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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 11 minutes ago, kyori said:

    So why not learn how to spy and be a hero instead?

    Some people can't do spy missions due low fps / high ping , muscle issues with their hands ( can't keep up with grineer consoles for example ) or any other problems that I'm not aware of yet. They need someone to help them in those missions. Also not everyone is capable of doing everything. Keep that in mind Tenno ! :3

  2. 6 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Venari already has some of those options. As far as I've been able to tell through testing, swipe will turn your disarm into an AoE disarm. I tried it versus a group of 5 bombards in the simulacrum, grouped them up with entangle and let venari play with them. One Tail Whip knocked down all 5 bombards and left them without weapons when they stood up.

    Must be an unintended feature or even a bug , never experienced that. ( I have Swipe equiped ) I'd like it to be a reliable CC / utility tho.

  3. 52 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    My opinions:

    1. Exalted whip on the #1 is a surefire no go. Exalted weapons and the power they come with in most cases (sorry Wukong you simply suck) require them to be on slot 4. An exalted weapon on slot one along with the option to use "quick attacks" with it would simply be too imbalanced.

    2. Ensnare works perfectly well as it is and if it is used for what it is intended to. Which is buffing the damage of your #1 along with completely locking down tougher enemies in order to simply 1HK them, like Nox for example.

    3. Venari with the changes proposed would be beyond imbalanced. You can already make Khora close to immortal with how Venari currently works if you mod them both right. Add a permanent heal aura ontop of that and you would never have to worry about dying ever.again.

    4. Further regarding Venari. The reason she is effected by efficiency instead of strength for her frenzy damage is in order to balance the kit so you cant pump up Khora and Venari equally with the same strength setup. Let her run with ability strength and you'd have a very overperforming kitten when you look at what she can gain from her own kavat mods and the right loadout on Khora.

    1. I get it but DE doesn't want to replace Strangledome with an Exalted Whip and I had to squeeze it to somewhere :d

    2. It seems like bugged , doesn't pull enemies sometimes also it has slow pull speed that should be increased. Other than these , really good ability. " Can be cast on ground " was a random idea.

    3 - 4. Numbers and scaling can be tweaked ( scaling from Strength seemed too much , removed that ). Venari is one of her abilities and is also requires additional formas , she needs to be much more special kavat ( not just be another kavat ) that offers things those other kavats don't ( aoe debuff , knockdown / disarm ,  damage reduction / constant heal aura etc ).

  4. 10 minutes ago, Irisena said:

    I think we all kind of already agree that DE say there'll be no exalted whip for khora... Although I really want that exalted whip as well, it is disappointing to see DE flatly rejects what the community wants.

    Or they can make it hold 1 to deal series of flurry attacks if they will never give us Exalted Whip.

    10 minutes ago, Irisena said:

    Ensnare on ground? Oh wow, why did I never think about this before? Oh wait, chain based CC skill that's placed on the ground? We're talking about strangledome here aren't we?

    Hey ! Don't put words into my mouth , I'm not done with change ideas yet. *Thinks harder* :(

    What do you think of Venari changes ? :D

  5. First of all , I love her and appreciate latest changes but her abilities are kinda clunky to use. I'd like to see her getting more changes. Here is my proposal ; 

    Whipclaw :

    • Impact radius is affected by Power Range.
    • ( New ) Holding 1 makes her summon exalted whip ( yes, an exalted whip ! ). She can deal series of sweeping attacks with her combos.

    Ensnare :

    • Can be placed on ground.
    • Faster pull speed ( not pull delay , mind you ! ).

    Venari : Speed multiplier is affected by Power Strength ( not Power Efficiency ! ).

    Attack Stance -

    • Frenzy Attack damage is affected by Power Strength ( not Power Efficiency ! ).
    • ( New Effect ) Venari screeches and makes enemies vulnerable to allies' damage by 20% ( 5 sec duration , 10 sec cooldown , 15 meters radius , not affected by mods ).

    Heal Stance ( renamed to Utility Stance ) -

    • Healing removed from Heal Stance and moved to Protect Stance.
    • ( New Effect ) Slams ground with her tail , disarms and knocks enemies down ( 10 meters radius , 4 sec cooldown , not affected by mods ) 
    • Venari becomes invisible for 8 sec ( 20 sec cooldown , cooldown is affected by Power Efficiency )

    Protect Stance -

    • Disarm is removed from Protect Stance and moved to Utility Stance.
    • ( New Effect ) Venari gains high amount of aggro in this stance.
    • ( New Effect ) Venari provides 20% damage reduction to all allies ( Khora included ) in 20 meters radius ( 50% to their pets , sentinels included ) while Protect Stance is active ( not affected by mods ).
    • ( New Effect ) Gains a healing aura and heals all allies by 50 HP / sec in 20 meters radius ( affected by Power Strength ) , health threshold is also removed. // threshold is 75% now instead of 90%
    • She can be commanded to protect an area by tapping 3.

    Strangledome :  I hated this ability so much but interaction with Whipclaw and less ragdoll made it bearable.

    • Gets new visuals similar to Ensnare's barbed wires , chains look awful and electricity is out of place ( sorry design team :d )

    More ideas are coming...

  6. My thoughts after playing with her ( got 3 forma on her , might put 4th ) ;

    • Passive : Could be better if it was affected by ally pets aswell , that'd help her survivability more.
    • Whiplash : So unreliable , doesn't hit enemies most of the time even tho enemies are in impact radius ( 5 meters and not affected by range ) and damage isn't good. It is copy of Gara's first minus sweep charge attack. It should at least do something other than typical stagger / knockdown. Maybe prioritize targets for Venari ?
    • Ensnare : Like Whiplash , so unreliable. Whole ability and spent energy go down in drain if first snared target dies also whiplash disables snare.
    • Venari :
    1. Some mods don't work on Venari ( Animal Instinct etc. ).
    2.  Stances are so bad ( abysmal heal and one disarmed / knocked enemy at a time ) except Attack one.
    3. Venari's AI is so bad but its a problem for all pets in general , waiting for Pets 2.0.
    4. Why on the earth a kavat with sharp claws deal impact damage ? Venari even looks like its gonna shred someone by just looking at it. Should be Slash + Puncture damage.
    • Strangledome : This ability has to go. It's CC contradicts with Ensnare's. Making enemies ragdoll around and seperating them from each other don't help her Whiplash / Ensnare and hurts her kit. Venari can't attack strangled enemies too. It doesn't even fit her theme , she is a whip-wielding beastmaster but Strangledome reminds me of slaugterhouse with all chained and hanged enemies which has nothing to do with beast-taming / summoning / whip-mastery -.-

    Please replace Strangledome with Exalted Whip. I know you seperated IPS change from her kit and reworked her but Exalted Whip ( and IPS change ) was one of her selling points and people were hyped for it.

    *Also Spin-2-Win meta is not a good excuse when Exalted Whip can be made combo heavy with low slide attack range.

    Edit : DE_Scott just said " Nope " for Exalted Whip question ( which is a bad move without reasoning ) , if there will be no EW at least give Whiplash a combo mechanic with additional effects and different moves like Atlas's Landslide.

    Such a cool looking frame suffers from buggy , unreliable skills / mechanics + bad AI . Also she lost her IPS change and Exalted Whip on process , I'm glad she has kavat at this point.

  7. 8 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

    Yeah. The issue with the Syandana is that the red and yellowtan parts on the skin itself are not metallic neither. Not sure how more they can fit. Textures do indeed need a higher resolution (it's like Sukira Prime *sigh*) and the metallics need a pass so they're 1:1 with the skin (they still use the old stuff).

    Syandana and Kopesh need same treatment that Bravura and Verismo Skins ( from Octavia Deluxe Pack ) got. Wonder why artists keep doing this inconsistency to their deluxes. Lets hope they don't do the same to upcoming deluxes :(

  8. 3 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

    Well, I must admit it: Hats off to the Art team. The changes didn't just center on Tint 1 and the Accents metallics (which btw, now have a nice black while keeping the default colors pretty much the same), but also I can notice the lines of Tint 3 take the coloring much better. I had to use a darker tone on accessories and weapons before to match them. People who liked their previous color scheme should have it easy re reproducing it with lighter tones from what I can see.

    So... This is completely unlike Harka Frost. Maybe I won't be so adamant of these kind of changes in the future with this and the Octavia Syandana changes, hah. It's one of those "I'm happy to be wrong moments" :)

    So yep. Still the skin is missing two jet streams on his legs DE, is that intended at all?

    EDIT: ANd because it seems some at DE has noticed the screenshots were coming off too compressed and wrong and it's been fixed as well:





    Still metallic in case anyone's worried :)


    Too bad syandana didnt get fixed , it still has pixelated textures :(

    But skin is a master piece now :D

  9. 13 hours ago, Shad0wWatcher said:

    Currently it is practically impossible with how shiny that skin is and the fact that i don't have the jet pack i require to make that a complete cosplay, but this is what i got so far. Just waiting for DE to patch the skin to be less shiny and at least show a bit more matte, cause i got the colors right. Just the over use of metalics on this skin is kinda...hm..


    I tried Anubis color scheme and it didn't end well too , thank god DE is fixing it :)

    Also you can complete cosplay with Archwing on Plains :D

  10. 10 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    The art team is working away on improving things for Inaros Ramses based on texture feedback - expect this to hit your PCs Monday!


    Perfect ! While we are at it , can Scarab Syandana get a look ? It has pixelated textures and jagged edges between tints.

    Wonder if old deluxes get some touch ups such as Rhino Palatine ( which has absurdly dark and muddy looking material that ruins coloring ) , Frost Harka ( Tint 1 is washed out like Inaros Deluxe's , also return helmet to its original shiny version ) and Oberon Feyarch ( Helmet is still darker than body ) ?

  11. 2 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

    Since I opened the topic for feedback, and to change things a bit :P I just noticed the leg engines don't have fire coming out of 'em:


    Not sure if it was intended or not.

    All engines have fire coming out of them but not leg ones ? That surely is a bug. :d

  12. Tint 1 and Accents have greyed out / silvery / pale ( I don't even know how to call it ) metallic textures.

    It's better to match skin's textures to syandana / kopesh's textures so it can look like what is shown on market thumb.

    12 hours ago, Donkey___R said:



  13. Check your foundry , parts should be there if you got all blueprints ( neuroptics , systems and chassis ). I suggest using search bar in foundry to find them.

    If they are not in foundry , send ticket to Support to get help.

  14. 14 minutes ago, Cyberhazard said:

    in regard to your last note, Funnel Cloud has no reason to be nerfed, it's op in the eyes of the Simulacrum warriors, but in real conditions, it's not near as strom due to the tornadoes aiming at different targets

    This ^.

    Tornadoes go all over the place and hardly touch same target longer than 2 secs. I recommend using abilities / augments in missions before jumping into conclusions.

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