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Everything posted by 3mptylord

  1. Haha, yeah, sounds like me. I've fallen so behind on League because it hasn't been a game I've enjoyed playing in a long time - but I still love the universe and the community. Would I recognize you by "Zaghyr" or were you more of a lurker?
  2. I decided to attempt to challenge Explosive Legerdemain's supremacy. I might also look to specifically come up with more/more explicit alternative options to Nekros and Khora within farm comps, although I suspect a hard limit on loot rolls might be necessary. I'm thinking that four (4) times per enemy seems like a reasonable cap on loot rolls? You've got effects like Pickpocket (Ivara) that consume a loot roll versus living targets; death always rolls once, with effects like Pilfering Strangledome and Pilfering Swarm rolling an additional time; and you've got effects like Desecrate (Kubrows and Nekros) that can gain 1 bonus roll per piece of torso. Most comps don't incorporate loot rolls versus living enemies, so that might be a good place to start. I mentioned before about "more explicit" alternatives because I have got a number of dismembering augments in my collection - but I'm not sure if synergizing with Nekros would make them worth being used instead of Khora. I'm also going to wait until after the Companion Rework in October to publish Volume 30 - since it contains a fair number of Companion augments.
  3. Ah, gotcha. My only concern there is that the rewards on the battle pass don't repeat very often and missing the last time they were available might not feel any better to how it is now. Ivara In Action was on Nora Mix vol. 1 and I don't think it's yet been on rotation again. Based on that precedent - adding more would likely only increase the wait time.
  4. I am sorry that you are not having fun. However, could you please try and propose solutions to the problem that would make the game more enjoyable for you in a way that isn't just "other people need to stop having fun - it's ruining my fun".
  5. I'm only suggesting Teshin because he's already the place for it. With the goal of Glyph Resurgence, of course they could be added elsewhere. I'm personally iffy about adding it to Nora's store, though - it's already the source of Nitain, Vauban, Alternate Helmets, PVP mods, Aura mods and boss beacons.
  6. Teshin seems to stock Lotus Alert Glyphs for those who missed out on getting them for free - but he seems to have stopped updating his stock in 2020! I struggled to find evidence that some of them even exist, which is an injustice! The wiki goes from Xaku In Action in 2020 to Citrine In Action in 2023, and the only image results I could find were from Tenno using the icons on these forums! As someone who missed some of these alerts - could Teshin please pull some strings, hire some smugglers or somehow repeat whatever actions he did to acquire Lotus' Gifts the first time around? 2021 Alert Icons: 2022 Alert Icons 2023 Alert Icons And because I struggled to prove those exist, here's a list of all the Warframes that are missing just in case someone else knows better than me: For all I know: Teshin's random assortment of decorations might be from past events too. I don't mean to discriminate against players with different collection goals - so know that I completely advocate for Teshin to sell all past events rewards. In an ideal world, his stock would just automatically updated after 3-12 months (or however long DE thinks is appropriate). Thanks for reading! P.S. Tangentially related art feedback: could Teshin maybe whip out his copy of Photoshop 20023 and edit us separate [Sevagoth in Action] and [Sevagoth's Shadow in Action] glyphs?
  7. The more you invest in the mod the more quickly you accumulate damage. At 5% you need to earn 2000 credits to gain 1% bonus damage; at 10% you only need to earn 1000 credits.
  8. I don't know what the auto-lock period is on these forums but--since I've found myself unable to update other suggestions in the past--this bump is to give my attention-deficient ass more time to decide to finish Volume 30.
  9. I mean - I did say to add the skins to the Marketplace after the sale ends.
  10. I don't mind the prices. It's cheaper than Prime Access and with the Regal Aya you're basically selling Prime Frost and Prime Mag with these bundles. I'm glad the bundles now look better compared to Platinum prices - but I never thought the value of the packs was super-unreasonable before (although I think I value Regal Aya more than your average player since I missed a lot of Prime Accesses). I don't even mind the Limited Edition - especially since it's available until 2024. Plenty of time to decide if you want it. Limited Edition skins are a damn sight better than Limited Edition Primes - so I definitely prefer this to releasing a new Excalibur Prime for the 10 Years Founder Pack. I concede that you could just make the Accolade retire from the store rather than the entire bundle - it's only the "I was here in 2023" stamp that needs to be limited edition. You could add the skins to the Marketplace and the Signas to Prime Resurgence when the Bundle Sale ends. For me: it's the lack of separate Frost and Mag Bundles that bother me. The current Everything and EverythingPlus options just feel redundant. There's also the noticeable lack of an Accessories pack that I think a lot of players would appreciate. I created this mock-up initially with the Accolade Bundle boosted to 500 Platinum (a fairer amount compared to the price of Platinum) - but if you're boosting it to 1000, I'll gladly update my image accordingly. The £32.99 bundles are based on the Prime Access prices - so while I've removed the £45.99-tier, I suspect there'd be an increase in £32.99 sales to match the previous projected income. £32.99 for Heirloom Frost plus currency for Frost Prime that I don't have to spend on Frost Prime versus £32.99 for Wisp Prime. The cost of the Everything Bundle is essentially a small discount on buying both skins separately. I'm aware there'll be a lot of players who'll still ask for Skins-without-Accolade-Bundle to save on the £19.99 - but you're a free-to-play game, so I find it hard to justify complaints about you monetizing cosmetics. Plus - the 10 Year Accolade is the point of this event. Just add them to the Marketplace in January without any of the extras as I proposed above?
  11. The issue is that prior to the latest hotfix: the cowl/scarf was part of the Prime Details/Prime Body. This latest hotfix has moved the cowl/scarf to the Prime Helmet. The change was undocumented, but even if it had been documented - feedback so far in this thread (and in newly posted threads) is that the change is unwanted. I was using Coven w/ Prime Details and the Coven Helmet (which comes with a collar) and the cowl/scarf looked great with Coven Helmet's Collar. We've had a week of this "horrendous clipping" but I don't recall seeing any clipping, and a quick search of the forums doesn't show any reports/complaints about there having been clipping. I would speculate that DE always intended for the cowl to be part of the helmet and that the release version was an accident - but we've been enjoying the accident for a week now. Please follow the guidance of Bob Ross and preserve your happy accident (i.e. the release version) and revert the current version. EDIT: I neglected to take a picture of Prime Coven before this update, but another user has provided before and active pictures of this hotfix (without the "noise" of extra attachments):
  12. With all due respect, if you expected exceptionalism just because she's your favourite frame then that's your own fault for inventing something to get hyped over. Why would Wisp Prime have been different to other Primes? Prime is a long-established Variant type with long-established Variant distinctions. I can confirm this bug is also happening on her Prime Coven skin. Her scalf is now part of her Helmet instead of her Prime Details. I would like to add to this issue that the material of her Prime Details on her Coven skin is not consistent. Her Upper Body gains a metallic/glossy material that matches the Coven Helmet, but the legs retain the faded appearance of her default Prime skin:
  13. This issue isn't/wasn't just affecting the Skaut - as reported last year with Nora's Nightwave Landing Craft. The Nightwave Landing Craft bug is still on-going. Should I be bumping bug reports every patch they haven't been fixed?
  14. In the Transference Room, Paint uses the Tertiary Colour. Secondary is barely used in this room. This is consistent with our Living Quarters: But in the main ship, Paint uses the Secondary Colour and Tertiary is instead used for Metal/Filigree. Is this deliberate? I'm struggling to find a single colour that looks good as both metal and as paint. I discovered this inconsistency when applying a stencil to my Living Quarters for the first time (in a long time). I experimented with flipping the Secondary and Tertiary because I didn't like the yellow paint in my bedroom, and lo the metal changes colour elsewhere in my ship. The paint and the metal have to be the same colour, and most bright colours look bad as metal. I'll probably flip the colours back and unequip the stencil, although seeing my Transferrence room with the colours flipped looks so much better. Why isn't Paint the same region throughout the ship? Flipped colours:
  15. I am stuck like this: I cannot press ESC. I can open chat but I cannot use commands outside of missions. I will have to Alt+F4 to fix this issue. Occurrence steps: Be in a squad where you are not the host. Select a Bounty (I picked Stage 4). Incur Host Migration during the 5 second countdown. I clicked 'Cancel'. When the timer elapsed, I was trapped.
  16. There's also that Air Burst, Freeze and Smite are their respective Helminth abilities. Updated preview:
  17. At the moment, Warframe-exclusive attachments use your Warframe's colours rather than your Attachment Colours. This is despite being in the Attachments section and being in the same list of items as other Attachments. See how in the image I have all my Attachment Colours set to White - but the exclusive attachments aren't appearing as White on the model. Historically, I've reported this oddity as a bug - but the consistency can only mean it's intended as a feature. However, does it have to be this way? Example of live: Proposed 'Attachment Colors' version (excuse the terrible doctoring): Why? So we can make better fashions! For Kullervo in particular - I find it really difficult to put brighter colours on the Warframe because the same-coloured blades turn his upper body into a noise of colour. This could in-theory also be done with a check-box like Prime Details, but-- I'm just the feedback. Just cloning the items and hooking the alternatives up differently seems like it would be easier than changing the UI - and also allows for mix-and-matching (Ember could have a Warframe-color Left Shoulder and an Attachment-color Right Shoulder, if she really wanted).
  18. This bug was reported in the Xbox Mission Bugs in December 2022. I am crossposting here for visibility as the bug is (a) still present and (b) also occurring on PC. I cannot test other platforms. Umbra Excalibur is unable to complete the She Gives, We Live mission. When you attempt to enter the tower - you will be teleported back to Umbra's current location at the entrance of Cetus with no way of travelling up Unum's Tower a second time. You are required to exit the game and replay the mission from the beginning. I am reporting the bug on behalf of my partner who is currently doing The New War for the first time on his account (and is currently replying this mission a third time as I write this - since it took the bug happening twice for me to Google the issue). I do not know if this bug occurs in both First Time and Replay. For reference, I completed the quest with Umbra on Day 1 - so this bug wasn't present on release day. It must've occurred in the time since release in 2021 and at very least the date of the Xbox report in 2022. I personally always use Umbra for quests, and my partner picked him because he also thought it appropriate for Umbra to defeat Ballas. #JusticeForUmbra If the bug cannot be fixed - would it be possible to prevent Umbra from being taken into the mission?
  19. This bug is still present. If you are using Umbra, you will be teleported back to the entrance of Cetus when you attempt to enter Unum's Tower. My partner is currently doing his first playthrough of the New War and has now encountered this bug twice before a Google search said Umbra is the problem. I did the quest with Umbra myself on the day of release - so this bug has been introduced since the original release. I have not tested if this bug occurs in Replay. There is no way to scale the tower a second time after the bug occurs - you need to exit the game and relaunch to start the mission from the beginning. Umbra is the main story Warframe - so it really, really sucks that this bug is happening. My partner is playing on PC.
  20. Added Week 3 (sorry for the delay). This will likely be my final update except to document his thoughts on The New War.
  21. I had some time so I thought I'd review my Zephyr augments and create mockups for your new ideas - is it deliberate that this mod would remove the existing hold-cast for airburst? Did you perhaps intend for this to be a Turbulence Hold Cast instead?
  22. Thanks for the kind words, Teeno! Sorry I've been a little quiet - I've been dry of inspiration. Here's what I have for Volume 30 so far: I love this idea!
  23. The special node is just there for Joy and Envy. This is just to maximum the amount of testing during the new content's teething period.
  24. This is a super benign bug, but it looks as though you changed her default helmet but didn't update the icon everywhere. Note that on the minimap she's using her default helmet, but on the HUD she's using her alternate helmet.
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