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Posts posted by (PSN)fullblast35

  1. Let's all agree that a lot of games have certain similarities wether its mechanics or characters, even looks.  

    I've been a gamer since 1988 when i first got my NES.  I've switched to PC a few times for certain games like Rise of the triads, Heretic, Doom, Quake, POD, Cyberia, the list is quite long.   just to give you an idea of my experience in gaming.


    I have always thought of a frame similar to Chang Tsung in Mortal Kombat. This frame would be best played with by players who have built every frame in the sense where you would have to know how all their abilities work, because what I'm thinking of is a frame what can borrow teammates abilities for a duration, changing your whole kit during that period to the kit you borrowed.  this could be done with just one main ability and the 3 others would be the frames original kit.  Since I've mostly thought about the ability borrow aspect of the frame, the 3 other abilities could be anything devs decide it to be.  I know Veterans would love a frame like that.

  2. When it comes to leveling in akkad for example, and i know most players have very weak weapons to level and leave at 5, i just laugh.  most of the time it's ignorance of how tenno affinity works and they prefer doing 5 waves all over again, when logically the tougher the enemy the more XP you get.  there are other cases where players just dont like to be around certain frames or the use of certain weapons like the simulor, banshee , nova, nidus, mirage etc...soon oberon.  nobody now know that n the early versions of the games your lrevives had a cool down.  if you didn't wait for that cool down or rush it, the next mission you get in you'd have just 1 life to live.  So I'm one of those players who doesn't kunderstand why revives are so precious to certain players, and i dont think teammates are selfish enough to not revive you if they can.  As for survivals well,  a lot of players are either unlocking the mission for the first time, testing their new knowledge on builds or farming something specific.  Its still frustrating but there nothing you can really do.


    But I do like the idea of extracting separately. it opens up the possibility to extend or bend the spawn-in-mission rule delay, giving players the chance to get in after 5 waves.

  3. with renewal build (Rage mod a must)  and 200% strength along with growing power, zenurik lens and energy return weapons, basically ANY sentinel with a sweeper prime equipped, oberon is amazing.  All it requires is for you to fall on some youtube video where someone shows build and plays live for you to understand.  in the void i can buff up armor to 1004, get hit and gain back energy.  It just takes brains to sustain with oberon almost like banshee, stop hating a frame you can't be good with, press 4 to win is getting old, new frame mechanics are slowly coming to us so get used to using your brains a little more than looking cool and using your favorite weapons all the time.  If i went with all the negative feedbacks on oberon i would never get him. with S&A built right he tears down.  armor buff scales only when you know cast order of your abilities combined with a certain amount of enemies dealing radiation on hallowed ground, it only took me a day to understand.  So like Vance said "before you tart talking #$%^ go try it out."

  4. the wifi facts are true, but this is not the problem.  I play on ps4 on a wired connection and it still does it.  it will give you a break for a moment then would keep dropping and dropping mission after mission.

  5. We are forgetting about something here: the frame.  Your performance does not only depend on your play style and weapon choice, but also your frame.  whatever frame you're using, identify which ability you use more and build your frame around it without reducing your survivability.  All abilities are either affected by Duration, efficiency, Range and Power strength.  The aura mod you choose should top off your frame and/or weapon.  If your frame can't take a hit, you die.  if you can survive hard missions with poor weapon builds, you die.  But depending on the mission levels (mostly low and mid tier) even if you use wrong damage types they most likely still take down enemies.  but further in the game you will need that knowledge and understand which damage type affect an enemy the best.  Hope this helped.

  6. I just think we need nightmare mode in the void, for 2 reasons.  


    1 - The Void has high level potential without having to redo anything content wise.  

    2 - The void is Dead.  dumbed down to relic missions and argon crystal farming ever since they changed the system.  This can potentially get players back into the void more often as before.  And maybe add other modes like primary, secondary and melee only to the mix.


  7. so now what? you're gonna sue DE for lack of design to your taste?  You have no idea how much i hate how Wukong looks,  but he does the job.  So thats the main aspect of a variant, better stats.  Most of players like you like to look cool and know  barely nothing about how to mod your gear, an that's what is really important.  there are tons of weapons in the game, you dont like how it looks just pick another one.  The feedbacks before oberon prime was out were really negative, Everybody was hyped about banshee prime. But guess what, banshee hype died quicker than Nidus hype because you need brains to play banshee and i expect the same situation for oberon prime.  the mechanics of Silva & Aegis are amazing, with the right build you can devastate enemies and go very far in high level missions, it because of the stats not the look.  Give S&A a try instead of just staring at it, this is a game not a modeling runway.

  8. I've been encountering this for quite some time.  My friend list is growing but not the right way.  I have a bunch of inactive players on there and for centuries I haven't been able to remove them.  this also applies to player who actually come online.  Why is this happening?  Please see it through.  Thank you :)

  9. anyone tried a maxed primed heated charge?  I'm almost done leveling cycron for the first time (potatoed in advance) 1.9k something gas with 90% toxin mod, no forma yet, no lethal torrent. instead i started with barrel diffusion to test without more fire rate, around 30% status chance for now.

  10. This game does not work around advanced players.  New players already have a hard time with the basic game mechanics, barely use their codex to figure out things.  The junction system to me already is opening the opportunity to skip phases in the game and that's keeping new players unfocused on how the game works.  And knowing the game, if this existed it would have a duration and rush methods.  this would force players to stop using their favorite frame for a while.

  11. you don't need a source to verify this, you just have to test it yourself. and  fluctus doesn't go through asteroids.  Archwing for now is a requirement for certain missions and players go there mostly to level up their archwing gear.  The moment you have an archwing you can do these missions and its up to you to level up your stuff or not.  So in all the process of leveling what is unfair?  is octavia/hydroid/nidus + any level 0 frame unfair in akkad?  Be careful what you guys ask for.  Archwing isn't enough content yet to say a weapon is unjust to others, might as well say amesha is OP and unjust too, lets not even talk about the velocitus facing the golem.    

  12. I run Banshee Prime with Soprana skin, Echo Helmet and Mesa Noble Animation set. Just bought Officium Syadana and noticed every time Banshee would crouch in orbiter the syadana would disappear.  I figured this was a bug to take a look at.

  13. Now, how is a game challenging, with content you will not get bored of ( too quick ), if DE ditches self damage on ALL Special weapons?  Hasn't it occurred to you that if everyone of these weapons didn't have self damage how much nerfing this game would endure?

  14. most of the time when this happens i just go sit somewhere and let them finish the mission on their own.  If you don't intend to do teamwork don't do squads, go solo.  Everybody is racing in this game.  Just ask them to tell you whats enjoyable in a game where all you do is run.  It's not the game, its the players you encounter.  Because there are players out there who actually communicate and synergise before doing anything else.  You just fell in the wrong squad and it will happen very often.

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