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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 25 minutes ago, giovanniluca said:

    Speed frame being slow it's ok?

    Troll ability can end before you know it and last 1 second.

    Also unusable utility or pointless and nerfs.

    1- You don't need to pick up shield and get slowed , you can just cast another shield.

    2- It doesn't last 1 sec but however I've heard that enemies break free b4 its duration ends , possibly a bug.

    3- Unusable for you , other ppl like me enjoys with him. Volt does his job well , I see no issue here.

  2. I think some of status procs should be like ; 

    • Radiation - Weakens enemies and reduces their damage by 15% ( stacks 3 times ) for 8 sec.
      • or Radiation stays as it is and Toxin gets this effect.
    • Puncture - Causes affected enemies to take 20% more damage for 5 sec and next attack / hit after proc has 10% chance to ignore armor.
    • Magnetic - Disables Eximus auras and jams enemies' weapons for 2 sec. ( or immobilizes them if they are melee units )
    • Heat - Each heat proc causes enemies to take 0.3% of their missing health as bonus damage per sec for 5 sec , stacks 10 times. Damage is reduced by armor and other resistances. 
    • Cold - Each cold proc slows enemies' movement and firerate / attack speed by 15% per stack for 5 sec , stacks 4 times. Enemies get frozen for 3 sec after 4th stack and lose 30% of their current armor or shield. Enemies died under frozen effect shatter and apply cold proc to nearby enemies.
    • Electricity - Stuns an enemy for 6 sec and nearby enemies around him for 4 sec. Each enemy affected by electricity proc increases its damage by 5% up to 50%. It also has 1% chance to insta-kill non-boss or non-elite enemies. ( Elite enemies are Stalker, Zanuka and G3 )


  3. 18 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Eden987 said:

    I played warframe for 2 years on PC but due to a falling out with the friemd whos pc i played on i could no longer play, i later that year got an Xbox one, and have now, due to having more than a single person to play with on two shoddy computers, made back my progress and much more. i know DE doesn't do account transfers for obvious reasons, but i have heard of certain players having individual astetic items transfered, or DE creating specific items for players who do something cool. Is it possible to have my old event emblems transfered, so i can once again show ive been around the block, despite my mastery rank being lower than someone whos played as long as i have should be? If so, how would i contact DE to ask/have this done?

     Where did you hear that DE creates specific stuff for players who do something cool ?

    DE once designed Feyarch Oberon Deluxe skin when one guy built 100 Oberons but didn't hear or see anything other than that. Maybe I'm deaf or blind.

    Don't think its possible to transfer items between platforms but you are free to ask it to Support

  4. 4 hours ago, AquaLogos said:

    To summarize, a woman or girl is going to join this game largely because a boy brought her here. When he leaves we leave. 

    What kind of relationship you have ? Symbiotic ? 

    I mean do u play a game for a boi and stay as long as he stays ?

  5. Just now, Rogue_Striker said:

    Agreed, and again (in my opinion) whatever this Cetus Coin is shouldn't be an extremely rare resource, just a form of currency farmed in the plains or maybe obtainable by trading resources. 

    Ofc it shouldn't be extremely rare. You can get Cetus Coins by ;

    - Farming during PoE missions and completing those missions

    - Completing specific challenges ( catch X amount of fishes to get Y Cetus Coins ) 

    - Killing Eidolon 

  6. 36 minutes ago, HerpDerpy said:

    all that does is add a useless extra step... new plays will still have very little and vets will still have huge amounts.

    It does add a useless extra step ? 

    - New Currency ? // Nope, " long time players " have to farm something new.

    - A Barter System ? // Unfair , " long time players " have more resources than newbies.

    So what kind of solution do you offer other than its resource / credits based since it is unfair for new players ?


    to OP , plat as optional currency is fine but not everyone uses plat so we need a required currency for PoE stuff and I say Cetus Coin is fine by me.


  7. 4 minutes ago, HerpDerpy said:

    Steve said that they are going to add a bunch more resources into PoE, like the fish. so it wouldn't be unfair to new/ casual players since everyone's going to have to go and farm those.

    If they added a new currency it would be unfair to the long time players imo. we've spent all this time in the game getting these resources and credits so we should be able to use them. And if DE is going in this new direction with big open maps and new settlements then they would be making all the stuff we collected obsolete which is also a big middle finger to all the vets.

    as I said we can trade our unused materials / resources for new currency for a fair amount , it will make both sides happy :D

  8. 1 hour ago, HerpDerpy said:

    a new currency sounds awful to me. we already have like 3 which is plenty.

    would rather it be credit/ resource based.

    But that'd be unfair for new / casual players , u know we have millions of credits and resources.

    Agree with new currency that can be farmable on open world map  ALSO there must be a barter / trade system like 10k ferrite for 1 Cetus coin or something.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Ferah_Frithu said:

    This has been discussed here in more than enough threads, I think.

    Short answer: DE are working on it, but are more likely busy with finalizing the next update (Plains of Eidolon)

    Nope, short answer is DE was at TennoCon and rest of their crew was on weekend holiday , so give them some time :D

    Hopefully it will be fixed this week.

  10. 23 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

    Since Umbra's first mention, I have seen this happen maybe one or two times at most. You see founders every now and then who like Umbra's looks over the Prime's, or founders who are concerned about Umbra being more powerful (as opposed to equal), but there's virtually never any "salt" to be seen.

    What I see happening A LOT more (on both the forums and the subreddit) is random folks claiming that Founders are somehow salty about Umbra, when in fact they've been by far the most chill about it.

    Umm...I said some of them...at least the ones I've seen or talk with. Yeah there are Founders chill about Umbra thing , can't deny that. Edited my reply as " those ppl " for preventing further debate ( I chose wrong words there , sorry for that ). 

    Also don't agree with OP , it will cause nothing but complaints.

    Don't think there will be Umbra weapons , it will be exclusive to frames.

  11. 3 minutes ago, ARANDOMGENT said:

    I understand the zero reason why it has to replace what we currently have, but if players prefer this style of level design, the natural progression will could be for rest of the game to be made like this, DeSteve confirmed more planets will get levels like this and we have to remember the game is still technically in beta, so they are free to chop and change as they wish.

     It doesn't mean they will chop off what we have. Instead we will get those as extra game-modes like Conclave , Lunaro , Archwing and tileset expansions like Kuva Fortress and Lua.

  12. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

    I'm fairly sure that what they meant by maturing is grow up from the Emo kid mentality not physically.

    I could be wrong though.

    Thought same but wanted to explain that DE won't scrap those cosmetics and give us and option for keep kid / choose grown up options if they come up with that idea

  13. 7 minutes ago, AtoKitsune said:

    The simple way they can co-exist is for Plains of Eidolon to be a separate game-mode, much like Conclave is a separate game mode. If anything, it's more similar to the root game than Conclave. The only thing changing is the format, open world instead of a single objective-based level. There is zero reason it has to overwrite or replace normal Warframe activities.

    Yeah , its a new game mode that we get an open area to explore instead of roaming in random generated rooms. Nothing changes with normal gameplay. Also cheesing is the thing we want to get rid of right ? It seems Eidolon's scaling / different approach to enemies is the step on right direction.

  14. 7 minutes ago, ARANDOMGENT said:

    Anyone else notice archwings in the above reveal were not using archwing weapons, could this be a sign that they are being scrapped.

    Also with our Tenno maturing are the cosmetic we purchased for our Tenno going to be scrapped as well.

    struggling to see how this new open world style can co exist with what we currently have as they will play so drastically different.

    But I think we are a while off this being release to us, I feel it could be a long wait like we had with "The War Within"

    1- That's a sign we will use our favorite weapons in AW Travel mode, nothing gets scrapped. AW weapons for regular AW nodes.

    2- Nope, I think DE will give us an option to keep child form or grow up. This will please community.

    3- Not sure how it will be drastically different.

  15. 49 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    Again, you have a weak argument because your assumptions are based on what she said (somehow you really want to believe a character, who betrayed the Orokin, then betrayed Tenno and then betrayed the rest of sentients). A character like that deserves zero credibility whatsoever. It's like trusting Patches in DS.

    So how did she betray us ?

    What did she do ?


  16. 16 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

    I don't understand this. Why try to create a riff between players? Founder or not we're all on equal ground. I have never seen any founder complain about Umbra, and if one has, it's definitely not a majority. Who cares what they think.

    Saw some of founders in-game / forum those complain about Excalibur Umbra and its superiority to Prime version , that is why I mentioned it. Didn't plan to create anything between players instead I wanted to keep Umbra thing exclusive to Excalibur or any frame without pulling more founder stuff into it ( guess didn't choose better words to describe it ).

  17. 23 minutes ago, CaptainStrawberry said:

    Roleplay mode: Gimme back Margulis. Not Lotus :(

    Margulis was a " special-kid " hater ( rip lovely Rell ). I'd rather keep Lotus and her dirty schemes. >:(

  18. 7 hours ago, kyori said:

    Not sure what you mean... but if mesa prime is released, ain't her whole body everything will evolve too? So the regulator design will sure be different.

    Yea , her body will get some prime-y armor parts , gold stuff etc alongside with new regulators. @(Xbox One)FCastle74 wants a wholly animated revolver-like regulators.

    like this ( check 0:25 )

    Edit : That's strange , revolvers' cylinders have no spin animation on video but they have in-game.

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