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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 8 minutes ago, MystMan said:

    You making this thread implies otherwise. There is a reason you see several other people telling you it's not hard. Because it's not had you practiced. It's all about speed and knowing the shortcuts. When I enter the room I destroy the 2 turrets and the lone enemy in there and have 35 seconds to hack 4 consoles. I don't even use the Liset air support.


  2. 26 minutes ago, AshenSwift said:

    Practice getting lucky to find the right portal. It's not an issue of stealthing in, since the minute you open the door, the alarm goes off, and the timer starts. It's not a matter of practicing hacks. It's a matter of hoping you get the right portal the first two tries, since you can only open one at a time.

    Your hacking skills are required there and yes you can hack all in time limit. Also don't understand why'd you reject using Liset Support if you struggle with hacking those consoles ? Bring right tools for the job.

    Almost all sorties are trivial and can be cheesed , this is the only one requires skill tho. -.-

  3. 8 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Babadookcf said:

    I'm only interested in the Targis Prime Armor in the Force Prime Pack but I'm willing to pay 2,000 plat for it, twice the amount for the pack itself. 

    So I wanted to know if there is a good way to do this kind of trading? 

    Nope. Platinum can be acquirable via trade and that means noone has to pay real money , instead they will use a currency that is already ingame.

    So, Vault Packs = real money for DE.

     Making buyable with platinum is not a good idea , business-wise.

  4. 4 minutes ago, bzs007 said:

    I'm back after 1 year, and I see that, I don't need spam Desecrate with Nekros. Farmed that mod only for that, but now... Even usefull for anything now?

    It's good on Titania , Harrow and even on Nekros himself. His 4th still takes too long to cast.

  5. 30 minutes ago, Heiner999 said:

    Now that i have finished Second Dream and have the 3 powers of my Human , How do i use my special Maduri Powers on comand - When i push my 5 button my human comes out of my Warframe. What if i just want to use my Maduri powers - is there a special way to do that - it seems so random, sometimes he comes out, sometimes the Maduri power works ??

    Hold 5 to activate any focus school passives / powers

  6. 1 hour ago, EndermanBeast said:

    That's actually a really good theory, but I don't think The Man In The Wall is Umbra, maybe he's just a dark entity outside of the "balance".


    1 hour ago, KillMePlis said:

    Wait... as far as I know The Man In The Wall was Harrow (because you know... being chained to a wall and stuff)

    The Man in the Wall is Void itself. A dark and treacherous entity that drives ppl crazy and turns them into monstrosities as well as messes with operators' minds.

    Reminds me of Black/Red Marker from Dead Space.

  7. 23 minutes ago, (Xbox One)HiddenBioHazard said:

    Something that I think needs to be pointed out first is that this quest has made people feel grateful for the representation of people on the autistic spectrum, but to the vast majority of the people that I have talked to who are on it, do not like the quest. It's a very ableis quest with how it portrays Rell.

    1- Rell also gets violent throughout the quest which, felt needless until the end. I understand having outbursts and such, but again, why was it needed? Most autistic people are not violent, especially if they have an outburst/breakdown.They're very vulnerable during this, it doesn't make sense, unless the person has maybe problems controlling their anger during this.  Then again, we know little about what's happening to Rell, the void exposure, and the "man in the wall." That, in the end, it might not have been Rell attacking us. However my point still stands since we don't know, or you have to make your own decision from the information you're given.

    The cards were very cool, and interesting, showing us that Rell doesn't understand expressing emotion, and it seems like he's not very empathetic. Which isn't a bad thing, he expresses himself differently, such as saying how he feels so others will know. 

    2- Why do we suddenly have hallucinations of ourselves saying "Hey kiddo?" Why now? Are we now traumatized, re-traumatized, or suddenly did this "mantle" of Rell make us see them? Obviously the operators are traumatized from their past already, but why are we just now seeing these hallucinations? You can't just suddenly decided, "Okay, now your mental illness is getting worse."

    Also why doesn't our operator talk at all? This is another child, just like us, even if the game keeps trying to push that he's different. I wouldn't sit by, and not speak to him, or try to understand him. With the personality our operators have, which are headstrong and a bit reckless, why wouldn't they try to talk to Rell? Are you telling me, our operators, who went after Tenshin, and the Grineer Queens, wouldn't try to help a fellow Tenno? It just, felt wrong, not to talk.

    All in all, I love the creepiness, and trying to make it scary, but they executed this wrong. How they portrayed Rell's autism was ultimately a stereotype. Again, many people have come to relate to Rell, and have loved this quest, but in the end, it just felt like it was using him just to be scary. 

    1- He wasn't violent cuz of his autism ( yes he was a little unstable with his feelings ) , it was cuz of torture of Man in the Wall aka Void itself. Our operators slept all this time yet he was under heavy pressure of Void. Imagine how painful it was for him. ( Still no idea about how ppl miss this point entirely )

    2- Rell was keeping Void away from us. Remember The War Within's ending and how we acted ? It was just a brief moment that Void talked with us and called us " Kiddo ". Now there is nothing to hold Void back and its freely messing with our minds. Wonder what could happen if it manages to control us.

  8. 20 hours ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

    Or you could equip the exilus mod "pain threshold".

    Increase stagger recovery by 160%.



    17 hours ago, (PS4)zeroexalpha said:

    Doesn't effect QT Staggers. You can test it

    Used both on Volt and didn't see any effect..

    Stunlock'd to death :(

  9. Well we saw Rell's projection at the end of fight ( his body no longer exists ).

    Rell was already driven mad cuz of heavy Void pressure on his mind and his Donda was keeping him focused. 

    Also we didn't fight against Rell , its was chained Harrow that is under control of Void ( yes Void itself aka Man in the Wall ).

  10. You already asked that question and got your answer , why did you start another topic about it ?

    Yes , you had to buy Harrow before finishing quest in order to get riven reward.

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