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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 3 minutes ago, Ninjamander said:

    but yea, what he proposed is indeed slightly more powerful but consider that it took 7 tick to reach, not op....until we start messing with the status duration, there I totally agree with you and it would probably make riven mod with slash and minus status duration (that is supposedly a nerf but not in this case)...oh boy...we seen the result with post-rework Saryn...


    I personally think slash is currently fine as is, we just need to make mpact and puncture more useful. (maybe an extra gimmick related to crit, rewarding aiming certain part of the body, ect)

    IKR ? Low duration had some serious nuke potential D:

    Not to mention this change will also affect Equinox , Khora , Ash , [insert a slash based frame here] too D:

  2. 9 minutes ago, Ninjamander said:

    maybe you should both read his post more carefully....cause is basically the same result!. btw, he never mentions the number 35 but 5%

    Fixed 35% , was a typo.

    Current Slash 35% per tick for 7 ticks , 35x7 = 245% total base damage as bleed

    What he proposed is 275% ( it starts with 5% and rampages till last tick ) which is 30% more buff to current bleed ( its already powerful ).

    Also not to mention how will status duration ( + / - ) affect rampage rate.

    From my view, it can be a huge buff to slash that other procs will never reach with any buff.

  3. 36 minutes ago, Oru5732 said:

    This would make slash damage more powerfull, so no thank you. 


    OP , how would DE make Impact and Puntcure equal to Slash if your proposed change ( from 5% of base damage to 275% ) happens ?

    I mean they have to buff Impact and Puncture and nerf Slash " a bit " at same time to prevent Slash from dominating.

    Not to mention any buff to Slash also affect procs from enemies too. Keep that in mind.

  4. 3 hours ago, (PS4)NeathMilton said:

    Ive been wondering if DE will make a quest having the operators growing past their, i would say teen years(15-17 years in age),. Possibly them becoming young adults(18-21) or full blown adults(21-like 30). A mature tenno. I talked about this on the warframe wiki and someone said the tenno were chronologically 1000+ years old but im thinking of the tennos age in realistic terms.

    The quest would be a cinematic action quest wherest the player would purely use their operator specifically, no frames, to set out and defeat defend or whatever something or someone and discover more or new stories and secrets about the tenno history, warframe lore etc.

    I think this would be awesome since TWW quest was based on learning the tenno ways/powers and thats about, I know theres more to it but thats the base plot, except for the part where you choose what you do with the kuva blood, that weird thing that happens to you. I dont know if this is a hint to a already in progress quest DE is making or what but they should definitely do something with that.

    What do you guys think, should DE make a operator only based quest with the tenno maturing and growing while keeping a cinematic and lore aspect in place or leave the operators as is right now.

    I guess Void made them immortal and it kept from aging. From what we saw in Rell's comic , Zariman children were same age as they are now. 

    We know that Tenno lived long enough ( between Old War and Collapse ) till they destroyed The Orokin and put into stasis by Lotus. They should age in that time if they were ABLE to.

    We will eventually get more quest involving Operators but don't think DE will ever make them mature.


    Also that weird thing happened when you drank / destroyed / controlled kuva is related to Void ( as an entity ) aka Man in The Wall ( spoilers , Chains of Harrow quest ). Don't think it will have something to do with aging but time will tell :)


    Btw PSA tag belongs to DE staff . It's better to remove it :)

  5. Like @Oru5732 said , Chroma has no way to heal Lures ( if you wanna capture Teralyst with Lures ). I say get a heavy hitting weapon ( with Radiation damage ) and use Trinity or Oberon ( Oby's Hallowing Ground also makes you immune to Teralyst's magnetic AoE )


    Madurai and Unairu seem like best choices cuz of getting damage buff from Void Strike or Unairu Wisp

    Void Strike

    On leaving Void Mode the next attack deals 5% / 7% / 8% / 10% / 11% / 12% additional damage for every second spent cloaked. Cloak consumes 2 additional energy per second

    Unairu Wisp

    Void Blast has a 25% / 50% / 75% / 100% chance to summon a Wisp when it damages an enemy. The Wisp can be picked up by allies to increase Operator damage by 20% / 40% / 60% / 100% for 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 seconds.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

    Means that there was a alerted unit that reached the next room. That alerts the entire room at times and that room can trigger the next and so on.

    Basically means you need to be more secure with who you kill.

    Even though the banshee method is more active and reckless it still requires a plan on how to clear the room.

    Hmm.. Maybe this is the OP's issue. Like you said Banshee method is less secure and its easy to miss a target that can alert next room or whole map.

  7. Which mission was that ? I guess some missions ( such as crossfire ) start with already alerted enemies.

    Or there must be a fire hazard in mission , it makes enemies alerted too.

    If you sure that you are not alerting enemies ( or any other reasons above ) and its constantly happening , then provide a video about super alerted enemies in AI - Bugs Subforum.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Jim22 said:

    they could use there moms credit card because apperently thats what everyone does now days.


    14 minutes ago, Jim22 said:

    you can cancel it anytime.

    Are these your best reasons for not bringing Frost prime back from vault ?

    Not everyone was aware of Twitch Prime Trial or had access to someone's credit card. Accept it and move on.

    2 minutes ago, xJust3M said:

    Because a lot of people simply want Misa Prime (me included). I missed it last year and I'm super glad it's coming back again. Maybe you don't like it or you aren't interested in Prime Accessories at all but many people consider Misa to be the best looking Syandana out there, so DE know many unvaults will be sold. :)

    Also this ^


  9. 3 minutes ago, Igni said:

    i dont use steam so cant say for sure. But that sounds like some sort of trick. do DE really give option to buy plat from steam? and i never heard of any DLC for warframe...

    There are packs on Steam.

    @KineticZ5 Platinum from packs should let you to get rid of negative plat but not sure. I'd say give it a try if paying money for those packs is not a problem for you.

    Or you can buy platinum from Warframe Official Website. 

  10. 1 hour ago, WilliamHartono12 said:

    okay okay. so some of you say "Work for them" or getting another things in the syndicate

    why you can trade syndicate weapons? Not only weapons, Captura Scene, Mods, Archwing Parts.

    Isn't that defying everything you just said?

    If I want Secura Lecta for example, I need to max out Perrin Sequence, then I want Vaykor Hek. So I need to Go back to Steel Meridian, Grind again and get Vaykor Hek.For those who focus on all 4-6 Syndicate. Congrats. but most people only have 3 Syndicate. Either 3 Left or 3 Right

    Everything gameplay related can be traded on syndicate. And THIS IS NOT CLAN. Clan weapon is based on how good your clan is. thus you can gain ALL item in the clan without sacrificing anything, If I focus on Corpus Lab, Doesn't mean my Grineer Research will go down isn't it? Even Ignis Wraith can be traded

    So by this logic, Why Gear Blueprint can't be traded?

    Weapons give MR points , making them non-tradable would cause massive outcry from community.

    For Archwing Parts , they are already farmable from Archwing missions and tradable , making them non-tradable from syndicates is not wise move.

    Mods were always tradable and always will ( except login mods / primed chamber ). There is no problem here.

    I wouldn't mind Capturas being exclusive to their syndicates and non-tradable as being just cosmetic. Yet DE chose to make them tradable.

    Like I said b4 , restores are game affecting items ( full shield / energy / hp / ammo restoration ) , especially Large ones. There is nothing wrong with making them non-tradable.

    There are Small ones which works same way with lesser effect and can easily be acquired ( reusable bp from market with credits ). Tell your friend to get those BPs if he / she doesn't want to rank up syndicates just for restore BPs :)

  11. 1- Gladiator Bonus works on Exalted Abilities.

    From Wikia ; 

    • From current testing, both the mod stats and the set bonus seem to affect exalted abilities that satisfy the required condition.

    2- Augur effect only works with ability casts , not with drain of toggle abilities. Its intentional and works like Brief Respite.

    From Wikia ; 

    • Shields are only replenished from activating abilities. Constant Energy drain from channeling abilities or triggered drain such as Artemis Bow shots do not replenish Shields.


  12. My Build ; 

    " Corrosive Projection - Power Drift

    Vitality - Equilibrium - Primed Continuity - Blind Rage - Health Conversion - Streamline - Despoil - Shield of Shadows "

    Blind Rage + Power Drift ( 214% str ) for reaching 90% damage reduction with Shield of Shadows , its mandatory for tanky Nekros / Prime.

    You were lacking Strength for SotS damage reduction , that is why you weren't as tanky as you should be. :)

    My Stats ;

    214% Strength

    75% Efficiency

    100% Range

    155% Duration

  13. 3 minutes ago, kissmyaxe21 said:

    But is war worrh a potatoed broken war?

    War is a really nice weapon but I wouldn't sacrifice a potatoed Broken War ( I love keeping my stuff ). 

    But you can sacrifice it after reaching max rank and got MR points from it if you really want War.

  14. You can ask Support to return those weapons to your inventories.

    I think DE should prevent people from selling quest weapons or give a message when selling them.

    Or quests will give weapons ( or just their blueprints ) again IF people don't have them in their inventories ( like how Onkko gives mote amp again if u don't have any other amps ).

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