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Posts posted by Sharkgoblin

  1. 2 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    And I'm asking for those reasons.

    I supplied the reasons why I don't think they're wrong, and I asked you why you think they're wrong. If you have a ton of reasons, please list them so we can discuss.

    getting a riven from sortie is rng (but in this case is fine, statues and catalysts are useful stuff)

    the riven weapon category is decided by rng

    the weapon  is decided by rng

    rerolling the riven is pure rng you cant get lucky or you can get #*!%ed for 100 rolls straight and i have the suspect that if you reroll  a riven for a weapon you have a lot of kills on you will have even less chances to get a good roll

    kuva gains from missions/sorties/bounties/kuva survival is very low and you need a smeeta and a resource booster if you ever consider rerolling a weapon till you get the desired stats, which most of the times you dont get and you are lucky to get something similar you wanted

    riven power adjusted around popularity instead of the actual power of the weapon is absolutely horrible practice 

    very good rivens cant make S#&$ weapons usable

    mediocre weapons that can go endgame with a riven risk to get #*!%ed by the "popularity means power level" bs, except kohm, because kohm users are better than other players so they apparently deserve better than other people


  2. 1 minute ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    As a note, your comment doesn't make sense. I said 'people said the same thing about Corrupted mods' as in 'people said Corrupted mods are wrong' and yet they're still here and still an intrinsic part of how we build. Meaning, in turn, that those people were, in fact, wrong about Corrupted mods. And my implication is that your comment about Rivens being wrong is no different to that point, saying that you're going to be proved wrong in the future.

    And yet you seem to agree with me by saying that people were wrong about Corrupted mods, but then double back and still say Rivens are wrong, defying the logic of that statement. Very strange.

    But, and I ask this in all serious nature; why?

    The reason people had for not liking them was that people could obtain a good one and hold onto it to get performance that other players could not. Except this doesn't affect any other players, and they can't just hold onto good ones because Rivens are being adjusted every three months to compensate for potential new 'meta' weapons being developed.

    Unlike the Warframes, a weapon Riven doesn't actually make you play better, because all the over-powered guns in the world won't save you if you're just going to get shot before you can shoot them.

    They introduce a reason to go through higher level missions than the base, and the farming is no different to the existing Relic system, with the exception that while the Relic system gets you a random part that you could not need, while the Kuva missions always give you the specific reward you're looking for as well as the ability to farm mods dropped by enemies that would typically only be found on the Kuva Fortress tile set (which is often confusing and people don't always enjoy going there). Heck, it even provides a place where people regularly do the Operator Dance to get the results, reminding them that it exists and that DE wants us to jump through some hoops with them every now and again.

    And even the fact that people drove up the price of Rivens artificially was only based on the fact that nobody had access to the actual data on them, meaning that when some players tried to help out by having market averages (something that every other trading system in the world has) the listings could be manipulated. And DE have literally just fixed that, providing updated, week-on-week data for people to work from and design an interface for.

    Rivens are no more wrong than Corrupted mods, and I believe that they're here to stay.

     rivens are simply wrong, for a ton of reasons, corrupted mods on the other hand let players have different builds that lead towards different playstyles which is great, they're not very expensive or hard to get either and everyone should get them, i too have some rivens that i use and i spent time farming kuva to reroll them, and i did that a lot so i have the experience to say that rivens are really a bad thing, and i believe that even DE is doing the possible to discourage players to deal with them

  3. 11 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Eh, people did say this about the Corrupted mods too... But they're here. They're also something to do, because of the Kuva missions required to roll them.

    and people were wrong, like rivens, rivens are wrong

  4. The new mod for penta, napalm grenades, makes the weapon damage go from blast/impact to heat add a bunch of status chance and does the grenades explode on impact, other than that, ogris has a similar mod called nightwach napalm, that makes the rocket leave a patch of fire that deals ok damage and stun the enemy, i would suggest, to make nightwatch napalm become similar to napalm grenades, change damage of ogris from blast to heat, and add a bunch of status chance . Anyways these napalm mods are cool hope to see them for other weapons, maybe bows? kraken? Melee weapons? In the future

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Yaerion said:

    It's kind of you to provide advice (really, i mean it), but none ever doubted that farming M.Samples was possible, nor ignored how to do it with a relatively optimal yield. Your method, however, describes exactly why people refuse/have problems to do it: "double booster" => nope, p2w. Force kicking casual people from the Clan, force new people to get into the thing, force them a team composition, force them a gameplay, for a single meh weapon => nope, it's not coop, it's acting in a tyrannic way. Only competitive Clans behave this way (and people who jump into them know it, so it's ok); not all Clans are made for this. Get a Nekros, Smeeta, Trin, Hydroid, Nidus, do the same mission with the same brainless activity over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over [...] and over and over and over and over again => nope, pleasure killing, not rewarding, not challenging, not interesting, all of this for a single meh mastery fodder.

    Our problem is mainly that this requirement for the Hema is completely absurd, unreasonable, regarding the other researches (it's ~100 times higher, wth?), when the weapon itself is barely decent, and not a competitive choice for endgame.

    There is also another problem: this requirement is set for the research, meaning that only a few people will give themselves out to get it done, and other people will just have a common blueprint, EZ. If DE really wanted to present a bit "higher than usual", fair commitment for the Hema, they should put the "extra bit of challenge" in the building resources rather than the research, so that everyone would be on the same page. /!\ I'm not asking to shift the absurd requirement from research to blueprint, I'm just saying that one of the resources needed to craft the weapon could be slightly higher than the other BioLab weapons, to be in line with the situational perk of healing.

    The research itself as it is is absurd, unreasonable, unjustified, anti-casual-Clans, p2w-oriented, anti-fun, unfair, inegalitarian & encourages toxic attitudes between players.

    That's why there are negative feedbacks about it. Not because it's perceived as impossible.

    your points are alright, but i highly doubt de will ever change anything about hema, for me that i run a solo clan where clanmates log in very rarely, a double booster for me that i have about 0 patiece is necessary to avoid my brain from melting, but if boosters for some people are a no no, you can take the task with a different approach, like, you are in a clan with many people, you dont want to kick anyone out, and thats perfectly understandable, so what you can do for example: 1 day of the week, for 1 or half an hour, everyone in the clan goes out with other clanmates, farming samples. 1 hour a week shouldn't be tyrannical or bad, then you are with clanmates, not videogames npcs, you can talk to each others, listen broadcasts, make jokes, etc. 

    Hema has always been a beach and i believe it will always be a beach to farm, it is what it is

  6. 14 minutes ago, TehGrief said:

    It doesn't matter if you see it as "simple" or "advanced"; macros and scripts are not allowed.

    The fact is that most scripts are "simple" - the concept is that the computer does a series of actions that you would normally do. However, this is considered giving yourself an unfair advantage (i.e; cheating).

    I would advise anyone who is currently (or considering) using scripts or macros of any kind to proceed with caution, you are putting your account in danger.  As I have highlighted in my above post, it is possible that your account can be terminated if you are found using any form of autonomous software.

    alright changed that part of the post to avoid risk of screwing someone up

  7. 59 minutes ago, TehGrief said:

    While I understand you have good intentions with this post (joking or otherwise), using macros and/or scripting software is strictly against the EULA; I have attached the specific section below for reference:


    The limited, personal use license granted to you in Section 1 is subject to the following restrictions and limitations as well as all other terms and conditions of this Agreement (collectively, the “License Limitations”). You agree that you will not, under any circumstances:

    • f. use cheats, automation software (bots), hacks, mods or any other unauthorized third-party software, tools or content designed to modify the Software, the Service or the Game experience;"

    Additionally, DE exhibits the rights to close accounts that are found using unauthorized software to assist while playing the game; I have attached the specific section below for further reference:


    • When running the Software, Digital Extremes may monitor your use and play of the Software and collect data regarding your use and play of the software in accordance with Digital Extreme’s Privacy Policy found at www.warframe.com. In addition, the software may monitor your computer’s Random Access Memory (RAM) for unauthorized third-party programs running concurrently with the Software. An “Unauthorized Third-Party Program” as used herein shall be defined as any third-party software prohibited by Section 2. In the event that the Software detects an Unauthorized Third-Party Program, the Software may communicate information back to Digital Extremes, including without limitation, your Account name, details about the Unauthorized Third-Party Program detected and the time and date; and Digital Extremes may exercise any or all of its rights under this agreement, with or without prior notice to you, including without limitation, termination of this agreement and your right to continue use of the Software."

    In the future, please be aware that you are addressing the community as a whole; by recommending unauthorized actions (actions that are strictly against the EULA) you are putting their accounts at risk of termination. I would recommend that you change your guide to be more friendly towards the rules and regulations set forth by DE to avoid any possible danger towards the community.

    huh if i remember correctly you can use simple scripts like something that presses ctrl e together, for the hema i used a ctrl e slide because pressing those two buttons make my fingers hurt after a while, luckily i dislike maiming strike stuff so after the big farm i returned to my usual melee weaps.

    however you did a good thing pointing out that piece of eula

    1 hour ago, ZarTham said:

    You can do this in a much easier way, put up a squad with Hydroid(Pilfering Swarm), Nekros, Nidus and a rhino to buff pilf. Map Orokin Derelict Defense.

    Hydroid, very short range, medium duration, high strength. Nekros does its thing and Rhino buffs. Nidus, short duration, max range possible.

    Hydroid spawns the kraken on the Objective and Nidus constantly spawns Larva on the tentacles so mobs get pulled towards them.

    This was how I farmed Mutagen Samples for the hema, 40 minutes around 350~450 samples.

    Actually, not even sure if it was 40 minutes, as I always did something around 35 waves at a time.


    haa, apologies, hadn't noticed you already mentions this method, but still, 400 samples in 1h30m is very low, that's what got my attention, I should probably go get a coffee to wake up.

    told you if i managed to do it, anyone can do it

  8. i see many posts about hema research being a beach so:

    this super serious guide will help you remove the hema research from your lyfe asap and get the damn thing done in the fastest way possible

    1) get nekros

    1) double booster

    5) now that is 2019 we have [fetch]so if you are not using a smeeta kavat to farm stuff you should get it. no for real go and get a smeeta. 

    A) omg my cat is dumb and dies very often and i have to revive it every 3 seconds 

    here the build to make kot being hard to kill:

    Z3n5Xvb.jpg if frame has  big armor then use link armor if frame doesn't have big armor  then use link shields

    32) maiming strike device, atterax, secura lecta, rivened scoliac, zaws polearm/staff, infested are unarmored so as long you don't lose combo counter you are good, if after 1h you lose combo counter then get the hell outta ODS  and restart

    32a) carpal tunnel is a thing, and these evil wicked devs know that pressing the same keys repeatedly cause carpal tunnel and a remedy for carpal tunnel is ibuprofen, DE surely has an accord with  pharmaceutical industries that produce ibuprofen

    33) how to not carpal tunnel: .....................................................yes

    2) oh pretzels ,you forgot to build the key to enter ods, craft key, browse warframe questionable pictures for one minute, feel bad about yourself for what you just did, go claim key, and put another one in the oven for next time

    before doing anything:

    if your clan is big and people refuse to help you with the thing, kick them out, downsize clan, farm the thing, resize clan and reinvite people in

    F) enter ods and do the thing



    66666666666666666666666666) steal an hydroid  and threat him that hydroid prime trailer will never come out if he doesn't help you farm samples with pilfering swarm

    warning: the hydroid might not take well your threats causing him to puddle or manhandle you with tentacles

    99999999999999999999999999) steal a nidus and threat him that you going to steal all his stacks if he doesn't help you grab the enemies with the meatball

    warning: the nidus might not take well your threats causing him to beat your ass because it's nidus and he can easily do that if he wants

    69696969696969696969696969) steal a trinity and ask her gently if she wants help you out farm samples


    im not very smart and i did it alone even before [fetch] was a thing, so if i did it, you can do it! i believe in you!

    proof im not joking you

    49SOb10.png  (that was my old ign)

    i had to stop because i got sniped and burped in the face by a toxic ancient, unpleasant experience, not recommend

    have fun, do not take game too seriously 

  9. so if i get it right: in the early days of warframe, any weapon could get a wraith or vandal variant, then de decided that wraith weapons are for  grineer weapons only variants and vandal weapons are for corpus weaps only, now since recently we got opticor vandal it might take a long period of time before getting some new vandal variant, for melee would be:

    -serro vandal

    -arca triton vandal

    -falcor vandal

    -obex vandal prisma obex esists

    -ohma vandal

    -lecta vandal secura lecta exists

    -galvacord vandal

    -kreska vandal

    i think serro or ohma would be the most probable choices since all the other weapons i mentioned were added to the game recently 

    • Like 2
  10. twin basolk is actually a good and i believe underrated melee weapon, since you have problems with lvl 30 enemies i believe you are fairly new so i post a build with no primed mods, and no voltaic strike and no rivens:


    carving mantis and condition overload are super important, carving mantis is like 5 plats on warframe.market and condition overload is the only expensive mod on this build which goes for around 65 platinum and its possible to farm on the survival mission on uranus, is dropped by drekar butchers with a 0.02% which is low but is totally worth either the plats or farmed (and also EVERY melee weapon nowadays has condition overload in its build so is good on almost every melee weapon and not only twin basolk)

    with the cheapest build i made this is the result: 

    considering the only hard to acquire mod is condition overload i think this is a pretty good result

    if you fight corpus enemies instead of corrosive heat swap mods for gas + electricity or only gas

    also there is a fun unique mod for twin basolk which is https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Rift_Strike

    hope this "guide" will help you

  11. On 2019-03-24 at 4:04 PM, 17inchguns said:

    Been done and ive tried myself. Not my thing. Very low damage. Its turning it into something it wasn't designed to be and it shows since there are far superior alternatives that arent as clunky and more efficient. Its funny for 5 minutes as a meme gun but thats about it

    but if opticor vandal would have been like i wrote in my previous post, you wouldn't need fire rate mods and arcanes + macro to make it fully automatic, meaning that you would using the regular opticor vandal build rather than the meme one, but its understandable that opticor people wanted well...an opticor

  12. what inaros really needs in my opinion, is a new passive.

    A revive passive on a frame that has aoe cc that heals, another cc that makes enemies become health stations, another aoe cc that gives damage reduction that has synergy with his second ability making his third also an healing ability, and a 4th ability that grants up to 90% damage reduction which if a small portion is consumed can also crowd control a pretty wide area and heals all frames in range of the ability, is pretty redundant

  13. revenant is a nice frame, and i was playing with him a lot recently, i used him for the thermia fractures, mobile defenses, a lot of stuff where crowd control is handy, mostly because you can apply strong crowd control through the use of enthrall which is a good ability, except 2 annoying drawbacks:

    1) the most known: anyone can kill thralls; this is rather annoying and encourage playing revenant only solo, because when you enthrall an enemy and then the thrall get blasted to the shadowrealm by teammates, you basically wasted energy, which is a shame

    2) this one is a bit particular: basically on my build for enthrall i use a lot of duration, precisely 279, this allow my thralls to last 84 seconds, the problem comes when in a mission that requires to defend several objectives distant one from each other, the thralls are going to stay in the same area and not follow you, so you have to kill them, thats not a problem right? well its kinda is, especially in that kuva flood mobile defense full of enemies i did before deciding to write this post, where thralls were everywhere and then you kill a thrall or two, but the thralls on the other place will shoot and enthrall enemies immediately after and so on until you kill basically everything,  and then finally proceed to put the datamass on another terminal, and enthrall new enemies to defend the point, that is rather annoying

    what i would suggest is to make is an instance for enthrall, which is: when you keep pressing the enthrall key ability, all the enthralled enemies will be freed by the spell, thats it

  14. 1. take any sword

    2. equip iron phoenix stance

    3. do button mash combo

    4. the third strike from button mash combo will make the frame do a forward sword lunge, during that animation use peacemaker

    5. now mesa can use regulators while being able to bullet jump, sprint, roll, wall run and wall latch, use melee as well with zero energy cost and also with the ability to recast other abilities

    ( also dont tell anyone but i used this glitch for 2 waves in a defense mission )

  15. 13 hours ago, (PS4)VanTX89 said:

    I suspect that the exclusive cosmetics will rotate so players have another chance to get something they might've missed. There's 10 weeks for this tale, with the inventory updating for each of them. Very likely that the devs kept repeats in mind instead of a completely new thing each restock.


    13 hours ago, AreaneR. said:

    I am sure they will be in store later on.


    12 hours ago, OvisCaedo said:

    "what's stopping you from buying it?" "i never asked a question"

    good ol' forums.

    Anyhow, you're probably just going to have to wait for the skin to come back into some other week's rotation. New cosmetics were rarely thrown into alerts over the past few years besides helmets, so the week-to-week cycling will probably never be very varied, or very long before these sorts of skins repeat. I wonder more how many weeks some of the auras might take to wait for if someone misses their first chance...

    glad i don't really need to worry about any of it as a vet

    damn i hope so because i like the desert tactics skinline 

  16. UYbCcKd.png

    i got the marelok skin because i liked it a lot, now lets say id like to get also the grinlok skin. there is a possibility to get it? . i completed every single challenge since the nightwave update dropped, and i bought nothing but the hek skin, karak skin, and a saturn six ornament with those wolf creds

  17. i was doing those bounties for the weekly nightwave challenge, the last mission was about retrieving data nad the bonus was about not triggering alarms. for me that is not a problem but since the stupid cat now follows my operator (which i use for spy mission because of void mode)  when i got into the vault the cat has been seen by the drone and i lost the bonus, which is just bullS#&$. any pet turns invisible when loki/ivara/ash/octavia turn invisible why when i use void mode with my operator the cat do not turn invisible. its very frustrating

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