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Posts posted by SprinKah

  1. Tbh, it's bothering me that it looks like DE will be using the old, cheap looking Stalker model, the one with Excal chassis and stalker helmet combined. I really like the new, Umbra-lookalike stalker from Second Dream, I think it's about time DE updates pre-Second dream stalker with the new Stalker model but without the Pakal armor and War, using Dread, Despair and Hate. It'd just feel less recycled and cheap 😕

  2. So I've been testing GRATTLER in Simulacrum and I noticed that the GRATTLER rounds do not seem to explode on contact with the enemies.

    As you all may know, GRATTLER deals around 300dmg something but not in one burst but 2, 125 something from the bullet and 105 from explosion.

    But as far as I've seen, GRATTLER rounds seem to pass through enemies like they have innate punch through, that means the rounds only deal damage from the first burst and the second burst explosion happens way behind the enemies' back

    In order to deal the full damage, you have to either make sure to shoot the enemies and make sure the flak rounds come into contact with props or terrain or the ground to explode. Or be far away enough for the flak rounds to explode within the AoE and hit the enemies as well which is not very viable. 

    It would be nice if the GRATTLER flak rounds perform like other explosive weapons like Ogris, explode when the rockets hit the target. 

  3. So I jusst noticed that GRATTLER seems to have innate punch through, which seems to be a very bad thing for such a weapon.

    GRATTLER's stats say that it deals around 300 or so damage, but it's actually divided into 2 bursts of damage, 1st is from the impact of the round on the target and the 2nd is from the explosion from the round. But as it is right now, it's only really capable to do the first burst of damage because of the...supposedly innate punch through. 

    I wouldn't exactly say that the GRATTLER has actual innate punch through, it still explodes when it comes into contact with terrain like thin doors and such but when it comes to normal enemies, the explosions seem to not initiate upon contact but way behind the enemies like it just warps right through them. The only way to actually make the most of the damage of the GRATTLER is to shoot the floor where the enemies are to make rounds explode. 

    This also means that we won't be able to deal any headshot damage though.

    All in all, I think the bottom line is that DE should fix this bug if it really is a bug, or just make the rounds explode on impact with the enemies. 

  4. I had a lil thought just now, nothing crazy. a bit stupid, about how Cetus and Fortuna affect the story chronology on the star chart. 

    Because as we all know, Cetus and Fortuna are located on 2 starter planets, Earth and Venus, accessible but mostly everyone, vets and newbs. Of course, I fully understand that they, are by no means newbie content, but more towards mid and veteran content.

    Since Orb Vallis Profit Taker fight update, I noticed that during, Phase 2 mission, you get to fight 2 Terra Ambulas. I wasn't surprised at first, because I've fought Ambulas boss fight several times already on Pluto. Slowly, it dawned to me....why are the Ambulas's here? in Fortuna? on Venus? when the real Ambulas boss fight is on PLUTO?

    Despite this, I'm well aware that I shouldn't think about this whole thing...too deeply, I mean, Hyenas and Raptors are in Fortuna as well, despite the fact that you only get to do their boss fight when you reach Neptune and Europa or so. And I understand that Fortuna is, in terms of story chronology, takes place way after the whole Ambulas boss fight. 

    Still, I sometimes think, what if some new players, not all, would rather play Fotuna more than other planets and reach the top standing of SU, wayy before they reach Pluto? There are probably a few, who would maybe use plats and stuff to reach a better power level above their position (haha), I mean, there might be players like that.

    And so they fight and encounter Ambulas (Terra Ambulas to be more precised) way before reaching Pluto. I doubt not many would think much on it....but yeah


    It's just a thought really, I am not asking anything to be changed really, and also it's just something that can't really be helped...I mean there are a lot of...checkboxes and requirements for that particular scenario to come into fruition but it is a possibility, not a conventional and welcomed one, but it is....possible. 

    I uh...yeah, it's just a little thought, not something too meaningful, this topic is, and I guess I'm just bored

    Again, can't be helped. It'd NOT be fun if DE makes it that players need to reach Pluto before being able to come to Fortuna, that'd hurt the game a lot haha. 

  5. On 2018-12-22 at 10:36 PM, --DSP--Jetstream said:

    we have enemies with strun looking shotgun that shot laser pellets, convetrix looking gun that not shoot like convetrix, jetpack crewmen where the jetpack is just 2 opticor model strapped together, theres ship engines that just oxium cannister resized, little duck use a lanka with rubico sound, etc

    its called reusing assets, easier than have to make a whole new model for stuff

    they can use whatever model and theres no logic


    while I agree wit you on thhe reusing assets thing, I mean....the shoulder guards of the Terra Mankers are literally two white Corpus Ospreys, clipped into their shoulder and many different things

    But I mean, in this case, if the Fluctus is actually a Tenno weapon yeah? it'd just...not make any sense for them to use it. Sure they can reuse any assets they like but I feel like there should always be a bit of logic put into reusing assets. I think it'd be really stupid if DE releases an enemy that is illogically built with existing assets, for example....a Corpus enemy equipped with a Tenno weapon, with Grineer, Tenno AND Infested accessories put onto them....it'd make 0 sense, lore wise and completely out of place. 

    Grineer should use grineer assets, Corpus should use Corpus assets. It'd be a mess of different....aesthetics. 

    WOuldn't it be bloody odd to see Corpus consoles in a Grineer tileset, Grineer lockers in a Corpus Ship tileset, etc...? 

    1) strun looking shotgun that shoot laset pellets. I assume you're talking about Void Tower missions' corrupted crewmen. I feel like that at least makes...just a bit of sense, cause the Corrupted enemies are...well, mind-controlled zombies from many different factions, mingled, mixed up together. So it makes sense that there'd be different assets.

    2) Convetrix looking gun that doesnt shoot like convectrix, I assume you're talking about Terra Overtaker, it's still a corpus weapon, maybe they just...use different ammo. 

    3) Jetpack Crewmen in archwing missions....at least they're corpus assets and don't stand out a lot. 

    4) Little Duck using lanka with rubico sound: She's a rebel, not affiliated with any specific faction so she can use whatever she wants really, as for Rubico, I'd have liked it if it's the Lanka soiund but at least it's not something....physical. It's probably just because it's a more impactful sound for the purpose of indication. 

    What I'm trying to say is that DE, they've done well to hide the reused assets...that's not the case with Terra Manker, cause the Fluctus is the part that stands out the most.about them. Like Corpus using...Tenno lisets as troop transport instead of the Corpus dropships, Grineer using Corpus dropships as troop transport. That'd not be a proper way to reuse assets, that'd just be....laziness, I'm sure many people don't give a damn about things like that but a lot of people still do. Aesthetics are quite important. 

  6. 4 hours ago, ant99999 said:

    It seems to me that Tenno as well as Orokin has some irrational fear of using high tech or energy based weapons (probably a consequence of the Old War). So it always felt somehow wrong to see Fluctus among Tenno weapons. Either it is Corpus Tech entirely or reverse-engineered from it.

    huh...yeah...I suppose when you think about it, I don't exactly recall any tenno/orokin weapons that is not ballistic 😕

    also, dunno about the archwing railgun sniper thing. 

  7. This is the....third (or fourth?) time that the patch notes state that this problem has been fixed, Now I find it pretty hilarious honestly.

    I think it's probably because they only fixed the NON-ELITE varients of the Trenchers and Provisors getting stuck mid-air and didn't take into account the ELITE varients. Pure speculations, I'm a veteran so I haven't played the bounties below lvl 30 in Fortuna yet. 

    Also, normal Provisors still shoot their signature visor mounted laser while the ELITE varients do not. It's definitely a bug but if it really is intended that way, I dunno what the logic behind that is ://

    I really do hope DE gets this problem fixed soon because while it was amusing at first to see Trenchers moon walk in place and get frozen midair and stuff, it's become ridiculous, I do wonder what exactly the dev team fixed when they stated it in the patch notes 😕

  8. 1 minute ago, Ailyene said:

    I can confirm that, I am experiencing this as well. 

    Not as bad as before; where I'd have to quit runs because of it, but I still see Trenchers in the sky in my games.

    dunno about it being better than before, trenchers still run in place on the ground, still get stuck mid-air, every single one of them get like that as far as I've seen

  9. Title is self-explanatory. 

    " Fixed dropship passengers getting frozen mid air. " from's patch notes. 

    Also, Elite Provisors seem to not use their visor mounted laser, normal Provisors do but the ELite ones don't, hopefully this gets fixed soon, along with the dropship enemies getting frozen mid-air bug. 

  10. I'm pretty sad because there's a lot of old content that I really want DE tor revisit and actually make them functional at least. Like Rathuum, there're so many bugs there that it drives me nuts that DE would just leave it to rot like that, i know it's not anything crazy but i thoroughly enjoy playing it from time to time, it's a shame. 

  11. So I've been noticing that after lvl 30, the Terra Provisor is replaced with their Elite varient....to my surprise, from that point on, they have NOT used their Visor Laser Beam AT ALL.

    The non-elite one uses it quite frequently but the elite one does not at all, it....just doesn't make sense, I mean, how can an elite be worse than a non-elite? Wasn't they supposed to make higher level Orb Vallis harder to play!?

    This must be a bug, I can't imagine DE would do this on purpose. I hope I chose the right category to write this feedback. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Firetempest said:

    Quick easy visual identification for a game as the silhouette is reused constantly.

    Real camo in the open roam would be horrible as it already is in PoE. The engagement range is already incredibly far in a visually busy game. Takes forever to pinpoint a grineer taking potshots from over 100m through the bushes. VO is a lot less problematic.

    honestly I'd agree if the Elite and non-elite would be put together, but no, the Elite dudes replace the non-elite varients after lvl 30 entirely so yeah. 

    about the camo point you made...isn't that supposed to be the point of camo, to make things more challenging for us, wasn't that their intent of adding the "Elite" varients in. 

    But really, i just absolutely hate the yellow tone they used. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, trst said:

    Well the Corpus aren't exactly known for their fashion sense I mean their leader is a walking ATM after all.

    Though changing the yellow to blue does put them in line with the color difference between standard Crewmen and Standard Elite Crewmen. Literally just tan to blue suits with the same accents being black while the only difference between standard Crewmen and Terras is the additional light blue accents.

    well, hey, the big boss guy isn't one to go out and shoot stuff after all, gotta look like you're above others, that Nef is. 

    And yes, I agree with you...if I interpreted you correctly, i'd love to just have that....light blue accents on the shoulder, elbow and knee paddings to be a distinctive feature for the Terra Corpus enemies....I mean, it was for the non elite Terra Crewman, with the most of the suit being the same light skin color like normal Crewmen on normal Corpus missions (maybe just a slight, unnoticeable difference in tone ), with only the protective paddings being blue instead of black. 

    I really wish the Elite Terra Crewman would  be the same, with only the skin colored part of the suit, change into dark blue like normal ELite Crewmen while still having the blue colored paddings. 

  14. 4 minutes ago, ---Merchant--- said:

    I m not angry that you reply to me twice,but i admit that i do not understand why did not you not just edit the post (maybe to bump thread?)

    Yeah,I like it you do not,we will never agree lets move on. :heart:

    yeah it was like a bump thing, cause I doubt you would've revisit to see if I editted something, so I apologize for that, wouldn't blame you if you were mad. 

    But yeah, you're right, can't say anything about preferences.:heart:

    it's still irksome though. 

  15. 27 minutes ago, ---Merchant--- said:

    It looks great to me :^)

    I mean someone does like thicc,some thin,someone does like long someone short,someone does like brigt color combinations someone does like pure black.
    But really,at least you have another excuse to kill them. Lets call it suitcism instead of racism,but it is similar.

    it's kinda like...blue and red you know, they don't really work unless you're a very patriotic American. 

  16. 6 minutes ago, ---Merchant--- said:

    It looks great to me :^)

    I mean someone does like thicc,some thin,someone does like long someone short,someone does like brigt color combinations someone does like pure black.
    But really,at least you have another excuse to kill them. Lets call it suitcism instead of racism,but it is similar.

    I know it's only my opinion on the matter to be honest. Though I guess it's just not for me because it's really...different, just not fitting with the environment that they roam about you know, everything is all light blue and stuff then just suddenly these guys with their crazy yellow stepping about. II don't know, it feels out of place. 

    I do admit, it does look pretty cool, if it wasn't in Orb Vallis, I bet I'd feel fine with it. 

    Also, with that color scheme, it feels ridiculous because they're supposed to...camoflage themselves as best as possible in the snowy, blueish plains of Orb Vallis right? I mean, logically, so the color scheme kinda....contradicts that so it has that ridiculousness, for me at least. I know you probably don't really care much about that but I do and I guess it plays a bit part. Tusk Grineer with their light desaturated orange armor fitting the environment they roam about, Frontier Grineer with their green camouflage, Arid Grineer with their sandy color. I guess...immersion.

    You know what I mean. Yellow, and one that really pops out too? in snowy, blueish plains? Crazy, 

  17. 17 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    I guess you've never read any of their posts before. :crylaugh:

    As for the topic, Blue + Yellow does sound pretty horrible. I realise I don't have much room to comment on this given colourblindness, but at the very least it doesn't sound like a colour scheme used by the "Elite" troops.

    Yeah man, it just looks...not fitting at all, with the environment that they're in and...the composition of the colors as well...honestly I can draw and paint quite alright but I'm not a crazy expert in color theory and stuff but man, it doesn't take a genius to know that the combination of that yellow hue and the blue suit....doesn't work at all. 

  18. Just now, ---Merchant--- said:

    They are supposed to be easy to see just by looks and to be ugly too,it is enemy after all,if they looked like pink fluffy teddy bears I could not destroy them.

    It is not bug but feature :^)

    not a bug of course, I HIGHLY doubt it. But it just really lessens my enjoyment for Orb Vallis whenever I look at their HORRENDOUS YELLOW COLOR, makes me want to throw up....

  19. This is...a little bit of an odd rant, it's kinda stupid but it's bothering me...quite a lot. 

    So in hotfix 24.0.10, they changed the color schemes of the new added "Elite" Terra Corpus enemies. From light skin colored suit with blue accent parts, blue energy ===> crazy saturated blue and saturated yellow, yellow energy.

    I know this doesn't affect the game at all or anything, it's really just...an aesthetic thing and it's just...my own personal honest feelings towards this.

    I wonder if I'm the only one who finds the color scheme of the Elite Corpus Enemies SOOOO HORRENDOUS AND felt kinda...hastily thought out?

    It's bothering me a bit, it feels kinda....out of placed for them, with the color scheme. I hope DE'll tweak the colors to make them more...balanced out and not too crazy, desaturate the colors maybe? The colors they chose don't feel very...aesthetically pleasing to me, they're kinda...in your face, way too intense, don't feel very...formal I guess, kinda...clown-y and ridiculous. Personally...I feel liek they should at least switch the energy color from yellow back to like...blue or something, it really doesn't feel corpus-y, the energy color. 

    To be honest, I've tried to get used to it, a few times when I look at it, it looks fine but the uneasy feelings kept coming back after I notice them in different situations with their terribly saturated yellow color, rubbed into my face. The blue is okay I suppose but really, the real problem for me is the CRAZY YELLOW

    This is what I had in mind at least:

    keeping the original blue colors while only changing the colro of the rest of the suitImage may contain: text

  20. 2 minutes ago, Duality52 said:

    Works nicely until you have to deal with the Raknoids (Sycto and the Kyta).

    As a reference, Sycto (orange) mainly uses their "silk" and their claws to attack you. The Kyta (Green) Raknoid is even worse since neither Toxic damage or its procs can bypass its shields; you need to bring it down. Gets even more fun when they generate their overshields and run away from you.

    Also they both have armor, which affects the Toxin damage/procs from Gas.

    Well if we're talking about toroid farms, right now, most of it occurs in caves and stuff anyway so eh. As for the Raknoids, this is just me but I love how a little tough they are!

  21. 5 minutes ago, Fluff-E-Kitty said:

    I havent seen them yet, but I do hope they have a diffrent coloration or some kind of marker other then nameplate. it would be kinda cool to see.

    nah, literally just same units with Elite in their name and boosts in HP and Shield and some changes to how they attack, not much else really :V

  22. 5 minutes ago, ElGuirrix said:

    Just did a test run letting the alarms go off to 4 in a bounty 5 till enemies were 110-ish, it does feel to me how they hit harder, but mostly the units that are meant to hit hard (like the opticor snipers or those dudes with the semi auto proyectile). If you ain't going for anything that bypasses shields it takes some more to down enemies, but going for gas and slash still makes short work of them, so modding properly is still a thing.

    You gotta keep a look out for your surroundings though, since they hit harder, minding your own business and having a bunch of dudes gather up behind you can get you mowed down quickly. Tested mostly with Garuda for slash reasons.

    hm, is that so, I guess it doesn't really scale up that much like I thought

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