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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. I finally finished leveling up through all the Forma I wanted to put into my Kuva Bramma so I could get the build I wanted, and with 3 Forma at level 36 it's exactly where I want it to be.  I've been liking this build a lot so I decided I want to put a Lens in this weapon that I'll probably use a lot, only to find out that I can't because it's "not max rank".

    This just plain Feels Bad.  Has my weapon stopped leveling up when I get affinity?  Yes, it has.  Then let me turn some of that affinity into Focus.  It's a bummer to put a lot of work into a weapon and feel excited to finally have it completed, only to realize that there's an artificial barrier in the way.

    Reasons to not Forma:

    1. I can already fit every mod I want in the weapon.
    2. It requires two Forma, which I already never have enough of.
    3. It requires leveling my weapon twice more.
    4. Adding more Polarities to my weapon needlessly restricts my builds, and will only screw me over the next time weapons and game systems are rebalanced.

    I could maybe tolerate 1 or 2 of the above list, but all 4 of them?  Yuck.  It's already incredibly slow and painful to get Focus, but I put Lenses on my most-used weapons so that maybe someday I'll get enough to do something with what finally accumulates.  This just makes me feel like entirely giving up on the Focus system, since I'm having so much fun with the Bramma, which won't let me gain even the meager amount of Focus that any other level 30 weapon could.

    I appreciate your hearing how this feels and considering my feedback.  Thanks!

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  2. For the first time in a long while I tried the Orb Mother tonight, choosing the mission from Eudico in the back room.  Everything was fine until we got to the abandoned base where you fight her.  When she descended from the ceiling, key elements of my UI disappeared.  I could see the transmissions of characters talking and the Orb Mother's dialogue, but my health, my gun info, my Warframe powers, and my squad info all disappeared.  I couldn't tell how much health I had so i kept dying, had no idea what power was selected, ammo in gun, etc.  Even dying and using /unstuck didn't seem to help.  Notably when I aimed my Rubico Prime I could see the scope over lay and reticule.

    I tried the fight twice.  The first time I was a client, the second I was a host.  It happened both times, and both times I quit because it was unplayable without those important UI elements.  I haven't tried again as I expect the same will happen again.  Haven't ever seen anything like this before.

  3. I love the new melee system, but there's one problem I keep having:

    1. Equipped with the Jat Kittag and Crushing Ruin, I'm holding the aim button (the tactical toggle) while repeatedly pressing the melee attack button to do big smash-smash attacks on enemies.
    2. The last nearby target dies, so I stop pressing the attack button because I no longer want to attack.
    3. My Warframe finishes its current slow hammer slam.
    4. Without any further input on my part, my Warframe starts a whole new slow hammer slam attack.
    5. For 2 seconds I am unable to control my Warframe, and must simply wait for this extra, undesired attack to complete before I can control my Warframe again.

    This was never an issue before the new melee system.  And to be transparent, it's not an issue with all attacks across all weapons.  However, weapons with lengthy attack animations seem to have this issue; the longer the attack animation, the more likely it is that somewhere in that attack animation the context around you will change and you will decide that yet another attack after this one is not what you want, but if you've already pressed the attack button, there's nothing you can do to stop it.

    You can easily recreate this lack of control by equipping Jat Kittag with Crushing Ruin:

    1. Hold down the aim button.
    2. Press the melee attack button twice in succession.
    3. Hold the run button in any direction and wait.

    I would like to propose what I hope is a fairly simple solution: determine a "maximum attack queue time".  For example, let's pretend we have a fairly generous maximum attack queue time of 0.5 seconds.  If an attack with my Jat Kittag takes 2 seconds, then this would mean that if I didn't press the attack button in the last 1/4th of the animation, then a follow-up attack won't be done.  Conversely, if one of my attacks with a dagger takes only 0.25 seconds, then if the attack button is pressed any time during that attack, an attack will be queued.

    This will never reduce the input window for attacks that are already shorter than the maximum queue time, it will only ensure that the input window never becomes too large.  The benefit to this change is that you can guarantee that no matter what the length of an animation is, and no matter what mods or status effects increase or slow down the speed of the animation, the button press that initiates an attack will never be further than than X seconds from the start of the attack, guaranteeing that the attack feels like something the player chose to do rather than something they were forced to do.  I know it would make me feel like I was more in control of my Warframe!

    When you have a chance, I'm really hoping this can be looked into, as the crisp and fluid control I have over my Warframe has always been among the biggest reasons it just feels good to play Warframe.  Thanks for considering my feedback!


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  4. So far I'm very happy with the changes.  When fighting high-level enemies (I tested with a variety of level 100 Corrupted) I feel like my squishier frames can survive easier.  I feel like I have a good amount of warning before I die, and I'm definitely not getting one-shot.  I also feel like my weapons are able to take out enemies faster, and that armor isn't the nigh-penetrable wall that it used to be.  Granted, I'm using high-end builds that benefit from having most of the mods.

    I feel like this feedback wouldn't be complete without talking about how the new status types seem to complement this new system, since status is a big part of dealing damage.  Overall, I think they offer a nicer variety of options now, and especially with the ability to stack their effects I feel like while there are certainly damage types that will rise to the top, it's not like the others aren't viable.  I do think some of them should stack faster, as it feels rough to go from that first proc doing 25% (meaningful change) to all the ones following it doing 5% (1/5 of a meaningful change).  It means that while you get some benefit from multiple procs, it's sort of a consolation prize, and you'd often be better off modding for something else.

    Overall, I think things are better, and I'm hoping that I might even be able to get some new friends into the game

  5. Hi DE,

    I play on PS4, and for the most part I'm very happy with the standard key binds I have access to (shown below).  However, there are some buttons that I don't want any action on, so I would like the ability to "unbind" them.  Specifically, the "swipe" options on the PS4's touch screen.  While I love clicking this giant button to toggle the map view, I never intend to use any of the swipe commands.  However, the touch screen is so sensitive that I find myself accidentally doing it around once per play session.  I've tried to put the most "harmless" mappings I can there, but as you can see I'm stuck using items from my gear wheel for two of them.  I don't want to waste items, and I don't want to have to leave empty slots in my gear wheel, either.

    If you could add the ability to change Touch Screen key-bindings to "N/A" (which is what all of the Touch Screen bindings are in the Railjack default controls, for example) that would be incredibly helpful and solve this frustrating situation.  I'm hoping this wouldn't take much effort since it's already a valid part of other menus.

    Thanks for considering my feedback!



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  6. I came to post about my own inability to access to Tactical Menu.  I couldn't find any way to get into it.  Previously I had been able to access this menu from the pilot's seat by tapping R1 then tapping left on the d-pad.  Since the update I found that nothing I do seems to be able to access it.

    I've attached screen captures of my keybinds in case they can help in debugging this issue:


  7. This is not a bug, this is explicitly mentioned as being an added feature in the patch notes.  In fact, functionally the game has not changed.  Previously if the amount you would have forged exceeded the amount you could take into a single mission, it didn't show up on this screen, making it appear as if you had wasted the "overflow".  Now it simply shows that the overflow exists.  After return from a mission where you spent some of your resources, you will find that the overflow that you previously crafted is there waiting for you.

  8. Follow-up: yesterday I noticed that items were marked as 25% off for the next 20-some hours.  I put 2 and 2 together and realized that on the previous day, when my game "skipped" the login rewards, I must in fact have received a 25% off coupon.  However, it never showed it, and I never clicked to claim it (and enter the game).  I hope that specifying that I did actually get a reward, what the reward was, and that it just didn't show the reward login screen helps in solving this rare bug someday! (1069 logins and it's only happened once)

  9. Since I started using the Amalgam mod that gives +25% sprint speed, I can't stop.  And since the only Primary Weapons it can't be equipped on are Shotguns, I've pretty much stopped using all proper Shotguns.  But I love Shotguns, they used to be some of my favorite weapons!

    I'm guessing there must be Rifle weapons out there that play like shotguns (ie - a single quick body shot does a ton of damage), but I'm not sure what they are.  Does anyone have any recommendations?  Thanks!

    • Like 1
  10. I really like my current Converted Lich, because he's a fun goofball whenever he comes to help me out in missions; really brightens my day.  Because of this, I'm hesitant to Convert any other Liches because I'm worried that Favorite Lich would show up either less or not at all.  Can anyone with multiple Converted Liches tell me what happens when you have more than one?

    I know I can trade them, but also if there's nothing special about a Lich (for example, No Ephemera and a lackluster Kuva Seer) I wouldn't feel confident in my ability to give a Lich away...

    Related question: is there a place where I can view my accumulated Converted Liches without entering the trade interface with another player?  I can't find any.


  11. I logged in for the first time today a bit after 6pm PST, which is after the daily reset.  Every aspect of the login process was normal, except that the part where someone's face pops up and gives me a special present like 5 Neurodes did not happen.  At the point where I would have expected it to happen, the game hung for a few seconds like something was being loaded, but then it skipped the login reward segment and went into the game as if it was my second time logging in for the day.  I turned my game off and logged in again hoping it would trigger the reward, but it was the same as before for me.

    In all my time in Warframe, that's never happened before!  Not the world's biggest deal, but definitely weird.

    Other notes: I watched my spouse log into their account today on their console and they received their reward.  They're the only other person in our home, and I've confirmed that they didn't use my console.

  12. I was using this in the Sentient Ship against groups of Sentients that were fighting me and the rest of the party.  It was awhile back, but I stood near them and unloaded, and did not get feedback that the burst was being used.  I believe that in addition to no audio effect, there was no visual effect, and though I don't remember perfectly, I would hazard that I also didn't see any flinching or immunity removal.

  13. Sometimes I will try to use one of my Tactical Avionics, which will not be in cooldown state, and it will not let me.  I click it and it makes a dull sound that I recognize as meaning "can't do this".

    I don't think this always happens, but generally when it's happening one of my other Tactical Avionics will be in a cooldown state.  In order, I have Intruder Stasis, Breach Quanta, and Void Cloak (all maxed).  Most often I notice this with Void Cloak; I'll try to use it, and Breach Quanta will be in cooldown, and Void Cloak just can't be used.

    If I'm doing something wrong, let me know, but my understanding is that Tactical Avionics don't have a resource cost, and they don't share a cooldown, right?  So if there isn't a timer next to my Tactical Avionic that I want to use, I should always be able to use it?

  14. Yeah Breach Quanta is easily one of the best Tactical Avionics.  In addition to just not dying, it keeps your ship benefiting from Last Stand, which is nothing to sneeze at. 

    Not sure why the other Tenno is comparing Tactical Avionics to Battle Avionics; pro-tip: you can have both!  These Avionics are not in competition with each other.

  15. The quick answer is that right now you don't start out soloing.  Start by joining missions on other Tenno's ships.  Railjack is designed to "need" 4 players as well as a well-geared ship, and at the beginning you will not have a well-geared ship.  Plus, playing with others will let you learn about all of the Railjack mechanics piece by piece, instead of being overwhelmed by needing to deal with them all at once.

    But don't let that stop you from giving solo a try.  You might be able to pull it off, though it will probably be very very slow until you have end-game ship upgrades.

  16. When playing as Ivara I put a Hush mod on my Shedu so that I could fire it without breaking stealth.  While the shots do not break stealth, I have noticed that when the clip is emptied entirely, the Shedu does not do the AoE burst that removes Sentient resistances.  I'm guessing this is a bug?  To be specific, if I am already not in stealth, then the AoE burst does happen; it only doesn't happen if I'm in stealth with the Hush mod.

    On the off-chance that this isn't a bug, my next best guess would be that the AoE burst "needs" to make noise, and thus the game is preventing me from doing it because it thinks I would be sad if my stealth broke.  Given the choice, though, I'd rather have the ability to use the burst and have it break my stealth temporarily; if I don't want to break stealth, I can intentionally manage my ammo so it doesn't happen.

    Naturally I'd prefer if the entire thing were just silenced like the Hush mod suggests, but I know there are exceptions to this rule of what aspects of a gun get silenced.  But I don't want my silencer mod to remove functionality from my weapon.

  17. Yesterday I did a match-made mission on someone else's ship in the Veil.  We did the mission, and after it went to the Dry Dock.  I wanted to scrap some of the wreckage I got, but in the past I've had issues doing this at other Tenno's docks after a mission.  Normally I choose Leave Dojo, then go to my Dojo from my Orbiter, but last night I realized I could probably save myself some time and did it a different way.

    In their Dojo, I opened the Navigation menu, then chose my Dojo.  It took me there!  Worth noting that I had forgotten to exit the squad first, though as soon as I got to my Dojo I left the squad.  I went to my Dry Dock and the colors of my Railjack were the colors of the ship I had just been on, but I assumed it was just a visual bug.  I fiddled with my ship parts and Avionics, but did not do any aesthetic customization.  I turned the game off.

    This morning I turned on the game.  From the Orbiter I went directly aboard my Railjack and then started a mission in the Veil.  My Ship was exactly how I'd expect it to be in all ways, except that the name had changed to the name of the ship I had been on in my last mission the previous night.

    Back in my Dry Dock, I was able to change the name back to my name, but that sure was weird having someone else's name on my ship; I'm glad it wasn't anything that made me look like a jerk!

  18. In Railjack, shields seem to melt, which is unsurprising since they don't benefit from damage resistance.  I've been waiting to get a Zetki MK-3 shield with good stats, when I had an idea that might turn my plans on their head...

    I don't trust that even with a +900 shields they would last long, so alternatively, what if I focus on having a very high regeneration rate and a very low bonus to shields?  When a Railjack's shields are fully depleted, it gets 3 seconds of invulnerability, and this ability can't be triggered again until the shields have been maxed out.  So with a low total shield value and a high regeneration rate, theoretically it might be possible to use this shield invulnerability more often.  Bonus: the Zetki bonus of +25% bonus damage while shields are depleted would apply more often.

    But in practice, would this work?  I'm curious if anyone has tried it, or if there might be a hole in this plan that would make me better off waiting for a more shields than less shields.

  19. I think the video below speaks for itself, but in short: I used the Archwing Slingshot to shoot myself at a Crewship.  Before my body arrived at the Crewship, it exploded.  When I got to the location where the Crewship had been, the screen transitioned to show me crashing into the Crewship.  Then I was inside the Crewship, which was on fire.  And a few seconds later, the screen went dark, the UI stopped updating, and none of the buttons did anything (except for the PS4 button, which was able to pull me out to the main menu).  I had no choice but turn the entire game off.


  20. So I'm in a group in Empyrean, I'm flying in my Archwing, I die.  For whatever reason, nobody manages to revive me.  That's a bummer.

    Here's where the problem happens: the game tells me I can get back up again, but only if I sacrifice a portion of my affinity.  Do you know how much I want that affinity so I can raise my Intrinsics?  I want it a lot.  I've never wanted affinity more in this game.

    Presented with that choice, many players might choose to just sit out the rest of the mission and let their teammates finish.  And as much as I might dislike it, I can't fault that choice - after all, the game is giving the player that binary choice, suggesting that either of the two outcomes is valid.

    And I think that sucks for everyone.  It means that now that player isn't helping the rest of the team because if they do they'll be punished.  It also means they're not picking themselves up and trying again so they can learn from their mistakes and improve at the game.

    I think this would be super easy to fix: just take the affinity away right when a player dies.  In other words, make affinity loss a punishment for dying, not a punishment for reviving.  This will make it so that once a player has died, they have nothing more to lose.  In fact, it's almost a no-brainer that they should get back up again because the mission will be done faster, they'll gain more affinity, etc.

    Anyway, thanks for reading and considering my feedback!

  21. Follow-up: it seems like once I press R1, the only way to get the power menu to go away is to press left (or whatever button maps to the Tactical Menu).

    Detail: today I pressed R1 once, then pressed Square to use the Tether skill.  The skill fired, but I could tell that "power menu" was still active because the visual icons for the buttons stuck around.  I could not fire my ship's guns. either.  I pressed left, which got me to the Tactical Menu, and then backed out of that and was in full control of my standard ship again.

  22. I couldn't find any consensus on this (though I appreciate your help, Buff00n!) so I decided to stop trying to get answers and just made both of these guns.  From playing a handful of rounds using each, I honestly can't notice the difference.  They both feel good, they both kill enemies in the Veil at about the same speed.

    Is one of them technically better?  Probably.  But not nearly to the point where it was worth me caring about it.  Hope this can help someone else!

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