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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. If only they would craft their skill kits in a proper manner instead than throwing raw Warframes out repeatedly to fix them later.
    It's yet plenty of WFs variety, by working on build variety trought augments would be easier.

    The problem is always the same. Producing contents to keep playerbase farming.

  2. I always wanted to attach the Tonkor or Sonicor to my Boltor for a dynamic secondary fire.

    I gathered some nice ideas from different threads some time ago.

    These would be alternative choices for Secondary Fire on different weapons:

    > Heath Vision while aiming to help catching targets;
    > Stealth Cloak Device while stationary to help snipers and stealth game;
    > a modifier for Ogris launching a swarm of missles controllable in a similar manner to Nova's Antimatter Drop;
    > a secondary fire for shoguns able to shot all the magazine ala Tigris but increasing reload time;
    > a secondary fire for Ignis allowing to ignite walls or floors creating burning areas;
    > a concentrated ray for beam weapons dealing more burst but overheating the gun (prolonging the reload time); imagine the BGF-2000 from Doom...(Long charge time, consuming all the Magazine, devastating effects)
    > Some deployable mine or turret... like Torid depleting a kind of stationary Infested Organism grappling enemies ala Scorpions (Infested Esophages); also comboing with its primary fire.
    > delayed explosion shells for Shotguns: on impact to walls and enemies they deal light damage, after some seconds they burst dealing more damage;
    > a portable Shield similar to Odonata's Energy Shell, but smaller, for automatic rifles;
    > a deployable Barrier similar to Grineer's ones;
    > a shootable device which attracts enemies.
    > an aspirator device to collect ammos (alternative for non-Carrier users);
    > a tracker similar to Buzzlock's (but essentially hitscan and easier to use) to guide projectiles;
    > a tar-spitter, creating tar-puddles exactly as those from infested, slowing movement, actions, clogging weapons;
    > a DAMNED WORKING phyisical lighting TORCH;
    > a grapple similar to valkyr's for mobility;
    > a grapple to disarm a single targeted enemy -disabling Bombards ;)
    > a short stun-grenade launcher;
    > a device disabling robotics and eletronics;
    > ... the list will go on.

  3. To be honest Radial Javelin has to be scrapped and reworked. It's slow and doesn't fit the kit.

    We need maybe some funny mechanic, or interactive, or making its augment baseline, or even a different utility.

    The first thing that comes to my mind is something like: "Killing enemies impaled by RJ gives a stackable effect", would it be Power Strenght buff, or some interaction with its other skills, attack speed for Exalted Blades, 100% critical strike (red crits also) on Slash Dash... It's plenty of nice ideas.

    There's no need for RJ to deal damages: Excalibur can deal nice amounts of damage with Exalted Blades alone, skill combos like Radial Blind Augmented+EB.

    Don't forget Slash Dash damage scales with melee combo counter, with Body Count can hit hard for a low cost.

    Radial Javelin can hit max 12 targets for 2k-3k (in dedicated builds) and eventually is worth using only with its own augment.
    Won't talk much about #3 spam builds because they're lazy and also used just to farm, which is in my opinion the wrong way of playing the game.

  4. For god sake, if people start panicking because they miss  0.0001% of a game, what would they do IRL in parallel situations?

    The problem isn't the instrument, is the use it's made of it.

    People are on "farming hysteria", look what happens for Barokiteer. Thats toxic addiction.

    Even if the bosses are going down I'm taking my time to study and doing things that really matters in life (excluded writing on forums).

    You're all missing the point of the game.

    "You don't have to tell me how I've to take drugs play the game" answers incoming.

  5. Reload mods can be abused. Can't say if it's intentional or not.

    While having huge magazine weapons you can: shot 1 ammo, press R, quickattack melee E to interrupt the long reload time, proc the effect, enjoy the free RoF boost.
    Before the buff ends, you can repeat it.

    This way you can sustain it till you don't end up all your magazine.

    [set on your brain before saying they're useless or too much circumstancial]

  6. Despoil + Equilibrium is just plain stupid. Use Rage, Quickthinking and Lifestrike instead, you won't be dead in a second if there are 3 level 50 corrupt bombards shooting at you, and you'll regain energy just as fast.

    Rage on a squishy Warframe is even more dumb. Before getting your energy and given the long casting time you're dead the sooner you have what you need. Quick Thinking is a terrible lazy mod and unreliable most of the times.

  7. Despite what everyone say, this is internet, this can't be the best community ever. I'm disgusted by its attitude.
    The subreddit too.. A bunch of adulescents judging a professionist and upvoting DE bashing...

    Come on, let's forget everyone acting as animals in Region Chat, Subreddit and Forums when Barokiteer doesn't please them.
    Every occasion is good to give your worst.

    Try taking away the drug from an addicted, you get the exact same reaction.


  8. It's hard to play correctly, but not broken nor useless. It requires a good amount of rare mods to work, you've to build it correctly and be precise on the energy/vitality and Despoil management.

    You can cast your ult in midair, that's the best you can do to keep moving while casting it.
    If you have problems with casting time, get a Natural Talent Mod.

    His #1 Soul Punch is to disable Heavy units, kick grineers off Ramparts or to protect yourself while reloading.

    Desacrate to work properly requires the mod Despoil. Despoil+Equilibrium+Vitality is your energy tool.

    For a decent build check this thread:


  9. Can't say, looking at how enemy units look for Excavators in excavation mission, maybe there's a chance of giving priority to targets, so first Barriers in a determined area, then the Main Objective.

    I've never seen units blocked after an Atlas' Wall looking for other pathways, so I'd exclude enemies coming from a direction would turn around the base looking for other entrances. Even less if the obstacle is something which can be attacked.

    It's not a concept far from the actual Defense. It's a more proper defense.
    Instead than having the Objective tanking damage, there are barricades doing it.

    The only thing I'm a bit uncertain with are turrets and jumping units. All the rest is something that you can yet find ingame.
    Remember also the old Solar Rail fights.

  10. +1 for your Topic. Your reworks are always nice.

    Also I had some similar idea to that of Klizard. The main difference is his version makes Mag similar to Mesa.

    [Trashing the old post for being too much confusionary]

    Crush would work like this:

    Cast Crush#4, Mag enters a stanced state ala Mesa's Pacemaker, projecting a large force field around herself. She can move meanwhile. Or not. Whatever.
    Enemies caught in the range during the cast or enemies which enters it (for one reason or the other) gets immobilized and suspended ala Bastille. Plus, those enemies are kept inside the force field ala Nova's Antimatter Drop and will follow Mag.

    Now, what Crush stance does, exactly like Peacemaker: Right Click load and disposes an enemy (caugh in the force field) in the guise of a projectile. Left Click shoots that enemy ala Soul Punch toward your crosshair.

    Premature or intentional ending of Crush (interrupting the channeling by pressing#4 again) executes the trapped enemies exactly as the actual Crush does.

    Keep in consideration that you could also combo other skills:

    #1 Pull a group of enemies in the force field, then dispose of them as you wish;

    #3 Bullet attractor on an heavy target, then pull inside the force field to use it as a living shield.

    This way you could have different combos with 3 skills.

    Old Post

    I thought about making Crush a sort of force field (moving Bastille around Mag) that would turn enemies caught into an "AntimatterDrop disposable living-projectiles" ala Soul Punch.
    To explain: enemies entering  the force field or caught during the cast are instantly immobilized and suspended similar to Bastille and follows you similar to how Antimatter Drop works.
    Then the suspended enemies could be shot ala Soul Punch toward the crosshair.
    A mechanic to make it work like that could be the Mesa's Pacemaker, in a energy drain sustained skill (left mouse button to throw enemies)
    To conclude, suppressing the force field executes closer enemies completing the legacy-Crush.

    So you can go around collecting and throwing enemies around.
    4 to cast it, energy drain, Left Mouse to throw trapped enemies, 4 again to Crush trapped enemies.

    This would definetly comboes with Pull.

    I though also to something like comboing it with Bullect Attractor, so you can literally grab the unit and use it as a living shield.

  11.  - Work In Progress -
    Are you enough of the always boring, static, tedious Defense Missions?
    Give a try to this concept: It aims to force the player using the brain, understanding enemy offensive’s direction, get defences ready by gathering Supplies, be careful about the strategy to take down dangerous units.
    All this came out inspired by other missions, you’ll see different features from Escavation, Interception, Survival, Hijack, Archwing.
    How should it work:
    ..as the old Defense Mission, the difference is enemy forces attack on different sides among different waves, must pass through defenses to attempt destroing the objective and meanwhile Tennos must reinforce defenses, gathering Energy Cells for barriers, automatic turrets, Supplies and paying attention to enemy siege units or infiltrators.
     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    I took as an example the Earth or Phobos Grineer defense tileset.
    The defense area is an octagonal structure, with 4 perpendicular main entrances, 2 rear entrances, the objective in the middle.
    No ziplines at the start, in the actual concept they would be counterproductive.
    Barriers protecting the perimeter.
    Automatic turrets as the last resource.
    A main cannon in the middle.


     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    First Line Defenses:
    Barriers are inspired by  Volt’s Electric Shield. They’re basically energy barriers which stop enemy units and let friendly units pass through (for a matter of comfort).
    They take damage and if destroyed can be repaired with Energy Cells during the end of the wave.
    Barriers should be able to resist more damage with every wave, since there's enemy scaling.
    Second Line Defenses
    Automatic Turrets:
    They’re usually the last resort or a backup resource when you’ve to stay far from the Objective to concentrate on another point of the map.
    They need to be energized to function with Energy Cells dropped by enemies.
    They’re enough to stop light offensives, but hopeless to heavy offensives.
    Central Turret:
    Something ala Grineer’s Rampart, a Turret which can turn 360° and which is meant to shoot through Barriers to stop heavy units and air assaults.
    To function it drains the user’s Shield, but offer 180° protection.
    Energy Cells:
    The energy source needed to “repair” barriers and activate Auto Turrets.
    Didn't decide it, but they should drop as Life Support in Survivals or Energy Cells in Excavation.

    Supplies are Alternative Objectives; they spawn randomly like Life Support Capsules or Excavators landing in the Defense surrounding Area.
    Tennos should keep an eye for and try getting them as Excavators in Excavation Missions.

    Once obtained they can give different combinations of profitable buffs.
    Energy to every defense structure, damage increase for tot waves... whatever could act as a good reward allowing the team a better performance during waves.

    This feature aims to create an alternative objective players should go for in prevision of hard moments or when the situation is light enough to let them abandon the hot place of the fight.

     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    Special Units:
    I won’t be pretending  too much here (no need for new models), there are 4 classes of Eximus units with different functions:
    1) Siege Tank. Heavy units. Their objective is to charge through barriers, dealing huge damages to them.
    They’re extremely slow, immune to crowd controls (maybe having an aura to benefit other units as well), Extremely armored, they can take damage only from the back or on weakspots, from Sniper Weapons or the Central Turret.
    They stay in the main Offensive.
    2) Stealther Saboteur. Light Unit, Stealth Offensive. Immune to Crowd Control, Invisible to the player and turrets, it can pass through barriers to reach the inner console and disactivate barriers. Similar to Interception base capping.
    3) Zipliners Boarders. Inspired By Ivara’s Zipline. They set on Ziplines (back to their actual places) to allow light offensives to enter the Defense area. These Ziplines can now be destroyed or cut. These units are meant to do heavy damages to the Objective.
    4) Air Menace. Inspired by the Raptor boss. Heavy air unit attacking every fifth wave, bombarding and raining fire. Can be used Archwing units.
    Waves Rotation:
    I thought that would be an interesting factor if enemy offensives would be organized in 2 ways:
    1) Main Offensive, the bigger part of the wave with heavy units trying to siege through 1 main entrance.
    2) Stealth Offensive, a light units force made of saboteurs, attacking late, after the main offense started engaging the defense installation (drawing Tennos attention), from the opposite side of it.
    Also each wave should have its own rotation pattern, thus forcing the Player on understanding it and getting defense ready on the right side.
    The fifth wave there should happen something uncommon, to make the mission harder and dynamic, for example, more than 2 offensives coming from different sides, air units attacking suddenly, changes in the pattern rotation, 2 Siege Tanks coming from opposing directions, etc.



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    In an older more abitious concept, the Defense would have been the ending part of an Hijack mission, starting with the confiscation of the Objective, the escort through the enemy tileset and a final defense in a fortified structure to wait for backup and extraction.


  12. I tested it more.
    Ok that build can work, but again, even if you have 90% DR (you either sacrifice Duration -which isn't ideal- or 50% efficency), the life loss you get from 50% efficency (in negative) Despoil puts you in continuous danger.
    You inflict yourself 75 damages every cast, with 60% chances of getting a Red Orb. Red orbs restore 25 hps and 25 Energy.
    It's not that smooth. I feel Nekros isn't optimal, still needs some QoL.

    Whatever, thanks OniGanon for the patience and for clarifying most points.

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