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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. DE mentioned about Operator Melee Animations in Devstream 100 if I'm not mistaken. They will get basic melee functions I guess. We have Amps as operator weapons and will get more as new Sentients appear ( Megalyst and 2 flying Sentients are coming ). Don't think they will get " functional armours " , I mean they are more durable than most of frames.

    3 minutes ago, furturgamesliker said:

    then maybe we need functional armour to put mods in we can't just mod our own bodies without bodily change

    Please , no modding for operator. Waybound focus skills and operator arcanes are there to increase effectiveness of operator.

  2. Schools are there to decide how u want to play , wanna go supportive ? take vazarin , more of a caster type ? take zenurik , more damage ? take madurai etc. This idea will totally remove " decision " part of schools. Schools need better skill nodes and passives to incentivize ppl to max out them , not an apex focus school to have everything at same time. That would be broken as hell.

  3. My Wish List  ;

    3x forma bundles

    30 day resource booster

    30 day credit booster

    Titania Noble Animation

    Daybreak Palette

    Eximus Palette

    Orokin Palette

    ADAU Glyph Pack

    ADI Holster Pack

    Happy Tennobaum , Fellow Tenno !

  4. Hey Fabio ! 

    There are changes coming to IPS ( Impact , Puncture , Slash ) status effects. Yes not having Slash hurts Ak / Bolto ( Puncture and Impacts are not effective ) but maybe changes can make Ak / Bolto effective. 

    Also Ak / Bolto has high fire rate but less effective cuz of being semi-auto , could be nice to make it auto tho.

  5. Well..Akzani is Mirage's signature weapon ( or at least fav weapon of Mirage's original user ) and don't think that applies to Prime tho.

    Same with other frames ; Gara , Harrow , Octavia and others. Don't expect them to come with their regular versions' signature weapons.

  6. It applies to the Zaw that has " Finisher " damage stat. It was only available for platinum , they will remove it and refund forma and platinum spent on it.

    Other Zaws will stay untouched , don't worry fellow Tenno. :)

    Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.6.1

    Tenno, it seems Pedlek messed up some Zaw orders and built them with incorrect stats... Your Platinum and Forma will be refunded early next week and the Zaw removed along with any MR gains from it. You’ll receive an inbox messages from Hok with his deepest apologies when it is removed. Sorry for any inconvenience!

  7. 1 minute ago, Snib said:

    What makes you think this may be a bug? I see nothing in the patch notes indicating the cap was meant to be removed.

    ^This. There were no changes to focus cap in last update , only pool cost reductions , global focus pool and some changes to operator skills.

    Here you can see details ;


  8. 1 minute ago, GordoFreeman said:

    DMG 3.0 will try to adress this issues, by giving utility to impact and puncture and making all 3 types scale, check devstream 100 or 101 i think. Plus something similar for status (slash will get a nerf on the process)

    Damage 2.5 *

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