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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 9 minutes ago, DANMAN3712 said:

    I could not agree with you more.  To some it all up, DE are human beings just like us.  This is THEIR game, which they GIVE to us freely.  It is a true free to play game, in which you never, ever have to pay them anything in order to enjoy the full aspects of the game, but only if you want to and to move along more quickly.

    I've been in gaming than most players on here have been alive.  I have also participated in the development and modding of games.  I can tell you this, there is no other company out there like DE.  They make outstanding titles, they are a tight knit company, and they truly care about their players.  Do the players give them money and source of income?  Yes of course they do.  Is DE in this to make a profit?  Of course, why else would they do this, it is their job.  But why does DE care?  Because, like the Lotus treats the Tenno, WE, the players, are DE's extended family.  From weekend warriors to the full time Youtube content creators, players are the children and family of DE.  So, they WANT to make us happy as best as they can.

    DE makes mistakes, like I said they are human.  But they stand by their word as best as they can.  If they say yes or promise a feature, they will deliver they best they can if the game engine allows it.  Remember, they are bound to the game engine.  Yes they wrote it, but all game engines have limitations.

    In conclusion, DE is awesome, and so is Warframe.  It has insane graphics, a huge community, VERY active developers dedicated to its success and............ITS FREE.

    Thanks for stealing all those words I wanted to say >:(

    *cries in a corner*

  2. 6 hours ago, Samotte said:

    Hi Tennos!

    Something just hit my mind, we saw in the Plains of Eidolon trailer that there is a kind of "meat" inside the orokin walls.

    Then I thought about how Rell is calling the void in the quest Chains of Harrow: "The Man in the Wall".... Could this be possible that the inside of orokin walls are some modified human flesh?

    That's all, honnestly I don't think there is a correlation between the Orokin building techs and Rell perception of the void, but I just wanted to share!

    What do you think?

    Umm..Did u ever think about what happens to Orokin bodies after they transfer their minds to new bodies with Continuity ? ( since we never heard of Orokin burial sites or graveyards )

     No ?

    They used their decaying bodies as building material for towers ! XD

  3. 38 minutes ago, Yeselectro said:

    I've been in this game for 3/3,5 years and FINALLY we get to feel free as we're naked towards a mild breeze!

    Of course this is a major thing for Warframe, with this realisation



    let's exaggerate this update even more as fans

    Oh, oh, i go first:

    which terrain we should have after the Plains of Eidolon?

    I'm thinking of (arguably) the surface of Eris as something like a place where there are survivors of infestation attacks

    heheh, maybe even add lephantis-ish yet another biggie on it

    (by the way, that wasn't hunhow in the trailer, right? right?)


    ooooh, then we could have major planned assaults on Tyl Regor labs underwater! Like, a campaign!


    Then we could have inter-derelict wars against stuff like Golem or other factions like Grineer etc. What i mean by inter-derelict; an area -in the derelict section of navigation- where tenno vs tenno/grineer/corpus/orokin/infestation etc. would fight for a prize that can be done, i dunno, monthly?



    i'm out

    edit: if this topic is in the wrong section, please forgive me 

    That thing in trailer is one of Eidolon , an ancient race of peacekeepers. Not a sentient or Hunhow himself.

  4. 16 hours ago, Evanescent said:


    Guarding Chant

    While Thurible is active, allies are protected against knockdowns, staggers and status procs.


    And because @D20 nagged,

    Swinging Truth

    While thurible is being channeled, enemies struck by it are dealt a x% of their current health and ragdolled.



    I'd like to see a Thurible aug that reduces damage taken by 90-95% ( similar to Mesa's Shatter Shield ability )

    or turn Thurible into a deployable aura and free him from channeling ( like we saw in his early iteration )

  5. 3 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

    Regular Oberon has built in shoulder pads that his decorations go on top of while Oberon Prime doesn't have them, for some reason.

    The arms, themselves, are just as thin as they always were.

    yea Oberon Prime doesn't have that druidic shoulders , that is why his shoulders look less buff than his regular counter-part.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Genjinaro said:

    My thoughts exactly... I'm amazed anyone would want this back. 

    Bury this next to the broken lights.

    yea I thought same , why would someone cripple him/herself ?

    or should i say want his/her frame to be handicapped in a fast-paced game while even non-stop moving doesn't save us from death ?

    It'd be good for PvP where everyone non-stop bulletjumps around and abuses it to hell but in PvE ? no , thanks.

  7. With that mindset , Rhino Prime shouldn't sprint faster than most of frames cuz " he is heavier " than others . Stamina was a restriction for Warframes and ppl are free to jump , sprint and use melee now , no need to bring it back.


  8. 14 minutes ago, RealisticName said:

    hastag un nerf limbo 

    OP smells like a demand for un-nerf Limbo , Ash , Tonkor and Simulor.

    8 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    This again? Why do people still think DE balances things solely because people ask for it? If that's the case, where's the buffs to most of the weapons? Where's the Zephyr rework? Where's the corpus tech nerf?

    DE has a will of their own. Give them some credit.

    Also, if you don't balance a game, you kill it.


  9. I don't think speed reducing big @ss shields would work in a fast-paced game like Warframe but however I'd like to see this changes ;

    - Shields have different category ( even if that means only Aegis or Brunt )

    - Can be modded separately ( purely defensive and utility mods such as Guardian Derision )

    - Can be used with single handed secondaries and only be used for block ( block is one handed action and doesn't interrupt shooting )

      * hope this becomes a thing with upcoming multi-wielding feature.

  10. 10 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Why Try Pal said:

    I will try him out tomorrow and give him a fair chance I promise, thank you for the tips 😊

    Don't forget to punch enemies in the face for me :D

  11. 8 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Why Try Pal said:

    The walls fully protect mob defense / excavator ? I would have never known. On console I've probably seen 2,3 atlas since the no desecrating friendlys.

    You can put 3 walls around defense objectives and excavators if you use Tectonic Fracture augment.

    Also health of walls scale with your hp and armor ( power strength increases hp and armor multiplers ).

    People always choose cheesiest ways to play frames anyways but Atlas is more than a Rumbler spawner for Nekros's desecrate. :)

  12. 7 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Why Try Pal said:

    Does anybody have a true use for atlas nowadays? After the fix in Jv where you can't desecrate your rumblers, I haven't found a reason to use my atlas at all :( 

    There is something wrong here IF that was the only reason you were playing with Atlas.  :O

    He is a good defender ( Tectonic Fracture augment helps a lot ) , tank , damage dealer ( his 1st ) and CC frame. I use him for most of Infested defenses , Excavation missions , Sorties etc. His Rumblers are quite useful too.

  13. 36 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    Mesa- allow her BB to charge passively with damage done. Turning a 3 step move into 2. BBd is decent for a 1, but having to remember to charge it constantly especially as a mission goes on makes it impractical. On top of that, you can't even activate the charging in the move. 

    Equinox -  make built up mend/maim discharge when switching forms instead of just losing it. It's a simple tweak, but it gets rid of having to manually do it or forgetting to do it.


    Anyone else have any small QoL tweaks for their favorite frames? By small I mean not an entire rework or stat increase.

    Mesa - Remove / increase damage cap on BB ( + your idea ).

    Equinox - It could be better to keep accumulated damage points while switching forms instead of losing them.

  14. 2 hours ago, (Xbox One)NikkiRevenge85 said:

    Thats not really helpfull. Read a book sometime, maybe it'll prepare you. lol

    And thats nothing compared to just 1 wiki on a warframe and their abilities.

    It is actually helpful ( in a joking way ) and highlights an issue of your post.

    Please use paragraphs. It's eaiser to read that way.

    1 hour ago, (Xbox One)NikkiRevenge85 said:

    Please do not comment on here if you have nothing constructive to say. Your turning my post into somthing else and i worked hard on it.

    It's a public forum , you can't decide which person comments to your post. Only ask moderators to remove comments IF they are disrespectful. ( mods mostly do that even if u dont ask to remove )

    Like I said above , use paragraphs. It will help ppl to read easily and make constructive comments. :)

    to OP ;

    - It's annoying when someone suddenly starts timer , that should be fixed ages ago. Agree with stop timer idea.

    - Solo extraction could be a thing for all endless missions  if it works correcly , I mean reduce enemy spawn after solo extraction etc.

      * Not everyone wants to stay same amounts of time in endless missions or wants to be forced to extract cuz 1 or 2 guys.

    - 20 sec for relic pick seems fine.



  15. 20 hours ago, JSharpie said:

    You're zoomed in on it. Zoom out and it won't look bad. If you zoom in on anything it's going to look bad.

    No. That's not true , zoom in on Oberon Prime or on most of stuff we have ( with PBR ) then look at these pixelated textures and low poly modelling on Silva&Aegis Prime. You will see what I mean.

    I can post pics of zoomed in stuff with better quality :wink:

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