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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 2 minutes ago, CupcakesMoo said:

    Okay so. DE does make a lot of money now. Why not just give the founders their money back and release excalibur prime to everyone. Then we never speak of this ever again. 

    Seems like a fair deal :)

  2. 1 minute ago, UrielColtan said:

    Power creep? Its just a prime with worse  prime mods under the Umbra theme, that suck in general without the whole set and have an inconvenient polarity that can only be used for those mods to boot, and you can't even forma to get the polarity back if you change your mind. 


    The best thing about an Umbra is that they behave like a specter when you leave them.

    Free specter at best. :D

  3. 4 minutes ago, swodaem said:

    Actually DE said umbra could have different skills. Not sure when they said it, but someone can find it.

    They have said there will be special mechanic TIED to Umbra , they never said they are gonna give him a whole new kit.

    Maybe Sentient Arm Cannons will be available to Umbras ? Who knows?

  4. 6 minutes ago, IanLuminus said:

    Since this is technically tied to abilities, I felt this the best place to post. If not, please move where appropriate.


    For a while now, we've been teased with the idea of a non-specific focus point pool. When the first iteration of such was released, half of that concept was implemented in the form of being able to spend any tree's points to increase capacity. One of my clanmates said that the intent was still to remove the per-tree gains from lenses and make them simple generic lenses and the points gained could be freely spent on any tree.


    Is this still an intended change? Is there an ETA? I don't want to make 5 sets of the same gear for optimization of such if there's plans to change how it works (and thus waste plat on slots that I may or may not use in the future, waste lenses, waste reactors/catalysts, etc..), and I think a clear-cut, straight answer would be appreciated by everyone.

    That never was the intention of DE.

  5. 4 minutes ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

    I would like a stance mod for the melee exalteds tho. I thought we were gonna get that after the sacrifice 'cause in the last teaser Umbra was using exalted blade with a different stance.


    Now I'm sad

    Exalted Melees do have their respective Stances. Don't think we will get different stances for Exalted Melees as their combos are tied to mechanics ( summoning energy waves etc. )

  6. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

    That's true for all weapons. E.G. Akbolto Prime has no stance mods yet a melee like Nikana prime does.

    I know but our subjects are Exalted Weapons :)

  7. Guess that is a thing for equality between Exalted Weapons , as Artemis Bow , Peacemakers and Dex Pixia have no stance to give them +10 capacity. That'd be unfair for them.

    Forma-ing Exalted melees another time is not that bad tho.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Toufuul said:

    i watched flynn and griddark,both of them have the partner label


    4 minutes ago, (XB1)Foxythepirate41 said:

    I have been watching NoSympathyy and they have been partnered

    Try asking support. Other than that I'm out of ideas :(

  9. 15 minutes ago, Toufuul said:

    I've been watching warframe streams for around 5 to 6 hours today,i've recieved the Cherry Tree Glyph and Forma but not the Starchild Diadem,can someone help me?

    Did you try to unlink and linking your twitch again ? Also it seems to work with streamers that have " Partner " label ( from my experience ).

  10. Stasis recently got changed and it doesn't stop bullets in time anymore. It was a good power to have, line up shots and kill enemies with release of stasis.

    DE, can you at least make Stasis freeze projectiles of Limbo ? 

    *Lies * I don't want it back just for to cosplay Dio :d

  11. 2 minutes ago, Iccotak said:

    Probably something akin to glowing shining pieces of a hard drive. Like a little box that pops out of loot chests.

    Anything that gives us lore is fine by me actually :D

    Shiny hard drive or not.

  12. Well there are primary and secondary weapons zaws coming with Plains of Venus update ( soon ). Also we might get zaws for other melee types after Tennocon , as devs are busy with it atm :)

  13. 8 minutes ago, Axio. said:

    I would love for the allowance of Health Orbs to be picked up while you're at full health for the purpose of proccing Health Conversion to be added into the game. Health Conversion is a very expensive mod, primarily used on frames like Rhino, Nezha, Frost, Atlas, and Inaros, frames that have something in their kit that scales off of armor. It's difficult to proc Health Conversion when your health is already full, especially for characters like Nezha and Rhino, who make their health bars nearly untouchable with their own shielding mechanics.

    Health loss is a fair sacrifice in order to get nice amount of armor. Mostly effective on Nekros and Oberon as they are being able to spawn health orbs around themselves and both have to lose HP.

    +1350 armor for all frames without a downside sounds broken tho. Your QoL request would make HC get nerfed XD

    Only QoL I'd ask ( and mostly requested ) is removing loss of stack on shield damage , it kinda is annoying.


  14. 10 minutes ago, Pent_ said:

    It's okay. I wish people like me were never born. But to answer your question, no, I don't feel bad, as I'm probably not ruining anyone's hype at all. Just expressing my dissatisfaction in relevant threads.

    I never meant something like that :(

    Well your expressions would affect their hype in someway imo , like " Is the quest that bad ? Should I not get hyped for it " etc.

    Also even while its in General Discussion , there is nothing to discuss here about our dissatisfacions right ? OP merely mentions about The Sacrifice's release for consoles.

  15. 25 minutes ago, Pent_ said:

    You aren't missing much.

    Wish people like you weren't spreading their dissatisfaction about the quest in every The Sacrifice / Umbra related threads possible :(

    I mean , don't you feel bad for ruining someone else's hype ?

    2 minutes ago, pkkshadow said:

    I'm excited for you lot on consoles. It's a decent story quest that'll give you some cool stuff! 😄

    That's the spirit. :)

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