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Posts posted by xGryphus

  1. Without needles introductions, most of my suggestions will be based on below layout alternation (heavily based on current market looks):

    Enemies, Objects, Warframes, Weapons, Mods, Events and Art Gallery categories would remain pretty much intact.

    Sentinel Weapons category would be merged with Sentinels category as a subcategory.

    Lore: pretty self-explanatory - a new category contenting solely lore entries e.g. fraction descriptions removed from Profile window after U11, could be further divided into subcategories. Could store lore entries about each planet (informations revealed by completing all missions on planet).

    Missions: much anticipated category. Would store informations about missions rewards. Divided into subcategories: Solar Relay, Orokin Void, Orokin Derelict, each containing appropriate mission types. Void Missions would not receive separate entries for each tier - instead one entry should hold all information to avoid unnecessary clutter.


    Informations would be acquired by scanning missions objectives:
    - Capture: capture target

    - Exterminate: any enemy during Exterminate mission

    - Defense: cryopod/power core/artifact

    - Mobile Defense: terminal

    - Rescue: hostage

    - Sabotage: reactor

    - Spy/Deception: terminal used to acquire/upload data mass (not data mass itself)

    - Survival: oxygen capsules


    When we're at it - think for a moment - what makes Survival and Defense much more popular? IMHO it's because they yield an additional reward. That's why every mission type should give bonus award upon competition, based on it's unique drop table.

    This would:
    - increase the value of Codex info,

    - allow to relocate some mod drops from enemies to mission rewards,

    - allow to allocate some weapons BP as mission rewards,

    - increase play rate of missions other then Survival and Defense.


    Furthermore I would suggest to spread Corrupted and Nightmare mods among mission types (e.g. Lethal Torrent could be only obtained from Nightmare Capture while Blind Rage from Orokin Derelict Extermination) - this would make hunting for specific mod much easier.


    Considering all of the above template entry should look something like this:


    Minor improvements:
    Aura, Nightmare and Corrupted mod source labelled appropriately:
    - Aura: Alert

    - Nightmare mod: Nightmare Mission (or mission type with skull icon considering previous suggestion)

    - Corrupted mod: Orokin Vault (or mission type with some appropriate icon considering previous suggestion)

    Similar source info for weapons and warframes:
    - market weapon: Market

    - Void weapon: list of components with drop source (e.g. Blueprint: Void Defence II, Stock: Void Capture III)

    - boss drops: name of the boss

    - warframe: name of the boss

  2. Name: Oculus
    Faction: Tenno

    Grip type: combat orb (unique, this will be a b**** to animate)
    Brief Description: Oculus combat system consist of a pair of gauntlets of Orokin origin, utilized to generate and manipulate high density energy sphere. Sphere hits enemies in a wide arcs, however it's unable to harm those directly adjacent to user. Blocking disperse sphere into a wide energy shield, capable of blocking all incoming attacks but leaving user unable to move. At charge attack sphere is thruster forward, bouncing from encountered enemies before returning to user (utilizes Glaive mods).

  3. I support this with both hands. One (let's call it progression point) every 5 minutes (or 5 waves in case of defence) would make things much more fluent and convenient. 15 minutes Infestation survival would award battle pay and Void Key at the same time - it's a win-win. Not to mention that this would allow to greatly boost progression by playing long runs - this would encourage people to stay longer (even pass 15/25 milestones) because faster node competition means faster reward delivery.

  4. Basing your judgement on your "feel" is rather poor baseline and surely doesn't means that poison, element present in countless games since ancient times, is "wrong". Truth to be told your in minority here and calling vast majority "fanbase" just to diminish that point of view is just low. If it pains you so much just consider yourself another victim of democracy.
    One last thing: this is DE's game and at the end of the day they can do whatever they want with it - you either adjust or quit. To many spoiled players already think they can force they "the only appropriate point of view".

  5. Lovely idea and amazing art. Air themed warframe contents are quite popular on the forum but this is surely the best I've seen so far. I've even cooked wind warframe concept myself so I'll toss two abilities that I've been most content with:
    Aerial Shift - Zephyr disperse in to wind-like state, reducing damage received, ignoring unit collision and damaging every enemy he passes through for short time.
    Glide - Zephyr rapidly rusher in direction he's aiming (this mean it can be used to fly up, dash forward or anything in between). Can be used during Aerial Shift to quickly damage large groups of enemies.

  6. RNG stands for Random Number Generator - so yeah, it's another way of saying random chance. Probably you'll also hear about RNGods or RNG Gods - sort of a joke, created because it's impossible that there is no sinister being behind all those unfortunate results of RNG.

  7. Fairly interesting concept although not flawless. First of all, what's her destined role? If she's a support she needs at least one group buff.
    Regarding abilities:
    1) a bit plain, could use some variation, like first applies slowdown that will increase with time up to full incapacitation; deals damage upon incapacitation; time delay can be shortened by dealing damage to the target
    also could use a bit less cheesy name
    2) quite interesting although without a secondary effect it would be terribly underpowered; don't think that game engine would allow it either - giving a scaner-like overlay revealing enemies for the duration seems more realistic
    again could use a bit less cheesy name, perhaps Foresight?
    3) this one doesn't fit the theme at all - I get that Andromeda suppose to be space-time manipulator but this one is illusion or matter manipulation at best; it's also slightly remade Loki's Invisibility

    Could be replaced with: Temporal Flux - marks a place in time and space; can be recast for <rank> seconds after first use to return to exact same place and health value; automatically recast upon death

    PS nice icons

  8. Serration and Hornet Strike are overly rare, whereas pressure point is used for fusion fodder in my arsenal.


    Been playing about half a year and only have two hornet strikes. How is this relevant? It isn't. I just feel like whining to DE.

    Good initiative. I always tend to give out "starter packs" to friends that joined the game.

    DE is already aware of this problem and, according to one of livestreams, new players will probably receive some crucial mods after tutorial.

  9. Don't get me wrong, I really like his model, but it doesn't exactly give off a paladin feel...

    True to that - he feels much more duidish. Although I don't perceive this as a flaw. I also love the reference to midsummer's Night Dream in his same (hope for even more when alt helmet comes). It's only that his torso seems a bit too chubby for either: paladin, druid and, most of all, space-ninja... Especially compared to his twig-like hands.

  10. Story and History of Warframe -> http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Story_and_History

    This is terribly full of speculations and misunderstandings and haven't been updated for a while.

    What we currently know for sure is mostly based on Exaclibur's codex entry:

    The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses. The war was over unless we found a new way. In our desperation we turned to the Void. The blinding night, the hellspace where our science and reason failed.

    We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend.

    Excalibur was the first.

    So yeah, Warframes are only suits that contain Tenno - Orokin corrupted by energies of The Void.


    - Above entry suggest absolutely no connections to Dark Sector nor technocite virus.

    - Above entry doesn't clarifies if Excalibur is a single entity or a class of exoskeleton.

  11. It may seem that it's matter of taste however in case of Oberon it's far beyond that. Although he looks perfectly fine in promo art:


    As far as I admire the great job of art team and multiple details on this model, at closer look it turns out his proportions are terribly disturbed.


    He got an overly bulky torso (that it's strangely widest right in the middle) and slim like twigs hands that just doesn't fit. Now I get that it suppose to represent some stag-like features however in current sate (and believe me on this one as a soon-to-be vet doctor) Oberon looks like a calf standing on two legs.


    Now some visual comparison:
    As you can see Vouban have the most similar body shape yet his torso is still slimmer and he looks much better simply because his hands match the rest.


    Oberon needs far more lean torso with it's widest point moved to chest and narrower waist. His body should be even more thin if his hands are going to retain current look.


    tl;dr Oberon needs some slimming.

  12. Considering that most of dual secondary weapons build from single versions it would be nice to have an option in upgrade/appearance menu to freely disable one of the pair (switch between single and dual), effectively turning weapon into single version - after all magazine size and reload time are the only difference. I mean, in terms of logic, since we have two guns, who prevents us from leaving one "at home"?

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