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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. Anyone has issues with log in ?

    I get " Login Failed. Check Your Info. " message.

    Edit: I was already in game , kicked out to login screen and can't login now.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Tunoksia said:

    donno,just saw a stalker fight in the fricking ship


    Then it is The Second Dream , Stalker comes to your ship in that quest. 

    Back to topic , Old War happened between Orokin , Sentients and Tenno ( us ). We destoyed sentients under command of Orokin ( at least we thought we did ) and betrayed them after war.

  3. Did you not see how viciously Rebecca kills Condrocs ? Trust me bruddah those caged Condrocs are safer than they were on plains :d

    I'd like them to move in orbiter tho.

    Edit : Yay 1000th post \o/

  4. 9 minutes ago, Tunoksia said:

    now,i just watched a video that shows what was really controlling frames.And i learned that stalker is a jerk.Whatever,whats this old war thing?

    Uhh..well..umm...Is it not the Second Dream quest that we learn about who is controlling Warframes ?

  5. 5 minutes ago, den2k said:

    Works fine here and there's no reason it shouldn't since the wiki isn't related to DE, as it's managed by fans.

    ^ Even if its down ( which is not for me ) , it won't be related to DE or update in anyway.

  6. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)Midcall said:

    Thank you very much. Would you keep riven with 73.6% Channeling Efficiency, 84.2% Critical Damage and 83.8% cold?  Always thought primed reach had no impact on thrown weapons? Have you think about using Fury or primed fury?

    Have a good one 🙂

    Primed Fury and Fury has no effect on throwing speed , just useful when swinging. Crit Damage and Cold are nice but Channel Eff is not , I'd say reroll it. You know you can keep current roll anyways.

    9 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    It increases the hitbox on throw. It gives more range when chopping.


    This site gives a rough idea of what the best (most desirable) stats are. I would roll the riven to something better.

    Was about to say that , Primed Reach and Reach are not required but make hitting enemies easier :)

    You can replace it with another damage mod if you want.

  7. Dude , DE fixed that interaction before ( I remember the time when I 1HK anyone with Dagger Zaw + Covert Lethality + Exodia Contagion / Epidemic then it got fixed ) and somehow it happened again. You know bugs always tend to reappear.

    Chroma's damage formula should be fixed long ago but hey it wasn't a problem till Vex Fury Buff made Chroma one shot DE's most epic bosses up to date ( Eidolons ) and they had to fix him. Vex is still good ( needs some buffs to Scorn tho) , please don't dramatize it. Also DE will revisit Chroma when his prime comes.

    Dagger Zaw itself is really good even without broken interaction. It's your problem to get used / addicted to insta-kill from a bug. It was obvious that it will be fixed.

    Get over it and move on.

  8. 16 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:
    1. Does counter pulse scale with power range? sure as Hek looked like it when entire rooms on Lua (not small rooms either) were affected by it.
    2. Has it made you think more positively of Mag? i can't imagine Mag still being given a bad rep now that she has this Augment, and even before Counter Pulse, Mag was actually pretty strong with a full strength polarize build.

    1. Yes it does. With both power range and duration ( range affects initial radius , duration affects pulse travel speed )

    2. She is amazing even without augment. Ofcourse augment affects her positively and makes her much more powerful against Corpus and Grineer ( disables robots and jams firearms )

  9. 16 minutes ago, Emulad0or said:

    Or just make Maiming Strike become a multiplicative bonus, not an additive one, that way you dont punish people who are actually playing melee and using combos if the just slide once

    True , this will punish all player base , not just Spin-2-Win addicts.

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