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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. Can we get codex entries for each zaw strike and amp prisms ? Some of us are missing MR points from zaws & amps ( even tho we built all - gilded - maxed ). Don't want to rebuild - gild - max all of them to find out which one is missing.

    Pls DE make it happen :(


  2. 49 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

    It's same size as Fragor though. Just that it's lacking "fatness", so it looks smaller than it actually is.

    I'm sure skin is somehow smaller on Arca Titron , Jet Kitty , Sibear and Volnus but bigger on Fragor / Prime. So it makes Fragor / Prime look bigger and others alot smaller. This is what bothers me.

  3. Just now, (PS4)BattleCry1791 said:

    Truth here...if everyone uses it, then why have it all?  Everyone uses two mod slots on every gun for Base damage increase and multi shot regardless of  build.  Why bother having them at all?  

    Exactly, it limits build variety by filling 2 mod slots with mandatory mods. Damage 3.0 's goal was getting rid of Serration by making it built-in addition to weapons and changing how multishot works.

  4. Just now, (PS4)BattleCry1791 said:

    Truth here...if everyone uses it, then why have it all?  Everyone uses two mod slots on every gun for Base damage increase and multi shot regardless of  build.  Why bother having them at all?  

    Exactly, it limits build variety by filling 2 mod slots with mandatory mods. Damage 3.0 's goal was getting rid of Serration by making it built-in addition to weapons and changing how multishot works.

  5. 11 minutes ago, MidoriFuse said:

    Maybe after you define what this "system change" is and is not because I feel like your whole argument is going to be word-play around it.

    Nerf part talked clearly about slash,that was mentioned to be nerfed soon tm and other damage effects buffed

    It is not impossible for them to do 100%more damage for akstiletto and 10% more for opticor I do not know if they gonna do global damage value buff,you do not know either
    Might as well become nerf to all good weapons [just like rivens are] and buff to less used ones

    I meant it as overhaul , guess chose wrong words. 

    Well we still don't know if changes to slash will end up as nerf or buff. We will see it soon. But that has nothing to do with the idea of Serration's removal and OP's concern.

    ( returning to original subject ) Like I said free-ing up a slot and integrating Serration into weapon stats don't count as nerf. We will get compensated IF it gets removed. 

    Lets see Damage 2.5 ( IPS rework ) first then we can worry about Damage 3.0 and Serration's removal :satisfied:

  6. 2 minutes ago, MidoriFuse said:

    I play for 4 years and I would be careful with that "always" part.

    I do not quite understand the ideology behind removing serration
    If we would follow that pattern we could remove most mods
    There is maybe 1 weapon that does not use multishot [because it does divide damage instead of buffing it for said weapon
    There are 0 crit weapons that do not use %crit chance boost
    There are 0 status weapons that are not build to proc status
    Hush mod should be build-in every weapon as it is must for every silent gun
    Basically we could remove most mods,make weapons 100%proc status 500%multishot,200% crit chance with 1000basic damage
    and build in aoe dot damage

    The only thing we would pick is element [that would end up being magnetic vs viral debate,so we can as well build in both to all weapons ingame]

    Basically why stop at serration? It is not any more must have as critical chance or multistrike.
    I do not even use serration on every gun I have,some are more relliable with more attack speed to proc %status or crit

    It is not like you need to put Hornet strike on Sonicor that we take pretty much just for CC ragdoll fun

    I feel like dmg 3.0 will feel like nerf,especially for slash and from my experiences it does take too long time to re-buff nerfed stuff in this game.
    So I'd rather pass on it

    Why would it be a nerf at all ? I mean Serration gets integrated into weapons' stats and you will get a free mod slot.

    Maybe you are not using Serration or Hornet Strike on every weapon but they are mandatory if you want to deal more damage. 

    They wanted to change how multishot works but ideas were not that good , not sure if they totally scrapped idea of changing multishot or not.

    Also tell me when we didn't get compensated for a system change ?

  7. On 03.12.2017 at 10:27 PM, o0Despair0o said:

    Far as I know the energy beam would become invisible when making it black (or at least very hard to see). If it starts glitching out like that, I'd say there's a chance your GPU is about to get fried.


    5 minutes ago, NeoRetro10K said:

    I think they mean the metallic texture having an innate purple tint that interferes with your chosen color if your chosen color is dark.

    Yep , that is what he / she meant. Gammacor and Simulor have purple metallic tint and their Synoid counterparts have blue metallic tint. Its noticable when dark colors used on them.

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