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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. Thanks to those who added evidence to the pile!  A friend of mine was also able to weigh in that their age-old Kuva pile didn't correspond to their #number, which provides enough examples to convince me that as improbable as it might be, I was simply experiencing a...[does some math]...1 in 1,000,000,000 chance outcome.

    Improbable, but most certainly possible!

  2. 35 minutes ago, (PSN)Lollybomb said:

    Also, why would they go through that much effort when they could just do "randomint(0,999);"

    First off, randomint(0,999) is not a viable solution, for the exact same reason as the hypothetical example you mentioned above: such a solution has a non-zero chance of assigning the same #number to two accounts with the same name. Both of these solutions would need backup methods, similar to what I mentioned in my previous reply.

    I also don't agree with the phrase "that much effort", because an experienced programmer can add this flourish in 5 minutes.  I'm not even a great programmer and I'll do it myself right now:


    for username in usernameList:
        idsForThisUsername = []
        for user in username:
            id = user.kuva % 1000
            while id in idsForThisUsername:
                # This is your backup; do something here to change the value, whether it's rolling a new random value, incrementing it, etc
            user.id = id

    It's worth acknowledging that the kuva part of this took no time at all to write; the actual lift in this code is the part that ensures that the id's are distinct, which would be needed regardless of the technique being used.


    As for the why: because it's fun, because it's cute, because someone thought it was a neat idea.  Sometimes even programmers have fun!

    Now, did that actually happen?  I don't know.  You can code anything you want, and Hence why I'm asking for data.

  3. 2 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

    Pretty sure it's random, too risky to tie it to something you own cause maybe bob on playstation and bob on switch both have 0 plat

    I didn't put this in my initial post because it was already long and complex, but I don't think the design would have been as simple as always having a 1:1 relationship between some kind of source values and a player's #number, and for the exact reasons you mentioned: such a simplistic technique would probably work for 99.99% of cases, but the possibility that there would be a case that would result in conflicting values is too prominent to ignore.

    Because of that, I would assume that if this is not a coincidence, that the process would first try to assign #numbers based on values, but that in the case of a conflict a backup method would be used.

  4. I have been given reason to suspect that the number at the end of your name may not be random.  If that sounds interesting to you, please join me for some nerdy hypotheses and detective work!

    Yesterday for the first time in years, I went to re-roll a Riven.  And my eyes were immediately drawn to some odd things in the upper-right of my screen:

    • The amount of Kuva I had was 691,691
    • The amount of platinum I had ended in 691.

    What made this particularly odd is that the #number that was assigned to the end of my name is 691; which is to say, on my profile screen it shows my name as Unstar#691.  Because it's so improbable that all of these numbers would simultaneously align, I began to wonder whether this wasn't simply a coincidence.

    Personally, I suspect that the platinum part is a coincidence, since I am all but certain I've spent platinum since receiving my #number in The Great Numbering.

    However, I never do anything involving Kuva.  The only time I can think that I would receive any Kuva would be when it is randomly rolled as a reward at the end of an Archon Hunt.  Other than that, I'm not spending it and I'm not gaining it.  And because of that:

    • it is realistically possible that the amount of Kuva I possess has not changed since we were given #numbers.
    • it is nearly 100% certain that the last 3 digits of my Kuva value are the same now as they were when I received my #number, since Archon Hunts can only reward 6000 Kuva which would not disrupt the last 3 digits.

    Which leads me to wonder: is it possible that for players who had accounts when The Great Numbering occurred, that the number at the end of our names is based on the amount of Kuva we had when those numbers were bestowed upon us?

    That's my current theory, but I clearly need more data.  Which is why I come to you: I'm sure there are plenty of players like me who aren't into Rivens and haven't done any Lich/Sister content in awhile, meaning that their Kuva amounts may not have changed since The Great Numbering and thus still represent the value of Kuva owned during that time.  So if you fall into that category, please share what you find with me!

    It could be that this is all an improbable coincidence, but I felt the desire to follow up just in case. Thanks!

  5. OP, with respect, you are putting way too much faith in what other people are telling you.  Because what you have been told simply isn't true.  I want to kindly encourage you to be more critical of the information you receive, and to put more consideration into verifying that information.


    1 hour ago, DavidKurt said:

    I've been told recently that the "On Call Crew" and AFK during survival missions is the mainstream gameplay nowadays. 

    This is a great example of where putting our critical thinking caps on can help.  Because if we think about it for a minute, it's pretty simple to deduce that this isn't the case.  The majority of Warframe players are casual players who have barely scratched the surface of the game's potential.  They're generally not doing huge grinds, which suggests that the majority of Warframe players haven't even unlocked a Railjack Intrinsic that's rank 9.  Thus, it's highly improbable that a strategy requiring a rank 9 Railjack Intrinsic would be "mainstream".  So right away, we've got significant reason to doubt what you've been told.


    1 hour ago, DavidKurt said:

    The more ridiculous thing is, I've even being "educated" that throwing the crew in turn and then AFK is the ONLY RIGHT way to play the game, and people have rights to BLAME others who do not call the crew but manually pull their own triggers to kill enemies instead.

    With respect, this has the vibe of something kids would be squabbling about during recess, oblivious to the fact that everyone outside of their classroom is playing by entirely different rules.  Which is to say, the overall community of Warframe simply doesn't work like this.  There is no "right" way to play, and there is no set of agreed-upon guidelines as to who should be "blamed".  Warframe is a game where players are given access to an overwhelming amount of power, far more than your average player needs to play effectively.  Which is why, at least from what I've seen, the overall Warframe community doesn't care what other players do.

    Because if you're a competent Warframe player, you barely even see the players you're matched with, since most of the time you're carrying them.  And it doesn't matter that you're carrying them, because with very few exceptions, it takes just as much effort to complete the mission by yourself as it does with 3 newbs trailing behind you.


    If you take one thing away from my post, make it this: The players who are telling you how to play and who is playing wrong don't know what they're talking about.  Whether their motive is to feel better than other players who are different, or whether they're simply uninformed, don't give their naive words a home in your brain.

    Warframe is a video game.  Play it and have fun the way you want to, and let other players have fun the way they want to.  At the end of the day, it's as simple as that.

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  6. Before this turns into a pissing contest, I'll simply say that other support frames offer both different things and those same things in different ways, and that the devil in the details of not just what they do but how they do it and to what magnitude will be important in determining what support frame any individual thinks is the best.

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  7. 20 hours ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    As far as the "explosion", assuming it does not match enemy highlight color or any energy/emissive colors, it could be an effect based on your modded elements on the weapon. all weapons that deal fire damage have very small burst of flame particles when they hit (assuming that neither elemental weapon fx nor particles have been turned off). If this happens to a dozen enemies at once, it could end up looking like an explosion.

    This was a good theory!  I tested it after work though by removing the Heat mod from my weapon (leaving Viral as the only modded element) and the explosion still happened.  Now that you mention it though, it does seem like the explosion effect plays for every individual enemy that gets hit by the finisher.  The explosion effect is already pretty sizeable, but with certain configurations of enemies this can lead to very wide patches of simultaneous explosion effects.

    19 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Is it different than your normal swing effect colors?  When I use the Innodem, I get my energy colors on both normal swings and ground finishers.  (Regardless of modded elements.)  The ground finisher effects do kind of look like explosions.

    Yes, my swing colors don't have any red or yellow in them; the explosions are the only part that's colored this way.


    After sleeping on it, my best guess is that it the explosion effect may be related to this Innodem passive ability:

    Finishers grant Incarnon Resilience, increasing Damage Reduction by 10% up to four stacks. These stacks are multiplicative to each other and last for the duration of Incarnon Form. Mercy finishers with a Parazon do not apply a stack of Incarnon Resilience.

    My guess is that when Incarnon Resilience triggers, it is playing this visual effect.  It's kind of a weird effect to play because an explosion effect has the vibe of being more destructive when it's just a normal dagger finisher, but it's the only thing that makes sense to me given what everyone has said here.

  8. A few weeks ago, I discovered that Innodem was a great weapon to use with Mag: you cast Pull, every enemy in the zip code lands in a pile at your feet, and then you do a single melee attack that kills them all.  It's only now that I realize I have no idea why this happens.

    The motion that Mag makes when doing this single attack is to hold the dagger in her hands and do a downwards stabbing motion that has "stabbing my downed enemy in the heart" vibes, so my assumption is that this attack is her ground finisher.  And given that daggers have a particularly deadly ground finisher, it makes sense that the enemy being "finished" would die.

    The part that I don't understand is why the whole group of enemies dies.  Do ground finishers not just hit a single enemy, but rather have a range like normal melee attacks?    Alternatively, is this a unique feature of the Innodem?  I've noticed that there's a "fiery explosion" visual effect that accompanies this attack animation, which seems odd, though I wasn't able to find any mention of that on the Innodem's wiki page.

    Anyway, if anyone can explain the details of this phenomenon, I'd love to understand it better!  Thanks!

  9. Let's say you have two Warframes: Exalibur and Excalibur Jr — who is exactly like Excalibur except half the size.  If you mod them both so that they move at exactly the same speed, it will feel like Excalibur Jr is moving faster.  This is because relative to his size, he is moving faster, and your brain understands that at some level.  But objectively, they're both moving the same speed.

    The same thing is probably happening to a lesser degree with Hildryn.  She's aesthetically large, and so even if she moves through space at the same speed as other frames, it will feel like she's moving slower.

    Also her unique dash may play a role in that as well.

  10. I would guess that my combined Lich/Sister count is around 20, and I've had somewhere around 5 ephemera.

    To do 130 of them without any ephemera is technically possible, but is incredibly improbable.  My best guess is that you either have missed the fact that you have been getting ephemera, or that you have somehow gone about hunting Liches in a way that guarantees you won't get an ephemera.

    The only way I can think to do that last part is if you traded for Liches.  It's determined whether a Lich has or doesn't have an ephemera the instant they spawn.  So if someone trades you a Lich and that Lich doesn't have an ephemera already (you would be able to visibly see it on them) then you have a 0% chance of getting an ephemera from them.  Same for Sisters.

    Also, you say you've killed "Kuva" and "Parvos".  I'm guessing everyone here assumes you mean Kuva Liches and Sisters of Parvos, so hopefully that's what you mean?  If not, it's possible you are killing the wrong enemy?

  11. 4 hours ago, Aleadis said:

    Naw you're missing something. If I search for "wisp" to find "unvaulted relics" it will pull up vaulted relics as well, because there are relics that contain wisp parts, that ALSO contain vaulted parts for other things... but there's no way to differentiate unless you have memorized what's in the vault and what isn't.

    Ah, this clarifies that you've misunderstood me.  As I mentioned in my initial post, you need to search for the most recent Prime Access items.  Wisp is not the most recent Prime Access; Grendel is.  Give my post another read with that in mind and I'm hoping that'll clear things up.

  12. Just to get everyone on the same page, there's a stat on melee weapons called "Follow-Through", and it acts as a multiplier for the damage done to every next enemy you hit with a single melee attack.  So if you have a follow-through of 0.5 and you hit 3 enemies with your weapon, the first enemy takes 100% damage, the second takes 50% damage, and the 3rd takes 25% damage.

    A question I've been rolling around in my head for awhile is whether follow-through serves a valuable purpose or not.  For example, I've wondered if perhaps this stat acts as a check on range, where more range results in less follow-through and vice-versa.  Which would kind of make sense, since more range means you're more easily able to hit more enemies and thus multiply your damage, and thus follow-through curbs that by creating an upper-limit to that increase.

    Although, then the question becomes: why have follow-through at all?  Why not just have follow-through be constant and have all weapons share this value to ensure that regardless of the weapon being used, that upper-limit exists?  Because as things stand, we've got weapons like the Innodem  a dagger with range that is among the highest Warframe offers — that also has the highest base value for follow-through the game offers, 0.9.  In cases like this, I definitely question whether follow-through is actually balancing anything, or whether it's just holding certain weapons back.

    I really don't know.  I'm curious to hear how my fellow Tenno think about follow-through and how they engage with it in the game.

  13. 3 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

    Agreed. This is already annoying on PC. On consoles it's got to be a nightmare

    I can only speak for myself, but surprisingly, it's not too bad on PS4/5.  The first time you type anything is a chore, but the "autocomplete(?)" feature of the PS5 basically remembers words you've previously strung together, so now once I type "w" it immediately suggests Wisp, and if I accept Wisp it will immediately suggest Prime, etc.

  14. 18 hours ago, Aleadis said:

    Sure that might work for the relics containing the frame and weapons that literally just released as primes for the first time. But there are relics with other parts that have both vaulted and unvaulted relics. For example, there are 6 unvaulted relics that contain afuris parts, there are 7 vaulted relics that also contain afuris parts.

    I think you're misunderstanding me; the technique I listed above is not intended to find you relics that have specific parts; it is just intended to find you relics that are unvaulted.

    17 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:

    "Search by prime part" and "match by desired prime part" options need to be a thing.

    Unless I'm misunderstanding you, this is already a thing; just type in the name of the part you want in the Search bar, and it will show you only relics that contain that part.

  15. I dislike it.  The auto-melee accessibility feature doesn't seem to work, and both weapons I have access to feel clunky and unappealing.  I like Warframe because it feels good to play, and at least for me, this is the exact opposite; it feels like something that was quickly thrown together in Unity.

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  16. Just in case you don't know, the Search option allows you to filter not just by the name of the relic, but by any item it can possibly drop.  For example, you can enter "Wisp" or "Wisp Prime Chassis" and it will only show relics containing Wisp parts or the chassis, respectively.


    9 hours ago, Aleadis said:

    I'd love to see a filtering option to show only vaulted/unvaulted relics when looking at the interface.

    You can use the above filtering method to quickly access unvaulted relics by simply searching for any of the newest Prime Access items.  For example, right now if you search for Zylok, Masseter, or Grendel, it will only show relics containing those items, and hence you will only be shown unvaulted relics.  It takes a bit more effort than the solutions you're requesting, but the upside is this technique will get you where you're wanting to go even if DE never makes any of those improvements.

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