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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. I'm not going to deny I don't get the idea behind it, but I am curious. I want the game to be overall more difficult or at least allow us to play difficult content. But based on the knowledge I had about this whole ordeal, I just couldn't see the reason for it. But if they do in fact adjust enemies appropriate to the change, then I can definately see some potential there.


    I think they did actually, but I completely forgot about that.

    If you did check my link:


    The basic problem is the MODDING SYSTEM.

    It offers no build variety and just gives you the illusion of customization. Because the game requires you to only build for max damage.

    This way a lot of mods fall unused (because, it's better using 8 slots for damage than for utility).

    This problem started from DE announcing they wanted to fix the "mandatory mods" in some manner (starting from Multishot, Serration, etc.)

  2. I'm honestly not sure what I think about removing serration. It just seem like a way to push us all down on a lower level to make existing easy content, a bit harder. I really don't see the point.

    Dont get mislead by the ignorance diffused by these useless threads.

    Serration and the base damage increase (+690% to 720% damage) CAN'T be removed without touching the enemy level and scaling.

    It's pretty obvious that it will be made baseline or powershifted into a single mod.

    But here we go everything people only think about is gaining in advance, instead than enjoying an useful change.

    They don't even theorycraft about it.


  3. What's this post for?

    Advising DE with anticipation that if they won't refund you, then you'll start kneejerking?

    Or maybe mass manipulation to start influencing people thinking about having a refund in advance for your future gain?

    Again and again and again: letting others know what's your skimpy and unargumented opinion?

    Who cares? In all these 2 years I raised about 10 Serration/Hornet Strikes and gave em around, should I get refunded? I sincerely DON'T CARE.
    The fact they're reworking the system to make it more appealing and functional isn't enough?

  4. Since fate of ballas and the origin of stalker are mystery.... can i say Ballas=Stalker. Think about it, hunhow constantly kept saying to "shadow" how tennos are shadow's enemies, how tennos ruined shadow, destroyed shadow.


    Now If ex lotus were his lover, lover who end up loosing her life because her care for children, the tenno. That would be life destroying thing for someone, big enough for someone grow deep hatred towards someone. Hatred so big, that someone would go extreme measures to get his revenge, in this case measures to allow oneself become stalker or shadow as he is referred during the quest.

    Who said Lotus is Margulis, and where's the documentation stating so?


  5. give me an indicator of which mobs are "suspicious" or not. (i'm looking at you rollers and scorpions)


    give me a grace period before a mob goes "suspicious" from viewing something. (1-3 seconds max) -- bows vs hitscan weaponry kills, perfect example.


    LOS vs radius detection (as mentioned above by MrJxt) 


    do all that and i'd be pretty happy with the system.



  6. The problems are: 1) the standard stance sucks bad thus making it feel way worse, 2) Loki's upper tibia which is anatomically uncorrect (with such a structure it wouldn't be able to run), 3) the neck and the head which in the concept art are respectively too long and small thus can't be translated correctly on the model, also it deceives your proportion reading making you think its body is way thinner than what it seems.

    With a better stance and finer colors it's just really nice.


    But 90% of the kids here have no notion in art, so let's keep saying "meh", " it sucks", "I don't know anything about modeling but let's talk anyway, it's a right of mine", "it's fat", "nice butt"...

  7. I strongly dissagree.

    To me, the whole dramatic story arc is precicly that; the surrogates connect back to the one in Rhino Prime Codex.

    The warframe coming alive to protect its Tenno in the end.

    Hunhow and stalkers reaction, the impossibility of this dead, lifeless thing acting as if it were indeed, alive.

    Think of them as brother and sister, not master and slave.

    Exactly, Rhino Codex and also the ending cinematic itself are proofs.


    However, this wasn't the end of Margulis. She would later return from the dead, as a Sentient. Natah was created and purposely patterned after Margulis, with the express intent of turning the children and warframes against their creators, and culminating in the destruction of the only beings that could ever truly harm the Sentients.

    @Vargras or whoever has informations about it.

    Since the question has been asked yet but nobody seemed to answer it:

    How did you realize the link between Margulis and Natah?

    Is there some documentation about it or is just speculation?

    It really seem to be a too much forced interpretation...

    How did Sentients lose the battle and then become aknowledged about Margulis existance?

    Since TheSecondDream they seem to aknowledge the existance of the Reservoir, but what else?

    How did a Sentient became so bound and interlaced to Tennos like this and other powerful Sentients like Unhow can't?

  8. This is what makes "honor" a bogus concept a red herring when the goal is beat other people. If you fight with honor irl you only endager yourself and chance at victory. All military strategy is based on @(*()$ the other guy over.


    And further more these players in question aren't even cheating either. They are in fact playing honorably as far as we know and are simply using better skill at the game mode to farm noobs, with no hax. Your interpretation of honor means nothing as these players will walk away honor intact and be better for it both in terms of standing and kdr.



    Apparently not. Racking up a lot of kills one gives good standing, and two helps to complete dailies for even more rep.

    It's not justifiable at all.

    It's a game, people should play for fun and let others have fun too.

    What if you would play like this with a person you know, a friend? Don't you think that person will get bored by getting bullied repeatedly?

    Do you think this will make any good to your relationship?

    I know a lot of couples playing pvp totally avoiding having his/her partner in the opposite team. Because they are so bound together maybe? No, the opposite, exactly the point of my argument.

    When you play with a friend or a close person you both have a limit in your conduct, you both know how much can you exaggerate, how much can you "abuse" of him/her in friendly confidence and you won't go past that limit.

    This doesn't happen in public PVP where people don't know each other and then they merely abuse other players as they would be just target dummies.

    Just because they don't know each other.

    The game doesn't work like real life, exception made for some relationship attitude and some adaptation.

    "Fighting IRL" and honor isn't a valid comparison, it's totally out of place and nonsensical. On real fight there's life on the line. Here, online, for most PVPers there's just their self esteem and pride on the line. People walking away satisfied after farming repeatedly helpless opponents are nothing but ignorant* people just pleased with their little Ego gain.

    (* People ignoring how their Ego works and what consequences have actions which move them.)

    I won't talk about people that make PVP their meaning in life, that's another large argument.


  9. The problem with how the operator was presented is mainly the following:


    The Behaviour.


    They say things, and respond to things in a way that does not necessarily correspond to how you, the player, would.  

    This is the crux of the problem, because you are supposed to BE the operator.


    The divergence in behavior destroys immersion, especially for players who are invested in role playing. Notice that most of the players satisfied with the reveal were not bothered by being thrown off by this problem. They were never trying to be the tenno, hence they never came across this problem.


    Also the dialogue choices deserve heavy criticism. They show very little thought put into how they mesh with the universe, whether intended or otherwise.


    Let me be clear on what we know about the Tenno.  



    These people created and practiced a highly developed culture around martial traditions. These people made literature, traditions, schools of learning, meditating and coming up with philosophies. These are highly cultured, highly learned thinkers and warriors.


    So why are they spouting such childish, cheesy dialogues?


    Especially the dialogue on grineer. You never, ever belittle the enemy. It just doesn't fit with the gravity of the people we have come to know.


    I know you might want to show them as kids, but these 'kids' have grown up. They have ended a civilization, they have lived through countless battles, they have committed to slaughter and running their hands red with blood for what they believe in. These are not children. They cannot be.

    It is just not possible to weather that much, and still behave like petulant tweens. I'm sorry I have to be this harsh.


    It is important to address this asap. Let responses be something you can trigger. If you want to be edgy and cheesy, fine. Let there be character trees where you can select responses to specific circumstances. 




    let there be three trees: Serious, Jocular, Cheddar Cheese


    On using a charge attack:


    Serious: 'This ends now.'

    Jocular: 'And Off with your head!'

    Cheddar Cheese: 'BANKAI'


    On Lotus saying 'it's the grineer'


    Serious: 'Let them come.'

    Jocular: 'I would never have known! I could swear it was the corpus-are you sure it isn't the corpus?'

    Cheddar Cheese: 'The dark forces in me will rise up and swallow the sun and adorn me in glorious black and red gundam armor to blot out the sun!'


    Of course there will exist the option of being mute at all times if you fel it befits your character.


    As you can see I am just giving an outline and am only half serious about the responses, but I hope you get what I mean.  


    I hope in the coming updates we will see DE remedy this. I can guarantee you that as soon as you can fix this side, and allow you to mold your character, most of the problems of alienation will fall away.

    Excellent feedback.



    The divergence in behavior destroys immersion, especially for players who are invested in role playing. Notice that most of the players satisfied with the reveal were not bothered by being thrown off by this problem. They were never trying to be the tenno, hence they never came across this problem.

    Players satisfied thrown off? They never try to be the tenno? Problem? This is an interpretation of yours.

    Let's say, now this is a problem because roleplayers play the game in a peculiar manner?

    I can support you about the dialogue matter, but this doesn't hold a point.

    All I see are people which identifed too much into their character and now refuses to follow the plot...or maybe they're doing it too much well despite their intentions.

  10. 25 energy for an easy knockdown and almost guaranteed kill if you can point at a downed enemy and left click. Not OP at all...

    Its range is pretty short, if you can manage to stay far, you're safe.

  11. I didn't notice it earlier, it seems that Shadows of the Dead allows players to keep the energy yet accumulated after death.
    Can someone keep an eye for this?

    No, it doesnt

  12. I'd totally scrap away Critical Hit Chance and Critical Damage for they're stats made based on RNG for RPG games.

    I'd implement then Weakspot Multiplier (which is the actual Headshot Multiplier) and increase it dramatically for snipers and lower it for automatic rifles.
    This also would open some Mod Slots for more utility, since another drama on Snipers is the necessity to oneshot, so they often require to focus on max damage.

    To emphasize also the Sniper role, let's make Sniper Rifles able to having a 100% status proc chance on Weakspot Hit

    I'd totally approve an X-Ray vision while scoping.

    I'm not that negative about the Combo Counter. I found the combo pretty useful for sniping heavy armored targets like Bombarders and Heavy Gunners, since without a sure crit they can't be oneshotted.
    This influenced the gameplay by forcing me to start from easy targets to oneshot heavy targets when the combo counter is full.

    As other people suggested, also sniper units among enemies need some kind of Telegraphing to their oneshot attacks, would it be some flashing advising you're currently under their aim or similar effects.
    High level Ballisticas, Railgun Moas and Nullifiers atm are out of control.

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