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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 1 minute ago, Entropydemic said:

    Honestly the thing that frustrates me more than anything else in the plains, is the fact that it's the only map in the entire game with an exit, without an exit timer. Sometimes there is that player who lingers (like me in crossfire missions) a bit too long. Like I wouldn't even care if the timer was three minutes long, just let me exit without force or losing items.

    You can leave squad and exit plains by yourself without losing items

  2. None of weapons skins work on Zaws. 

    Also Nusku Pistol Skin doesn't work on some of pistols and there isn't a dual Nusku skin even tho deluxe videos shows Ember holding dual version of it. It's either intended or a bug.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Ragingwasabi said:

    amps are devices so i think mods make sense for them. its the reason our operators dont have mods according to the devs. tho why they gave pets mods...

    Guess explanation is collars , u put mods into their collars ( easier to accept this way )

    to OP , yea that could be nice to put mods into amps , maybe not 8 slots but a few could work.

  4. 29 minutes ago, LABAL said:

    It is likely that recent Tenno activity has forced Eidolon to send a distress signal, attracting Sentient reinforcements that converge somewhere outside the Cetus boundary.
    Hunhow may or may not be directly involved.
    It is also possible that some Eidolon fragments ended up in the orbit and are trying to return to the main body.

    ^this sounds good tho

    Lotus is also said its alive so... Sentient Invasion ! Activate the Living Tower !

  5. 2 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    So for the longest time i ignored this augment as useless until recently, based on another players suggestion that it wasnt terrible. Turns out that if you mod for duration, the specter can be rather helpful, and is actually kind of fun to use. Its not the best Equinox build, and it changes her playstyle quite a bit, but it's viable. Biggest difference is that i dont use her 4 as much (DE needs to fix this so it auto discharges when switching). i'm constantly switching between forms to maintain the spectre and use rest rage between forms. The specter does 300% damage of your weapon, so they actually do a good bit of damage for a 1. With a Tigris who can sweep a room with your specter quickly.

    all in all, give duality a chance. Some of you may like it. My biggest complaint is that its health isnt 300%, so if the specter is targeted by a heavy hitting enemy, it goes down fast. Its still serves as a mini decoy though

    I'd rather a duality specter with less damage and more duration , keep switching forms is just tedious. Or why not remove duration entirely and let us slaughter enemies for duration of missions with our twin ? I'd give up damage bonus just for this.

    It's AI isn't impressive ( sometimes hardly shoots a target , not to mention bows -.- ) and its survivability is non-existent.

    Hope that aug gets reworked one day.

  6. Neat idea. I'd like to get auras from Eximi.

    But for balance purposes , I'd limit them as ;

    - Arson : Heat Resistance 

    - Arctic : Cold Resistance

    - Shock : Electric Resistance

    - Venomous : Toxin Resistance

    - Leech / Sanguine : Health Regen 

    - Energy Leech / Parasitic : Energy Regen

    - Guardian : Shield Regen

    - Blitz : Knockdown Resistance

    ( All affects allies )

    Nidus already has too much power , guess these auras could turn him to a good support too :D



  7. 4 minutes ago, Nightbane13 said:

    wait, you only just found this page?
    it's been there for a fair while, not sure exactly how long but i'd say at least a 5-ish days

    Yeah , it's been there since latest devstream.

    23 minutes ago, Firehead331 said:

    SO I am a curious person and so I did some playing around with URLs and as I was going I discovered this lovely site:


    Nothing much on it but... Start your hype thrusters!

    Nah , I'll wait till a new info pops up in that site b4 I start my hypethrusters :D

  8. 1 minute ago, Devonlucky said:

    im gonna guess probably this year (2017) to 2019, reason for this year DE probably gonna give us surprise, with doom of redtext! "hello tenno, mag and ember is coming and blah blah blah"

    if not this year then 2018 to 2019, if not IM ABBOUT TO GO RIOT! FOR MAG THE BEAUTY ( DEULXE SKIN IS TRUE FASHION than tennogen skin *nuff said* AND EMBER THE LOVELY a true fashion better than tennogen skin *nuff said* D: 

    Don't think DE should release them that late , cuz u know we only got 1 deluxe in this year so far ( correct me if I'm wrong ). Also don't think we will ever see deluxes for other frames with this rate :(

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