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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. I'm not a PVP player (not in warframe at least), but I'm trying to give this mode a chance, but something has been a big turn off for me: how fast you can kill (or get killed), a few shots, a couple of melee strikes, one ability, that's all it takes to kill a player, if you get stunned then, you wont ever get a chance to recover, I wish we could stand a bit more damage, that would make the battles a lot more interesting.

    Youre right OP. Don't think your experience hinders your opinion.

    It's as clear as you depicted it.

  2. Totally agree with you, exception made for Maps. Maps are awesome. And also Gram still oneshots.
    Actual PVP is just a oneshot/headshot/ability/coptering spamfest.
    If mobility wouldn't be so ridicle, maybe things and weapons would be easier to balance.

  3. The Vor fight in T4 Towers doesn't feel that good. It's not a matter of difficulty, it's just a "tank'n spank, full dps, avoid aoes" fight, nothing more, nothing less.
    Actually it doesn't add anything to T4 Missions, it just forces players to group up for a minute.
    Neither it is overwhelming, I think it's more effective the Gineer Manic or the Stalker than Vor.

  4. I know she might be annoying in many case.


    But to the point of hating her.. i don't get it.


    I saw someone say that he would rather join the grinner or the corpus than continuing to follow the lotus.


    Seriously what did she has done to deserve this.

    Adulescence, rebellion against everything because reasons. They don't like to be told what to do..

  5. There's no sense into using Tigris over StrunWrath.
    Tigris can't oneshot Rhinos and Frosts unless you get a full headshot from close range. Also if has max 4 shots and reload time.
    Strunwrath can oneshot on close range, but the killer fact is it can spam repeatedly multiple shoots before the reload.
    Pray and spray it's incredibly effective.


    Primary/Secondary Weapons

     - Recoil, fire rate, mag capacity, fall off distance, projectile speed, spin up/down speed will not change. Parity of how a weapon performs will be kept the same between PvE and PvP.

     - Damage can and will change. As stated during Devstream #49, the initial dps/ttk of the available weapons was homogeneous and we've been adjusting them up/down since in an attempt to give each weapon unique strengths/weaknesses to fit play style preferences and combat situations. With plenty of mistakes along the way (Lex, Cestras, oops!).


    Warframes and their abilities

     - Rank 0 health, shield, armour, movement speed, stamina and ability energy cost values will not change.

     - Abilities, we have some flexibility. If all that's needed is a damage adjustment, great. Others require a total rework while keeping the spirit of the ability intact.

    1) too many weapons have a ridicle fire rate/damage ratio, and if numbers won't be changed around that attribute, PVP is gonna be a 'Stabilizer pray-and-spray-fest shooter'.

    Thats so for Semi-Automatic like Latrons, Sybarises, Automatic rifles like Bratons and Somas and Shotguns like Struns. I also suggest to work on the headshot/bodyshot multipliers for automatic weapons, as it's easier to land multiple headshots with these weapons.

    2) Damaging abilities spam is still an issue. Without a cooldown the only thing that can be done is totally reducing the damage just to have them being utility skills. Elseway the game is going to be farm energy and spam skills.

    Till these changes won't be around, PVP won't be nothing special.


    Also if

    - Recoil, fire rate, mag capacity, fall off distance, projectile speed, spin up/down speed will not change. Parity of how a weapon performs will be kept the same between PvE and PvP.

    Stabilizer and similar mods should be removed from PVP.

  7. Kogake isnt a problem at all. Knockdown is the thing that people hate. Kogake is what delivers this. Kokgake knockdown is one of the few viable ways to catch/gain the upper hand on people that copter around right now.


    Ah so the fact it hits to an incredible speed for too many damages even on the quick attack isn't a problem... ok.

  8. Totally agree with the OP.
    On another thread about Automatic Weapons I suggested to sligthly reduce the normal damage and reduce to 0.25 (ore less) the headshot multiplier, just because with these guns it's easier to headshot a target in a rapid sequence.

    The Soma is something ridicle, while other guns have low clips and need to reload often, you can hold LMbutton and make a massacre with no hindrance nor penality. Increase its reload speed to 5 seconds to create a large window of vulnerability, nerf its damage and fire ratio or reduce its clips size.

  9. Aside form the cheese weapons (Latron, Tonkor, Lex, Sec/ Dual Cestra, Kogake, and Gram) everthing else is either seldom seen or never used in pvp. I have yet to see a non-wraith strun, skana, fang, kohmak, angstrum, and kraken anywhere in pvp, and I play pvp well after I've hit my daily cap, because I do enjoy it.

    You forgot to mention Soma, aka "hold LMbutton for 2 mins of carnage with no reload while other players have to dance and reload".


    AkMagnus - It's better to have a single version for headshots and quick kills. Reload penalty is strong and damage is laughable compared to AkLato which wields higher mag , same accuracy , better reload.\


    Dual Skana (0.83 attack speed) - Copter ? Maybe, but we have Dual Raza (0.9) out there, and for those who were citizens of LotusGrad for a while, Dex Derpa(0.88) (how i call it) With higher range and damage.


    Strun (Usual and Mk-1)  - Wraith version has insane reload speed thus being unfair to new players, and you can always make 4 shot tigris for quick slaying of the Tenno.


    Discuss , and, maybe, this list will have more weapons in.

    It's happening exactly what's happened in PVE. Forgotten weapons and High Tier weapons.

    What about Fangs and Ripkas?

  10. With high RoF weapons in general, I was also thinking that headshot multipliers should be increased, if base damage is not increased. Unless you get decently close, the spread of a high RoF weapon will make you miss more shots if you aim for the head compared to aiming for the body, so it's a decent tradeoff. Either that, or lower headshot multipliers and buff the damage. If the damage is increased to the point of killing at a decent pace, or in Viper's case, a single mag, without headshot multipliers being nerfed, headshots are going to feel very melty.


    Also, as a side note, lower damage for high damage per shot weapons and increase the headshot multipliers, that way people can't just spam body shots. I just feel like that's how those weapons should be played, accurate shot placements, not spamming 4-5 shots to the body and getting an easy kill.

    Assuming with "high Rof" you mean Automatic weapons...

    ...I'd say the opposite, given the fact if you have an high RoF weapon then you will have more chances into landing headshots than with a low Rof, it would be better if the headshot multiplier would be lowered and the damage would stay untouched.

    While I also agree with your second statement, High damage per shot weapons should get a decreased damage for bodyshots and a slight increase in headshots.

    Actually, Latrons and Sybaris are non-automatic High Rate of Fire weapons.

    I would also suggest to reduce the Rate Of Fire for Latrons and Sybaris, by the moment you can simply have Stabilizer (no recoil), an hard mouse and land multiple shots in the same spot in a fraction of second.

    TL DR:

    Automatic weapons with high RoF = lower Headshot Multiplier, no change on Bodyshots.

    Semiautomatic, high damage per shot weapons = slightly higher Headshot damage, lower Bodyshots. Also reduce Rof or heavily increase recoil.

  11. So, like low level raids? Without the cooperation.

    Not really.

    The emphasis was on making the mission dynamic, while giving the chance to the player to set up the final fight, trying to reach and weakening your opponent, before the fight.

    After all, by figuring an assassin mindset, you have to create and/or take advantage of situations in which your target is not at its full strength.

    (Cutting their energy, sabotaging the life support and their equipment, taking away their bodyguards separately, cutting their escape routes,...)

    Having success in a stage would reward your work by giving you an advantage in the final fight, failing instead would make things harder (basing on difficulty standards).

    I was imaging this made also to make sure people wouldn't get frustrated by failing.

    As I heard around in actual raids, because of the fact you can't go on if you can't pass the challenge, people are becoming elitists and often abandon games.

    Also for the cooperation, I was imaging something like Spy 2.0 missions, where teammates can split to contribute the mission.

    Actually I'm fleshing my argument to explain the idea better. One of these weeks I'm gonna update it.

  12. Even though I get about 60% of my kills from abilities, I would prefer abilities having a cooldown.  More than that, I would prefer we just take out the energy orbs, and add energy regen over time.  I'm saying all this as a professional energy hog.  Even though it would be bad for my K:D ratio, I think it would make PvP more enjoyable overall.

    Or make it a Far West where who has energy does the Wolf and who doesn't will do the Sheep.

  13. Overload Volts have to know:

    -Where energy spawns

    -If someone has taken the energy

    -Common pathways for other players

    -When to use Overload

    -What abilities to use and not to use to ensure survival


    So you can't just spam it.

    Exactly what everyone has to know to play their own warframe. You can get enough energy and spam it.

    Actually that's not skill.

  14. I fought to remove oneshots from the conclave, but probably a oneshotting ability is needed to change the tides of battle or to take out extremely slippery flag carriers.

    That's why they probably didn't take it out.

    The real problem are skill spammers and abusers. Yup,those boring people camping energy spawn and going around spamming skills to bishot opponents cheaply.

    They nerfed energy spawn yet. I'd say they have to nerf it again and to put a cooldown on abilities.

    The culprits anyway are Rhino #1, #2 with augment (knockdown and bishot? really?), Volt #1, #4 (extremely easy to land, castable in mid air), Excalibur #1, Frost #1, Nyx #2. A total of 7 damaging skills. I'd also say Mag #2 and #3.

    I am anxious for Ember to be released to see how many istantkill abusers will go around.

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