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Posts posted by Sharkgoblin

  1. i didn't had the luck to play the game when pvp was somewhat popular

    i cant find players

    when i do they are either clueless people who missclicked and leave immediately after 

    or people who leave middle of match because they are not doing good

    or that dude that plays pvp since forever and kills you the moment he sees you 

    sometimes i play badly on purpose to keep the guy in the match so he doesnt go away

    sometimes i hide somewhere because i dont want to deal with staticor/plasmor/venari and i move every 60 sec to not get kicked 

    (or someone is too good for me so i just decide is not worth try to fight anymore but i want the standing anyway)

    its more than 1 month im trying to get typhoon

    im still tempest

    add some bots to play with so i can max out the syndacate

    make the bots go away if someoen joins

    also by adding bots more people would be allured to play conclave because they can count on at least fighting bots to get conclave standings


    • Like 7
  2. you big rude, nidus sama wants only to share his hidden...hum....beauty...

    you can remove the cyst after 7 days in the infested room on your orbiter, its a bit annoying but is  not the end of the world

    ah yes you can squeeze the cyst on a dog egg to get an infested dog

  3. Just now, Sharkgoblin said:

    i won

    if anyone DARES posting after me only bad rng will occur to that person account

    never ever again a good mod transmuted

    never ever a gold drop from relics

    never ever a good roll for rivens


    no u

    wait a second...godamit

  4. i won

    if anyone DARES posting after me only bad rng will occur to that person account

    never ever again a good mod transmuted

    never ever a gold drop from relics

    never ever a good roll for rivens


  5. 5 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

    No, Arcane guardian does not stack chance. Each Arcane guardian has an individual 20% chance to proc 600 armor (It behaves like Arcane Avenger). It's just that the user interface only shows 1 of them being active.

    true its even on the wiki

    wtffffffffffffffff i was told it stacked the chance of proccing 

  6.  they should adjust rivens dispo by the power level of a weapon not popularity


    daikyu now its 4/5

    daikyu prime comes out with better stats

    daikyu now its 2.5/5

    daikyu prime  its being too strong: weapon nerfed 

    de now is okay with daikyu prime powerlevel. buffs a bit dispo to accomodate nerf

    daikyu dispo its 2.8/5

    and never touch it again

    that would be less work for de less bs for the player and actually fair

    rubico prime is not that great outside eidolons...pure crit impact focused semi automatic with low mag cap and ok reload speed

    2.5/5 would have been fair 

    rivens for weps like catchmoon should be 0.5 immediately not 3/5 then gradually nerfed

    and i write the same sh1t every time but is more profitable for de doing that way apparently 


  7. Just now, (XB1)COA Altair said:

    It's garbage, anyone who knows how to use the boar prime effectively knows you want 235% status chance on it to make it a status machine and that fire rate on it just exacerbates the reload problem with the weapon since it has a 2.4s reload.  

    Hyped for exilus mods on weapons so we can actually use some mods that never get used.  People don't seem to get that with 8 mod slots, there is always an optimal mod config for a given mission so a lot of utility mods just sit in your inventory like hush or ammo mutations.  Ammo mutations don't inherently increase DPS, but they are certainly nice to have on some weapons to make them useable at all.  

    maybe twin kohmak with arcane pistoleer and ammo mutation will stop  from running out of ammo 


    (hell no im not running carrier ever again now that pets have fetch)

  8. 2 minutes ago, Walkampf said:

    In the end, there will be one best-in-slot mod for each weapon.

    So despite having an additional mod slot, there will still be only one META-build.


    It's a band aid fix to make less appealing mods find space in abuild.

    The correct way for DE whould be to nerf madatory mods.

    But DE rarely does any nerfing, since a very vocal part of the Warframe community is pretty serious about their E-pen!s.

    id rather have the weapon usability nerfed in a way that; you use some utility  or you go full damage but you have to deal with some inconvenient;

    prisma grakata insane recoil -->fixed with stabilizer less dps but huge increase of usability

    aklex long ass relaod speed --> fixed wiht quickdraw, again less dps but huge increase of usability (and also you get to shoot more ofter so you dont get swarmed)

    meta exists and will always exists but you dont have to follow it. if a certain mod makes your weapon more pleasant to use you should simply use it and not care about anythign else.

    • Like 3
  9. 29 minutes ago, BaIthazar said:

    I've never encountered this so I wasn't aware that this was a thing, but damn that's a scummy practice.


    23 minutes ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

    Agreed. Slimy people indeed. Somewhat rare but I do find some every now and then on prime releases.

    i dont do a lot of fissures anymore, but i swear before opening this thread i did 4 runs because im out of formas and it happened 3 out of 4 times. with even 2 or 3 people leaving

  10. you know what i mean, those slimy individuals who enter mission check out if someone has a certain relic and if not they will leave causing  host migrations and all the nice stuff

    i suggest to give people who do that a cooldown before being allowed to enter mission. lets say a 5 minutes cooldown additive for each consecutive time you leave a mission. now the person that selected a rare vaulted relic by accident and abort because wants to use it on radshare will get to wait 5 minutes which is not the end of the day, meanwhile those players that do that relic fishing practice will get #*!%ed because every time you abort you get a cooldown to wait.

    so the host migraine can stop. or the guy that leave then when the mission is almost done a guy connects but then cant find enough reactants and basically this guy just connected to a mission for nothing. its quite annoying

    if you want a relic go and farm it. or open syndacate relic packs, whatever, dont go relic fishing in pubs causing host migrations or making people connect halfway through the mission risking to not get 10 reactants.

    sadly i know this will get ignored and those people will be allowed to S#&$ the game freely.

    • Like 2
  11. 3 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    You seem to have completely misunderstood the question. I only wanted to know about the use of Trading Posts, you are talking about Dojos - Yes, there is a difference.


    i already replied that, you trade with trading posts whats the issue. i included dojos  because i know someone would be like "BuT wHaT aBoUt dOjos?"

    4 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    Maybe the trade button forces both parties into Maroo’s Bazaar to trade? That would be considerably more realistic than your suggestion of ‘don’t use any trading hubs or posts

     why force that, just open trade screen and do the thing.

    or even trade in orbiter you add a orbiter trading post symaris offerigns for 120000 standigns or something

    the force thing i dont think that would work but if does im fine with that too. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    Okay, now explain why

    and Maroo’s Bazaar need to exist. If you give people a way to trade without them, why would they still use them? That is what you are completely ignoring. This change simply will not happen.

    maroo bazar: weekly mission, turning sculptures into endo, btw no one forces you to not trade there

    8 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    Trading Posts

    keep them as decor and additional way to trade with people in clan and clan would be useful anyways for research weapons, events, having a cool looking place, dueling with other ppl just to complain about them after because they use abilities, and upcoming railjack.

    why not want to make game more fluid: whats the issue on having a trade option when right click. absolutely none, instead people would like it a lot

    and yes the trade got done but after 15 minutes of tries.  


    5 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    This frequently happens with high ping. If someone cannot join/be invited just use the Plus (Add to Squad) button

    we loaded instantly and i tried everything. we even log off log in again nothing. 

    5 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    Where would it take you?

    why would it have to bring you to some place. just open trade screen and thats it

  14. you know it happens not every often but enough to be annoying that: i invite guy to dojo, he is in dojo but i cant see him and he cant see me and we cant trade

    or that he will take an incredible amount of time to load in

    or that game will simply tell he cant join for whatever reason

    right now after like 15 minutes of bs i managed to solve this issue by changing my region to asia since the dude i wanted to trade with  had the game region set to asia and to trade in maroo bazaar

    it worked

     and mind that maroo bazaar is not very good either (i had episodes of me trying to trade with friends living near me where we could not find each other not matter what)


    why no add a simple option to trade with player like this i guess:



    this S#&$ is frustrating man,  i dont like making people wait either in case of buying or selling.

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