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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. Thanks, Prime!

    Now that I can see them, I can offer some more specific feedback.  The most prevalent problem is that many of these aren't symbols/shapes that have any meaning to your typical human (or at least, they're inscrutable to me), with the secondary problem being icons that are a bit too ambiguous.

    In trying to think of specific feedback for each individual icon, I had a realization: many of these icons have no meaning to me because I've never seen them before in any other context; they only appear next to player names in Railjack and nowhere else.  Because of this there's nothing for my brain to connect them to.  So part of making these icons more meaningful might be to simply expand their presence so that they can become naturally associated with what they are supposed to represent.

    When a Tenno goes to interact with the pilot seat, gun turrets, forward artillery, forge or archwing slingshot, a prompt currently appears; adding these symbols to the existing prompts would help to create an association between these areas of the ship and these icons.  Similarly, these icons could be added to their corresponding areas on the mini-map and Tactical Map.  So that's one suggestion.

    Individual iconography feedback:

    • Pilot — I've never seen a shape like this before.  Suggestions:
      • silhouette of a Tenno body between the actual Railjack "control sticks"
      • the steering wheel of a real-world car
    • Gunner — This one is good!  It's the shape of the gun turrets, very recognizable.
    • Forward Artillery — Another unfamiliar shape.  Suggestions:
      • The Forward Artillery laser prepares the fire with very distinct visual of a set of lasers from specific angles connecting to fire in the center.  A silhouette emulating this "laser shape".
      • A silhouette of a laser cartoonishly ripping a Grineer Crewship in half (admittedly this one might be hard to create).
    • Omni-tool — This one is good!  It looks like an Omni and it can't be mistaken for any of the other icons (unlike, for example, Pilot and Forge).
    • Archwing — This is the best one.  Not only does it look like an Archwing, but the symbol is nearly identical to the Archwing symbol that I've been seeing in my Foundry for years.
    • Objective — This one has a weird inverse problem.  Years of playing Warframe have made it clear that this is an objective symbol.  But what does it mean, Objective?  There are lots of objectives in a Railjack mission, from getting close to a Missile Platform to destroying radiators (both inside and outside).  When is this used and when is it not used?  Am I an Archwing, a Tenno, a Railjack...?  I don't understand the meaning.
    • Forge — I'm unfamiliar with this shape.  This is admittedly a trick concept to make an icon for, though.  Suggestions:
      • The best idea I have is to put a resource on the left, then to its right an arrow pointing to the right, then to its right a bullet; in other words, a simple diagram showing resources being converted into usable goods.
    • Fighting — I think this one is pretty good because it's recognizable as a gun, though when seen in-mission outside of the context of the entire list, it can be unclear whether this is meant to indicate Railjack Gunnery or Tenno small-arms.  That could be cleared up by making it a sword instead of a gun, since Railjacks don't have swords.  But also, I'm unsure whether this applies only to fighting on the Railjack itself or also to fighting out in the world, and that should probably be considered, too.
    • Archwing Slingshot — With the words "Archwing Slingshot" next to this icon I see what you're trying to do, but without them it's unclear.  Suggestion:
      • An actual slingshot.
    • Boarding — This looks like a jetpack to me, and it also looks like the part of the ship that I interact with to use the Forward Artillery.  EDIT: while reviewing this post I realized that this is a Crew Ship viewed from above.  I can't speak for others, but I don't usually view Crew Ships from above; generally it's the side.  So my suggestion would be a side-view of a Crew Ship.
    • Unspecified — Does this just mean walking around?  If so this works for that. 🙂

    Thanks for taking the time to review my feedback! 

    • Like 1
  2. One thing to keep in mind when trying to make a frame that is durable is that mods are only as effective as the frame you are using.  For example, a maxed Vitality gives +440% Health.  If your Warframe has 100 health, this means Vitality gives you 440 more health; if your Warframe has 200 health, that means Vitality gives you 880 more health.  So Vitality is much more worthwhile on a frame that already has a lot of health, but it's much weaker on a frame that starts with a tiny health pool, which might make it not worth your while.  The same applies to Shields and Redirection.

    Similarly, Steel Fiber can give you more armor.  Armor makes it so that when your health takes damage, it takes less damage.  Again, this scales off of the Armor value your Warframe already has, so if you have low armor this mod just isn't really worth using.

    One of the best tools to get more EHP (effective health points) right now is a mod called Adaptation.  It's a rare mod that you might be able to buy off of someone else with platinum.  Basically, it makes it so that the first time you get hit, you'll take full damage, and then you'll take less and less damage with each successive hit.  It wears off after a bit, but if you can survive a few hits then it will give you strong defenses, regardless of whether attacks hit your Shields or Health.

    Another tactic to use is combining the mods Quick Thinking and Flow.  Quick Thinking makes it so that when your HP runs out, it will start using your Energy as health.  Flow increases your maximum Energy.  I'm personally not a fan of this method as if you're having trouble surviving already, you're probably not swimming in Energy either.  But it's there and it's worth mentioning.

    I agree with everyone who is saying that offense is better than defense in this game, so you should definitely invest in your weapons.  But I also remember what it was like starting out in this game, and that's easier said than done.  I think trying to make sure that you are durable (even if you're more durable than veterans think you need to be) early in the game is a valid tactic, and that once you feel comfortable it will be more reasonable to take off the training wheels if you decide that's how you want to play.

    Beyond just mods, if you're having trouble surviving you might want to try to get the Warframe "Rhino".  Rhino is one of the best Warframes there is, is incredibly durable, and is pretty easy to get early on in the game.  You can get the 4 parts you need to build Rhino from fighting the Jackal boss on the Fossa node on Venus.  Honestly, I would say that if you can get yourself a Rhino, that's the easiest thing you could do to most effectively address your immediate survival problem, so I would highly recommend you do this.

    There's certainly a lot of other things you could do to be more survivable, but most of them venture well outside of the base question that you've asked here.  Good luck!

  3. There are lots of good suggestions in this thread, but I'll add the one that has done me the most good when I've been in your shoes: go to YouTube and watch Brozime's videos.  He's got videos that will teach you all the stuff that is initially unintuitive about this game, like how to mod weapons so they're one-shotting high-level enemies, how to mod your Warframes so they can survive against those same tough enemies, and tricks about playing certain Warframes to get the most out of them.  Then after the videos give you something to work towards, you can go to the Warframe wiki to find out where to get any mods, resources, etc.

    I'll post 2 of Brozime's videos below that I think might be helpful: his introduction to modding video and his basic Rhino/Hek video (which seems right down your alley).  Note that the latter video is aimed at players who may not have a ton of mods; if you want more advanced builds to shoot for later on, he's got many other Rhino videos on his channel.

    Good luck and hope this helps!


  4. I'm unsure to what extent if any this might affect you, but you may want to do a search for "Strict NAT" and "Warframe".

    From what I understand, something about the way Warframe does matchmaking is different than the way most other games do.  Many games nowadays have dedicated servers to play on; Warframe does not, instead matching players together as clients and hosts.  And something about the way it's done uses a technology that many routers and ISP's may have difficulty with.

    I play Warframe enough that I got a new router that supported the ability to solve issues with NAT, but it was expensive so I know that's not an option for most people. But it may be worth looking into, as that's not the only solution you can try.

  5. Honestly, what you're saying doesn't make sense.  You say that you want to get back into Warframe, but you don't have a motive to play.  I hope I'm not simply being pedantic when I say that these two statements contradict each other.  Wanting to play is probably the most fundamental of all motives to play a video game.

    I would recommend taking some time to ponder why it is that you want to get back into Warframe.  I would hazard that if you don't find your answer there, you'll at least come away with a better understanding of your situation and where the solutions might lie.

  6. DE does care about the health and well-being of its players.  And while I wouldn't go so far as to say that your clan doesn't care about that, there is undeniably a certain degree of negligence in incentivizing clan members to do things for arbitrarily long periods of time.  So my speculation is that it's possible that DE may have removed the ability to trade to prevent the transaction of such incentives.  There are certainly plenty of other possible explanations, though.

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  7. 5 hours ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:

    One: I don't wanna render abilities that might be useful unusable. I'm not really for 1-button (or 2-button) wonders. I'd like to have at least 3 abilities of a frame usable (and for Nova, those 3 are her 1, 3 and 4 since I have problems getting value out of her 2)

    One unfortunate truth is that most frames don't have 3 abilities that are worth casting.  And I definitely feel you, because I'd love to have a really long Wormhole, too.  But you have to weight the benefits of utility against the benefits of surviving; your Wormhole won't be getting you anywhere if you're dead.

    5 hours ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:

    Two: When a stat goes low, I always have the feel that the thing has an achilles heel and will blow up in my face. Like when you have a Limbo or a Frost with low range. I always wonder how anyone can protect anything with so little space covered. Or I came across a Baruuk build with only 13% duration and I really wondered how that build could even work without something going wrong. It just makes me feel better when I know the stats are at least on default value.

    I understand this feeling, too.  But rather than depending on a "feeling" that something will go wrong seems to be in the realm of superstition; I would recommend taking stock of what exactly you'll be giving up and what you'll be gaining with a specific choice.  For example, what does Baruuk gain with Duration?  Duration doesn't affect his floaty knives at all, which I'd argue is his most important ability since it gives him insane defense and crowd control.  Duration will make enemies sleep longer, but why would you need enemies to sleep when they can't hurt you and they've been disarmed?  There's certainly more to it than that, but in short there are many Warframes that gain far more than they lose from taking a hit to one stat to boost another.  You just need to do so thoughtfully.


  8. Each Warframe is a specialized tool that tends to shine in certain content and wilt in others.  You can definitely complete any content with any Warframe, but if you choose to use a Warframe for a task it isn't particularly great at, you're going to have to compensate with effort and skill.  Keep that in mind.

    Generally speaking, I would say that you survive in high-level content by increasing your ability to deal damage.  Damage is important because if you're fighting level 100 enemies, they're a lot easier to survive against if they're dead.

    So first, you definitely want to build up a strong set of weapons.  Pick some you like, give them Catalysts and Forma if you can so you can put your juiciest mods in them.  Watch videos that teach you how to mod because it's not straightforward; I personally recommend Brozime's stuff on YouTube, I wouldn't understand jack about how to play this game without him.

    In addition, learning how to move quickly and effectively is a great help.  Warframes can move super fast with bullet-jumping and various evasive maneuvers, and a moving target is much harder to hit (this is not just happenstance, it is literally written into the code).  Moving fast will also allow you to get to enemies quickly and end them with melee, and you can use those same skills to escape to safety if things get hairy.  I highly recommend the mod Mobility.

    Once your offense is in place, then it's time to worry about defense.  If you're using a squishy frame, the mods Adaptation and Vitality go a long way; some people prefer Quick Thinking and (Primed) Flow.  And beyond simply mitigating damage and getting a larger health pool, you'll want some way to regain that health and keep yourself topped off.  Some pets can heal you with mods, you can use Life Strike on your melee weapon, and many Warframes have either innate abilities or Augments that help them regain health.

    Those are the general tips I'd recommend.  Beyond that, every Warframe has powers, and squishy Warframes always have a way to even the odds in their kit.  Warframes like Ember and Saryn can use their abilities to kill most enemies before they even have line of sight.  Warframes like Vauban, Nyx, and Nova can incapacitate enemies to various extents, severely dampening the threat they pose. Mesa, Zephyr, and Gara can give themselves powerful shields that make them nearly impervious to damage.  Ash, Ivara, and Loki can be invisible 99% of the time, which prevents enemies from attacking them (just don't stand near any visible Warframes).

    Hope this helps give you some ideas!

  9. the first Warframes were generally found by beating bosses of planets.  but generally speaking, there aren't enough bosses to tie Warframes to as rewards.  what do do?

    new Warframes are generally released alongside content, and often the Warframe is a reward for engaging with that content.  which totally makes sense.  play the new content, get the new shiny.  that's Warframe's bread and butter.

    there are certainly a handful of Warframes that are tied to particularly difficult challenges, and i think it's reasonable to question and be critical of these design choices, but at the end of the day, your question is one about balance.  why aren't all Warframe acquisition methods balanced?

    the simplest answer would be to just say it's because Warframe - by its developers own admission - is not balanced.

    however, an equally fair question to ask would be: why would you expect all Warframes to be the same difficulty to acquire?

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  10. I kind of don't understand what the problem is.  From what I'm reading, it sounds like you want more new content and you feel like you've run out.  But also it sounds like maybe you haven't Forma'd before, which would make me think there's likely still content you haven't tackled since it would be pretty hard without that.  So I'm a bit confused, but will try to be as helpful as I can regardless.

    Warframe isn't a game you play through linearly; it has a story, but that story is not the focus of the game.  The focus is having a bunch of content that you can replay and have a good time with.  If you aren't into replaying the same content over and over again, Warframe might not be the game you're looking for.  Many of us are very into that kind of game, and it's why we stick around.

    If you do decide to stick around and want to re-level some equipment, keep in mind that you don't have to re-level anything.  In fact, I would recommend that you not re-level most things, as many weapons aren't worth investing the time into.  But if you have one or two weapons you really like, and you'd like to be able to take on stronger challenges with them, then yes, toss a Forma inside and re-level them.  From a certain perspective, re-leveling is a natural part of the leveling system; you haven't actually finished leveling a weapon until you've put enough Forma into it to get the build you want.  So it's not that you already finished leveling a weapon when it gets to 30, but rather that you've arrived at the first checkpoint, and if you want to go further it takes an investment of Forma.

    And if you don't feel motivated to play, then it's definitely time to take a break.  If you decide to come back, the game will be here.  Don't fall into the trap of thinking you have to play everyday.  There are plenty of other games, too, and they all scratch different itches.  I'd only recommend playing Warframe when you got that Warframe itch.

    Good luck!

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  11. I definitely hear what you're saying, but I think the issue is less about the game and more your perspective of it.

    You're saying, "I had to do something hard to get X, and other people can do something easier to get X; this is unequal."  And if that was everything there was to the situation, I think you'd have a very good point.  But what you're forgetting to take into account is the fact that because you did the hard thing, you got access to these rewards well before the easy-moders.

    For example, if you're talking about items like Arcanes you got from raids, you've been able to play with those items for years; conversely, players who didn't do raids haven't had that benefit.  Take a second to really just think about that, to reflect on how much enjoyment and advantage you got from your ability to access to these tools up until now.  Even if now everyone was given every Arcane for free, that wouldn't negate the value you got from playing with those items in the past.  And those players who are just getting Arcanes now are not retroactively being given the experience of having played with them for several years.  That's the benefit you got from being an early adopter.

    So that's the cost-benefit analysis of why the situation is fair.

    However, there's something much more important, something that would be worth bringing to the table even if this situation were unfair.  It's about how you choose to feel, and who you choose to try to be.  Do you want to be the kind of person who is upset when good things happen to others, or do you want to be the kind of person who gets joy from good things happening to others?

    To paraphrase a nameless NPC in FFXIV: "To delight in disparity is harmful to both the self and the community. Disparity engenders feelings of want and resentment, which degrade the bonds of fellowship."

    I don't know anything about who you are, and I won't make any assumptions about that.  But I will encourage everyone (including you) to choose to not be the kind of person who is displeased when others harmlessly gain, because that is a surefire path to being less happy.


  12. This week's Nightwave encouraged me to do Perfect Animal Captures.  I immediately learned that the new UI for fishing is also used for Hunting.  I took a deep, meditative breath, changed my button-bindings so I could use the menu (per this bug), and told myself that I would think positively and give it a try in good-faith.  And I did!  6 Perfect Captures later, I feel ready to offer my feedback.

    In short, I dislike the new UI menu for fishing/hunting and I prefer the previous method of selecting these items (ie - when using fishing items, you get the fishing gear wheel, etc) and here's why:

    I can't use my Abilities and my Ability/Energy UI is removed.  This wasn't a big deal when I was fishing in an empty cave, but hunting is a different story.  As I'm sure many hunters do, I use Ivara for hunting.  She has a bunch of great Abilities, such as invisibility to prevent sight-detection, her wire arrows to help me quickly get to any vantage point I need to without breaking stealth, and the ability to control my tranq shots mid-flight to ensure they hit difficult targets like Sawgaws.  However, with the new UI, I can't use these Abilites while holding my tranq rifle or an echo-lure.  I do have the option of using my melee weapon, which stows these items and brings the Ability menu back, but I can't do that without actually attacking with a giant deadly sword, which is a big no-no around animals that — with all due respect to Rebecca — I'm trying not to kill.  Plus this extra sword step is unintuitive and clunky (ie - to use Navigator I need to attack with my sword, press R1 to toggle the ability on, then I can switch back to my rifle to do a tranq, then attack with a sword and then press R1 again to toggle the ability off).

    The new menu is clunky to use and "slots" must be rebound regularly because there aren't enough slots.  When hunting, I'm constantly needing to change my echo-lure depending on what kind of nest I find.  I can only hot-slot 3 items in the new menu for 6 or 7 different types of animals (each with their own echo-lure), though, so I'm frequently needing to "rebind" what item is where mid-mission.  It's a pain.  And the kicker is, to rebind what's in a slot, it takes me to the old gear menu.  So I use the old gear wheel anyway, but it just takes me longer because I need to use the new menu both before and after the gear wheel; instead of just using the gear wheel to equip the item, I use the new menu with a button-hold which then opens the gear wheel which then changes what's in the new menu slot, so that then I can use the new menu slot to equip the item I want.  It's needlessly complex.

    Controller button space is at a premium, and I cannot afford space for the Ability Menu.  Right now the game has revoked my ability to use fishing and hunting items unless I have a controller mapping for the Ability Menu.  This means that if I want to use items, not only do I need a binding for the Gear menu, but I also need a second binding for the Ability Menu.  I cannot stress how much there is not space for this, and it really feels unnecessary to to require two bindings for functionality that previously worked perfectly well with only one binding (the Gear menu).

    I appreciate your considering my feedback.  I also appreciate the fact that you tried to innovate and create an even better way for Tenno to access items, but for the above 3 reasons it's falling short of the old one for me.  At the very least, I would love an option to turn this feature off.  Thanks!

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  13. Hi Tenno!  Today I'd like to teach you how to play as Big Titania.  It's pretty easy (at least on PS4):

    1. In a Railjack mission, enter a Crew Ship with Titania.
    2. Let the ship explode while you are still on it and in Razorwing; it doesn't matter if your team destroys it from the outside or if you wreck the reactor.
    3. You will appear in an empty-ish space.  From your gear menu, use your Omni to teleport back to the ship.
    4. Congratulations, you are now Big Titania!

    Big Titania is genuinely big, so she will get stuck in spaces that are too small.  That's okay, just use your normal-size Operator to reposition yourself to an open space where Big Titania can move freely.  If you want to stop being big, Razorwing will turn you back to normal.  Some other notes:

    • Big Titania's melee attacks are big!  Your range will be increased as you might expect, but note that you may have trouble hitting those tiny enemies at your feet since most attacks don't attack there.
    • You may feel like you're moving slow, because Big Titania moves at the same exact speed as normal Titania; jumps are the same, too.
    • Big Titania will also be big in Archwing.

    While I hope Big Titania stays with us forever, I wouldn't be surprised she was patched out soon.  So please enjoy goofing around as Big Titania while you can.  I hope this adds some smiles to your life, Tenno!  Go big and stay home. 🙂

    I added a video of creating Big Titania and going through most of a mission with her as well:


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  14. This doesn't seem like a bug as much as emergent design, but as the title says, when I play as Titania and cast Razorwing, I get a host of butterflies that orbit around me.  If I step in Wisp's totems, I get my own totems, but each of my butterflies gets a set, too.  So now I'm the sun and my butterflies are planets each with their own triad of moons.  Which is kind of hilarious and neat, but unfortunately, it makes it quite difficult to see and is very distracting since they're all so close to my camera.  I already find it a bit hard to see in Razorwing because the camera is zoomed in to see tiny Titania like she's normal size, and this makes it even more difficult.

    I know this definitely has "neat factor" but could this be changed in some way?  I'm going to guess that nobody is keeping track of what Wisp buffs each of their distinct butterflies has, so hopefully it wouldn't hurt to remove these visuals, or make them incredibly small so that I can only see them if I'm really looking for them.

    Thanks for taking my feedback into consideration!


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  15. I went to do the fishing Nightwave today only to find that I no longer have access to the old fishing menu that allows me to use different baits and dyes.  After pulling out my spear, there's a UI element that tells me to "hold R1".  So I did that, which did not allow me to access baits and dyes; instead, it caused my Titania to turn into a Pixie.  When I pressed R1 to change back to normal, I was no longer able to bring out my fishing gear.  I had to leave the mission and start again to be able to pull out my fishing spear.

    The issue appears to be that I do not have "Ability Menu" bound to R1.  Instead, I have "Activate Selected Power" there.  I tried running entirely out of energy so that an ability couldn't be cast, thinking that maybe the ability was interrupting the fishing menu, but that didn't change it.  I changed my keybinds so that "Ability Menu" was on R1 again to test, and sure enough the fishing UI works fine with that.  But I can't play Warframe like that; I've had my keybinds the way they are for years. (also, I've never understood how people can use the "Ability Menu" as it is set by default; you have to activate abilities by pressing buttons with your right thumb, but your right thumb has to use your right analog stick to aim abilities...)

    As a side-note, this is the second time that a new mechanic has been introduced that didn't work if "Ability Menu" wasn't assigned to R1 (the first was the Railjack controls); I get the feeling that the folks in charge of designing, implementing, and/or testing new types of controls are forgetting to take into account that controls can be rebound.  The fact that I can customize my controls is a major upside of Warframe, so please don't forget those who depart from the defaults. ❤️

    Anyway, I love you, I appreciate you, you make a cool sweet game that brings me a lot of joy.  I hope that when you get a chance to fix this you can; at least fishing isn't part of the "main" game so it's not the end of the world if I need to rebind controls to fish.  But all the same it was a frustrating wall to run into.

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  16. There are just so many discrete points of failure in this event; I feel like whoever designed this event only thought about how cool it would be when things worked out, but didn't put much effort into considering how things could go wrong.  Because there are so many ways things can go wrong.

    You need to remove 70 Murex in 3 hours.  To do that you need:

    • For enough players to choose that specific Flotilla out of a list of dozens or hundreds.
    • For players not to leave.  To have this, you need players to not be lured away because:
      • they see that the Murex-to-time remaining ratio isn't looking good, so they leave, which starts a cascading effect ensuring failure.
      • they've already earned the max 5k reward that can be tripled on a successful flotilla, so they leave to another Flotilla to get more rewards that can be tripled.
    • Enough Successful Space teams.  To have this you need:
      • Enough players with 3 hour blocks of time to spare that are perfectly aligned with the 3-hour Flotilla windows, and choose to spend their time this way.
      • Capable, quasi-organized Space Teams.  To get these you need either:
        • Successful matchmaking to occur.  Because the matchmaking occurs within the Flotilla's tiny population only, this tends to be unreliable.
        • To have enough players who can manually organize groups.  In my experience, I'm seeing dead air waves too often, even if i try to organize something myself.  The only "solution" might be to find a different Flotilla, abandoning those on the Flotilla and wasting all my time up until then.
      • Enough successful Ground teams.  To have this you need:
        • Players who are willing to do Ground missions even though Space missions have much faster and better rewards.
        • Successful matchmaking to occur.  See above, but note that this is even moreso in my Ground team experience.
        • To have enough players who can manually organize groups.  See above.

    To put this all together, today I hopped onto a Flotilla at the start of the 3 hour window, and I joined a successful Space team through random matchmaking.  Score!  It was fun!  Then that party finished and disbanded.  That's when the fun ended.  For the next almost 2 hours, between missions I tried to use the Flotilla chat to get groups together, or to join groups, but I was met with crickets.  I joined both space and ground missions, and was matched with either 1 or no players each time, and these single players weren't good enough to do the endurance runs of this hard content (as an aside, it really sucked to feel like instead of helping these players out, i was under a time crunch that demanded I jettison dead weight so that i could have an effective squad).  After 2 hours total, with 1 hour left in the Flotilla, I saw that we had just over 35 of the Murex's taken care of.  I wasn't able to make or be matched with full squads, which in itself was frustrating.  Did I want to spend the next hour of my life fruitlessly trying to reach that full 70?  Alone?  That would me miserable and ineffective.  Getting together with other players?  That hadn't been working, and I had to wonder how many had seen that we had 1/3 of the time left to defeat 1/2 the Murex's and thought it was a good idea to leave.  It was really the only sane choice, to leave, because otherwise I would leave the Flotilla with an hour less of my life and even more anger feeling even more defeated.

    So I turned off Warframe, frustrated and angry.  And the thing is, I can't resist those rewards.  I love Warframe, and given the choice between my immediate happiness and the long-term "what if" sadness of having missed out on this one-time chance for Arcanes (Eidelons for random rewards = no), I only see one conclusion: if I do not engage with this frustrating content — if I do not get these Arcanes while I have the chance — I will be left behind as the game continues to progress.  So I will login regularly during this event, and play it, knowing that each play session will end with me feeling frustrated and angry at Warframe and probably angry at myself for playing something that I know will make me angry.

    I hope none of this was DE's plan.  I hope they don't want their players to be angry, to grind a joyless, miserable grind just for the sake of that being a form of "engagement".  I hope that this design is a big big mistake.  But if that's the case, I hope this big mistake can be fixed in some way.  The sooner that happens, the better it will be for players like me.  I know I'm not the only one in this boat.

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  17. (Note: this is my subjective experience and may differ from yours)

    Events like this with unique rewards (and otherwise difficult to get rewards, like Arcanes) are fueled by FOMO, and that's not necessarily the end of the world as long as the event is designed in such a way where that doesn't feel like a problem.  I don't think Scarlet Spear currently passes that bar.

    Missions Incentivize playing for over an hour

    Because rewards are exponential as opposed to linear, you get more Scarlet Credits for staying in a mission for more waves.  This incentivizes staying for the maximum amount of time, so that you maximize your rewards per time.  Normal Warframe missions don't do this; they tend to cap out their rewards at around the 20 minute mark.  I feel like this event doesn't respect my time or the fact that sometimes I get thirsty or need to go to the bathroom, or that I'm not always in the mood for an intense 1-hour game session.  But if I want to get the rewards from Scarlet Spear, it doesn't matter what I want, I have to choose between those things and getting those rewards before the event ends.  That feels bad.

    Add into the mix that Warframe, while it's a wonderful game that we all love, is known for its bugs.  Today I did 15 waves before running into a progression stopping bug that required we leave the mission.  If rewards were linear, this wouldn't be an issue; I could just start over and I'd be playing again, earning the same rewards.  But with exponential rewards, that bug makes me feel robbed.  I put in time expecting the chance to maximize my payout, but a bug right near the end meant that wouldn't happen.  Knowing that bugs like this can happen, I feel like playing a long mission isn't just an investment in too much of my time, it's also a gamble as to whether that investment will even see returns.

    ...and then it incentivizes playing even more

    But of course, if I really want to get more Scarlet Credits, I need to keep working on my specific Flotilla so that it reaches the maximum amount of Murex kills.  At the very least, this requires even more time.  Again, feels bad.

    But even more than that, it requires that enough players be on my Flotilla.  Today I played for about 2 hours on 1 Flotilla, and the timer to kill 70 Murex's elapsed, we had killed about 40.  So we didn't get any additional reward.  The number of Flotillas available to choose from was about 200, and clearly not enough people joined ours.  So either I need a Flotilla worth of friends (I don't have that) or I just have to hope that I get lucky and that players join and are successful.  I hope you can see how this feels bad.  Again, it's another gamble.  I feel like I don't have control.

    Railjack is still broken

    You can try to just do ground missions, but if Murex's need to be killed by your Flotilla and there are plenty of ground groups, you need to Railjack.  And I still can't access my Railjack's Tactical Menu (and hence no Tactical Avionics).  I feel like I haven't been given the tools I need to succeed.

    So to add that all together, we've got a limited time event, with limited time rewards, and the event wants me to invest my time in multi-hour chunks so that I will have a random chance of getting a reasonable amount of rewards, and I've got broken tools and broken missions to try to make that happen.  It feels bad and Scarlet Spear has bummed me out.

    If this were just normal content that I could play at my leisure here and there, none of these other issues would seem like a big deal, they would just seem like Warframe.  But that FOMO adds pressure, and I'm feeling it, and it feels bad.  Thanks for listening to my feedback.

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  18. I am so incredibly disappointed that Scarlet Spear — a limited-time event that requires Railjack — released without this bug being fixed.  The Tactical Menu feels like a fundamental part of the Railjack experience, offering access to both Tactical Avionics and the Tactical View.  I know times are tough now, and I generally feel like if DE can't get to my bug that's okay, because there are so many that so many people have.  But this one feels more important, affecting a broad part of the Railjack play experience.  I hope this can be looked at soon.

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  19. I was doing a 2-player ground mission in Scarlet Spear.  We fought for an hour to get to wave 15.  While our Op-links were downloading, the host died and i went to save them.  i didn't make it in time, but when i got back to the op-link area, the op-links were gone.  The big Condrix thing was still closed, still invincible, unmoving.  The yellow circle on the mini-map that indicates where you can put op-links was gone.  Enemies no longer spawned.  I could not put an Op-link down because "there was no nearby condrix".  And there was no map marker for a new Condrix, nor did the previous one fly away like the others did.


    So we couldn't get to wave 17, which sucked, felt like an hour was wasted for just over half the credits we could have left with. 😞

  20. When a Railjack mission's objective is complete, any player can use the Navigation console to — without any sort of vote, warning, or consent — pull all the other players out of their current environment and into a new mission (or to the Dry Dock). I think this needs a change because not only does it Feels Bad, but it's also the only mission type in the entire game where another player can instantly decide when your mission starts or ends.  In addition, it's worth noting that more than any other content in the game, Railjack nearly demands that it be played with a group; because of this, there's not really the option to play solo if you want to avoid these kinds of conflicts, so the game flow and interface need to take on the responsibility of making sure all players can get what they want at the end of a mission.

    When a Railjack mission objective is complete, here are a few things that can happen:

    • Imagine killing 90 Fighters and 6 Crew Ships, then wanting to farm resources, but someone else pulls you out of the mission (into a new mission or to the Dry Dock).
      • Contrast: In the Plains or the Vallis, you would be given a countdown warning before this happened, so you could leave the squad and continue to farm, but that option doesn't exist in Railjack.
    • Someone starts a new mission, but I want to go back to the Dry Dock.  Load times on PS4 take between 1 and 2 minutes, which is a reasonable enough time to wait to do the content you want, but is an incredibly frustrating amount of time to be forced to wait and load into a mission you don't want to do, just so you can then quit and do that same load again.
      • Contrast: When a new mission is initiated from the Orbiter, there is a vote.  Even if someone "forces" the mission to start by skipping the vote, there is a countdown timer before this transition, allowing players who don't want to do the mission to leave the squad.  This option doesn't exist in Railjack.
    • I want to either go back to the Dry Dock or start a new mission.  I know that the first person to use the navigation console gets to choose what the group does next.  Do I want to assume that all 3 of my teammates are going to be polite and wait?  Or should entirely remove my chances of being inconvenienced by doing something that might inconvenience them?  Hopefully it's clear that this is a bad situation to put your players in, one that brews conflict where none needs to exist.
      • Contrast: There's nothing to contrast this with, because there's no situation in the rest of the game where I need to shoot my teammates first to avoid potentially being shot.

    For the purpose of this post, I'm assuming that all players have the best intentions.  On PS4, communication between players tends to be minimal because few players use headsets and even fewer have access to keyboards; because of this, it makes sense that players often do not communicate with each other before making decisions that could impact the group, because they don't have an efficient way to do this.  In addition, all other content in the game has trained them that this kind of communication is not necessary, because in all of the other content there are warnings before mission transitions that allow players to the time to leave the squad.  In other words, in all other content, the game's interface takes care of these kinds of negotiations proactively.  Railjack does not.

    My proposed solution:

    • Make returning to the Dry Dock or starting a new mission have the same mechanics as starting a new mission in the Orbiter.
      • Starts with a vote.
      • If a player wants to "force" a countdown timer, other players have the option to drop, which allows them to stay in the mission for looting (like in open world areas).

    Thanks for taking the time to consider my feedback!


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  21. Since the most recent update, I've periodically found that I can't jump.  I'll be in mission, and all of a sudden jump just stops working.  Then later in the mission I will be able to jump.  This can happen multiple times per mission.

    It happened a lot in one of my last missions.  I was playing as Nova Prime with a Kuva Bramma in the Sortie Disruption against Grineer and Ghouls, and I would get close to enemies and fire an arrow because I'm both that cool and that dumb.  The explosion causes me to do the knockdown backflip, and I believe that something about this seems to be what triggers my inability to jump, as I always seemed to notice not being able to jump shortly after getting up from knocking myself down.  Specifically, I noticed something weird where sometimes in the middle of the knockdown animation, my animation would be interrupted and turn into a blocking animation (despite the fact that I just used the Kuva Bramma, and not a melee weapon).  So my best guess is that something about this auto-block happening in the middle of my knockdown animation is what then prevents me from jumping.  (I'm also guessing the auto-block shouldn't be happening?)

    Some other information that may help is that when I can't jump, if I walk off a ledge (and am thus falling in the air) I can do a double-jump.  But once I'm back on the ground I can't jump again.  I've also confirmed that it's not my controller button malfunctioning, as when I pause to go into a menu and then press X to confirm it works, and then when I'm playing against I still can't jump.

  22. I've come to realize that I hate doing Extermination missions with public groups.  On the surface, Exterminate missions are a kill-fest and one of the most fundamental and enjoyable types of non-endless mission.  But that doesn't take into account the nature of players, which has unfortunately made Exterminate missions a stressful hell.

    Nearly every Extermination mission I join nowadays has a player (let's call them a "Wrecking Ball") who wants nothing more than to kill as many enemies as possible as quickly as possible (which is a very valid desire).  The way a Wrecking Ball achieves their goal is to exclusively go after large groups of enemies, leaving stray enemies and survivors behind them as they rush towards the next large group.  However, if your team reaches Extraction without killing the required number of enemies, you won't be able to leave, and will have to backtrack to kill those missed enemies.  Because of this, a Wrecking Ball exerts two two directly opposing pressures on other players:

    1. If you want to stay in Affinity-sharing range of where the majority of the kills are happening and/or if you simply enjoy fighting more than one enemy at a time, you're pressured to become a Wrecking Ball yourself.  (note that this causes a viral spread of Wrecking Ball behavior that can continue beyond the end of the mission)
    2. If you want to beat the mission in a timely fashion without the frustration of backtracking, you're pressured to play clean-up crew and take out solitary stragglers for the entire mission, while the Wrecking Ball has all the fun.

    I don't know how to solve this problem entirely.  I think the problem could be mitigated by increasing the Affinity-sharing range — preferably by making it infinite like in Railjack — to lessen players' incentive to become Wrecking Balls while making it so that players in the same mission as Wrecking Balls don't have to make hard choices about losing Affinity.

    However, that's only half the problem.  When a person has the choice between 1 candy in one direction and 5 candies in another, they head towards the bigger batch, surprising no one.  And apparently even the knowledge that down the road you might not complete your mission due to this behavior isn't enough to overcome the moment-to-moment dopamine rush derived from wanton destruction.  Is there some way to incentivize — in a moment-to-moment gameplay way — killing every last enemy?  Or sticking together with your team instead of running ahead?  Could there simply be an on-screen alert that pops up when an enemy has been left "several rooms tiles behind" and persists until that enemy is dead?  Could enemies in Exterminate mission spawn as "squads" and killing every member of a squad gives some kind of bonus?

    This is a problem I don't know how to solve, but I think it's worth trying to solve. Thanks for listening to and considering my feedback!






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