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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. This bug has been happening periodically in Railjack missions.  I'll do something that causes the screen to fade to black for a transition (examples that come to mind are leaving out of the back door of a crewship or getting in the Railjack cannon from inside the ship) and then the screen will just stay black.  Sometimes certain UI elements will still be on the screen, but it's not many.

    The above examples I can remember are all transitions from on-foot gameplay to Archwing gameplay, so maybe that's part of it?  But I can't be sure it hasn't also happened in other situations.  It is very difficult to play without seeing, though (and worth noting: the game is still "playable").  Thanks for looking into this, I'd say this is my most prominent Railjack bug at the moment.

  2. While Mercy animations are definitely cool, I would not want them on every enemy.  Maybe if there was a hidden timer so that once every 3 minutes, an enemy that would have otherwise died went into a Mercy state instead.  But certainly not every enemy, or even a significant number of enemies.  Mainly that would just upset the pace of the game and the enemy spawn rate, which is important in many mission types, but also it would make Mercy seem less cool if you were just seeing it all the time.

    Honestly it's probably best left the way it is.

    • Like 1
  3. This is a simple problem I have, which is that I'll start using the side-guns of a Railjack while I'm a client and I have no idea what the 3 slotted in abilities do.  Since they cost Flux, I don't just want to test them out.  It shows what I assume are "distinct" icons for the different abilities, but I have no idea what each of them mean; they all just look like yellow diamonds to me.

    It would be nice if there were some way to tell what these powers were.  Words would definitely help!

    That's the most specific part of a broader problem I have.  When I load into a Railjack level as a client, I'm using a ship I know nothing about.  What are its strengths that I should be exploiting?  What are its weaknesses I should be trying to compensate for?  Now, I don't want to end up in a situation where people's Railjacks are getting judged, but at the same time it would be nice if the owner didn't have to tell every new player that loads into the mission things that would be helpful to know about the ship.  On console, it's so hard to access the keyboard, and if you're piloting in the middle of a fight and new players join (this happens multiple times per mission for me), it's a hard choice between continuing to play the game or taking a break (knowing the enemies won't) to communicate with teammates.

    I don't have a solution for the broader problem, but it would be nice if one could be created!  Thanks for listening!

    • Like 3
  4. Right now, it seems like pressing R1 while piloting the Railjack toggles a setting so that you are now "using the powers menu" and not using normal controls.  So even if I release R1, I'm still using the powers menu.  This can lead to bad situations where I am locked out of important functionality.  For example, if I want to stop piloting the ship, the button for that is Circle.  But if I have the powers menu up, it will instead use my Railjack ability that is mapped to Circle...which might not be so bad if it didn't waste 100 Flux?

    We need some way to turn the Power menu off.  I'm guessing that you're supposed to need to hold down R1 to stay in the power menu and that this is a bug?  I can't imagine that it's intended that there's a state where you lose the ability to leave the pilot's seat.

    For context, often I end up in this state because I try to use a power and the timing or distance or cross-hair wasn't centered right, so nothing happens, but it still leaves me in the Power menu.

    Thanks for looking into this issue!

  5. 2 hours ago, (PS4)Gondras said:

    Finally see name appear in proper places on railjack (I did get both extra skins) after the update, but it still won't appear when in missions. Since launch i have only ever seen it in dry dock, it disappears during the launch cinematic, and never has appeared in missions. I have seen the names on other players' railjacks.

    This is what I see now, too.  I see other players' Railjack names in missions, but not my own.

  6. 30 minutes ago, (XB1)bigsnake84 said:

    Interesting, I see the option for the Tactical Menu already available in the General section of Customize Controller.

    I went back to check, and it looks like Tactical Menu is an option for some buttons, but not an option for the Touch Screen.  Which is odd, because you can choose Ability Menu for the Touch Screen - a skill that is incapable of functioning when mapped to the Touch Screen - but not Tactical Menu, which would function quite well there.

    I'm editting the original post with this new information, thank you for helping me to make this more accurate!

  7. I play Warframe on PS4 and have never used the Ability Menu keybind; I vastly prefer the Use Selected Power and Cycle Power Left/Right as it allows me to aim up until the moment I use my Ability without taking my thumb off of the right stick.

    I would like to be able to access the Tactical Menu while running around (ie - not using guns or piloting) in the Railjack.  My controller configuration is currently packed, however I do have some free space in my Touch Screen "swipe" bindings, and this seemed like it would work for Tactical Menu. However, currently in the General section of the controller customization menu, there is no option for Tactical Menu; it can only be bound within the Ability Menu section, which requires a key-binding for Ability Menu.

    While pressing two buttons (Ability Menu and then Tactical Menu) seemed less than ideal, as long as it was functional, that seemed good enough.  However, I've learned that to use the Ability Menu it is required that you hold down the button and then press the button that corresponds to Tactical Menu, which is unfortunately impossible because you can't hold down a "Touch Screen swipe".

    I believe this issue could be solved by adding a Tactical Menu keybind to the General section of the controller customization menu.  Then I could swipe and get access to this menu when I needed it in Railjack missions.  I hope this sounds doable!

    Edit: It was pointed out to me that the Tactical Menu function can be mapped to certain face buttons in the General section of the controller customization menu.  It seems to be an exception - perhaps an oversight? - that this function cannot be mapped to the PS4 Touch Screen.  I hope that in a future update Tactical Menu will be able to be accessed via the Touch Screen's swipe features!

    Related: it would also be nice if keybinds for Tactical Menu and Use Selected Power were added to the Railjack section of the controller customization menu, and if the R1 button could be rebound; that way I could have the same Ability buttons for my Railjack that I do with my Warframe and Archwing.

    Thanks for considering my feedback!

    • Like 1
  8. Honestly, I would recommend something simple: don't grind.

    Given the structure of loot and rewards in Warframe, it's easy to get lost grinding for that next shiny.  I'd suggest taking a step back and thinking about why you play Warframe in the first place.  I'm guessing it's not because you love running on an endless treadmill.  Do you like something about the combat?  Something about maneuvering through levels?  Giving your Warframes makeovers?

    Whatever it is, go indulge that.  Do a mission just for fun, a mission where there are no worthwhile rewards you can earn.  Over years you've accumulated the power of a god in this game; take some time to simply enjoy using it for its own sake.  Afterwards, reflect on whether you enjoyed your time.

    This might not occupy you for hours everyday, and that's okay.  Play Warframe when you're itching to play Warframe, and when you're not turn it off and do something else.  If you've burned yourself out on grind, you may need a lot of time away before the game starts to feel appealing again, and that's okay, too.

  9. On paper for the MK-III versions:

    • Lavan: +status chance and +fire speed
      • Boosts to status chance and fire speed have synergy, will lead to more simultaneously Plasma procs (ie - more damage)
      • Assuming greater fire speed also means faster heat accretion, so won't be able to shoot for as long as Vidar before needing to take a break?
    • Vidar: + Crit chance and +damage
      • Damage boost is nice, but wondering if EHP scaling in the Veil (and potentially future content beyond that) will result in straight damage falling flat compared to status

    I would love to hear from Carcinnox users, what's your experience with these in the Veil?  I'm specifically interested in their effectiveness against Fighters, since I can't climb inside those and destroy their reactors.  Thanks!

  10. So in Railjack, as a Client, I've had this happen a few times: I sabotage a crewship from within, run to the exit, press square to leave.  I lose control of the game as my Archwing does a canned animation of flying out of the ship, and my screen fades to black.  I wait for the gameplay to resume.

    When the screen unfades to show the outer space gameplay area, my body is already dangling limply from the Archwing, and I'm given the option to revive if I press square and sacrifice some Affinity.  My best guess is that the nearby fighters shot my Warframe to shreds before I was allowed to partake in the scene.

    I'm not sure how easy it will be to tackle the root cause of this issue, but I would like to propose what seems like a reasonable band-aid for the issue: during transitions like these, make players invincible until 1 second after their screen is no longer black.  I'm guessing there's probably an invulnerability period now as-is, but it's not consistently aligning with player's visibility.  If the invulnerability is literally tied to player visibility, I think that would solve the issue.

    Thanks for taking my bug report/feedback!

  11. I've had things like this happen a few times so far.  We're in a Railjack mission, and the host disconnects.  A host migration happens, and then when we come load back in, the Railjack is already "bleeding out" with 30 or so seconds left.  This is rough, but it's especially bad if nobody who's left was near the Railjack, because it guarantees that we've suddenly lost, due to no fault of our own.

    This most recent time, I was flying around in Archwing not too far from the Railjack when the migration happened.  However, when I loaded back in, I could not see the Railjack anywhere.  It was bleeding out, but no clue where.  Didn't see any icons, didn't see the ship.  We were almost done with the mission, had gathered a bunch of nice loot on the Sentient Ship, and then we failed and ended up with nothing.

    It'd be nice if this bug could be fixed, but barring that, how about giving players the option to teleport back to the ship after a host migration?  This isn't necessary in any other game modes, but in Railjack you can be minutes away from what is functionally your defense objective.

    Oh also after we lost the mission I couldn't control my character and had to turn the game off entirely. But that doesn't seem like a big deal considering it happened between missions, though maybe it helps diagnose the issue.  As always, thanks for your time and effort!

  12. I have not been able to find this information anywhere, so I'm hoping someone can help.  If you're in a Railjack mission and you're not the ship's owner, when you use Revolite, Flux Energy, Munitions, and Dome Charges do they come out of your supply or from the supply of whoever owns the ship?  I haven't wanted to test because I assume it might be a jerk move to use someone else's resources in a way they don't agree with?

    If you do use their resources, what do you feel is the proper etiquette for using someone else's resources mid-mission?

    Related question: how does the Avionic that increases Flux Energy affect the Tenno who don't own the ship?  Does it start you with more?  Or does it just mean that in the mission you can make more (if you have the requisite Engineering)?


  13. I'm a bit stuck.  If I don't upgrade my Railjack with new guns, reactors, etc, then it will continue to be very difficult (and more to the point, excessively time-consuming) to complete missions with my Railjack.  But resources come at such a slow pace that I'm hesitant to build anything, lest I invest in the wrong gear and set myself back even further. 

    At the core, this is two questions.  If I would like to be able to play Railjack in the Veil Proxima and kill 90 fighters at a rate that feels fun as opposed to a slog...

    1. What ship parts (engine, guns, etc) should I be aiming to pick up, and in what order?
    2. Should I not buy anything until the top versions?  Or should I buy some less than optimal pieces to make life less of a bummer until I can afford the better ones, even though that will may down progression since they all seem to require the same set of 3 or so highly-limited resources?

    For context: I'm on PS4, have done all the missions in the Veil Proxima, and I play daily, generally for an hour or two.

    To be clear, I am not really concerned with earning more Intrinsics, Dirac, or Avionics; those all seem to come at a natural pace for Warframe.  It's the materials required to upgrade the pieces of my ship that seem like they'll take forever and a day to accumulate and absolutely must not be wasted.  I need a plan!

    Thanks in advance for your helpful advice!


  14. 3 minutes ago, Uhkretor said:

    The "automated" system actually puts players out of range 90% of the times, making them miss all the hits.

    Huh, that's strange, we seem to have entirely opposite experiences.  For me, I never had any issues with Arch-Melee (or normal melee) with the auto-targeting.  My weapon of choice is the Knux, and every punch was always exactly where I wanted it to go, instantly jumping me from target to target in clusters of enemies faster than I could ever move myself, and with much less frustration.  Without it the auto-tracking, my Archwing is just too finicky (in that it makes fast, jerky movements) to navigate into the precise locations I need to be to connect with my big punchers.

    My best guess is that maybe this is one of the differences between using a mouse/keyboard and a controller, since we're playing on different platforms?


  15. It used to be that if I used melee in Archwing, it would zip me over to a nearby target so I could plant an attack square on them.  This behavior seems gone now; instead I just swipe at the air in front of my face.  This occurs in not only Empyrean missions, but also in old-school Archwing missions.

    While generally speaking I think the Archwing controls right now are pretty great, it's very difficult to line up melee attacks without this "homing" ability that melee used to have.  Right now it feels like I'm a pixel in space with an animating Warframe on top of me, and the enemy is a pixel in space with an animating drone on it, and if I can line the two pixels up properly then I will deal damage and eventually kill it.  But it doesn't feel like I'm actually interacting with my enemy, and the only feedback I get that lets me know I hit instead of whiffed is to try to guage whether the health bar went down (easy on less durable enemies, but more difficult on the tougher ones).

    I definitely think the "homing" behavior of Archwing melee attacks should be added back in so that punching things in space can feel satisfying again.

  16. Sometimes in the Dry Dock and in missions I can't see the name of my Railjack on its side.  Historically, I've always re-added the name when I notice this, but because the text box doesn't show the old name when you rename, I can't tell if the name has actually been entirely lost or if renaming it again triggers the name to appear again.  However, so far I don't recall the Railjack name ever appearing on its own.  I'm not going to add it for awhile and see what happens.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Srovy said:

    They shouldn’t be able to change mission (outside of the dry dock) if you are the host

    Hmmm...so maybe this is a bug?  I was definitely the host because it's my Railjack and they all loaded in mid-mission.  Then I got a notification in the middle of my screen that I needed to get back to the ship because it was leaving, and then when I didn't I was teleported back to it and it started warping through lightspeed. T^T

  18. I have a Railjack and I have used it for missions.  Normally it sits in my Clan's Dry Dock (I'm the only one with a Railjack in the Clan).

    There have been 3 times so far that I have gone to my Dojo and found that my Railjack is not in the Dry Dock.  In addition, I can't use the console that customizes my Railjack, though I can use the console that purchases upgrades (but does not install them).

    I don't know what is causing this and have yet to notice any obvious patterns.  It has happened when traveling from my Orbiter to my Clan, and it has also happened after starting a non-Railjack mission from my Dojo, and then afterwards when I am returned to the clan hall the Railjack is missing.

  19. Look, I just did a Railjack mission and it was fun, but afterwards I'm flying around looting and searching for the nice loot that's hidden in the rocks and wreckage, and someone always goes and starts a new mission.  I don't want this, my Railjack told me it doesn't want this either.  If they want a new mission, it's easy enough for them to leave and do one without dragging me with them.

    Is there any way to prevent this?  Can I child-lock the navigation?  How do I loot the space rocks in peace?  Is my only option to do every Railjack mission solo just so some impatient Tenno can't prevent me from getting loot in my loot-shooter game?

    I'm a bit salty, but I also understand that of course, everyone wants to get on with whatever part of the game they want to get on with.  They want to do another fight, I get it, and that's cool.  I just wish it wasn't so trivial for them to take me away from what I want.

    • Like 6
  20. I thought this kind of trolling had been removed, so I'm guessing this is a bug.  I was in the Ceres junkyard tileset, and the specific Extraction area I was in was the one that doesn't really look like it's an Extraction area at all, since it's a big wide open space; it looks like a giant, wide docking area, with the rest of the level you cam from on one side and a big vast void on the other.  And the extraction point itself is just an arbitrary area in the middle; you wouldn't recognize it as being different than the rest of the dock without the navigation marker.

    I had just swapped from my Operator back to Chroma Prime when i got teleported by Loki Prime.  Potentially work noting it was a level 80 or so Lich-controlled Mission?

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