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Posts posted by SprinKah

  1. 45 minutes ago, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

    This also feels a bit like the whole going against a solo player amount of enemies instead of a for player group. At the level most vets are at they'd prefer to have more enemies when playing solo but there is such a small spawn limit sometimes...

    exactly, I'd really like to play the plains when DE didn't downscale the amount of enemies spawned....I mean, remember when DE first showed off the Ghouls? Man the number of Ghouls spawned was so awesome, and it wasn't even a Ghouls Purge bounty...

  2. 7 minutes ago, Aeon94 said:

    I think their spawn rate is too low , hope DE increases it to 40 per burial ground ( even if its solo )

    I'd love to be swarmed by modified and weaponized zombies :D

    Ofcourse DE has to get rid of those cold procs from toxic clouds first.

    I wouldn't mind that at all honestly, 40 would be so night solo. the more I play Warframe, the more I got bored of how...inactive some of the combat are....I think I'd prefer it if they keep both the cold proc and increase the spawn number of Ghouls per encounter, keep you on your toe...I mean, in the comic Excalibur was already quite incapacitated after getting a bit of the paralytic blood onto his hand...I'd like to experience that rush....


    but ofc, most importantly I would LOVE to have increased number of Ghouls spawned...40 solo....80 full squad I don't care if it sounds a bit much, I'd probably prefer if there's more!

  3. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

    I'm honestly dissatisfied with his weak they are. I wasn't expecting them to be bullet sponges but a single shot from my Tigris prime could kill 2-3 at a time even in the higher level bounty. Not to even mention the fact that I brought inaros with a pocket sand build.

    They're like the original Vor fight. Cool mechanics but you'll never see them because they instantly die.

    I'm with you, I know we should also consider the weaker players but god damn, they're so easy to kill and fight, they do have some glorious moments but I find myself standing around too often for them to actually stand a chance....man a single Nox is kinda more effective.  then again they're supposed to be Dispensable and expandable enemies that are low cost and weak....so I guess I'm sorta fine with them being a bit weak but their "strength in number" mechanic doesn't really show at all....only like 5 of them spawn per encounters on the plains which is nowhere near Strength in number...

  4. Right off the bat, i just want to say that I really enjoy the ghouls, they're quite fun to play against, despite that, I do have a few problems regarding them...I am aware that these nitpicks might have something to do with my own personal preferences but anyway.

    I think there just isn't enough Ghouls.


    The thing is, we can really only encounter a fair number of ghouls if you get lucky in Ghouls Purge Missions from Konzu, if you get lucky and get mission types like Purge Burial Grounds, Assassination and all that but other than that....there really just isn't enough of them.

    Their burial spots are so rare and when we do encounter them, only around 5 of them at most spawn, if you do solo play...and that's that...

    To be honest with you, The Ghouls were probably the content that I looked forward to the most when they first announced them at Tennocon, I imagined we were going to be able to fight them and encounter them a lot but in the end, not so much. 


    Changes I'd love to see:

    - Increase the number of Ghouls spawned per encounter on the Plains.

    - Maybe when you roam around doing stuff, Ghouls will emerge from a certain spot on the Plains and Lotus will call you to it? Like they just automatically rise up and roam around, don't need you to step foot in their vicinity, acting like normal patrolling grineer and such.

    - Drop Pods?

    Just something more to them would be nice, I'd really like to see them more often and not just in Ghouls Purge Missions, and honestly, I'd like to fight against more than 20 ghouls per Burial Ground, that's just me though. Would also be kinda nice if that amount of ghouls multiplies by 4 if you go with a full squad, that'd be fun because 35 really is quite little for a full party. 

    What are your thoughts on how they are now? 


    I'd also like to see some changes and buffs to the Ghouls that DE took away from the earlier showoffs, maybe some of these suggestions may sound a bit unreasonable but I'd like DE to further expand on the concept of these Ghouls, I feel like the way they are now? Don't really live up to their supposed concept.

    1) Ghoul Expired:

    - Maybe drop some mines when they die (1-2), right now when they die, the bombs explode but deal no damage whatsoever, that kinda loses the wihole purpose of kamikaze enemy. 

    - I'd really like to see some sorta tackle like how they did in the Ghouls #1 Comic but maybe that's a bit much? It is interesting though. 

    - Maybe make them throw the mines more often and not exclusively when the players are out of reach?

    2) Ghoul Auger:

    - Able to dig and rise up from the ground behind the players or to other random areas, actually ambushing and flanking them, instead of just dig straight forward into our face...

    - Maybe dig and rise up from time to time right in front of us, maybe knocking us back like how they did in the earlier devstreams?

    - Make the drills have the same damage hitbox like other Ghouls? right now, the hitbox of their drills are really odd and random, don't have a very consistent pattern, sometimes they deal 1-2 dmg per hit, sometimes more. 

    I think the other Ghouls are fine as they are now. 

  5. Nowadays, I don't find the combat within Warframe to be the biggest selling point anymore, sure it's fun but I find it to be rather...too chaotic and messy at the state of the game, everything is so AoE based yknow, which isn't bad but it sorta pulls you out of the direct combat a lot of the times.

    What really keeps me connected with the game is well, the lore and especially, the factions within the game. My favorite faction that I'm greatly interested in is the GRINEER and just pretty much, everything about the GRINEER intrigues me, I want more of them, I want to see what unexpected and crazy aesthetics that may take up of them and such, they have such great personalities behind their design. 

    that's pretty much it I guess

  6. not a big issue for me, I actually like how they're...stronger and such....the Kuva Grineer dudes disappoint me so much because they're supposed to be the best of the best, personal guards of the TWIN QUEENS right? yet a lot of the Kuva units are much much worse than their other counterparts, the Kuva Lancer for example, don't even do melee bash when you're close. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, N64Gamefreak said:

    Don't put words in my mouth.  Volkeris summed it up well; Littleman88 summed it up better.

    Maybe I should've said, stop expecting to be a completely indestructible god? Personally, I really got tired of being able to just take everything standing still, it's so bloody annoying for me that nothing can really stop me. I imagine that what I said may have been that went through your mind, Volkeris's and Littleman's but how the heck would I be able to know that right? Whatever I guess, you know wassup with you :/

    I literally only died to the Bolkor like once, only because I was moving right under its gun, which  is fair to me. I could always just stare up and take out its gun, I notice that Bolkor's turret has quite slow aiming time. Probably you guys aren't going to believe me for all that I stated and even if I'm right, I don't think you guys will admit it if that's the case, so yeah, I don't know, I know one thing for sure is that I sure have never really had a big problem with them Bolkors. 

    Really just wish there are more enemies in Warframe out there that can give me one heck of a time. Juggernauts for example. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Littleman88 said:

    I expect the ground emplacement Akkad turrets to be quite dangerous.  The Bolkor's isn't even a third the size of the Akkad turrets, is 100% more accurate and 4x as damaging per round.

    "Bit of effort."  Sure.  After I've locked it down with a radial blind and can afford to move predictably for a long enough length of time to get a bead on it, but then why bother?  I'll just wait it out and focus on the ground troops... whom are also blind... and thus just target dummies that sponge ammo.  Oh joy, it's either bounce around in a panic or shut everything down.  Pretty sure it's not good for difficulty to be either 1 or 0 when a Bolkor shows up.

    The only reason this is being defended is for elitist kicks.  "I can do it, so there's no problem."  No, there absolutely is a problem Out of everything else out on the plains, it's a massive difficulty spike when it shows up.  Getting people to move around or take cover, sure, it's good that it does that.  So do mortars.  Being effectively immune to most forms of CC, sure, it's good to have something like that.  Having all this, while on a huge, super tanky vehicle while the weapon itself is little bigger than a Moa, and completely destroying Warframe's in a second of concentrated fire single handedly even in bounty three while said Tenno are dealing with dozens of other little problems on the ground is the problem. 

    In short, if the whole point is to suppress a player with accurate fire, it doesn't need to be hitting as hard per round as a Bombard's marelok.  Pick two out of three - rate of fire, accuracy, damage per shot.

    It's got all three.  Another poorly designed threat.  No surprise there.

    And again I have to mention: it's odd that more of these things seem to show up in solo than they do in co-op in my experience.  And no, the other people aren't shooting them down.  Not with Soma P's and Tenora's and not while they're dealing with the horde rushing them from all angles with super precise Karak fire and most players can barely handle moving and shooting, let alone bullet jumping and shooting.

    this is very hard to debate with you, clearly your experience with the enemies in the plains is quite different from mine.

    I literally stand still a few times when a Bolkor flies in, only really getting somewhat mowed down when I'm right underneath it, which is fair, because again, it pushes you to actually move around.

    I'm not sure how a Master ike you, would be having problems with the enemies in the Plains, I sure do not have a problem with them. The accuracy of the Tusk Grineer in the plains is like so weird, especially the Tusk Heavy Gunners, they switch to their....flag cannon when we get far away from them, and they shoot at us, which is really weird that their shots always land like...2m in front of you, never really hittign anything. as for the Tusk Troopers with karaks and the same goes for a few other ranged tusk infantries. Thei accuracy is god damn weird in the plains, I assume the problem lies with the fluctuating ground levels in the Plains that messes with their weapons' accuracy. A lot of the time I just stand right in front of their Karaks and they can barely get 5 consistent shots on me. Their Karaks aren't even that powerful like the Frontier Elite Lancers', they deal the same amount of damage as the Tusk Lancers' Hind but only in full auto and not in burst. I tested it in the Simulacrum. 

    So yeah, The Bolkors and Grineer Tusk dudes have never been a problem to me. I don't know how to prove this to you but the Bolkors aren't really that accurate if you stand far away from them, they're FAR from aimbot that way. Only stupids would get close to them right under their gun without even trying to disable it. But hey, who am I to judge if you may or may not just suck at it somehow, I am not saying you are, I'm just saying that that might be the case and it's impossible for me to prove anythign like that. I don't know how good you are at the game (this game isn't very skill-oriented anyway) but considering you're a Master, should at least have quite reasonable loadouts that can deal with at least one Bolkor, I know I can and you probably can too, maybe you just aint trying hard enough, that's also a possible case. 

    Stop expecting everything to just be laid out for you on a silver platter or something, I don't know if that's what you want or not but it's a possible case but yeah, just in case that's what you're expecting out of Warframe, an effortless shooter where you are an unstoppable god or something, which for me has gotten really old and bland after all the time that I have played Warframe, killing enemies over and over again with absolute ease, it's boring. But hey that's just me. 

    In my opinion, I here hope that DE won't just keep turning everything into bloody fodders just because some people cant handle being knocked down a few times here and there. Like the Flameblades,they removed their stun on hits, which is quite sad for me because it sorta made me feel like I have to be wary of my surroundings. 

  9. 36 minutes ago, N64Gamefreak said:

    I hate DE for making Bolkors as powerful as they are.

    why not? they are special giant ships designed for troop transport, the least they can do is withstand some damage and deal some damage. Really should stop expecting to one shot through every single thing.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Darkfire249 said:

    I actually did not know that. Thank you. I suppose I'm just irritated because the Bolkors are the one thing that I can't seem to tackle with my usual loadout. Sorties go fine, the normal grineer units on the Plains go down with little trouble, but the Bolkors.... I've had nothing but trouble with them.

    In my own experience, I solo the highest bounty a lot on my own, I am quite well equipped after all, it's...a reasonable ease...for me. The Bolkor they don't appear as much as the Firbolgs in my opinion. I've never had trouble spotting them, if there's a sound of ship flying in, you just turn around looking for them, it's not even a problem that they have relatively same engine sound I have no idea why some of the dudes above is complaining about it, you just hear and you look, it's simple as that. The Bolkor's turret don't get a hit on me a lot, only when I get close to it...like right below it or something. Personally I think that's reasonable, it punishes you for being reckless, they really do have crappy aim from afar in my experience. Bolkors and Firbolgs are all the same, they are quite hard to take down even with a powerful weapon, excluding a few others. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Littleman88 said:

    And very, very small.  So unless One shuts down all other Grineer units with CC and then gets good at aim glide - from a safe distance - this is an unreasonable argument to make.  If it takes someone to shut down the entire enemy force to deal with a single turret in a very focused manner, it's simply too powerful.

    n-no...I never had a problem at all taking down it....it never gets a hit on me if I stand afar....I HONESTLY have no idea how to reply to you about this man...I mean, it is quite reasonable considering Condor's guns are explosive laser shots which deal quit hefty damage. What you expected a big gun such as Bolkor's mounted lmg or wahtever to deal crappy grakata dmg and crappy aim? Cmon man, have a bit of effort in shooting it down or something jeez...

  12. 3 minutes ago, Darkfire249 said:

    So the rest of us are supposed to deal with an absolutely broken gunship, which causes a vast majority of my deaths on Plains, because you don't want a "boring game"? It's entirely possible your game is broken if you're able to dodge the Bolkor's fire by just "moving around". The ONLY method I've ever found for avoiding their gunfire is to hide behind a rock, which of course isn't an option when you have to defend a point or clear out a group of enemies or find caches while running solo.

    the gun is vulnerable you know...

  13. 4 hours ago, Volkeris said:

    Can the Bolkor accuracy PLEASE be reduced? 'Cause by the time I notice one shooting at me, it's already too late, especially playing with squishier frames. What even makes matters worse is that they have the exact same sounds of the Firbolgs, so I have no warning about impending doom. It's even a bigger problem that they can spawn in groups of 2-3, especially since I mostly play solo.

    god dammit, why not just remove everything and make the game dead easy.

    I'm sorry if I sounded rude but I'm getting really pissed off because of all this. So many enemies that I liek and are actually challenging to fight against get thrown down to the ground. Look at the Manic, I used to have quite a lot of fun dodging his attacks, evading and such, he was so fast and so hard hitting and spawn quite reasonably too. Now? They're like a myth, a relic from the past, almost not even in the game anymore....when they do show up they're even worse than god damn Butchers. 2 hits cant even get past 300 shield, constantly glitching, halting in place...Might as well just remove him from the game. 

    MANIC was a real foe, but then crybabies had to go in a screw him up, reducing him into some...ghostly fodder, a joke. I know not everyone is all mighty and well-equipped like I am, who is quite a vet but darn, he's so unreasonably weak now I don't even feel anything anymore hearing him making his signature introduction scream, not even a little flinch. And hear this, DE kept the juggernaut the same, kept Bursas mostly the same, which are pretty big threats especially juggy, Bursas have things like crazy CC abilities, pretty annoying on their own, but they nerfed Manic to the ground, the hell is with that. 

    I suppose yes, players have different preferences regarding having fun in warframe. But jeez people can't seem to handle a bit of challenge and keep dying and keep complaining, slowly making the game so god damn bland to play. 

    Personally, I think the Bolkor is fine, they don't spawn that much at all what are you talking about, i've NEVER seen them spawn in a group of 3-4 at the same time before, maybe I just didn't notice or anything but yeah.

    Also, you know, you can SHOOT the turret right? The turret isn't that tanky you shoot it and that's it, it retreats itself momentarily. Also, it has lame accuracy from afar, only get really crazy if you get close. I play mostly Solo too so I'd know. 

    In my own preferences, I'd not mind tasting defeat once in a while, it just makes the game more thrilling for me than just a mindless ability spam, laying waste at everything in your path without a single bit of effort. 

  14. 2 hours ago, Ksaero said:

    PS4 Chinaframe closure doesn't neccesarily mean the end of PC Chinaframe.

    We've first seen Umbra in July, 2015. Shadow Stalker - December, 2015. Guess when their similarity was figured out.

    BTW here's the image of Shadow Stalker in DE's blog. He used to have the body model even more similar to Umbra. Also, the gold parts are recolored in red.


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    Back in 2015 global Excalibur Umbra was promised to be virtually identical to Excalibur Umbra Prime. The only difference known by far is the name, and it's most likely to be just that. Gold parts are not exclusive to Primes.


    good points, very good points...I think you pretty much settled quite a large amount of my contemplation!

    I wonder why Stalker didn't just...yknow...keep the golden parts because of all that, it kinda looks neat on him actually.

    I also never really noticed that whole pre-Shadow Stalker model, that's quite...a liberating thingy there.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

    Shadow-Stalker and the Pakal armour:

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    Shadow-Stalker's extra parts could be a pre-Gift that Hunhow (the metallic bits on Umbra that are covered by his shouldercloth and on his chest are recoloured Pakal purple, that's why they can't be seen; try getting closeups of him BEFORE he adapts to damage) provided to prepare his body for when he attaches the Pakal armour.

    Also, Stalker may've built the incomplete Umbra components into himself, giving him his pre-Pakal-clad look).


    Theoretical lore on Umbra's special features, that make obtaining him require completion of The War Within:

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    Beyond that, one could say that the Umbra frame was an early proto-Warframe; so powerful that, when you command it, it commands you. Meaning, since the War Within experience, you can't leave the Warframe to use Focus, but when you do leave to rush into Siphons, the Umbra would function like a Specter unless ordered to stay put. 

    The Sacrifice, and implications of Ballas' words:

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    As for the Sacrifice itself, it could've been Margulis Ballas was talking about, or, if it's a present sacrifice, then it'll most likely be an Excalibur, access to Focus Powers during the mission, and something you probably obtain in the quest and are forced to choose A or B.

    What I've heard about Chinaframe, and Umbra's visuals need another toggle or two:

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    As for Chinaframe, last I heard was that it was their Console builds shutting down and that was managed by Perfect World (supposedly the same people who manage Star Trek Online and other titles), so they're still there. Even though DE chose the most direct route (reusing Umbra Prime for Umbra), I would prefer the option of toggling off the crescents on his arms as they, to me, don't fit him so well. 


    right on brother, theories sound nice and legit, reasonable

  16. 2 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

    They basically updated the Stalker model to something more custom and elegant, as Excalibur got his PBR update but Stalker didn't really.

    Maybe they wanted to use the Umbra narrative (living person -> Warframe) to give him some more backstory or something.

    As for gold or not, he uses a custom body. He's clad himself with a custom helm and linings, I don't see why the metallic tint, which all Warframes can change, would be such a great deal honestly.

    I mean, if it's as easy as it is to just, rip your head off and replace with another one like in Warframe, if that's really the case then I guess...yeah

    guess Stalker could've just ripped all of those golden wishbone bad boys out, even the ones on his chest? heck who knows...

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