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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. DE has not indicated that they plan to do away with Conclave, nor have they indicated that they have any intention of boosting Conclave activity.  The safest guess is that Conclave will stay exactly the same as it is, which includes the odd holiday event here and there.

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  2. 17 hours ago, Mr.Holyroller said:

    They dont ever fix cosmetic issues.

    They don't fix every issue, but to say they don't ever fix any is hyperbolic.  In an effort to answer part of OP's question, I found that a few weeks ago on May 7th, they fixed two cosmetic issues:

    • Fixed Temporal Prime Ephemera’s “orbs” not using player selected colors in mission.
    • Fixed darker skin tones having lighting issues (overly glossy) on Operator.

    And I'd be surprised if there weren't more if you check previous patch notes.

  3. 17 hours ago, Dairaion said:

    Does anyone know? when was the last time something got fixed? I've been waiting a year for drifter issues to get patched up?

    Most fixes get recorded in update/patch notes, so if you're genuinely curious I'd recommend skimming/searching the patch notes; that would help you determine both when the most recent fix occurred as well as what the frequency of fixes was over any specific time frame you're interested in.


  4. 4 hours ago, Himerance said:

    Bro, we have sentinels floating next to us. What are we talking about 😂


    I've now realized that I made a mistake.  When I initially read your reply, and later your follow-up reply, I couldn't understand why you would focus your reply on what felt like a twisting of one single sentence, when the rest of my post seemed to do a solid job of clarifying what I was getting at.  At that time I couldn't find a way to make sense of that, and so I interpreted your reply as run-of-the-mill bad faith internet arguing, and replied to it in a less than generous way.

    After having stepped away, I've realized that was both hasty and rude.  All of us deserve better than what I gave you; I criticized you for not operating in good faith while not doing my own due diligence to operate in good faith myself.  I owe you an apology for that, and I'm genuinely sorry.

    Having reconnected with my humility and my patience, I have a guess as to where we may have misunderstood one another: my use of the term "aesthetic".  If I had to offer a good faith hypothesis, I'd hazard that you probably thought I meant that term solely in terms of visuals.  And if that's the case, what you were saying makes sense: one thing floats, why can't another float?

    So if that's where we miscommunicated, I'll take this opportunity to clarify: I'm a big philosophy nerd and was using the term "aesthetic" not solely in reference to visual art, but to Warframe as an overall piece of art.  One important piece of that art that I was referencing was the lore, which is part of what brings coherence and meaning to the piece.  Hopefully that clears that up.

    In terms of Sentinels, they haven't received much lore from DE.  There's a series of questions I'd ask before determining that upon awakening, Tenno immediately have access to hovering swords:

    1. Did Sentinels exist during The Old War?
    2. If Sentinels existed during The Old War, were they deployed against Sentients?
    3. If Sentinels were deployed against Sentients, can the tech that allows them to float (presumably with some sort of AI program to continuously update the location) be put on a sword?
    4. If so, does this provide an advantage to the Tenno that is worth the cost of the implementation to the Orokin?

    If the answer is "yes" to all of those questions, then sure, it would make sense for Tenno to have access to floaty weapons.  As far as I'm aware, we don't have solid answers to any of these questions, so in the absence of DE adding more lore to flesh this out, I personally think that the probability that all of these questions can be answered with "yes" is low.

    Anyway, that's just me trying to think through the in-game lore we have, because I'm a nerd.  That said, I don't really care one way or the other whether DE adds this functionality or not, as the final paragraph of my initial post hopefully implies.  Do I think it looks silly?  Yep.  But do I care if other people had it?  Nope.

    Apologies again for not being more generous to you before.

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  5. My subjective opinion is that this wouldn't fit well with the Warframe aesthetic.  The whole in-game premise of Warframes is that they were designed to do old-school combat because the Sentients were able to assimilate anything sufficiently technological.  And while a handful of Warframes have telekinetic powers, the majority don't.  Warframe isn't a perfect game, but the devs try to keep their world internally consistent, and this seems like it would push back against that.

    It works in Nier Automata because Automata's actual world-building is kinda silly, to the point where I'd hazard the director literally wanted to discourage players from forming a coherent understanding of the technologies at work in the game.  Which isn't to say that Automata doesn't have a serious story to tell, but it's one that's told through metaphors, analogies, and vibes.  The sex robots with floating swords aren't there due to there being any practical reason to send an android in fetish gear into combat armed with a sword, but rather because the director simply thinks you'll like them.  So you get to enjoy them while going on the philosophical journey he's taking you on.

    That said, if DE wanted to make some new paid holster options that make your weapons float to the side, I can't see a reason not to; while the base aesthetic of Warframe should ideally align well with the world and its story, once players get into cosmetics it's a whole 'nother ball game.

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  6. You've only provided a single use case for a "negative" mod, so rather than introducing a bunch of mods that are nearly useless that people won't use, why not simply address the valid use case you've pointed out?

    Which is to say, propose a mod that does something like:

    Reduces projectile speed by X%.

    Increases projectile lifetime by Y%.

    This would reduce the speed to allow better homing capabilities, while compensating for the loss of range that incurs by increasing the projectile lifetime.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Zahnny said:

    Whenever I post feedback in the feedback sections or bug reports in the bug report sections, they just get completely ignored.

    Tried reporting multiple Day 1 Deadlock Protocal bugs (that still exist today) and nothing.

    General Discussion seems to be the only place that gets any attention sadly.

    I can see how you'd come away with that lesson.  But to give you a peek behind the curtain, the reality is that not every bug that gets reported gets fixed; there's a triage process where devs need to strike the proper balance between fixing old stuff and making new stuff, and in most cases that means some bugs will remain in the software.  Similarly, not everyone's feedback will be implemented, especially since feedback is more subjective and different players can have conflicting opinions.  It gets messy.

    I can also tell you that there are plenty of bugs I've reported in the Bug Forums that have eventually been fixed, and it's not uncommon for DE's lists of fixed bugs to contain links to the actual bug reports that were made in the Bug Forums.  Though it's also worth acknowledging that there are some bugs I've reported that are still in the game and may never be fixed.  As I said earlier, that's the software business for ya.

    Leaving feedback provides a chance that the devs might implement what you want...but if you (or someone else) don't put your feedback in a place where they'll actually look then that chance gets much closer to 0%.  They've told us where they look for Feedback, and that's in the Feedback forums.  So I guess what I'm trying to do is encourage you to do what I think will give you a better chance at getting what you want.  Hopefully this post has provided a framework so that you can simultaneously understand that the Feedback/Bug forums do function while providing an explanation for why they don't always yield tangible outcomes in Warframe's software.

    If you're looking for conversation with other players, I agree that General Discussion is the best place to put your feedback.  But if you'd actually like to see your desires manifest in the game, I wholeheartedly recommend using the appropriate forums.

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  8. I'm surprised to hear this take, but I suppose I shouldn't be since aesthetic preferences are so subjective.  I really like the way hounds look!  They have a very "80's furniture but make it future" vibe to them that I find appealing and unique.

    That said, it's great to have options.

  9. 3 minutes ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    I get your point, i do but this has happened before and it gets nuked immediately and you know by who and you’ll also understand why doesn’t look good when mods get called out for playing goofy ahh but normal players get put in time out for sneezing

    I know it's cold comfort for this topic, but if there's ever a topic with evidence that seems at risk of deletion, I encourage you or anyone else to send me a private message with the contents.

    But yeah, honestly this isn't just a lesson for video games, but a lesson for all of life: when things go wrong, gather every receipt you can.  It's terrible that we live in a world where people can feel the need to develop this reflex...but it's a valuable tool in the world we live in.

  10. Just now, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    Argh so people have to quickly grab a screenshot of when the notification that someone has been kicked from chat that after a few messages come in disappears, i get your point about not casting stones and all that but this is not a rare occurrence.

    I get it, and I'm sympathetic.  It genuinely sucks that when someone is wronged, the burden of proof is on the person who has been wronged.  I know that part from experience, too.

    But unfortunately, I have yet to find a more ethical method than to presume innocence until there's evidence that suggests guilt.  But trust that the instant that I learn of a better one, I'll be all over it.

  11. 1 hour ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    This has been brought uo by many players numerous times a certain mod in region chat went on a bit if a spree it got made into a bit of an issue, also a certain forum mod had been complained about too this isn’t new information.

    I've seen similar issues brought up plenty of times, but none of the posts I've seen have included any actual evidence, with one lone and controversial exception.  As someone who has made the mistake of believing false accusations in the past, and as someone who has even been on the receiving end of the them myself, I take this kind of stuff too seriously to operate off of anything less than compelling evidence.

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  12. 3 hours ago, LadyBlue2 said:

    So I’m not sure if you’re reading any of what I’m saying, but we had numerous bans that were inactive players. Players were being banned randomly with no actual reason.

    Unfortunately, it's pretty common for folks to misrepresent or straight up lie on the internet.  And that impacts everyone, making reasonable people skeptical of both lies and truth, since often at face value you can't tell the difference between the two.

    That being the case, if you want people to support such causes, the first step is to provide a healthy amount of evidence to demonstrate that this is more than hearsay.  So if you have videos or other artifacts that corroborate your case beyond a reasonable doubt, the best thing to do is to share those.  And if you don't have those, then at the very least this can be a learning moment for next time: when stuff happens, gather the evidence before it slips away!  The more difficult the evidence would be to fake, the better your chances of being believed are.

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  13. On 2024-05-14 at 1:46 PM, EVTAKOM said:

    So Im 26MR and never selled rivens only veiled ones.Rolled some good rivens and cant sell them even for 100 plat as peoples said to me only god rolls can be sold for good amount of plat everything else is cheap thrash.So does spending kuva and hoping for god roll worth time?If im opening relics i can get ~100plat so which method is more efficient?

    The biggest issue with Rivens from a trade/sales perspective is that broadly speaking they have a low amount of liquidity; which is to say, they are challenging to buy and sell.  People who are buying tend to want very specific things out of their Rivens, so it can take a lot of time and effort to match yourself with buyer.  And this means that selling rolled Rivens generally has a sub-par opportunity cost.  Because sure, you might eventually find a buyer and make a good amount of platinum, but you would have been able to make more platinum with less effort if you had spent the same amount of time and energy farming and selling something with higher liquidity, like Prime Parts.

  14. On 2024-05-14 at 10:15 PM, Tiltskillet said:

    Since you're mixing light attacks into your melee, you'll almost certainly be better off replacing Sac Steel with something else. 

    Just to supplement this, if a player is able to maintain a maxed combo multiplier and is using Tennokai to regularly proc lossless heavy attacks, then Sacrificial Steel is likely a better choice than Blood Rush.  Though I suppose it also depends on the weapon type, since every weapon type's heavy attacks have different multipliers and status.  Like if you're using a Heavy Nikana (6x heavy attack multiplier with forced slash proc) then Sacrificial Steel all the way bay-bee!

  15. 8 hours ago, ECCHOSIERRA said:

    The little bit of crit damage is one thing but there's the slow. My go to sentinel weapon lately is a helstrum modded for radiation and cold.

    This is exactly what I do as well.  I actually think this demonstrates just how valuable Cold is to me, because of all the priming I could have my sentinel do, I chose Cold over Viral.  And the reason is because it's fantastic mitigation that works even on mini-boss enemies that are immune to other CC.

    Also, my Sentinel's Cold procs activate Primary Frostbite, which is nice because it has close to 100% uptime regardless of the rate I'm shooting/killing/etc.

    And now they're buffing Cold?  Be still my heart.

  16. On 2024-05-14 at 9:55 PM, RebornxMystic said:

    After the lobby ended, the guy and his friends spammed me with invites and messages. He threatened me saying if I don't join and apologize his entire clan is going to report me and I'll be banned from Warframe.

    I'll just add to the good advice that has already been given in this thread with an additional tidbit:

    If this guy did get his entire clan to report you, the most likely outcome is that they would be the ones to get in trouble.  DE keeps activity logs, and it would be trivial for support staff to check them and see that you had literally no interactions with most of the players who reported you.  That would be a huge red flag that these aren't genuine reports.  Then they'd be able to see that all of these players are in the same clan and it would be clear that this is indeed a bunch of players trying to abuse the report system.  That's against the ToS, and it would backfire in their faces.

  17. Quote
    Hidden and entrenched in the mountainous peaks of Venus, the Corpus practice their industrious craft. The superstructures built here are a testament to the inventive Corpus engineers that have settled in regions where lingering Orokin technologies still moderates surface temperatures.
    —Venus Fragment


    From the trivia section of the wiki (so take it with a grain of salt, though it's generally pretty dependable):


    In reality, the surface of Venus is way too hot to support life. However, Fragments obtained from Venus show that the Orokin cooled the planet enough for life to thrive.

    From the same source, (potential minor spoilers for Vox Solaris and The New War below):

    • This is further confirmed during the quest Vox Solaris, where it is shown that the Corpus utilize ancient Orokin coolant towers to regulate Venus' temperature.
    • The New War also suggests that the Corpus have been utilizing these devices incorrectly. Notably, after gaining control of the planet, Narmer raised Venus' temperature to a more habitable level, causing grass and trees to spread across the surface.

    Source: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Venus

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  18. One question: if you don't think there's a way to report moderator actions, then how do you know that DE upholds those moderator actions?  It seems like there would need to be some manner of report or stimulus for DE to inspect and then uphold a moderator's actions in any given circumstance.

    In any case, you can make a support ticket: https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/requests/new (you'll need to login to that site if you aren't already)

  19. On 2024-05-13 at 7:51 AM, user_85631 said:

    So I was playing the game in a public match and this player told me not to attack. I was doing 64% damage dealt and not 100% damage dealt. I’m also helping them while they are down. So my question is now how would you respond to this situation? Would you continue attacking or not?

    Broadly speaking, if someone asked me to do something that I was unsure of, I think the best course of action is to reply with "Why?"  Then you can decide what to do based on their explanation.

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