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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. There was a grand total of like one guy who didn't have Despoil + Vitality + Equilibrium in their posted build...



    What's this about needing 3 slots for Strength? It only requires 2 slots. Or you can use 2 slots + Exilus so you can use a lower rank of BR.


    Transient Fortitude + Blind Rage R6

    Transient Fortitude + Blind Rage R4 + Power Drift

    Blind Rage R9 + Intensify

    Blind Rage R7 + Intensify + Power Drift


    Any of these combinations will be enough to max out Shield of Shadows.


    That's 2 main mod slots for Strength. 1 more slot for Primed Continuity, 1 for SotD, 3 slots for Vit+Eq+Despoil combo.


    That leaves 1 slot open (plus 1 Exilus slot if you didn't use it up for Power Drift).

    So you don't backup Blind Rage with any efficency mod.

    From what I know Efficency affects also health cost of Despoil, this means you need more energy to cast SotD and you'll lose more health on every Desacrate cast.

    If the objective of this all is getting 90% damage reduction while you go around at half life, with less Vitality, being at costant danger over a static target while you Desacrate to get more energy... This doesn't make sense.

    At this point is better not building for that 90%. There are more counters than pros.

    The objective of this Augment was to make Nekros less squishy than what it is, to fix that problem; but to get off a decent effect you've to sacrifice too many other factors.

    Is it correct? Am I missing anything?

  2. Eh?


    With Despoil + Equilibrium, you're practically swimming in Energy. Even with my negative Efficiency from Blind Rage, I still have so much Energy income that I need to occasionally cast Terrify/Soul Punch so I can pick up blue orbs for health through Equilibrium.



    It's a choice between casting speed and range. Energy management isn't an issue.

    Read it again please.

    You didn't grasp the point of my post.

    Energy management is an issue when you don't have Despoil+Equilibrium or Rage+Vitality (Rage+Vit works better on tanky frames, Nekros is squishy).

    There is no other way of having energy.

    Many builds posted on the previous page are claimed to be working but they have nothing to get energy. Once you have no energy and can't cast Sotd or Terrify anymore you're dead.

    In max Strenght builds to have the best benefit from Shield of Shadows (90% reduction = 15 Shadows = 215% Power Str) there isn't place for both Energy management or Casting Speed.

    Both of them are essential in a Nekros build.

    3 slots for Strenght, at least 1 for Duration (Primed Continuity is mandatory to fix Transient Fortitude), 1 for Sotd Augment = 5 slots used. Other 3 slots are for either: Natural Talent, Efficency (to fix Blind Rage)or Flow, Vitality+Despoil+Equilibrium combo, Stretch, another duration mod, Vitality or Redirection.

    (Narrow Minded is terrible, 100% range can't be sacrified, don't even consider it)

    In this way you end up sacrifying important stats no matter what. And even reaching that 90% damage reduction you are gimped in other essential requirements.

    It's not a matter of "the system is balanced", it's a matter of "the augment isn't balanced correctly to fit the system in a reasonable way".

    At this point let's make Shadow Armor an Augment which can't scale with the Shadows number, because investing in having more Shadows out is technically non-efficent.

    Another help could come from making Natural Talent an Exilus Mod, but it would be too strong compared to others.


  3. Nice ideas, but they've to be structured.

    Throwing ideas in a bunch is nice and all, but having something concrete to reason with is better.

    To promote a more active Nekros, it's also important Desacrate to become an upkeep aura, thus you're free to fight and kill enemies to fuel SotD instead than spamming Desacrate.
    Also because it's not easy managing to survive on late game while being stationary casting Desacrate (being low HP for Despoil) or SotD.

    Just for the sake of idea sharing I'll share the link to an Augments brainstorm of mine.

  4. Over Despoil + Equilibrium there is no build with Energy management... I don't really understand how you dudes think about sharing those builds.
    Once you have no energy you're simply dead.

    Also Shield of Shadows is too much flawed, it requires too many stats to build around, and you end up sacrifying Casting Speed or Energy management.

    It's not an efficent Mod.


    Shield of Shadow cannot work in any way  in a proper manner. It requires +115% extra Strenght, Duration, Efficency, Range, after that it suffers heavy Energy management problems, casting time issues..
    And if that's not enough even with 90% damage reduction at high level won't change anything, more damage source incoming will straight kill you quickly enough.
    Without considering that giving a damage reduction factor to a skill which should be yet defensive and draw aggro.. damage reduction over damage negation? It doesn't make sense.

  5. Nekros would be able to Revive players from a distance, while allowing Shield of Shadows to grant him high damage Reduction, while he uses his health to generate more Loot.

    (Then any Healer WarFrame pairs well with Nekros rather than only an EV Trinity)


    Shield of Shadow cannot work in any way in an efficent manner. It requires +115% extra Strenght, Duration, Efficency, Range, after that it suffers heavy Energy management problems, casting time issues..

    And if that's not enough even with 90% damage reduction at high level won't change anything, more damage source incoming will straight kill you quickly enough.

    Without considering that giving a damage reduction factor to a skill which should be yet defensive and draw aggro.. damage reduction over damage negation? It doesn't make sense.

    Nekros has only 1 efficent build. Desacrate (Despoil) spam. The other with SotD has some deep flaw (you end up sacrifying Efficency or Casting Speed).

    It isn't easy anyway saying what Warframe is more in need. Since the design for skillset is subpar and flawed on most Warframes... It's a total mess.

    EDIT: I've been a bit too much dramatic. Shield of Shadows has its role in a specific build, but that doesn't change the fact that Nekros has a lot of QoL issues that would need to be fixed.

  6. Rubico is a great weapon, both in design, sound, animation and performance.

    But it's still bugged, since in the moment when you scope, you still retain the hipshot accuracy debuff for some seconds, resulting in missing unmissable and precise shots even when close to the target. Also scoping causes FPS loss.
    This makes it pretty unusable in Conclave.

    About the changes, the Combo Counter is useful when you're in the situation you can't oneshot an heavy target so you have to buildup the combo on lower targets. Elseway it's not that gamechanger.

    For what regards the secondary fire (Scope), it's pretty lackluster in my opinion, since it doesn't fit the Warframe's peace.

    What we do lack is an X-Ray or Thermal Vision helping detecting enemies while scoping, or some fancy Stationary Stealth Device to help the Sniper Role.
    Also an idea going around in forums was the ability to pierce Nullifier's Shields in 1 hit.

    To emphasize and give personalty to Snipers also I'd increase stats like Headshot Mutiplier and give 100% status proc on a Weakspot hit.
    That was a fair point. Playing with weakspots and Headshots multipliers.

    What about also working on Enemy Snipers? It's not that funny getting oneshot by an high level Ballistica or Railgun Moa, it would be nice if there would be some kind of telegraphing to their attacks, like some flashing reflected light effect we see on other games with snipers in it (I come to think about MetalGear3).

    Also a Sniper Bossfight would sound interesting.

    Maps Areas must be adapted for Sniper fights. It's plenty of nice places, but they appear randomly and most of them aren't anything special.
    Take for example the Grineer Asteroid Tileset, all those rooms crossed by chasms and moving carts on railways which force the player to ranged fights with enemies on the other side of the chasm.
    There're dynamic situations with mobile obstacles interfering with your aim, there are large spaces with a lot of covers, different paths to engage the enemy. That's what in Warframe goes closer to a fair sniper fight. That's what should be worked on imho.

    TaIking about Headshots and Weakspots, I'd also think that Critical Chance is a mechanic made for Role Play games, adding RNG to fights. Warframe (partially as a shooter) doesn't need it, you'd be prized for your aim, not by luck.
    I think it would be nice removing Critical Chance, Damage and replace it with Weakspot Multipliers.

  7. Hi there, I used to theorycraft about Melee too some time ago, I agree on most of your points, but I'd like to outline what's wrong in my opinion.


    Melee stances are a beautiful addition to the game. They breathe life into melee combat and make it something special, rather than just another primary offensive tool. 

    What’s wrong with them?

    What's wrong for real is they're exclusively made for an aesthetic whim. Their utility is nihil.


    Killing an enemy while channeling will restore energy.


    It doesn't make sense. This makes channeling always mandatory in melee. It dumbs down the game more than what it is yet.

    Also reducing the Channeling Efficency on Channeling mods doesn't really matter at all, it doesn't hit the problem: those mods (Exclusion made for Quickening and Life Strike) are really bad designed, more than Life Strike itself.
    Explaining: Quickening is awesome because it helps you completing a combo quicker (Cleaving Whirlwind's Broken Bull, Crushing Ruin's Shattered Village).
    True Punishment isn't needed because there's no point into increasing Critical Chance over proccing Berserking, which procs with reliability on 15% Crit Chance weapons.
    Enduring Strikes is useless since on high Status weapon we can reach 90% with no problem. Also statuses proc with no problems by themselves.
    The only way to make Killing Blow or Corrupt Charge worth of use is by increasing the Channel Damage on specific weapons.


    Greatly reduce energy cost of blocking while channeling.

    This won't change anything. Because it actually scales ALSO with every enemy damaging you. So your change is going to work better only in a situation of 1 v 1 or similar, depending on enemy level and damage.
    Also I suspect it would have bad interactions with the Rage Mod.

    About the Combo Meter Mods, it's really a nice idea, I got one similar but included it as a basic mechanic in Melee Combo Counter; maybe these boni* could be added through every stance.
    *(Lathin, "Boni" is Bonus' Nominative Plural)

    Another important thing is you didn't hit the other big problem about melee (over Melee Combo Counter mechanics).
    Melee isn't viable late game or in open field because it lacks survivability, sustain and a reliable defense.

    Just for some concept sharing or inspiration, take a look at my thread:

    Good Work, keep it up!

  8. I'd suggest the opposite: you have Invincibility for the first 5 seconds, so if you want to save objectives, teammates or close gaps with enemy you can, but then the invincibility will drop faster and faster.
    The kill-enemies as an upkeep to prolong it stays unchanged.

    Also maybe add +0.X to Mobility toward enemies to allow a faster melee approach.

  9. You forgot Boltor Prime, dood!

    But yea. We just have to wait for the Multishot nerf... uhm "balance", and the rumor which is already spreading among the infidels "Damage 3.0".

    Otherwise, damage fall off isn't that a matter of case. Firing a simple UMP45 has a damage fall off after reaching 150 meters. So yea... that point is obsoleted anyways.

    The custom velocity and high recoil would be great, especially the recoil stuff. Never used those mods, neither on rifles, pistols, potato guns, nor butter knives.

    But no to the head shot and hitscan thingy. I for my self facing some hard times aiming for too fast roller blading, or chunky bumpy fast running robotics/infested meat with non-hitscan weapons, e.g. kunai, despair, bows, Boltor, etc.

    The headshot thing is a supreme cream on the cake. Leave it as it is. Makes people to actually plan their aiming and not firing around like Rambo on drugs.

    PVP related thread.

  10. I agree with the objective of this thread.

    My suggestion on the topic:

    Make every auto projectile instead of hitscan, reduce the damage by like 30% and add a "reverse fall-off" where they deal less damage the closer they are to the target.

    I think that you shouldn't touch both Hitscan factor and Damage. One or the other, elseway it's goingto be a too much big nerf.

    Auto-guns which are a pain are just Somas which have unending magazine, Karaks and Deras Vandal which have too much high burst.

  11. +1 for Stamina back.

    Actually ( the game is pretty balanced and funny, but also Mobility is too much high, there must be a limit hence to create Windows of opportunity/power and situations which make who abuses too much parkour ending up in a penalized state (Similar to what happens when you land from high jumps and get stucked into recover animation, consequences to your actions).

    For example, let's say every Warframe has the same quantity, you have enough Stamina to abuse parkour and highspeed moves for 20 - 30 seconds, after which it depletes.
    Then you enter a slowed state with -0.X Mobility until the Stamina won't be back full.
    This way you have your "immortality" or "skillbased survivability" for tot seconds which allows you to better sustain 1v1, Xv1, escapes... after that there's also an occasion for the opponent to fight back.
    Just because spam-jumping around launching a coin to check every shot you shoot isn't healthy nor funny.
    Also a slower target will be easier to catch in melee range.

    Add then old Green Stamina Balls to restore a part of Stamina and the game is done.

    Another way to maybe fix melee would be turning the Shift dodgeroll into a Leap/Dash in melee-only locking on the target ala old-Martial Magnetism (not guiding melee attacks, but rather chasing the target).

    Whatever, there aren't chances to this because:
    1) the system would need more work on balancing oneshot weapons; 
    2) people boycotting whatever they don't like or feel dangerous for their own happiness, Ego and pride;
    3) random people coming out with crazy ideas like "you want to gimp others because you can't hit them", and similar PVP competition-ist fantasies.

  12. Yesterday night (Warfframe 18.2.1) I played 2 hours with no problems.

    This morning the game freezed almost 3 times with freezes lasting around 5 minutes before the game responded again (anyway had to terminate it).
    Tried Verifying the cache, the Laucher got bugged and didn't start anymore even after cancelling the cache.
    Reinstalled Warframe during the day.
    1 hour ago I tryed updating the game (18.2.2):

    For 3 times consecutive JUST THE LAUNCHER UPDATING WAS ENOUGH TO TOTALLY FREEZE MY COMPUTER forcing to Reset it multiple times.

    My HD is fresh of format and reinstallation, It's clear, there's no grime nor errors.
    I never had similar problems before the Update 18 with the Evolution Engine.

    Somehow it fixed itself in the last days, but still the game seem to lag/dropFPS similar to how the freeze was happening, but doesn't freeze in the end.
    Surely better than before.

  13. @Naquel: Did you even read anything?

    Melee 1.0 Behavior had no better behavior than Melee 2.0. It was simply Quick Melee, Charge Attacks, Slide Attacks, Wall attack etc. Features that stayed in M2.0 (Exception made for Charge Attacks). 
    Also talking about the gone Stamina, it didn't really affect anything in Melee.

    Melee 2.0 wasn't superfluous, DE tryed giving more importance and identity to melee weapons, they achieved something, but still needs more work.
    Consider that plenty of work has been put into combos, DE won't scrap it like it never happened.

    For "unwieldy and ureliable control scheme" I can agree for half, but only regarding Combos: even so, they're meant to be spammed and easy to be performed.

    "Channeling shouldn't have happened" and so you criticize its graphical effect. What kind of argument is that?
    Channeling is pretty nice to boost Finisher and Stealth Attacks, sure talking about  its peculiar Mods and weapon interaction it has some issue, but that's only because it hasn't been developed properly.

  14. This... this some awesome stuff.

    I still think Channel Blocking should go and implement a Stamina-like bar that depletes per second while you Block (which would negate damage until you run out of [insert resource name] then reverting to 50% or so damage reduction) or while Channel, but recharges after 1-3s delay of not using it.


    I thought that since people are going to resort to Rage anyway, that [insert Resource Name] is going to be Energy whatever, and that's pretty much what I've written in my Topic.

    Essentially Parrying will be acting like before (negating damage only while Channeling), but draining energy per second (maybe increasing over time) instead than draining energy for every damage source and quantity it blocks.

  15. It's not hard. Warframe has plenty of mechanics which can be mixed to get out something wonderful.

    We just need:

    • A dedicated map level similar to Earth's Defenses, with multiple entrances;
    • Energy barriers to stop waves, or renewable barricades (readapted Volt Shield? Corpus Laser Barriers?) which enemies have to deactivate or destroy (Hacking Consoles ala Interception?) to reach the objective;
    • Some nice mechanic to repristinate barriers between one wave and another... Gathering energy ala Excavation to energize barriers? 
    • Defensive systems (Turrets?) which usage implies that errors are forgettable early and really dangerous late;
    • Some special Eximus unit with different effects, a tank unit to breach defenses (Imagine a Bombarder inflicting heavy damages to defenses), a saboteur unit (Imagine invisible units, Rollers or Ospreys able to bypass barricades or trying to reach the OBJ from the rear to inflict it heavy damages), etc;
      [This also to save DE from creating new units from scratch]
    • Different rotations in enemies' strategy, maybe attacking from different sides at alternate waves so players are going to reinforce defenses in anticipation on the hardest side.
      [Do anybody want a better use for Spectres, leaving them to defend secondary entrances?]
    • More and different phases, for example, similar to HIJACK missions you've to excort the objective through a map and stationate every wave to defend the objective more safely; (Example,basing on HIJACK Missions: retrieve the Objective, subtract from enemy control, escape toward the extraction point and stationate into a safe area waiting for air support, then after tot waves get out of the area and complete the run);
      [This maybe is better for a reworked HIJACK]


    And of course an AI able to cope with different path routes and different objectives.

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