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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 26 minutes ago, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

    I'd like to make two requests, humbly, in regards to exalted weapons:

    1 - Please allow the Umbra polarity on exalted weapons. The reason I would like this is because I have two Valkyrs and I would like one of them to be better at doing damage to Sentients by using the Sacrificial mods on her claws.

    2 - Also, please allow us to put a forma for the stance on the exalted melee weapons. I'm working under the assumptions that we can't add the given stance's polarity and that it was done this way to prevent placing unintended stances on the weapon. Perhaps as a fix you could make it so that when we go in to add the polarity for the stance, the only two choices would be the respective weapon's stance polarity or the "null" polarity. I'm ^hopeful that you folks at DE will give this some consideration, because the process of modding these weapons is a little frustrating and it's complex territory for me.

    For my fellow Tenno out there with better understanding of these matters, I'm open ,with gratitude, to suggestions and information regarding these matters. Thank you.

    1 - Whole point of Umbra is being better against the Sentients , what is the point of putting Umbra polarities on regular / prime frames ? That will make Umbra and Umbral polarity less special.

    2 - Exalted Melee stances do not take or give capacity , why'd u want to forma it ? Also Exalted ability effects such as summoning energy blades are tied to those stances and their combos , so we won't be able to change them.

  2. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)iQuedas said:

    And how do you know he/she is gonna use the same generic build everyone uses?

    I think we should be able to at least choose which Venari or Exalted Weapon we want, when we have two or more of that same frame.

    It can be fixed by forma-ing , its not like Pets in general have TONs of mods to make different builds. Still fail to see how its considered as a bad thing...

  3. Yes ! My Limbro would love this <3

    Well reloading , shooting and using abilities WHILE rolling sounds...a bit weird ?

    Limbo dashes in a short distance , simple dash animation shouldn't prevent anything. But roll ? How would you shoot while rolling ?

  4. 2 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    I'm sorry, I didn't realise that Venari is literally attached to Khora.

    You paid for, and received, a new Khora. Venari is merely an ability that comes with Khora, and I'd argue you should be damn thankful that you don't have to go through the whole re-leveling process again on an ability.

    You've presented absolutely no point beyond the fallacious statement that you ''got half of what you paid for'', despite the decision to not give you a rank 0 Venari actually being beneficial. As such I can't even attempt to see things from your point of view, because I consider it nonsense. Explain, if you can, why it's actually a bad thing.

    I agree. Its not like Venari requires a totally different builds. All pets have identical builds and not having to level up another Venari totally saves your precious time.

    I fail to see from OP's view tho.

    • Despite the status chance displaying 0% for the shots, the Stug's explosions actually do cause procs to their targets, with a 10% status chance that is affected by mods. The DoT caused by each blob is what has the 0% status chance stated in the weapon's stats. - from Wikia

    It could use some buffs tho.

  5. Umbral mods should be exclusive to Umbra , hope DE don't consider letting us use Umbral mods on other frames. That'd make most people to ignore Umbras completely and just make them re-forma their primes.

    What'd be the point of Umbras then ? Just shiny scarf warriors with some sentience as Specter ?

  6. 43 minutes ago, SastusBulbas said:

    Get your SO their own PC. 


    I play with my two sons, four PC's in my house.


    I have heard players complain about bans for trading with partners.

    I sent support an email asking where I stand trading if I traded with my kids. I got no reply.

    Stop doing that for your own sake D:

    You are all using same IP and gifting / trading between those accounts is so risky subject.

    Better safe than sorry.

  7. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)Guy4God said:

    Thats just it, that doesnt fix it either. And while Console may go without it for a day or so, Consoles have to go, at best, a month without hotfixes when it comes to a huge update like The Sacrifice. Just kinda rubs me the wrong way when I spent money on Limbo Prime Access and my stuff isnt working right AND I have to wait a lot longer than PC do

    Hey, DE are trying to reduce the update release times between PC and Consoles by implementing Unified UI and fixing things faster. The Sacrifice is 2 weeks away for Consoles. You might get fixes before The Sacrifice , be patient fellow Tenno.

  8. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)Guy4God said:

    Yeah that doesnt even fix the issue. Even if you just have the pyrana, it will switch you to unarmed. This is even worse for Console because we are second class compared to PC and we dont get immediate hotfixes. Which means people who bought prime access get a glitched weapon and a Limbo who still freezes projectiles AND a syandana which is too short for almost all frames. I love DE and the work they put into it but they need to put in resources to take care of console just as well as they take care of PC because Im not even having fun with my prime access at this point. A prime access which I paid 80 Bucks for. 

    Look at bright side , its short on PC as well.

    Hang on Console Tenno you will get your fixes SoonTM with The Sacrifice or maybe earlier , who knows ? :)

    Also like @Robolaser said , you can turn off " Auto Swap On Empty " option as a temporary fix.

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