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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. Arcane Barrier ( instantly restores shield with a chance after getting damaged ) and Arcane Aegis ( gives shield regen after getting damaged ) are also really good.

    Barrier also gets activated after using Condemn ( 2nd ability ) , which is great.

  2. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)Awesomenisticus said:

    Have you tried turning it off and back on again?

    ^Try this or restart your modem.

    To OP , It might be a problem on your end because there is no chat server issue and its working as intended.

    OR you somehow got chat banned because of saying something forbidden in chat.

    Either way , calling DE " crap developers " or threatening them with " im gonna quit and play Destiny 2 " won't solve your issue.

    Ask Support to solve your problem.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Blood_Poppy said:

    I really Excited with Khora Ventari Kavat Summon, but when I hear it Duration Based Skill, it really Big Turn Off. 

    I just hope they change the mechanic and make it toggleable skill like Equinox Pacify & Provoke Aura. 


    5 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

    The fact it's duration based also means you can regen energy while using the power, so I guess it's good.

    Agreed toggle abilities mostly deactivates energy regen.

    Also tapping 3 again makes Venari target enemy .

    So how will it work with toggle ? Will it be hold to target ? It will add nothing but complexity. Imagine accidently toggling it off in middle of fight while trying to target enemies for Venari. We will eventually build her for duration ( Ensnare , Venari and Exalted Whip cuz of reducing drain ) and Venari will have 30 sec base duration. Duration is fine , no need for toggle.

  4. Can you fix non-gildable Mote Amp issue ? I have a maxed Mote Amp but Onkko refuses to gild it (it doesn't appear as maxed amp ) . Please missing MR from it :(

  5. 3 minutes ago, Acos said:

    Sprint Speed would kill it for me. Gotta go fast. I'd be okay with something like that if it just flat out removed shields entirely though. I'm all about that Arcane Grace these days anyway. 

    Agreed. It would be alot better if it removed shield and reduced speed a little bit , -80% sprint speed reduction is overkill in Warframe :d

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