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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. 4 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Purposefully leaving the squad, like through the Cetus tunnel, has all of the same problems as emergency disconnections. Every. Single. One.

    While for the current implementation this is true, the point is that it doesn't have to be (even without dedicated servers).  When a player randomly disconnects because their internet goes out or they turn off their console, yeah, there's nothing Warframe can do but do a host migration and attempt to recover as best it can.  But if a player initiates an in-game action that would have them leave the squad, Warframe has complete control over how and when that happens, or whether it even happens at all.  Thus it's within the power of the devs to do something along the lines of evacuating clients when a host leaves via the Zariman console.  This is already being done in certain mission types like Capture.

    The question is not a matter of "can they", because the answer is a clear and definite "yes".  The only question is what the interface of such a system would look like.  And let's be clear: that's a non-trivial problem to solve.  But it's also one that is well within DE's capabilities to solve if they decide it's a worthwhile issue to tackle.

  2. 2 hours ago, Mellismera said:

    And now the question arises - how can I scan it if only the Shadow Stalker appears in any missions (even with beginners). Are we just losing the opportunity to get this content?

    The form of the Stalker depends on which player in the squad he has arrived to kill.

    • When he arrives to target a player who has completed The Second Dream, he will be the Shadow Stalker.
    • When he arrives to target a player who has not completed The Second Dream, he will be the normal Stalker.

    Thus, but playing with pre-Second Dream players who are marked for death by the Stalker, you have a chance to scan the normal Stalker.

  3. I think 99% of the legitimate complaints with The New War would be solved if they just made it so that people could quit The New War.

    It's a lengthy quest with a great many mechanics that players have never encountered before, several of which can be frustrating and difficult depending on your ability/luck in picking them up.  I got through The New War, but I'll admit that there were some parts I struggled to get past:

    • Using Veso's mechanics in the boss fight had a high failure rate; I knew what I needed the robots to do but struggled to get them to do it appropriately.
    • The stealth sections had a couple tricky parts and failure was particularly punishing and time-consuming.
    • I chose Nira first and the fight took 20+ minutes because I never understood how to keep her from healing.

    And again, I did eventually get through it.  But I've been gaming my whole life, so I just know there are more casual players out there who are going to struggle even more than I did on stuff like this.

    If players could quit the quest and go back to playing the Warframe they love, I think that would be better.  These players feel like they're drowning, so get them out of the pool, dry them off and let them feel safe and comfortable again, and later if/when they jump back into the pool, they'll be in a mental space where they better understand what they'll be up against and are far more prepared for that challenge.

    • Like 8
  4. 17 hours ago, Dairaion said:

    I have a ammo total booster

    It sounds like this is probably part of your problem; having a higher ammo capacity is in no way a long-term solution to ammo sustainability.  If you're using a mod like Ammo Drum, you're wasting a meaningful slot in your build that could be leveraged against the problems you're facing.

    And no disrespect, it sounds like the rest of your build could also use some work.  In case it helps, here's the build I've been using, which I've found to be very effective in Steel Path without having any ammo difficulties:

    • Radiation progenitor bonus
    • Amalgam Serration (+damage)
    • Galvanized Chamber (+multishot)
    • Critical Delay (+crit chance, -fire rate)
    • Vital Sense (+crit damage)
    • Primed Cryo Rounds (+cold)
    • Malignant Force (+status chance, +toxin [becomes viral])
    • Thermite Rounds (+status chance, +heat)
    • Hunter Munitions (+chance of Slash proc on crit)
    • Cautious Shot* (-AoE stagger)
    • Primary Merciless**

    *Replace this with an Ammo Mutation mod for even more sustainability

    **For some reason my actual build was using Primary Dexterity despite only attacking with the Zarr and it was performing well, so with Merciless this build should be even better.

  5. On 2023-06-24 at 3:41 PM, Dairaion said:

    Kuva Zarr is unusable on Steel Path, even with ammo restores and magazine mods it lacks the killing potential to affect earth prime enemies.

    This is what I initially thought too, but I was wrong; the truth is that the weapon still works great, I just had to adjust the way I used it since it no longer had infinite ammo.  In my experience, the Kuva Zarr works great in the Steel Path as long as you are thoughtful about your shots.  Be selective about the shots you take and aim them towards clumps of enemies, and you'll likely never run out of ammo.  You don't even need Carrier or Ammo Restores or Ammo mods.

    • Like 4
  6. I do not have the exact skin you are talking about, but I do have the Garuda Deluxe skin.  If I unequip my melee weapon, I can customize Garuda's claws, including deciding which skin to use on them.  My current aesthetic is the Garuda Prime head and body, with the Garuda Deluxe claws.  Have you tried doing something like this?  If not I hope this helps.

    If you want the devs to read your feedback, you should report the issue in the feedback forums: https://forums.warframe.com/forum/18-art-animation-ui/

    A refund is never guaranteed, but if you want to try to get one you should open a Support Ticket: https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us

  7. 11 minutes ago, (PSN)Vexx757 said:

    plus the kunai has an incarnon for it making it even more fun to use, I want to put it on it but I would rather put in on the prime version and not waste resources on it.

    If I were a betting Tenno I would say the odds are in favor of Kunai Prime not being a thing, specifically because new Prime weapons generally need to be "close enough to the meta" out of the box so that players want them, and I think it would be a difficult challenge to make a Kunai Prime that has that level of power at base that feels meaningfully upgraded by Incarnon while not being too powerful when upgraded by Incarnon.

    That's just my educated guess; I could be wrong.  But there's a solid possibility that they'll never release a Kunai Prime, so my recommendation would be to just Incarnon your Kunai, since that's the weapon the Genesis Adapter was designed for.  It's very effective and very fun!  If you choose instead to wait, I hope you do so with the understanding that you may be waiting a long time, perhaps even forever.

    • Like 1
  8. Console player here, and there's really nothing in the game you can't do with a controller.  Steel Path, Archons, it's really all the same game, the only difference is how you control it.  However, if you're new to using controllers, it might help you ease into things by using frames and weapons that have AoE and thus don't require a high level of precision.

    If there's some specific issue with the controls or something particular you're having difficulty with, let us know and I'm sure we can give you some tips!

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, angryjanitor said:

    But since you provided no such proof, your wall of text is just meaningless conjecture.

    I feel like we got off on the wrong foot.  Can we start over?  I in no way wanted this thread to be contentious; I just wanted people who were interested in the Bo Prime to know there were meaningfully better ways to build it than the ways I had been seeing.*

    While I disagree that my post is meaningless conjecture (as it's based on actual tests I did), you are 100% correct that I've provided no proof.  And heck, it would be hypocritical for me to encourage you to be anything other than skeptical of what I've said, since a major facet of my original post is the fact that you can't always believe what you hear; after all, I'm trying to correct what I see as misinformation that has been (unintentionally) spread by several content creators!  People shouldn't trust me on my word alone; they should absolutely try it out for themselves and verify the results!


    23 minutes ago, angryjanitor said:

    Bo Incarnon has NOTHING in particular that stands out in any of these categories. It has mediocre stats, no unique gimmick, and staves just have bad stances.

    With respect, do you really not think that 10.5 meters of range and 62% base status chance stands out?  I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of all weapons but those seem fairly exceptional to me.

    Regardless, if you want to categorize the Bo Incarnon in whatever tier makes sense to you, I think that's fine.  What's great to me might be trash to you and that's valid.

    *And just to be clear, I agree that the Bo Incarnon is not on the same level as a weapon like the Praedos, and I would never say anything with the intent of suggesting that it was.

  10. I'm getting some unexpected responses that I feel I should address:

    3 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

    So DE just released a new shiny that has <1/3 the DPS of an old, forgotten primed weapon. And somehow you made a thread how it's "better than we've heard". No it isn't.

    1 hour ago, angryjanitor said:

    We've "heard" (aka we Think or we Know) that Incarnon Bo is trash tier. You're trying to argue that its 'better than we've heard" AKA better than trash tier.

    As I described in my original post, I made this post because I had seen Bo Incarnon videos from several high-profile Warframe Content Creators, and they all chose Slashing Bleed.  Because I'm stubborn and wanted to try to make the Bo Prime perform well, I tried out some different builds on my own and found that my build resulted in faster kill times than those of the content creators.  Because of that, my thought was that there was some misinformation going around, and hence I made this post.  I chose the title "Bo Incarnon - Not the very best, but better than you've heard" in an attempt to summarize all of that.  But of course, the truth is, I have no idea what you each have individually heard, and I would never seriously make such a claim.  I didn't expect for people to take the title nearly as literally, but since they are I'm going to adjust the original post to add the word "may" to the title.  Hopefully that will help.

    • Like 4
  11. 2 minutes ago, angryjanitor said:

    Your wall of text is meaningless, demonstrate its damage in a video of basic Steel Path or Simulacrum (Exo Gokstad officer level 150+). I'm betting the time to kill things is far worse than "meta" melees. Glaive Prime, Kronen Prime and so on.

    I would guess that you see my wall of text as meaningless because you read it thinking I was saying "Bo Prime is as good as the Glaive Prime".  That's not what I'm saying so I encourage you to read it again.

    • Like 3
  12. 12 minutes ago, Vryheid said:

    Just looking at the build you posted, it don't think it makes any sense to go full in on status and not use Weeping Wounds. I'd recommend replacing Volcanic Edge with it as the extra status chance landing more procs will make up for the loss of heat damage.

    Weeping Wounds is certainly a valid mod to use in this build for those who want it, but I wanted to present a more general build that didn't depend on maintaining combo.  For those who like to go in that direction, I agree it's probably a good choice!

    15 minutes ago, Vryheid said:

    Anyways, there's no build that will make up for how fundamentally unreliable this weapon is and how frustratingly ineffective the stats on the weapon are at complimenting its genuinely interesting set of perks and bonuses.

    Just out of curiosity, have you tried the build I mentioned?  While it doesn't quite reach the murder output of my top-tier melee, it's felt very reliable in my hands.  That said...

    16 minutes ago, Vryheid said:

    Personally, I don't have all that much attachment to the Bo in terms of gameplay or style, and most of the time I just want to use whatever big range hitty-whacky-melee weapon that carve through large groups of armored enemies as conveniently as expeditiously as possible.

    This is valid.  And indeed, I would say that the main reason to use the Bo Incarnon is simply because you want to use a bo weapon.*   If someone was asking, "What melee weapons will be most effective?" then the Bo Incarnon wouldn't be on the list I provided them.  The Bo Incarnon is more for people who are happy being "sufficiently effective" rather than "cutting edge" if it means they can do so with the flavor of play that suits them.

    *or potentially because you like having a 10 meter reach?

  13. 23 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

    You are right in so far as that a maximum of 40% chance to proc slash per hit isn't good, and neither is 50% follow through.

    Take the Pangolin Prime, not exactly an outstanding weapon at this point, with only Weeping Wounds it has a 130% chance to proc slash (and 0.6 follow through) - that's more than 3 times the DPS of the Incarnon Bo Prime (damage including evolutions and attack speed roughly equal out).

    For sure, though my main point is really just that folks will get better results from a weapon if they build that weapon in accordance with its strengths.  Since it would be generous to say that the Bo Incarnon is mediocre at Slash procs, players must choose between two mutually exclusive possibilities: do you want an effective weapon that deals Slash procs, or do you want an optimized Bo Incarnon?  You cannot have both. :)

  14. I think that there are plenty of Warframe Creators who generally do a great job of analyzing weapons and showing good builds for them, but from what I've seen, even the Creators I respect seem to have gotten it wrong with the Bo Incarnon.  Which is fine, we're all going to fumble an at-bat now and then, and in this case it's easy to see why: in Warframe, we understandably love our Slash procs, so it's no surprise that everyone gravitated towards Slashing Bleed, the 4th Tier Evolution that allows the Bo a chance to proc Slash when it procs Impact.

    And what they discovered is that Slashing Bleed's results were...fine?  That's what I found as well.  You can certainly make a build that functions with Slashing Bleed, but based on my testing it doesn't give you great returns compared to the other two 4th Tier Evolutions.

    Based on my testing, what you want to do instead is choose Absolute Dominion, which will increase the Bo Prime's base status to 62%.  Then you can do a build like the following:

    • Clashing Forest (stance)
    • Primed Reach (+3 Range)
    • Sacrificial Pressure* (+damage)
    • Sacrificial Steel* (+crit chance, doubled for heavy attacks)
    • Amalgam Organ Shatter (+crit damage, faster heavy attacks)
    • Vicious Frost (60 cold 60 status)
    • Virulent Scourge (60 toxin 60 status)
    • Volcanic Edge (60 heat 60 status)
    • Molten Impact (90 heat)

    With this build you'll have a heat-weighted heat+viral weapon with 6.5 meters of range (10.5 in Incarnon) and 173% status chance, meaning each time this stick is swung, it will give out just under 2 status effects per enemy it hits.  The first hit of the neutral attack hits very fast even without any speed modifiers, it hits 3 times while also giving Lift status, and (subjective) it feels fun, too!

    So why does this work better than the Slash procs?  I would hazard that it's a few things:

    1. Even if its status chance is raised, the Bo doesn't guarantee an Impact proc** and then when that Impact proc happens there's only a 40% chance of a Slash proc.
    2. Optimizing for Slash procs means that any hit that doesn't proc Slash isn't providing meaningful value.***
    3. Even once a Slash proc happens, the Bo's follow-through value of 0.5 means that the damage of that Slash proc is being drastically diminished for most of the enemies your 10-meter pole is slapping.

    ...whereas, the damage multipliers provided by heat and viral are equally applied to every enemy the Bo hits.  In short, building for status plays to the Bo's strength of hitting a dozen enemies at the same time, rather than struggling to dish out Slash procs which it really isn't built for.

    So if you like playing with Bo weapons, I'd encourage you to give a build like this a try.  I wouldn't say that the Bo Prime is on the cutting edge of melee, but it's close enough that it's well worth using if it's what you enjoy!

    TL;DR - Bo Incarnon isn't the best but it is great, just don't fall into the trap of building for Slash.

    * Do you prefer Condition Overload/Blood Rush?  Knock yourself out! :)

    ** The Flailing Branch stance has two combos that each contain a single forced Impact proc, but in my experience this didn't make things much better and was also a clunky stance to use.

    *** You can build for other statuses as well, but that will further reduce your already low odds of getting a Slash proc.

  15. This feels like a pretty safe shot to call: the Kunai will never get a Prime.  The logic is pretty straightforward:

    • The Kunai already has an Incarnon Genesis Adapter
    • Incarnon Genesis Adapters buff weapons that are no longer viable.
    • Incarnon Genesis Adapters are only accessible to end-game players.
    • Ergo, a newly released Kunai Prime would need to be:
      • Well below the current power curve for new Prime weapons, and thus undesirable for non-end-game players, who comprise the bulk of Warframe's user base.

    As cool as it would be to see a shinier version of the Kunai, I'd recommend not holding your breath.

  16. 15 minutes ago, Leqesai said:

    The meta vs Grineer and Corrupted enemies is slash. Against infested, corpus and sentients there are plenty of other options. Heck, even the slash meta is largely undermined by the simplicity of armor-strip in the current era of Warframe. I'd argue the current "slash meta" mentality is a bit off-base.

    Overall this is a fair point that applies to the bulk of the game!  Though it feels to me like Steel Path Circuit has encouraged a vibe where every individual weapon needs to be able to stand on its own because you have so little control over what it will be paired with. ^^;

    • Like 1
  17. 19 hours ago, (XBOX)Ms Chapstik said:

    There is no way im trading primes sets for pc pricing. Its a quarter of the xbox price. WE DONT WANT CROSS PLATFORM and warframe will loose alot of the xbox community if this continues.

    Markets change due to all sorts of reasons.  If prices go down, everyone benefits, because while you're selling for less, you're also buying for less.

    It may suck to hear, but cross-play is something nearly everyone wants, because everyone wants to be able to play with their friends and family who have other consoles.  To make that a reality, it's well worth some temporary market disruption.  If you want to take advantage of it, sell all your stuff now for Xbox prices and get ready to buy low once cross-play happens.

    • Like 2
  18. Personally I found it to be less difficult than a lot of other content in Warframe, especially if we're comparing to the first time I did those fights.  Exploiter Orb immediately jumps to mind as a fight that requires more from me, as does the Zeloid Prelate who now lives on Deimos.  Vay Hek's tiny zig-zagging sometimes-weakpoint provided me with a much greater challenge (even if that challenge is terrible and not fun), too.

  19. The frame that farms the best is the frame you have the best time playing while farming.

    Your farm might take twice as long, but if you dislike playing as (insert farm frame here), then for both your enjoyment and your mental health you should probably play as a different frame.  So if you enjoy Hydroid, farm with Hydroid.  If you enjoy Nekros, play Nekros.  Etc.  And if you enjoy none of them farmers, then play what brings you joy.  Because so much of Warframe is farming, and that means you're going to have a bad time if you approach farming as something to speed through at the cost of enjoyment.

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