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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 9 minutes ago, Suncake said:

    Warframe is rated 17+ and we still have chat rules that are way too strict. My good clanmate got chat suspended after calling Nezha some 4-letter T-word. It's just a silly joke, but it earned him a week without all chat tabs, including clan and squad. 

    Well ban from all chat tabs is harsh and I don't support it but ppl should be aware that derogatory words / jokes can be offensive to someone else in chat. Unfortunately most of those ppl don't learn from their mistakes. Strict rules are must have at some point. 

  2. 54 minutes ago, NeoSmile said:

    it would not make sense for a person to be inside of the armor


    Alad-v has opened up the warframe armour on multiple occasions for his ''ZANUKA prototype'' and according to him what is inside of the suit does not make sense (to him atleast)
    so it must be something non-humanoid (like an infested strain not connected to the hive)

    We already know frames are part infested with different strain than the infested we know of ( guess its Helminth strain ) so they are not connected to hive.

  3. On 12.01.2018 at 10:00 PM, polygonmonster said:

    For those asking in the steam community about Nidus, here an update following with a Syandana I've been doing when I have some free time. Last year was a bit rough... but back to TennoGen :)





    Also don't forget to vote if you like this Liset infested skin :)



    Somehow can't see images other than liset one.

    Isn't Liset skin a bit symmetrical for Infested ?

    Can't say I didn't like it but somehow it doesn't give me infested vibe :v

  4. 6 minutes ago, NZ_CodeBlue said:

    Then who is the operator? Is it the player?

    So lorewise the operator doesn't exist, just for the game sake?

    Operator ( Mind ) + Warframe ( Body ) = Tenno ( Warrior )

    Can be explained as they talk to themselves :D

    They have mental issues after all.

  5. Ember Prime - Sicarus Prime , Glaive Prime , Misa Prime Syandana

    Loki Prime - Bo Prime , Wyrm Prime , Daman Prime Sugatra , Summus Sentinel Accessories.


    Mag Prime and Frost Prime are special cuz they didn't have Prime Accesses with accessories packs which is why they got unvalted with Targis Prime ( Nyx Prime's ) and Misa Prime ( Ember Prime's ). Don't think DE will swap accessories between Unvault Packs tho.

  6. 1 hour ago, PsiWarp said:

    Hmm... I have some in mind.


    • Spellbinding Light - Spellbind augment, spellbound enemies float toward Lantern and become tethered to it.
    • Soul Split - Tribute augment, the soul lingers after being picked up, drawing its body back toward it and exploding on contact.
    • Razor Swarm - Razorwing augment, razorflies respawn on death and amount of razorflies is increased by 1 / 1 / 2 / 2.


    • Convict - Condemn augment, enemies are knocked down and recover 25% / 50% / 75% / 100% slower after being unchained.
    • Penitence - Penance augment, allies in Affinity Range share 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% of Penance's effects.
    • Ritual - Thurible augment, Thurible's incense no longer follows Harrow, instead lingers in the area after cast. In addition to energy, kills made in range grant Shields and Overshields.
    • Blood Pact - Covenant augment, receive 40% / 30% / 20% / 10% of damage prevented to recast Covenant for 50% reduced duration.


    • Dusk & Dawn - Mend & Maim augment, upon switching forms Equinox retains 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% stored damage or hitpoints and discharges the remaining damage or hitpoints.

    Like those augment ideas , especially Harrow's :D

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