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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. (When I say pause menu, I mean the menu that comes up with options like Abort Mission and the ability to use the chat; it doesn't actually pause the game in multiplayer)

    When I play multiplayer Railjack missions, there are often stretches of time where pressing Start on my controller (which normally brings up the pause menu) nothing happens.  This can go on for quite awhile, maybe 10-20 seconds at times?

    Additionally, sometimes in multiplayer Railjack missions, I am in the pause menu, and I will just get kicked out of it.  When this happens I then often can't pause again, or when I do pause again I get kicked out again shortly.  This behavior makes me think this is likely the same issue.

    Most of the time the only problem with this is that I am absolutely unable to communicate with my squad.  Even with my USB keyboard, the only way to enter the chat interface is by pressing Start -> L2 -> Square.  So I either can't get to the chat window or I get entirely kicked out of it mid-messages.  That can be unfortunate if there's something time-sensitive to tell my team.  I also can't do things like leave the mission or check to see which frame is which player.

    I'm hoping this is something that can be looked into at some point, as I've never experienced this in any other game mode.  I cannot remember for sure, but I believe it affects me as both host and client.  Thanks!


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  2. In the past, one of the most difficult aspects of Nightwave for me has been feeling stressed that I won't be able to make it to the 30th reward tier before the current Nightwave ends.  This is intensified by feeling like it's unclear how much time I have left to get there.

    However, with the introduction of the "Investigation Pentagon" (the Pentagon showing 5 different "episodes" in the lower right of the Nightwave screen), my stress has been drastically diminished.  I assumed that these episodes would be released at regularly-spaced intervals, meaning that every Sunday when the next "episode" didn't unlock felt like a guarantee that I had at least 4 more weeks than I previously felt guaranteed to have to finish.  Then I could compare that amount of theoretical remaining time to how much progress I had made by doing most of the Nightwave Challenges for the weeks leading up to that, and I grew more and more comfortable every week until I felt that the guaranteed amount of time remaining was much much more than I needed.

    I hope that makes sense.  Basically, the "Investigation Pentagon" gave me a tool that I was able to use to compare the rate of progress I was making towards my goal with the time remaining to achieve that goal, and it got to the point where the stress of FOMO basically melted away once I had enough data to use in this comparison.  So thank you for having this visible reminder that I can chill out a bit and take it slow, it has really helped my mental health. 🙂

  3. This thread seems to be less about you wanting help from other players and more about you wanting us to listen to every major and minor complaint you have about the game.  If that's the case, you might be better suited to put this into the Feedback forum.

    • Like 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, ECACA said:

    There are 6 events to Earn RARE Catalysts and such, Its rare if its <10%..

    Also, Iv already spent about $150+ dollars on this game, over time.  Can you guess what buying??

    First off, stop buying Catalysts and Reactors (hereafter known simply as "Potatos").  It's making you unhappy.  In fact, you should probably stop buying anything in the store until you're feeling good about the game.  I have a feeling that once you stop feeling like you could get what you want now if you just paid some money for it, you'll start to have a better understanding of the pace that Warframe actually works at.

    Second, stop putting Potatos in every frame and weapon you get.  Potatos are a rare resource, and you should treat them as a rare resource.  If you don't have many Potatos, then only put them in things that are your absolute favorite.

    I started the game a few years ago, and I didn't give DE any money for a long time.  I've never purchased a Potato from the store.  But I also never felt like I needed to buy one.  When I level up Warframes and weapons, I do it without Potatos.  Then, if I have decided that I really love the weapon/Warframe after having leveled it all the way, and if I have a Potato to spare, I'll give it one.  But only the items that have earned Potatos get them.  And using this strategy, I now have 50 Catalysts and 10 Reactors just waiting for homes...and I have dozens of weapons with installed Catalysts, as well as a Reactor in every Warframe.  You won't get there overnight, because again, Warframe is a game about patience.  But with patience, you'll get there.

    Potatos show up often enough.  Right now Nightwave is going on, and you can get quite a few Potatos very easily with your Glass Credits or whatever they're called.  In addition, you can keep an eye out Invasions, Razorbacks, Fomorians, and Alerts that sometimes appear on weekends after DE streams.  And while you arguably need Potatos for the highest tiers of play, if you're a beginner, you don't need them.  You can 100% get through the bulk of the Star Chart without any Potatos.  So I would recommend not fixating on them.  When you see an opportunity to get one, simply take it, as a treat.

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  5. I don't go to the Plains of Eidolon anymore except for Nightwave.  That's because if at any time during my Bounty the "sub-mission" changes to "Defend the Area", it feels completely out of my control whether I will succeed or fail the sub-mission and hence my entire Bounty.

    To make sure I'm using the right terms, the Defend the Area sub-mission I'm talking about is the one where there's a big yellow circle on the map, and then for X amount of time you need to keep your "influence" in the area above 0%.  It starts at 100% and if there are enemies in the yellow area the percentage will drop.  Killing enemies seems to make it go up.

    I have lost count of the amount of times I have lost these missions without even knowing where the enemies that were in the zone were.  It's an incredibly frustrating way to lose.

    I also feel like I'm using all the tools I have at my disposal.  My weapons are capable of destroying packs of enemies in split-seconds.  My Sentinel has the Primed mod for enemy radar, but even with its large radius it's not enough to consistently detect the enemies in these spaces.  I use Mobilize and other speed-boosting mods on most of my frames, so that I can try to move around the area quickly to find enemies I can't yet see.  I try to watch for the drop-ships in the sky, but if one comes and leaves while I'm dealing with other enemies then I have way of telling where the enemies are.  And the landscape of these areas is often filled with obstacles and hills, and the enemies are colored so that they blend in with the terrain.

    But none of this is enough.  If I can't find the enemies, I just lose, and often I can't find them.  I feel powerless in the face of this mission, like the best I have to offer will never be enough.

    I feel like it doesn't have to be this difficult.  Could a "nearest enemy" icon be added to the mini-map/HUD, similar to Exterminate missions?  Or maybe just slowing how rapidly the percentage is capable of dropping?  I'm not sure what change would stay true to the vision of its original design, but hopefully "lose because you don't know where the enemy is" isn't a desired part of the design. 🙂

    Thanks for hearing me out.  I'd really love to go do more bounties in the Plains of Eidolon; I've just recognized that this sub-mission kill my mood, and unfortunately there's no way for me to tell whether this sub-mission will appear in any given Bounty so I can't opt out of just the Bounties that contain it, instead I have to opt out of all Bounties entirely.


    • Like 14
  6. 4 hours ago, (PS4)northern_rebal said:

    'm thinking I want a pretty balanced build. Enough range to affect slot of enemies, but enough strength to hold them, enough duration so I have time to go around and kill them, and enough efficiency to use his abilites slot.

    One question: are you wanting to use Bastille specifically (as opposed to Vortex?)  Because Vortex requires no Strength: you just give yourself Efficiency, Duration, and Range.  And it will hold any number of enemies in a convenient little ball for you.  Who needs armor when all your enemies are trapped in a Katamari?

    Gods I love Vortex so much.

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  7. On 2020-06-22 at 2:47 AM, Smiky said:

    Overreacting much? You do realize you are not forced to do it right? You can skip it...

    I mean this is just my opinion, but if one were to tell a complete stranger how wrong their personal feelings were, I might just consider that to be "overreacting".  Unless of course you just wanted to stroke your id by dunking on someone you don't see eye-to-eye with while adding to the amount of needless hostility in the world.  Then that would be perfectly reasonable! 🙂

  8. Catalysts and Reactors are in no way in short supply.  That is, unless you feel like you have to have everything now.  In which case, you're not going to be happy.  Warframe is a game that is often about grind and patience to varying degrees.  If you're not about that, you're not going to have fun here.

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  9. Hi OP, I don't play Warframe regularly on my Switch, when I do play Switch games I only ever use a Playstation 4 controller. I use the 8bitdo dongle that looks like a Mario Brick.  It was a little unclear how to set it up at first, but I found a YouTube video that perfectly walked me through every step I needed to go through and it's worked perfectly ever since, even if I take it out and plug it back in.  The only downside is that while a normal Switch controller can turn on the Switch from your couch, your PS4 controller won't be able to do that part; the Switch will need to already be on.  Here's a link to the product on Amazon (hopefully it's okay to link this?) https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Bluetooth-Adapter-Nintendo-Switch-Raspberry/dp/B0786JC6VW/ref=sr_1_2?m=A2UWVAXOHJ0A2X&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER

    I did try Warframe on the Switch for awhile, and from everything I played the Playstation 4 controller seemed to be fully-functional for it.  However, because I was used to playing my actual main Warframe account on the Playstation 4, I couldn't get into it.  Specifically, the analog stick programming in the Switch version seems to be different than the PS4 version.  I believe this is to account for the fact that the Joycon analog sticks and PS4 analog sticks simply have different diameters, deadzones, and perhaps even angles that the stick goes to.  Because of this, the same analog stick input for the PS4 controller will give different results depending on whether it is hooked up to the Switch version or the PS4 version of the game.  Because of that, it just felt weird to play it on Switch.  But if you aren't already used to playing on PS4, etc, you probably won't even notice.

    One possible solution to this would be to change your controller settings in Warframe, but be warned that then when you went into hand-held mode you would have the opposite problem, because you would be using settings that worked well with PS4 analog sticks with Joycon analog sticks.  However, as I said, I believe this is an issue with the programming of Warframe, not the dongle (though I could be wrong) so I would guess that this issue would exist with any controller that isn't specifically made for the Switch.

    Hope this helps!

  10. 3 hours ago, Lutesque said:

    SO What do I do ? How can I make my Huntress the Number One Nanny ? 

    To answer the question you actually came here to ask: sadly, you do not.  Warframes have different areas they excel in and different areas they are weak in.  Ivara doesn't have much going for her in terms of defending objectives.  A high-range, high-duration Sleep arrow is probably as good as it gets.

  11. 2 hours ago, Lutesque said:

    Surprisingly enough shes really underwhelming in Spy Missions... Ivara is a Huntress.. not a Sneaky Spy...


    2 hours ago, Lutesque said:

    Yeah... but what makes her underwhelming is that I can go through Lazers much much faster with, Limbo, Nova, Loki or Nezha.... and all 4 of those warframes will speed run Spy Missions undetected much faster than Ivara can... The one thing she has over those 4 Warframes is just Packs alot of punch with the right loadout.

    There are types of laser barriers that Limbo (and perhaps some of the others, I'm unsure) cannot pass through undetected that Ivara can.  One of them can be found in the Grineer spy vault with all of the conveyor belts.

    In addition, if speed is an issue, Ivara's zipline arrow solves that problem, as well as allows you to reach vantages that would otherwise be either difficult or impossible.

    Then add in sleep arrows to lockdown enemies undetected, noise arrows to position enemies wherever you want them.  You can even use these around corners with her ability to control her arrows.

    If you're already knowledgeable about the Spy vault you're in and know exactly what to do, you can get through any of them easily enough with Excalibur.  But what Ivara offers is a toolkit that is specifically designed to excel in any vault, without requiring any prior information.  You can go in and have no idea what you're doing, and Ivara will get you through it 100% undetected, giving you all the time in the world to ponder each step as well as more options than any other single frame has access to to execute your heist.


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  12. Arcane Barrier is not worth getting for Chroma.  If you're married to Electric Chroma, I would still just use Guardian because you already have it and Barrier is not going to make much of a difference.  If you're not married to Electric Chroma, I would recommend either Fire or Ice instead, as they both have much more survivability.  The damage you do as Electric Chroma is in most cases going to be absolutely worthless, because enemies deal a very small amount of damage relative to the amount of health they have.  In general, if you are using abilities that reflect enemy damage back at them in some way, you are doing far less than you could by simply shooting them with a single bullet.  It's not worth your time.


    You can see how the damage is calculated here: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Chroma#Electric

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  13. My instinct is to say that they are nearly vital, but I should probably downgrade that to saying "they are very good".  If you want to deal damage at higher levels of play, procs like Viral, Corrosive, and Heat are going to go a long way to keeping you in the game.  Viral multiplies the amount of damage you deal to enemies, while corrosive and heat strip away armor (which will increase your damage against armored enemies).  Slash procs bypass armor, while poison procs bypass shields, so when shields and armor start to get really big, these procs can be a shortcut to victory.  Without procs you can still do damage, but in that case you are probably focusing on dealing critical damage.

    Generally speaking, most weapons lean towards being good at either critical or status, and so depending on your weapon, if you want to get the most out of it, you'll want to lean into its strengths.

    Procs can also be great for CC once enemies start to get durable/strong enough to cause you actual trouble.  Generally it's preferable to use the procs mentioned above to end fights/lives quicker, but if you're still not able to kill quickly enough, procs like Radiation and Blast can at least diminish enemy damage output long enough for you to survive.

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  14. 2 minutes ago, DryLyne said:

    Thanks for the tip, is there somewhere people post other than the recruiting channel to find other players with vaulted relics?

    If there is I'm unaware of it, but I've also never looked.  Recruiting chat can be harder to match with if you're not using the latest relics.  But it's also not impossible.  I would recommend trying during peak play hours, like weekends.  You can also set up your Recruiting chat filters to only show post with certain words in them, which can be great if you want to passively find players while you do other things.

  15. The relics other players bring will have absolutely no effect on the drops from the relic you bring.  The drop probability on your relic is only affected by how much it is upgraded before the mission (Radiant, etc).

    At the end of the mission, you can choose any single item that drops from any relic that was brought.  So if there is just one relic (yours), you only have one choice.  But if there are 4 relics, you get 4 choices.

    To absolutely maximize your chance of getting the item you want, try to squad up with people who are using the exact same relic you are.  Then for each mission you spend one relic, but you have 4x the odds of getting the reward you want, because any of the 4 relics could drop it, and not just yours.

  16. 5 hours ago, Matsetes said:

    So why they put one just after the Natah quest? This makes me think they supposed you to do it after completing the quest, but the quest was rather easy for me with that build...

    Unfortunately, one of the biggest flaws of Warframe's design is that it is not good at leading players to the content that they are ready for and would benefit from them.  The content is there, but often there will be content that you're not ready for that is sitting right in front of you while the content that would benefit you most is almost entirely hidden.  That's part of why we depend on the creator community, forums, and wikis to be effective.

  17. 1 hour ago, Matsetes said:

    Why you all say I have bad mods? I improved all the best I found until there 😞 Maybe that's why I am so bad...

    For the weapons, I still have a lot of schemes to build and farm for exp, I don't know if I'll be able to buy the late game weapons you point out. Is there one for a low MR like me?

    For weapons, I would recommend you get a Hek.  It's a powerful shotgun that is often regarded as one of the best at its MR level.  You need high burst damage to take down Demolysts, and the Hek will be a step in the right direction.

    The main thing you're missing on your mod selection is Multishot mods.  Multishot mods will multiply your damage.  Depending on the type of weapon you use, you'll need different mods, but they're all listed on this page: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Multishot  The wiki will also tell you where to get these mods.  If you end up using the Hek, you can get a Scattered Justice mod either from the Steel Meridian faction or by trading another player who is in that faction.

    In addition, change the damage type of your mods to either Viral (Cold + Toxin) or perhaps Corrosive (Toxin + Electricity).  And if you can increase your status chance with mods, that will help, too.  These status effects will help you kill Demolysts in fewer shots.

    If you're playing solo, I'd recommend not doing that.  Try to join up with a group.  More players means it's easier to spread out and find the Demolyst before it gets to the terminal you're protecting.

    Your Rhino build looks totally fine.  Don't forget to use your Roar ability to increase your damage when you find the Demolyst!  Good luck!

  18. Combat Discipline seems like a poor choice if you're interested in being effective.  One of Chroma's only strengths is that he can boast high damage mitigation, and by adding Combat Discipline you've given yourself a way to damage yourself while bypassing that damage mitigation.  I wouldn't recommend it.

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  19. When Baro asks if he'll see me at one of his parties, which sure feels like an invitation to me.  I don't want Baro to feel lonely or like I don't care about him.  How many parties do you think he's thrown, periodically checking the clock, wondering if this time I'll finally drop in?  How many nights has he cried himself to sleep when the last guest left and I was never among them?

    Plus, every now and then, it would be nice to just go to a party.  Please plan to release this alongside Octavia Prime so we can bring the party to Baro's parties.  Thanks in advance! ;D

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  20. The Fluctus is absolutely amazing for a variety of reasons.  Its key strength is that it has infinite punch-through and a wide, powerful projectile.

    In Archwing missions, it will tear through enemies, even if they're - for example - on the other side of the satellite you're defending.

    In ground missions, it still has that great punch-through, which you can exploit in some interesting ways.  However, more often than not, I use it to solve bugs.  Have you ever had an enemy stuck deep underground or inside a wall that you needed to kill to progress?  The Fluctus solves that problem every time, turning what might have otherwise been a failed mission into a success.

    I wouldn't recommend the Fluctus in Railjack, though; the slash damage it deals just isn't strong enough to matter against any of the fighters, and the projectiles are too slow to catch up with them as well.

  21. I'm fairly certain that the number of enemies and their spawn frequency scales with the number of players in the mission.  Which isn't to say that it's not valid to level solo, but just be aware that you will be leveling at roughly 1/4 the speed you would be with other players.

    In addition, if you want to level a weapon solo, most techniques will require you to get kills with that specific weapon.  When you get a kill with a weapon, none of your other weapons get affinity from that kill, and Warframe power kills also don't award affinity to weapons.  However, in a group, the kills your teammates get will award affinity to your weapon.  This is another reason leveling weapons will be slower solo.  But at least if you understand the rules, you can know how to maximize your affinity gain in both solo and group contexts.

    Resource: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Affinity

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