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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 11 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    Possibly after Tennocon?

    I have not seen any news on the build being sent to Cert yet. And they still seem to be fixing some issues on PC.

    True , there are still issues with The Sacrifice quest and they are fixing them.

  2. 18 minutes ago, SoulEaterReaper said:

    Meh, devs cant even schedule an update right


    relics for nekros still dropping, it was june 19th not 20th




    9 minutes ago, SoulEaterReaper said:

    Considering Warframe PC always having peak players during EU time 2-7pm they should consider EU time as we deserve it more, people in the US doesn't play warframe that much and its always few players at 5-8pm US time.


    And this is 2018, people should be able to schedule an automatic update that simply unlocks limbo. these guys just dont know enough and has to do it manually. 


    7 minutes ago, RetroNomad said:



  3. 3 hours ago, FollowTheFaceless said:

    I see... so we just bug testers once again.

    Why so suprised ? Did you think DE will let consoles test this time ? XD

    Also they will change other parts of UI over time , all we have to do is wait :)

  4. 37 minutes ago, RubbleRain said:

    Was this confirmed by DE somewhere?

    Also it frustrates me that some exalted weapons will be moddable while some will not. I just can't think of any reason why.

    Exalted Weapons are the ones those can be toggled such as Excalibur's Exalted Blade , Mesa's Peacemakers , Titania's Dex Pixia & Diwata.

    Gara's Shattered Lash , Atlas's Landslide and Khora's Whiplash are considered as Pseudo-Exalted Abilities and won't be moddable.

    Riven stats do affect Pseudo-Exalted Abilities , better to keep them as they are.

    Not to mention it would mean another 2-3 forma for Khora , after spending 10 formas on her and her kavat.


  5. 1 hour ago, Canach said:

    Yeah, well... what does anyone really know about exalted weapons?  Safe bet it will be something new, not something for Titania or Ivara - any good references on exalted weapons?

    Exalted weapons are all toggle abilities such as Excal's Exalted Blade ( obviously an Exalted weapon :d ) , Ivara's Artemis Bow , Mesa's Peacemakers and Titania's Dex Pixia & Diwata.

    And soon they will be moddable seperately from our melees.

  6. 2 minutes ago, -DM-JadenRagnarok said:

    the main point was to do one of these 2
    but looking at DE not being able to make plains work better, the only thing i was able to think in is making resources available outside the plains

    They will fix if something went wrong with few last updates. Big update is coming , there should be pages of fixes including performance ones. 

    Making Plains resources available outside of Plains can not be an option. People farmed resources and other stuff there despite bugs and performance issues , hell even some of those people hated playing on Plains. That'd be a disregard to their efforts if those resources become available for standart gameplay.


  7. People wouldn't go to Plains if resources were available outside of it. They could farm them during their standart gameplay and it would reduce the playtime on Plains. Ofcourse DE will draw people to their first pseudo-openworld and make them play there more, nothing is wrong with that. I wouldn't call it " forcing " when zaws / amps / operator arcanes are all optional and being MR25 is not a mandatory achievement. 

    Yes to making Plains run smoother / without crash for people.

    No to making Plains resources available outside of Plains.

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