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Posts posted by SprinKah

  1. 2 hours ago, Ksaero said:

    PS4 Chinaframe closure doesn't neccesarily mean the end of PC Chinaframe.

    We've first seen Umbra in July, 2015. Shadow Stalker - December, 2015. Guess when their similarity was figured out.

    BTW here's the image of Shadow Stalker in DE's blog. He used to have the body model even more similar to Umbra. Also, the gold parts are recolored in red.


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    Back in 2015 global Excalibur Umbra was promised to be virtually identical to Excalibur Umbra Prime. The only difference known by far is the name, and it's most likely to be just that. Gold parts are not exclusive to Primes.


    good points, very good points...I think you pretty much settled quite a large amount of my contemplation!

    I wonder why Stalker didn't just...yknow...keep the golden parts because of all that, it kinda looks neat on him actually.

    I also never really noticed that whole pre-Shadow Stalker model, that's quite...a liberating thingy there.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

    Shadow-Stalker and the Pakal armour:

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    Shadow-Stalker's extra parts could be a pre-Gift that Hunhow (the metallic bits on Umbra that are covered by his shouldercloth and on his chest are recoloured Pakal purple, that's why they can't be seen; try getting closeups of him BEFORE he adapts to damage) provided to prepare his body for when he attaches the Pakal armour.

    Also, Stalker may've built the incomplete Umbra components into himself, giving him his pre-Pakal-clad look).


    Theoretical lore on Umbra's special features, that make obtaining him require completion of The War Within:

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    Beyond that, one could say that the Umbra frame was an early proto-Warframe; so powerful that, when you command it, it commands you. Meaning, since the War Within experience, you can't leave the Warframe to use Focus, but when you do leave to rush into Siphons, the Umbra would function like a Specter unless ordered to stay put. 

    The Sacrifice, and implications of Ballas' words:

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    As for the Sacrifice itself, it could've been Margulis Ballas was talking about, or, if it's a present sacrifice, then it'll most likely be an Excalibur, access to Focus Powers during the mission, and something you probably obtain in the quest and are forced to choose A or B.

    What I've heard about Chinaframe, and Umbra's visuals need another toggle or two:

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    As for Chinaframe, last I heard was that it was their Console builds shutting down and that was managed by Perfect World (supposedly the same people who manage Star Trek Online and other titles), so they're still there. Even though DE chose the most direct route (reusing Umbra Prime for Umbra), I would prefer the option of toggling off the crescents on his arms as they, to me, don't fit him so well. 


    right on brother, theories sound nice and legit, reasonable

  3. 2 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

    They basically updated the Stalker model to something more custom and elegant, as Excalibur got his PBR update but Stalker didn't really.

    Maybe they wanted to use the Umbra narrative (living person -> Warframe) to give him some more backstory or something.

    As for gold or not, he uses a custom body. He's clad himself with a custom helm and linings, I don't see why the metallic tint, which all Warframes can change, would be such a great deal honestly.

    I mean, if it's as easy as it is to just, rip your head off and replace with another one like in Warframe, if that's really the case then I guess...yeah

    guess Stalker could've just ripped all of those golden wishbone bad boys out, even the ones on his chest? heck who knows...

  4. Just now, ShadowStalker said:

    Not sure if its just me but i dont think stalker will even have an appearance in the quest i mean yes he has a excalibur umbra body but as far as i know even normal stalker has the umbra body now just without the pakal armour so it cant be some sacrifice and as for umbra they might be orokin custom frames or maybe ballas himself i guess who knows its just to damn complicated and we wont know till DE releases it to be honest

    yeah, it's quite a waste of time doing this but...god I don't know what else is better i can do with my life at this point >:|

    I mean I know he does have an Excal-like body, but...that wishbone mark on his chest man...

  5. 3 minutes ago, Sajochi said:

    A while back, not sure when, it was confirmed that Stalker's helmet is that of Excalibur. From a game design standpoint, it was probably easier for the China build to slap on golden pieces on the base Stalker model and add a scarf. 

    As for lore theories, I for one believe that the Stalker is a dax with no master, altered by none other than Ballas. An experiment that is a combination from what he learned from the warframe project and what makes a dax. This could translate to the creation of Umbras, where the operator potentially takes the form of an Umbra.

    As for what is sacrificed, Ballas may have already paid that price, but not with his own life. But that's just my brain doing a thing. 

    Yeah you're right, doing that would be quite easier...

    And yeah, I have heard a lot talking about this whole thing with Umbra being a sorta...combination between an operator and a warframe, merging into one or something like that...

  6. Just now, DxAdder said:

    Wow ANOTHER Umbra thread, go post in the Mega thread please.



    yeah, another one, I'm not even mad about this I don't want to talk or hear about Umbra anymore honestly. This is more about Shadow Stalker and his Umbra relation and stuff....

    don't know if I can delete this thread but I'll be fine with it going into the Megathread...didn't even know there's a megathread about this whole Umbra thing but I'm sure there are A LOT of threads about umbra.

  7. Yeah...don't know what I was thinking, here it is, another post about Umbra, I think it is quite obnoxious already and I can't believe I'm SORTA joining in...

    I don't want to talk about or hear much about it anymore but I'm just curious with the whole Shadow Stalker's relation to Umbra because of some quite obvious details and well...golden wishbones.


    1) Why do I think Shadow Stalker is related to... Umbra?

    Well, I'll just show 2 pictures, one of Shadow Stalker and one of the recently released Excalibur Umbra teaser from TennoCon, which is pretty much the one from the doomed China Warframe...like just, an exact copy, with the whole golden thingies and all that stuff which I will talk about later.







    If you look closely and I'm sure a lot of people have noticed already, maybe I'm just speaking the OBVIOUS but yeah, there are quite a lot of resemblances between Shadow Stalker and Excalibur Umbra, originated from Warframe China and in the teaser in Tennocon.

    Look at their chest, they both have the exact same "wish bone" mark.

    They also have cloth pieces stuck onto them, Stalker's crotch pieces looking more Sentient like Hunhow accessories though, after inspecting closely through the codex, I think they are really a part of Shadow Stalker warframe, but who knows, I could be wrong.

    But all in all, I feel safe to say that it's highly possible that Shadow Stalker is an Umbra.

    Though, it all brings me to my other contemplations.


    2) Why is Excalibur Umbra has golden parts when Shadow Stalker doesn't...AT ALL?

    I originally heard that the Excalibur Umbra originally shown in the Warframe China's video, it was going to Excalibur Umbra PRIME, being the equivalence to Excalibur Prime, Founder Pack in the World Build.

    But as some of you may know, Warframe China is closing REALLY SOON cause of playercount problems. So I suppose DE has access to that warframe now...

    And I guess they just...used it as the Excalibur Umbra?

    I mean, it makes me wonder, if Shadow Stalker is an Umbra (with all the resemblances to Excal umbra in Sacrifice teaser)...why doesn't he have all the golden wishbones and crazy golden trimmings and stuff?

    I really thought what we were going to get is a warframe that looks like SHADOW STALKER, without all the gold wishbones and Stalker helmet and stuff...and the one from Warframe China is the PRIME of it...


    Maybe, there are reasons, maybe what DE used in the Sacrifice teaser is Excalibur Umbra PRIME and the normal version isn't shown yet, maybe it is because Warframe China ending, DE had the access to that warframe and well, used it to make the trailer and in reality, they haven't even started on modelling their own version of Excalibur Umbra :/

    Heck I don't even know, but I hope there's a reason, maybe I'm just thinking too hard on it, maybe DE just didn't really care about those details? We'll see when it comes to it I suppose. I'm not trying to nitpick DE or anything, they do good job and they have been working on PoE a lot so, idk.


    3) Sacrifice?

    There are already tons of predictions and stuff about that. But let's look at the Stalker.

    Before Hunhow and all of his razzle dazzles, Stalker was just...an Excalibur with a different helmet in black and red, edgy colors.

    And when he came to Hunhow, DE gave him a different look that is VERY similar to Excalibur Umbra (the chest wishbone mark and other stuff). Maybe Stalker DID sacrifice something to become like that.

    Maybe he sacrificed his weapons? his original Excalibur form? his soul?

    I don't know, some of the theories from other people I think are quite damn crazy honestly. Sacrificing Operator? Crazy...

    could be true, could be not.. I don't really care about it too much really. Maybe we'll just have to sacrfice a non-primed warframe, like Mesa for Mesa Umbra, Loki for Loki Umbra and etc etc...


    I suppose that's all I got...


  8. On 7/26/2017 at 7:03 AM, Slendy-Broseph said:

    He doesn't look too happy.

    his face is more like stoic than sad

    but yeah, idk, him, smiling, is kinda unsettling to me...

  9. 4 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    As the Grineer's armor scales higher and higher, isn't the results in the OP going to change? 


    Weirdly...no, it kinda sủprises me that the higher the level, the harder it is for Nox to fight against a scrambus or comba, when their detron still does quite hefty dmg to Nox

    Tho, ive only tested to level 60, not sure about like...100 or something

  10. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    Actually toxin bypasses the staple defense of Corpus-shields.

    The real problem is that the Nox ALSO bypasses Tenno shields.

    And so Nox can't be too powerful or the community will not like it.

    Which means that Corpus at range are going to have their way.

    yeah, sometimes I do feel a bit selfish for wanting these sort of things, like TOTAL POWER FOR THE GRINEER, you know...

    it hurts me, inside, because of these little things, I never asked to feel this way, this is becoming really bad for me...

    I just want to see Nox wrecks one Skater bugger...god dammit.

    It hurts that there's this little gas releaser thingy on his glass helmet that doesn't even do anything, originally I thought it was going to be used to like...release gas into the path he walks on and such but nope, it's just there and it bugs me....I had to make up some stuff to ease the pain.

  11. 15 minutes ago, AtoKitsune said:

    Ye, it makes 100% sense that the Scrambus and Comba, with a lot of their configurations, would demolish Nox. Nox has a fixed skillset, he tanks and and he charges and he fires exploding sludge. Scrambus and Comba are so diverse in skillset and much more adaptable. They also do a lot more damage than Nox. The reason Nox is a problem for Tenno is because he hits straight through shields, which we use as a buffer to taking actual health damage, this makes him very dangerous to Tenno. To Scrambus and Comba even, they are far too maneuverable and deal more damage per second than the Nox, he doesn't really stand much of a chance the more they get on in levels.

    when you put it like that, yeah

    I do have to admit, I have been in a HUGE denial pit, it's not even WORTH IT...

    I know Scrambuses are...well...counter to Nox...Hell even Nox has troubles fighting against Combas (Scrambus without skaters ) after level 30...

    at level 25 though, Nox completely wrecks all of them I tell you.

    But yeah, Scrambuses, they're very mobile and have...homing weapons, they're very equipped with the right things to fight against Nox.

    I just really wish they'd par equally with each other, you know...

  12. 16 hours ago, DeadRaiserMk5 said:

    In stalkers codex entry it said that stalker was a lower guardian when the tenno killed the orokin, so he couldnt be a dax. Sorry for debunking your big theory with a little research, also the dax are the highest ranking orokin soldiers or one of them, so they wouldnt be with the lower guardians.


    he may or may not be a Dax, lower guardian, we know nothing of all that yet.

    Honestly, there isn't much...documentary for us to research.

    In my opinion, Stalker was an Orokin, maybe a soldier too but not a "highest ranking orokin  soldier" Dax, as said by you.

    I guess Stalker was that and when that day happened...he went into a transference machine or something and well, pretty much woke up as a stalker.

    But as you know, there are all these crazy talks about transference disruption and weird crazy mental stuff with transference, affecting the minds of warframe users. In the Chains of Harrow quest for example, weird transference crazy mental stuff went on there.

    Of course I don't think it's fair to assume that that and stalker are in the same scenario. Maybe Stalker's operator didn't have void powers and transference stuff so when he connected with a warframe, his mind became corrupted and as time passes, his consciousness and mind become seared into the warframe, creating the Stalker.

    To finalize what I said, Stalker was an orokin whaever dude who happened to recklessly entered transference without the suitable requirements out of hate, resulting in his mind getting completely transfered to the warframe (Stalker) and stuff. 

    I don't want to think the Stalker as a kid like us, sleeping somewhere and thinking about emo stuff.


  13. Just now, Miser_able said:

    After encountering a lvl 110 eximus nox I can say that at higher levels the nox wins. I could one shot sortie scrambus' with the Tigris prime. But it took almost 20 headshots with the Tigris prime to kill a nox of the same level. 

    I did say that practically, Nox is a lot more durable than the Modular Corpus skaters, I fully know that it takes a lot more bullers to kill them.

    Despite that, in this case...I am talking about the scenario where Nox and Skater fight each other...


    Also, Nox Eximus, I haven't tested that yet but cause I don't have scans of them but yknow it's an eximus of Nox. a level 110 one that's what you were dealing with :|


  14. 10 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

    The Detron does radiation damage with is good against grineer. The nox does toxin damage which is eh against corpus. The Detron is also much faster than the nox and the modular corpus (scrambus and the like.) are more maneuverable. It makes total sense. 

    I know, those damn skaters are equiped with everything to battle against Nox, good mobility, fast as hell, HOMING weapons!?

    I really just want them to...par with each other you know, it's just quite irritating to see Nox, so much more vulnerable and inefficient when it comes to facing those scrambuses....

    and bloody hell, even against the Comba, the scrambuses without rollerkskates, they still suffer, just to a...lesser extent.


    and I tell you, it just keeps getting worse and worse as their level gets bigger, Nox just keeps becoming more and more of a bad match to them...

    And I don't know about the Swarmer detron dealing Radiation dmg, the wiki says so but I've only seen them procing Blast, knocking enemies down and stuff...


  15. Ok...before I say anything that may or may sound bloody ridiculous to you all, I want to clarify that I love Warframe and this little problem of mine isn't even something that's...like..big. It's quite a stupid personal ordeal I have with things in Warframe that even I know it's stupid but despite of that, I still find it so darn irritating. Why am I sharing this? I honestly don't know but I guess it's just something I want to discuss with...other people than my internal self...goddammit, okay here we go.

    All this, may seem laughable and yeah, i definitely know so, you can laugh at what I'm about to say and mock me or whatever but i hope you can understand and hopefully...relate with me just somewhat..right...


    I love Warframe, most of it is because of the unique and awesome enemies and factions in the game, this may sound surprising to some of you guys but I really don't give as much damn about the Tenno as I do about the Grineer and Corpus, Grineer to a much bigger extent, I love the Grineer, I just bloody love them.

    I'm a veteran in Warframe and after long hours of cutting and chopping through hordes of enemies, I got quite bored of that. Not bored to the point of wanting to quit Warframe or anything. I found something better to do with my time in Warframe and it is to...observe the aesthetics of the world of Warframe. It gets really personal overtime, it hurts.


    So, when Nox came out, I thought to myself that things are going to be great, Nox is going to be awesome and I am going to have quite a lot of fun with him in the Simulacrum.

    So things basically went, Nox kills everything until the Scrambuses and Combas. Because in my eyes they're like...the Corpus equivalent of Nox, yeah? So this tiny little thing pops up, Nox started to pretty much...become a nuisance to the Scrambuses and Combas after level 30, the ones with Detron and Angstrum at least, they pretty much destroys Nox everytime.

    And it bugs me that...why is this happening, you know? Cause Nox don't really spawn all that much, the Scrambus and Comba on the other hand, are quite a handful and...Oh man I don't even know anymore. Maybe I'm just bias?

    Practically...Nox is way more tankier and prove to be a more of a pain to the Tenno than the Scrambuses and Combas with their damn hoverskates and god damn homing weapons, regenerating shield and all that fanciness....Do have to admit, the Detron that they use...deal a BUNCH of damage.


    I suppose sometimes, there are things that are...illogical in warframe and don't really matter much at all that really REALLY bug me.

    So yeah...I dont know why I am making a thread like this, bashing my stupid problems in your face, of course anybody can choose to not read my stupid rant but...yeah...

    I suppose that's...that...oh man, all this, making a thread sharing my personal problem...in my head, I envisioned it to be much better than this, i made quite a bad case but heck, I ain't hurting nobody. I mean it's probably not even Warframe design's fault, like I said...personal.

    I still like Nox way better than those ridiculous-looking skaters. Though it hurts thinking that they, those bloody hippies, are very capable to taking out Nox...after level 30 at least...yeah.


    BEST SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM O' MINE: Nerf them bloody skaters, at least tone down the damage the deal with their Swarmer Detrons...jeez.


  16. 4 minutes ago, Dylki said:



    Edit: Ballas aside, it's a really nice art style, and i like how you did the hair!

    hehe, danka, yeah he's creepy alright

    I  mean not THAT creepy, I'd hug him for sure. just not the way i really thought he'd look like :/

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