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Posts posted by Sharkgoblin


    what about: thunderbolt now has a 100% chacne to explode  and the damage instead of being soem S#&$ty flat number like it is, it reflect the damage of the bow counting crits and apply status. 

    23 hours ago, No_Quarter said:

    Secondaries are not as viable as primaries

    uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhm yeah im not sure about that one

  2. 10 minutes ago, (XB1)Lethal Bling said:

    Hmm look at that damage indeed. How hard are you hitting with these ungodly rolls exactly? I need videos now.

    im at bed but. Lvl 100 really is where the gun is at its limit. Even negative impact with corrosive against gunner struggles after lvl 100

    Corpus with gas does good after lvl 100. 

    Infested after lvl 100 still works

  3. 6 minutes ago, Yuri_Doujinshi said:

    Nah, I'm 90% sure that DE doesn't even remember the Kraken exists, so they won't prisma it.

    Though maybe if you keep making threads, you'll remind them.

    its a joke like my stupid thread. i would be happy if they made a prisma kraken. if they made it strong i would not say a single word in case of dispo nerfs for rivens. i would just crawl in an angle of the room.

    9 minutes ago, (XB1)OneNastyNupe said:

    Stop holding out, show us the other Kraken god rolls!



    well the really good ones are the negative impact ones.


  4. 3 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

    Is this going to be a quarterly cry?

    yes.  look at that damage. look at that multishot. look at that additive recoil. its beautiful. i need more recoil in my life

    1 minute ago, Yuri_Doujinshi said:

    Nobody uses or cares about the Kraken, so you're good.

    then baro throws a kraken into a barrel of melted prisma and boom prisma kraken. hopefully it will be worse than kitguns so maybe my collection is safe


  5. 6 minutes ago, Lazarow said:

    They wont see it if its in general discussion go in feedback and weapons, and I am not sure if its a serious thing or a troll because all caps does not seems like a good way to give feedback on anything and I dont see what the problem is. I think its a troll

    its hte most serious thread in the forums

    • Like 1
  6. On 2019-09-10 at 9:45 PM, (PS4)Xx-Ribbium-xX said:


    remember raids? raids were more popular than conclave look at them now


    better be quiet before de remembers that conclave exists.

  7. 23 minutes ago, AdvisorZ said:

    The problem is written in the title. More details: Ash’s 3rd ability has stopped killing Demolishers( Infested and Grineer) on missions. Even with Augment and any dagger (full mods + Covert Lethality).  But! In Simulacrum, with the same specifications - everything works fine! ( Demolishers are destroyed, as they should, with 1-2 hits) . I can’t say with perfect accuracy when this bug appeared, but probably about 2 weeks ago, after the last “hotfixes”.

    P.S And here are a few more problems.

    • Invisibility abilities no longer save from homing missiles from grineer Bombard. Missiles chase tenno, even if invisibility is active, teleport to the other end of the room for cover, etc. Missiles go around ALL obstacles like a living enemy, do not respond to evasion, and as a rule, they kill tenno instantly.
    • Spam with hooks from Ancient Infested and grineer Scorpion and the fact that they are free to use hooks, even if they are controlled by the abilities of the whole team and they are frozen. I'm really tired of being on the floor and getting a one-shot because of the inability to get up from these endless uncontrollable hooks. This happens often, and more often they hit players in the back with this blow, eliminating the slightest chance of avoiding it.
    • The infinitely strong Aura of the Ancients Healers , which makes enemies virtually invulnerable already at the 20th level, and complete protection not only from status control (freezing, repelling, etc.), but also control from some abilities. This annoys everyday, and even more so - when the healer is far away and not visible, or when he is in textures and cannot be destroyed at all. As a result, you cannot kill other enemies or influence them with control.  This is at level 20 with powerful abilities and weapons. And I'm not talking about two or more healers with a higher level.
    • Teleport to the elevator of Fortune from the body of the operative, in one of the stages of ordering Fortune. (during body examination)
    • Arcane Trickery not only gives invisibility. When activated - warframes textures disappear. You are invisible even to yourself. 
    • Conversion equation for mods, Berserk and Adrenaline Hunter. It's about pure health damage that adds energy. Example (with one mod in the build): Bombard reduces 300 hp out of 800. And its damage is normally converted to energy (40-45% of 300 = 120-135 energy). However. At the same time, two ordinary Infestoids, which caused 300 damage at 150 per hit, did not bring energy, which should be (40-45% of 150 = 60-67.5 energy), but brought much less. And there are many such examples.
    • Gauss battery. Everything is simple here - it takes a very long time to charge when activating the 4th ability. Especially if the Kinetic Shield is turned on and the enemy is actively shooting at it. And the stronger the enemy and the greater its number, the more difficult it is to maximize the battery. With a duration of abilities of 100% (30s), it will take about 20 seconds of continuous spam 1 and 3 (3 with ice damage. Not fire). This eats a LOT of energy, and reduces the efficiency of Gauss, preventing him from concentrating normally and firing at the enemy.
    • Something very strange is going on in survival mode. I spent a lot of time researching this. The problem is lack of oxygen. At first I thought that maybe the problem is in the abilities of the warframes that create the additional drop. I tried every warframe. Then I realized that the problem is in the chances of the appearance of an “oxygen package”, probably it was broken during one of the updates.  Or someone decided to "joke" like that. In any case, the problem remains - oxygen is not enough even with warframes having the necessary abilities. Even if you destroy 50-100 enemies per hit. On Arbitrations, this is even worse - very often only 3 packets per minute appear. This is not enough, really.
    • A very low chance of a Universal Medallion award. I completed about 100 waves of disruption (maybe more). For these 100 waves, I received 3-4 medallions. I think you need to increase the chance of getting, or increase the number of reputation (without changing the chance).
    • Coildrive and Turrets (Orb Vallis). Their damage breaks through all the resists (Adaptation, etc.) and the protection of warframes, starting from level 20-30, instantly killing. 
    • The armor that is added by the Atlas ability. Not only me, studied and noticed this. The armor received from the ability does not work. The enemy does the same damage as without it.
    • Demolyst with Komorex, has too powerful Aim. As soon as he notices a player, he does NOT turn to face him. A projectile automatically flies out of his weapon in a split second, even if he stands with his back to tenno!  And invisibility does not protect. Hit Accuracy 90-100%. At high levels of the enemy, this is guaranteed to kill tenno. And in the Arbitration mode, such "jokes" are not needed.
    • On Onslaught (Elite too) began to appear garbage from Ceres. Simaris Cleaners no longer get salary?


    in my case fatal tp + covert lethality deals some damage instead of oneshotting

    the augment itself is buggy as #*!% tho

    now i just use seeking shuriken + rising storm + the op as #*!% arcane to stun demolysts for 15 seconds, i strip his armor, and then i proceed to touch him with a 4x combo multiplier twin krohkur and he goes boom


    regarding the lack of oxigen i experiecent that in arbitration infested survival on a grineer galleon tileset it simply does not spawn enough enemies. i was with 3 people yesterday and the spawns were quite S#&$e


    • Like 1
  8. On 2019-08-31 at 6:36 AM, Skyward_Knight said:

    So, I've been wanting to make my ideal grenade launcher for a while, but finally got around to re-building and re-potatoing a Tonkor. Sadly, the Tonkor will never be what i want it to be. The grenades explode midair if they dont hit anything, instead of just on contact. I would love to see this changed to make the Tonkor more realistic and immersive. Instead, I have to use a mod slot to put an unranked Adhesive Blast to keep them from exploding before hitting the ground, and when they do stick that 17% of times, they take a while to go off.

    I know nobody will read this because nobody cares about the Tonkor, but I do.

    -An Explosion-Happy Tenno.

    that doesnt happen to me

  9. i dont see how allowign medallions to get conclave standings would resolve anything

    medallions are rare as hell

    problem its hard to find people and the standing earned is miserable. 28k i get 1k-2k for a 10 minutes match

    im already bored at the third match

    i did at least 7-8 consecutive matches i was sure i was capped instead i got from 28k to 22k

    the last match i did i got 447 standing i was second place


    even completed one of those stupid challenges

    boosting conclave will get your account beaned

    we're #*!%ed




  10. the new arby stuff si pretty garbage except maybe 1 or 2 things...if they wanted to add something for ammo economy they could have simply added pax charge for other weapons other than kitguns

    but nooooooo better add a S#&$ arcane that no one would ever use

  11. 18 hours ago, FrostDragoon said:

    You use warframe.market--a 3rd party AH-like website--and say we don't need an AH?

    Kids these days...

    no we dont need an action house in warframe, and its most likely not gonna happen

    get over it, or keep being salty 🙂

  12. wow your post reminded about the existence of k drives...i even mastered all of them got all the mods and even built one custom with 3 formas 

    but they're (((fun))) so they are not allowed to be useful. Too bad

    *blinks away with itzal*

  13. On 2019-09-09 at 10:26 AM, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

    I have heard a lot of complaints about a lot of things in this game, but the most irritating thing for me, to be honest...is the fact I have to stop playing to sell things. 

    Warframe literally wants you to stop playing sometimes (like the items that take 12-72h to be created, or the 1,5h gap between eidolon hunts), it's no big deal at this moment because players don't really bother at all for some reason. 

    But what annoys me the most is having to spend maybe hours of my day trying to sell items. I don't see any harm on a store system, you just put the items there with the price you want and forget about their existence. 

    People buy it, you receive the platinum on the inbox, perfect.

    well you can earn premium currency and reasonably and literally anyone can do it, but in exchange you have to put time in it. its fair

    use warframe.market if you ctrl v on trade chat is not your cup of tea

  14. 11 minutes ago, SnowyGreyish said:

    At one point in time I was running low of weapon slots and since the Skana Prime was stat-wise close to a starter melee, I sold it


    14 minutes ago, SnowyGreyish said:

    I did hear on one occasion that one Founder left the game entirely, because the remarks had destroyed his ability to enjoy the game anymore.


    and if someone bothers you and you are host you can unplug the internet cable so jelly squadmate get host migration which will probably cause to lose all his stuff, while you can plug the cable back in and extract with no worries

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