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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. Feedback:

    Now that console players have access to the new Railjack missions, I understand what people meant when they were talking about it feeling like a "Taxi"; it's sort of like you do a Railjack mission, and then you do a "normal" mission, and I do understand the (unintended) vibe that it feels like two disparate things were tacked together.  That said, I think that the Call of the Tempestarii quest was a great example of how this can be done right, because it felt like I was getting the "intended" Railjack experience, with Railjack missions seamlessly flowing into foot-based missions and then back to Railjack, etc.  It really felt like I was in the universe, and that if I needed to go somewhere or do something, everything was connected.  How am I getting there?  Railjack.  How am I leaving?  Railjack?  I'm doing Railjack fights and something needs to be done on-foot?  Let's go in.  It's done?  Let's go back out again.  In this way, the Railjack sort of felt like a traveling home, something I was always attached to, something I would always return to.  It was great! 

    I realize this can't be perfectly replicated for normal content, as normal missions shouldn't be nearly as long or involved or scripted as a quest.  So with that in mind, if (for example) you want to have a Railjack mission where you do Railjack stuff and then do a Defense mission, my suggestion would be to not end the mission at the Defense part.  After Defense is over, have there be a post-Defense Railjack mission that needs to be done to escape the base or whatever.  That way the entire experience is bookended by Railjack.  (Right now, leaving the on-foot area to go back to the Railjack just seems like an extra step because there's nothing to do but leave and outer-space seems dead).

    Thanks for all the hard work!  Railjack just keeps coming together and getting better, and it feels like it's almost there!

  2. 2 minutes ago, BloodKitten said:

    The swastika symbol, 卐 or 卍, is an ancient religious icon in the cultures of Eurasia. It is used as a symbol of divinity and spirituality in Indian religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

    I have heard a lot of people express concerns about the Swastika, and not a single one of those concerns have been "it's origin".

  3. I really like melee as-is, except that I think there's too much focus on combo.  Part of why melee seems like the only game in town is that switching to use ranged weapons means dropping your combo, which means losing your Blood Rush bonus that you probably have on most of your high-damage builds.  I don't think that pressuring the player to just keep using melee is a good design decision.  I would rather players be encouraged to mix it up.  I actually think that if they got rid of combo, melee would be in a pretty good spot.

    I also think that the attack speed bonuses need to be toned down, but it sounds like this is a planned part of the upcoming re-balance.

  4. Just now, Zimzala said:

    Why does it bother people so much to pick an old conversation back up?

    It's a good question.  I've sat and thought about it for awhile, and here's my best attempt at a response.

    I think "picking up an old conversation" is a very generous way to frame it.  I can only speak for my own experience, but I've only ever heard talk of "picking up and old conversation" in reference to a conversation that 2 (or more) people had in the past, and then those same people talk about it again.  This isn't that.  In this case, the person who necro'd the thread wasn't part of the original conversation, and they are responding to the OP.  The OP hasn't logged into the forums since January.  They're talking to someone who has moved on.  And then the very next reply quote-tweeted the OP, presumably because they didn't realize they were responding to something someone said nearly a year ago.

    So you've got a new person who wants to have a conversation about a topic, which is smashing.  But in that case, it seems like it makes a lot more sense to just start a new thread.  If you have something that's worth saying, say it.  Don't direct it at someone who has moved on.  And don't hide it at the end of a thread full of stale, year-old comments left by commenters who may not even stand by what they said anymore.  So much can change in 11 months.  Warframe and Destiny have changed in the last 11 months, and people change even more.  And what they choose to devote their attention to certainly changes as well.  Let the dead sleep.

    And to be honest, I'm not really bothered in this particular instance, but it certainly seems like a bad idea that leads to a sloppier forum experience.  I'd rather see threads filled with posts that people care about right now.  That's where conversations can happen, conversations that people are motivated to be a part of.  From a user experience perspective, it's better not to have those old posts there, because statistically some people will miss the fact that they're old and they'll try to engage people who are gone, and you end up with interactions that muddy the thread without having value.  A fresh thread wouldn't have this problem.

    I have memories of being bothered by this sort of thing, though.  I've received notifications because people are quote-replying me about things from the distant past, and I find it tiresome that people want to start up a conversation with my ghost.  There was a time when I found that specific conversation engaging, and it's not now.  I moved on, and I don't want to be pulled back in.  It makes me weary to think that there are people out there who look at things I posted about 6 months ago and see that as an opportunity to start an argument.  So I suppose that's my personal connection to this.  I don't want that for me, and if other people also don't want that, I don't want it for them as well.

    That's the best I can attempt to explain it, hope it's helpful.




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  5. To be clear: I do NOT need advice about what Warframes or Weapons to use.  For the purpose of this post, imagine that enemies die the instant they get within reasonable shooting distance of me.

    However, for whatever reason, I must be doing something that makes the spawning inefficient, or requires the enemies to travel too much to arrive at my location, because melting my enemies instantly and picking up the pyramids they drop has not been enough.  I have the exact same results on the lowest and highest difficulty.

    Does anyone have a solid understanding of where I should be positioning myself, how much I should be moving around to seek enemies, where I should be looking, etc?  There's such a short time in the Granum Void that I've been unable to figure out what I can do to make sure that I don't run out of enemies to kill.  I greatly appreciate any helpful suggestions!

  6. Yeah, the biggest issue for me has been finding the enemies.  Probably about time I took a break for the day.  Mesa has been melting enemies, but they just don't come back fast enough.

    And since the short amount of time that you have in the Granum Void is pretty frantic, and you can only do it for a short period once per mission, it's difficult to learn the ins-and-outs.  Even if you're doing missions that take you 5 minutes total (with loads), you're only getting about 1-2 minutes of disjointed experience per run.  Not the end of the world of course, but one of the worst environments in the game when it comes to learning the mechanics of a specific mode.

  7. I just downloaded the Deadlock Protocol update and went online.  Noticed the Jackal was the Sortie today and thought this would be the best way to try it.  However, my level 30 Ember is unable to start the first Sortie mission, saying that I need to unlock Sau Neptune.  However, I do have that node unlocked.  In fact, I can queue for Arbitration without any problem.  However, when I look at the Neptune map and click on the Sau node, it just starts to queue for the normal mission, showing no options for anything else.  Not sure what to do

  8. pro-tip: if a Player says they are having trouble with something, and a second Player responds by saying little more than "the content is easy", then I can't think of a reasonable way to frame that as one Player helping another Player.  and since this forum is called "Players helping Players", I can't help but feel that such posts don't have a place here.

    so if you're the kind of person who would post such a reply, i would like to try to help you: if you want to reply, get outside of your own head and your own experience and recognize that some people experience the same things in very different ways than you do.  if you can't do that, do all of us a favor and don't waste others' time and energy with unhelpful replies.  asking for help takes bravery and vulnerability, and it's pretty low to repay that with dunks and condescension.  i 100% believe that you are capable of being better than that.

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  9. Sadly, these mission cannot be done co-op.

    I've recently been watching my spouse finish these missions.  She used Gara, which was a very smart idea, as Gara's 4th ability can make a wall that prevents enemies from getting into the zone you want to keep them out of.  Additionally, Gara herself is durable as heck with her 2nd ability as long as you have 130% Ability Strength.   Both of these abilities on one frame is a great combo for these missions.

    One alternative might be to use a strong build for a frame like Ember, one that focuses on murdering everything around you before they can become a problem.  Brozime's latest Ember build (YouTube) would be good for this.  It wouldn't melt the Sentients the same as the other enemies, but that would give you some breathing room to take care of the Sentients whenever they pop up.

    Conversely, Limbo doesn't seem like the best pick, as Limbo is a delicate Warframe who dies pretty much the instant he loses control of the situation...and this is a situation he doesn't have control over, especially due to those Sentients.  He's towards the very bottom of the list of frames I'd recommend for this.

    Don't forget that Sentient resistances can be removed by a single shot of your Operator's beam attack.  So if they've adapted too much, switch, shoot, then switch back; this will make them take normal damage until they adapt again.

    For dangerous enemies like the Sentients, I'd recommend a weapon that does high burst damage.  So sniper rifles (if you don't have trouble aiming them) or shotguns like the Arca Plasmor or the Catchmoon.  Weapons like these can deal a lot of damage in a single quick shot, which means you won't be sitting in the same spot aiming - and thus vulnerable - for too long at one time.  Also, never forget to move as much as possible, you will always take less damage if you do this.

    You'll probably want some way to heal your health, because you are definitely going to get hurt.  Mods like Life Strike can do this, as can certain Warframe abilities (sometimes with Augments), pet abilities, and Operator Arcanes.  I'm guessing Life Strike is the easiest to get for most people?  But you will take damage with Sentients around, so you'll want some way to heal through it.  Naturally if you use mods that increase your health that will make you even more durable.

    Also, if you see Sentients do that thing where they curl into a ball and make a spin-spin laser wheel?  I'd recommend just running far far away until they stop; it hurts way more than it should and it's really hard to avoid and also hard to hit them when they do that.  You're not in a rush, and better safe than sorry.

    Hope this helps a bit!

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  10. In the majority of cases, the answer is no.  There are some Warframe abilities that do benefit from weapons colloquially known as "stat sticks", but these have less to do with damage types and more to do with the modded abilities of the weapons.  Atlas's Landslide and Khora's whip are examples of these.  They are the exceptions to the rule, though, and I honestly don't know why they're like this.

  11. In the majority of cases, the answer is no.  There are some Warframe abilities that do benefit from weapons colloquially known as "stat sticks", but these have less to do with damage types and more to do with the modded abilities of the weapons.  Atlas's Landslide and Khora's whip are examples of these.  They are the exceptions to the rule, though, and I honestly don't know why they're like this.

  12. Maim does not do a bleed proc; it deals a small amount of Slash damage to enemy units as they enter its radius.

    Edit: actually, maybe I'm wrong.  i looked up the wiki page and it does say Slash proc.  Perhaps the proc is so weak that it isn't dealing any damage?  The Slash damage is barely even a cherry atop the Maim cake.

  13. If you haven't played in a while, one thing you might be noticing is that the new lighting design of the Orbiter is much darker than the previous design.  So when you are testing out colors on your Warframe in the Arsenal, they will look more muted than they will under other lighting conditions, especially compared to how bright they used to look in the previous version of the Arsenal.

  14. 6 hours ago, Dualice said:

    Curiously, in practice the "recoil increase" is non-existent!

    This is because the Miter has absolutely no recoil.  I have a Riven that has this same trait and it's hilarious that the "downside" of the Riven is entirely negated by the innate qualities of the only weapon it works on. 🙂

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  15. If you really want to end Nullifiers, you want a weapon that fires a lot of projectiles really fast; this is because there is an upper-limit to how damaged a Nullifier bubble can be from a single shot.  Weapons like Grakatas, Supra, Pandero, and honestly anything with a reasonable-sized magazine and fast fire-rate will do a great job melting bubbles.

    Other than that, I'd honestly say it's a matter of taste.  You could use a sniper like the Rubico if you'd really like to be able to deal with enemies at long-range, or perhaps explosives are more your style.  You could use something like Corrosive/Viral/etc Pox to help soften up enemies before you go in for the kill.  If you find yourself failing under specific circumstances, figure out what those circumstances are and what types of weapons might be particularly effective under those circumstances.  But if you're not failing, then I'd just play with what you like and not stress about being 5% more effective.

  16. 4 hours ago, (PS4)Zfurious143 said:

    I like being up close and personal 

    Few frames are as up-close-and-personal as Atlas.  90% of your time with him will be spent using his 1st ability to be invincible while you punch holes in your enemies.

    Valkyr is another good option, as building her around her 4th ability means being invincible and slashing enemies to pieces with your claws.  She can also pull enemies to her with her 1st ability to get them nice and close.

    You may also like Garuda, who can dive towards enemies to shred them with her claws using her 1st ability.  She can also use this ability to make an invincible shield, but it only guards from a single direction at a time so she lacks outright invincibility like the previous two.  But she does end up covered in her opponents' blood, which some might consider more personal.

  17. 23 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

    But...isn't that another indication OP didn't read at all? The whole Quest is based on how the Stalker becomes the Shadow Stalker.

    I'm going to guess that most reasonable people who want to find information on a wiki search until they feel they've found that information, and then stop there.  If I wanted to find drop rates for an item, I most certainly would not waste my time reading about a quest.

    Regardless of whether you would guess the same, indications seem like a less-than-concrete reason to trash talk someone.  Not that anyone deserves to be trash-talked anyway, but at the very least before doing so I would hope that people might check their assumptions at the door.

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