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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 14 minutes ago, Megasupremeprime said:

    Passive ability:

    Bending Shield, bending shield works by giving the frame a probability of bending the space around the bullet with super precission which forces the bullet to go around the frame so their is a small chance of shots fired to miss, maybe even bending the space so that the enemies are hit by bullets missing the frame.


    4 minutes ago, Megasupremeprime said:

    1st ability:

    Spacerip, the first ability works by ripping apart 1/2/4 enemies within range of where the frame used the ability. The frames spacerip works by accelerating the speed at which space expands, within a relativily medium sized area of course. Don't want anyone going around destroying the universe now, do we.? By expanding space to a certain point theoretically matter shouldn't be able fuse and combine into molecules and such so the enemies are literally ripped apart by the atoms not being able to create atomic bonds.

    Edit your OP instead of replying to it :)

    It will be easier to read your concept.

  2. 1 minute ago, ThousandLights said:

    Imo this wave of trolling and memes is going through many games so. My only question is why people can't think by themselves and just to not repeat same mistakes hundreds of ppl did before them. DE said many times just during this week, some words are not tolerable and won't be. 

    Imo if people can't deal with it and just joke in private or use another, more acceptable types of jokes, it's very childish behavior at all.

    Well its part of human nature , " not learn any lesson from mistakes ".

    People love bringing politics , religion and gender preferences into ingame chats and think any meme / joke is fine about them. Its immature and never be tolerated.

  3. 14 hours ago, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

    Probably been brought up before but that was a while back, so here it goes again. 

    When airborne with Mesa and then you activate Peacemaker her lower half goes stiff like a board. Can we change that to some sweet animations that aren't so stiff like we have now. 

    Thank you

    DE pls give some attention to this guy ^ :D

    I'm up for more QoL for Mesa.

  4. 1 minute ago, Dhrekr said:

    Waiting is the safest option. DE's moderators have been extending the duration of the bans for individuals who have been protesting - a sort of "if you still think that you did nothing wrong, here's another week of time for you to think about the harmful consequences of your words".


    Pro-tip: if someone is saying "things that sound not PC"... maybe avoid quoting them?


    Pro-tip : Ignore region chat as a whole. There is an option to disable it.

  5. 6 minutes ago, kyori said:

    Nah, can just release her based on present IPS. They all will be changed again after released, so no point waste time on tweaking things that will in the end still be changed.


  6. 5 minutes ago, Tailion said:

    so what you want is MORE frost macroing? what? cataclysm and stasis do VERY different things to frosts bubble and as such should not be compared. Frost usage has already fallen off becuase of how the game has shifted. making his bubble 'die' for things other then the BUBBLES hp pool is absurd. 


    If you have an issue with random frost globes sitting around inform them that it can be hit with the 1 to break it. you would be amazed how many people don't know its a mechanic since its not something you are likely to just try.

    Agreed. Most people are not aware of mechanics that their frames have. OP , you can just tell them what to do.

  7. 2 hours ago, kyori said:

    She was already ready before they went on the 1 week christmas holiday last year, and this year has already passed 2 weeks, Khora shouldn't be delayed anymore as no matter how DE reworked her, she will still get a reworked after she is released, so might as well release her now and save time on things that will get reworked after all.


    2 hours ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    She was ready based on a system that isn't launching. Sending out a product with a huge hole in it simply isn't gonna work.

    They could just release her without any IPS changes ( she can use current IPS and procs ) then we could get changes to her with Damage 2.5 ( God knows how long it will take to implement )

    Hopefully her rework doesn't take " IPS swap " ability from her. :(

  8. 1 minute ago, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

    I'm a fan. I believe they will look absolutely gorgeous, and really set the skin off. 

    My only request is that she gets a auxiliary slot for her PMs. Similar to Valkyrs bonds. That way I can run her "flintlock" regulators on any skin. 

    Hmm. Good idea :D

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