the Quartakk is definitely on par with my Stubba after today's update.

    Oh I'm sure the Quartakk is plenty good at killing rn, but we're not talking about that, we're talking about how annoying the decrease in fire rate is, it's just so BLOODY INSUFFERABLE MATE, like you shoot once, you wait for a bit and hit the button again to find that it doesn't shoot anything because you're like 0.1 second behind for your next shot to be ready, now that's irritation. I don't mind the nerf in damage before, the buff in damage after this update doesn't really do much honestly, the game changer was actually the fire rate buff, that made the weapon feels better. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Valcaron said:

    I just started leveling that weapon last week and thought "Hey this is a pretty great gun so i threw a cat in it".......then I started using it today.....now its going back on the shelf....sigh.

    it ain't as bad as before all the changes but it just feels terrible...

  13. 10 minutes ago, alepap1995 said:

    i think it had a unique feel to it, 4 shot fast firing riffle(with fire rate mods) plus it staggered enemies so you could fire multiple shots without them retaliating as easily.

    now it's just a slow uninteresting rifle.

    pretty much

  14. Honestly, I have no idea why the devs would do that, the fire rate buff was such a good change to Quartakk, making it not a very insufferable weapon to use.

    I hated how I always miss my next sshot when I hit the mouse button because the it's not ready to fire yet...

    I think if DE wants to keep this fire rate nerf, they should switch Quartakk from Semi-Auto to Auto so that we don't have to deal with keeping tracks of how many seconds we have to count until we can hit the mouse button again, because that's very annoying. Or just switch it back to before, which was way better, the Damage Buff from this update doesn't really compensate for the fire rate nerf in my opinion. 

  15. I agree, I like the new damage buff but man the fire rate reversion is TERRIBLE, it feels so damn bad to use, honestly I don't know why they did that...

    I think if they want to keep the fire rate nerf, they should change Quartakk from Semi Auto to Auto fire so that it's not too iinsufferable when it comes to shooting because I hate the feeling that you can't shoot when you hit your mouse button...

  16. 6 hours ago, TaurusDeRoma said:

    They need time to develop and grow. Even though they are not very developed, cognitively, they are left in the ground to germinate. In my opinion, since we are poisoning the grounds where they are buried, there should be more Expired than the other ghouls (not sure if that is the case). The Ghouls are my favorite Grineer units too, I'm just hoping that the Infested find someway to assimilate them, they really need more units. Maybe there can be a hybrid Ghoul-Infested developed by Dr. Tengus.

    I'm glad you feel the same, I bet the infested will probably be able to find some ways around them naturally, but that's for DE to decide, it would be a pretty nice twist.

    I feel like DE rushed it a bit maybe, because it was right before Christmas, but idunno

  17. 6 hours ago, peterc3 said:

    This would destroy game performance. Notice how in "musou" games like Dynasty Warriors, the graphics are... downgraded. The more things going on, the more that needs to be culled from somewhere else.

    The pods aren't being dropped right before you encounter them, they've been there for a while. You wouldn't be able to see them drop and fight the same ones in any reasonable game session length.

    yeah I suppose I get that...but despite that, how it was in Devstream 101, didn't look like everything was crap, the performance I mean. I think things were quite well, and that was just the dev build, Maybe a bit more than that wouldn't hurt. 

    And yeah, about the pods, I sorta get that, but maybe if it's for something like....indications and such, would be nice, would feel a lot more immersive I'd say. I really want to see them being automatic on their own though, that doesn't need us to step into their vicinity to trigger their burst. 

  18. Ghouls were probably my most anticipated asset when DE introduced them in Tennocon 2017, I really looked forward to them because I'm one big fan of Grineer and their aesthetics, and the Ghouls are just so cool.

    The idea of Shock Troopers capable to overwhelming their opponents with number is quite nice.

    But despite that, after we actually got them though, I do have some problems regarding them, now I know these nitpicks may only be because of my personal preferences but I'd like express them nonetheless.


    1) I think we can ALL agree that...the most that we can get out of the Ghouls are from the occasional Ghouls Purge Bounties that pop up from time to time. And if you're REALLY lucky, you get to encounter missions that give you ghouls...2/4 times. 

    I really imagined that we would be able to encounter them a lot and fight them but in the end, not so much.


    2) You know, back in devstream 101 when they first showed off gameplay of Ghouls, I really imagined that we'd get that LEVEL OF INTENSITY, that wasn't even a Ghouls Bounty, just some random encounter and already there were so many ghouls that we can fight! There were a lot of aspects in there too that DE, unfortunately, got rid off in the official build.

    Like how Augers can close the distance between them and you, popping up in front of your face, occasionally knocking you down (which is really interesting, 37:41 mark in Devstream 101).


    3) Right now, the biggest number of Ghouls that we can get out of NORMAL encounter (which in itself, is quite rare, at least for me) is around 4-5 ghouls.  Which really, comparing to how it was in devstream 101, that's a bit...underwhelming. Honestly, you don't even notice them at all. I really don't like to wait for Ghouls Purge Bounties in order to get the most out of the Ghouls, and that's only around 20-40 ghouls average at a time, not to mention the really tedious missions that don't involve Ghouls at all (Finding Cache, defend vault, etc...). Personally, I'd like to see and fight even more Ghouls, a lot more Ghouls...like 40+ Ghouls per normal encounter on the Plains, I'd like to fight way more than 20 ghouls per Ghouls Bounty Burial Ground. 

    And the fact that when you go full squad of 4, you get only 35 ghouls per burial ground, I kinda expected to fight against way more than 35, it ends so fast, sometimes I don't even notice a single one of them before everything is done. 


    Changes that I'd love to see made to the Ghouls:


    - Increase the number of Ghouls spawned per encounter on the Plains. Something like in Devstream 101, Increase in chances of Encounter or BOTH.

    - Maybe when you roam around doing stuff, Ghouls will emerge from certain spots on the Plains and Lotus will call you to it? Like they just automatically rise up on their own and roam around, don't need you to step foot in their vicinity, acting like normal patrolling grineer and such.

    - Drop Pods? DE did state that Ghouls Diapause Bags are planted into the ground via. Orbitally, I'd like to see how it is done, maybe when you're on a certain spot in the plains, you can see some orbital drop pods from afar, dropping down from orbit. 

    Just something more to them would be nice, I'd really like to see them more often and not just in Ghouls Purge Missions, and honestly, I'd like to fight against more than 20 ghouls per Burial Ground, that's just me though. Would also be kinda nice if that amount of ghouls multiplies by 4 if you go with a full squad, that'd be fun because 35 really is quite little for a full party. 


    I'd also like to see some changes and buffs to the Ghouls that DE took away from the earlier showoffs, maybe some of these suggestions may sound a bit unreasonable but I'd like DE to further expand on the concept of these Ghouls, I feel like the way they are now? Don't really live up to their supposed concept.

    1) Ghoul Expired:

    - Maybe drop some mines when they die (1-2), right now when they die, the bombs explode but deal no damage whatsoever, that kinda loses the wihole purpose of kamikaze enemy. 

    - I'd really like to see some sorta tackle like how they did in the Ghouls #1 Comic but maybe that's a bit much? It is interesting though. 

    - Maybe make them throw the mines more often and not exclusively when the players are out of reach?

    2) Ghoul Auger:

    - Able to dig and rise up from the ground behind the players or to other random areas, actually ambushing and flanking them, instead of just dig straight forward into our face...

    - Maybe dig and rise up from time to time right from underneath us, knocking us back like how they did in the earlier in Devstream 101 at 37:41?

    - Make the drills have the same damage hitbox like other Ghouls? right now, the hitbox of their drills are really odd and random, don't have a very consistent pattern, sometimes they deal 1-2 dmg per hit, sometimes more. 


    I think Ghouls Rictus and Devourer right now are fine on their own.


    I'd really appreciate it if you guys can browse through my proposed changes real quick and give me your thoughts on them, I really just hope that DE hasn't abandoned them like they did on the Executioners (which are quite buggy rn and with some changes said that still haven't made it in), I'd really like DE to expadn more on the Ghouls, maybe add something more to them in the future. Do tell me if anything sounds unreasonable and we'll elborate on them. 



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