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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. put rhino charge in comparison to excal slash dash. Also all caster frames are great in teamsupport.

    Please stop flooding my thread by enlarging the argument (it loses focus and its meaning) and ego-chatting with me, I'm not interested.

  2. Not really, let me remember how Rhino Charge and Rhino Armor mods do oneshot other Warframes and how Oneshotting weapons do oneshot whatever frame, let it be squishy or not.
    Also every Warframe has its own playstyle. (Aka oneshot or escape)

  3. http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/doom/images/b/b7/SecurityArmorP01.png/revision/latest?cb=20050225002217


    Armor or Overshield pickups to help counterplay oneshots and stats unbalances (situations where a squishy frame meets a Rhino, Frost, Chroma, Valkyr).

    Armor pickups should work also in a complementar manner, so that it can be a good objective, a major buff for squishier frames and a minor buff for tankiest frames, to avoid them being unkillable.

  4. Not with Daikyu - it is a bow (=projectile weapon) and this allows active dodging. How well you perform against Daikyu is decided by how good you move. If you find yourself always killed by a Daikyu user, than you should try to move better ...

    A pity that Daikyu sooner or later will oneshot you no matter what, and given the fact its projectiles with Terminal Velocity are almost undodgeable, AGAIN, the fate of your life is in the wielder's hands.

    Also, while the Tigris needs: 1)close range, 2) headshot to oneshot, 3)multiple hits, 4)reload time, the exact moment you miss a hit, your opponent has yet more advantage.

    I politely ask you people to stop diffusing disinformation and false hopes.

  5. Not sure if you've seen other threads on this...have you considered melee blocking?

    Yes, I saw other threads and that's the reason why I don't post here not so frequently anymore. Everyone's talking about PVP for his own Ego.

    By the moment you get melee and start parry you did 2 things: you put yourself in a situation of total vulnerability given your stamina won't last forever and you lose your oneshot/damage potential.

    So, my answer is YES.

  6. How do I beat a Valkyr using Daikyu when I'm using the Tigris? Assuming we both meet eyes at the same time and are of equal skill. My range where I do good damage, is also the range where hitting an arrow with the Daikyu could be done by a baby. Between arrow shots he can just run out of my range.



    This isn't a complaint thread, I just don't know how to win the match-up where for me to do damage to him, he's able to one shot me with his eyes closed and I have to hit twice.

    This PVP is unbalanced, you simply can't.

    When a skilled opponent points a oneshot weapon on you, your life is in his hands. Nothing more, nothing less, you can't do anything, you have no chance to fight back, just sit and wait for an error.

  7. http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Nekros/t_30_430020003_2-0-10-5-7-5-37-8-5-54-1-10-256-2-3-458-3-3-479-4-9-527-6-3_2-6-54-7-256-9-458-9-479-7-f-f-527-9-5-9-37-5_0/en/1-0-12/0

    Best all around Nekros build.
    It allows you to build Duration for Shadows and Terrify and still Desecrating effectively.
    You can swap Shield of Shadows or the Aura and keep the last slot for Handspring, Intensity, Enemy Sense, Thief's Wit, Rush, Stretch on your preference.
    You can level it up in whatever build, just remember that casting Skills gives you Affinity basing on its  energy cost. So in the end you can make experience even by spamming Desecrate.
    Get a melee with Life Strike and a Primary or Secondary able to oneshot or snipe heavy targets. Opticor is the top..

  8. It can work, I understand, but then again, with your SOTD you can summon Shadows just when you are killing enemies.
    With the actual SOTD you can kill and then summon Shadows when you need. It's more versatile.

    I think Stealth with SOTD is fine as it is now, I'm doing a lot of Spy missions atm, and the use of SOTD is fine as it is: summon Shadows for large fights or during alerts, wait for them to unsummon, proceede on with the stealth mission.

    Essentially I wouldn't keep the drain-to-sustain mechanic but the factor you suggested to give preference on summon for Heavy Units.


    but answer me honestly. which sotd is better in your opinion? the current one or the one i suggested?

    I think the actual SOTD is simple, more versatile and easy to control.

    If I would like to sustain Shadows for prolonged time, your ofc is made for that, but the actual one allows you to have more control over your Shadows.

    If I'd like, for example, doing some stealth, Shadows attract enemies, so what I've to do is just wait until they die then proceed. No need to spend mana for that.

    Also 7+ permanent pets would be too much...

    You have to play what you like, I like Nekros and I find its abilities fitting for every situation, since the Shadow Armor augment came out the set is more than enough complete.

    We just have to wait for the Augment System to be more developed and new augments to come out.

  10. 30 minutes to waste + nothing else to do + Inspiration = 


    SOUL PUNCH Augments:
    Counters: Raise it's cooldown (from 0 to 5-7 secs)
    - Cruel Subversion: "Raise a Shadow if the target is killed." (Enough to sustain 5 - 6 shadows over 30 secs)
    - Letal Caress/Sepultura: "Now inflicts X% of target Vitality in Finisher Damage." (Capped for Bosses)
    - Forbidden Alchemy: "Killing a target with Soul Punch produces an Energy Orb."

    TERRIFY Augments:
    - Hecatomb: "Killing targets affected by Terrify guarantees: A stacking X% damage buff to teammates and friendly units/Shadows for Y seconds."
    - Prey on the Weak: "Killing targets affected by Terrify guarantees: Refilling your own shield by X%, stacking and increasing its capacity by Y% for Z seconds. (allows Overshield too)"
    - Cruel Subversion : "Killing targets affected by Terrify guarantees: Spawning additional Shadows of the Dead."
    - Harvester of Sorrow : "Terrify also drains Over Time 15% (fixing numbers to balance) of the affected enemies Vitality to heal Over Time the Nekros and its team." (Similar to Volt's Overload - Capacitance)
    - Trauma : "Applying Terrify a second time will knock down affected enemies."
    - Verge of Madness : "Casting Terrify now produces a static AOE Field (X m radius) for Y seconds, which applies Terrify (Z seconds duration) on whatever hostile target getting inside it. "
    DESACRATE Augments:
    - Septic Alchemy: "Desacrating a body will apply a 100% Viral Proc AOE around the corpse."
    - Dead Silence : "Desecrating bodies will lower the alarm on enemies in a 30m radius circular area from the corpse. Stacks Intensity."
    - Blood Oath"Health orbs gained through Desacrate will grant 100 Vitality (instead than 25)."
    - Merciless Tyranny: "Shooting or SoulPunching Shadows send them into frenzy with a X boost to movement speed and attack speed for Y seconds."
    - Spiteful Torment: "Shooting your Shadows makes them grow (Nukor-like effect) till they Explode for ... X damage or Blast/Viral proc."
    - Dominus/Praeceptum Domini: "Your Shadows focus their attacks on the last enemy hit by Soul Punch and humanoid Shadows won't cover anymore."
    - Blood Oath"Enemies killed by your Shadows drop an Health Orb."
  11. First of all Nekros isn't the worst, let's stop abusing these exaggerated-drama statements to catch attention, please.
    Its skillset with Augments is complete and functional (Skills doesn't do the same thing ala Ember, every skills has its place...), it would need just some tweaks, not a rework.

    Regarding your proposal it's too much intricate for Warframe.
    Comparing to other Warframes you can clearly see abilities don't go that deep into meticolous mechanics, also because it would be hard to find bugs and balance.
    So no, that's not the "way to go tbh".

    Imo you'd better propose these mechanics in a less intricate manner to become Augments.
    That would have more chance to affect public hopinion and maybe reach the council.

  12. DE states that they pretty much will only mess with damage stats, leaving the fire rate etc alone.

    And that's the fail. Because some guns have less disavantages (ex. high recoil, easily fixed with Stabilizer) and more imbalanced ratios between fire ratio, overall DPS and reload speed.

  13. Lol Gram One shots? No dude, Gram its not Oneshot.

    The only thing that can one Shot its Lex/P... And its hard to do that because headshots.

    But yes, now pvp its a coptering spamfest...

    Channel Energy first ;)

  14. First, the MK-1 Braton, if you put stabilizer on it, its TTK is insane, which is a very, very bad thing. What should happen?

    Lower its PvP ROF to 5.5, this will lower its DPS to 195, however, to offset the DPS, make it have 50 accuracy and 40% less recoil. This will make it a begginer weapon nice for medium-long to long range, while the MK-1 Braton's older brother, the Braton/Braton prime, will be more of an all-rounder

    EDIT: Oh dear, I forgot to talk about the Strun Wraith!

    IMO The Strun Wraith is the most balanced PvP weapon right now, dealing a high DPS when inside its range but outside, it's worse than a secondary.

    The problem is they said they won't change stats like recoil and fire rate.

    Imho the best way to help this would be totally removing Stabilizer.

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