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Posts posted by Pavelord

  1. 8 hours ago, Bruno96 said:

    When the devs outright call Chroma the "dragon frame" I think it's safe to assume that he is.

    I remember when chroma came out, the  advertisement page had a paragraph or something on how Chroma had kill and ancient creature or something and wore its pelt, it gave the idea that he was a dragon knight, and is not rare for frames to come with one theme for powers and other theme for their appearance, in this case his powers represented the variety of elemental dragons from dnd.

  2. I kinda hate that they make the cassowar a two headed weapon, it has a perfect halberd head, but it is use as a staff, I think OP wants a more traditional shape and handling of axe headed pole arms. I would actually like to see something like this, I´m tire of fantasy two headed axes, I thouht the anku was one but it was not.


  3. I think there definitely needs to be some kind of restructuring on how they plan out content, the problem of dissatisfied high level players has existed for years, but i think there also a bit of rose colored glasses from some players, there were a several events in the past, several were just to introduce new missions, I mean survivals enter the game as an event, and so many others, but they always came with complaints that reward was just a plain mastery fodder weapon, that it was too easy or boring, usually a meh reception from players.

    For that reason feedback should always be coming, excluding insults or threats, we don´t need to babysit the devs. The game has a lot of room to be much better than it is. 

  4. 9 hours ago, ImmortalPony said:

    No, he didn't. 

    We know, he had to put his soul (mind.. or how to call it?) into his warframe. But it's said that he did it bacause he could not sleep (?) as all tenno did. There was no details about the reasons. 

    And one more thing: our operators are not children. Even not teenagers I think. Comparing their height and height of Ostron people - operator - are young people. 

    he actually did, they knew he would not live long enough, so Rell used transference to remain the rest of his life inside Harrow, Harrow was not put in cryosleep either, as you when you start the game, as such at the end of the quest it is mentioned that Harrow eroded to the passage of time, and so the only thing that remained was Rell´s mind to keep the man in the wall at bay from eroding the psyque of all tennos

  5. the game is kind of a trap in this regard, the game has been built on the go and the staff does not have the time or clearvoyance to see how far players are gonna take their features. On this topics always comes the question "whats the point of having all this power", the anwer is that there is no point, never was but to farm efficiently .

    If removing mods is artificial difficulty, overformaing, min-maxing are artificial power as well, at some point to stop becoming strong and you´re just makin content easier. And players fell for the trap that because the system allows it they have to get all the power they can, but as I said DE does not foresee what players do, therefore they don´t plan to the heights the hardcore playerbase wants.

    This is a situation that has been going on since I met the game in update 7, and whatever mission DE puts the players find a way to break it, and while their mentality is doing crazy wacky ninja things as DESteve has put it, enjoying the ride, some players are only interested in the rewards and how efficiently get them. There this dissonance that I think they acknowledge but have been unable to reconcile into the general playerbase and the fringe efficient players.

    I mean if they have not accomplish it in the past 5 years, I don´t think they will make it in the next year, the advice to measure your equipment and reduce your output stands as the most reccomendable partial solution for enjoying the ride but not much if you´re looking for only the destination.

  6. 1 hour ago, BETAOPTICS said:

    That is kind of like saying that if you are a too good of an athlete, then the solution is to handicap them by breaking their leg bones. Rather than, oh I don't know, putting them on an level where they can compete with other athletes on that same level. This kind of philosophy, especially in game-design -- is not a good way to design your product. In Software Programming the first thing we learnt in the beginning 2-weeks of the 4-year school is that whenever you design a program, one thing you first must fundamentally do is to understand what design goals you have and to whom the product is going to sold at.

    In other words to put it simply and bluntly: It is poor design philosophy. You shoot yourself in your own foot for no reason by trying to go from the lowest and quickest path rather than actually addressing and solving the problem for quality instead.

    Just stop and think for a moment. If a doctor came to you and said: " Oh well you have this bone fracture but rather than inserting any of the necessary means to heal it properly, we are just putting this artificial band-aid instead and see what happens. " - well what do you think will happen?

    And I do not even min max, I roleplay instead. But this reasoning in the original authors commentary is not recommended.

    In this example the warframe athlete would be using and aerodynamic suit with rocket boosters, roller skates and can prevent the stop watch from advancing, I think the case of bad design was letting the power progression get so out of hand, now its impossible to go back, having missions with bigger numbers will just result in almost the same with players exacting better rewards and that is another problem on itself.

  7. warframe is a game with a lot of customization a lot of choices, one of those choices is the difficulty, since the power progression heavily leans toward the players it becomes that at some point you stop becoming strong and instead you are making things easier, and players fall to this trap loop gaining more power to kill higher enemies to gain more power, but clearly this does not work in warframe as this conversations have been going practically since I joined the forums.

    As someone who does not use forma in my equipment I think I get a more congruent level of difficulty and though the game offers a very powerful experience at midgame the level of power on the most efficient builds is something several players have grown very fond off, it then turns very difficulty to ask them to refrain from using it and very difficult for DE to turn down power a notch of two.

    So far I don´t think I´ve ever heard a good answer, what kind of tactic, terrain or improved a.i. can withstand incredible long duration cc, stand against several damage accumulating powers, practical immortality, long periods of invicibility or an incredible large stock of health, ammo and energy resources. Had not DE mentioned in a devstream that most players mostly played survival and exterminations missions below level 60 or something? they had a chart and everything I believe.

  8. it is not rare for warframes to have one theme for their appearance and other for their powers, Revenant clearly has a visual design BASE OFF Eidolon esthetics, he is not a literal sentient frame, and for his powers the theme of vampirism was clearly mentioned in earlier dev streams. We all have the perfection version of warframe in our minds, this time it did not coincide with yours, that is all.

  9. It is not weird for frames to have two themes, one for their appearance and other for their powers, while for revenant the appearance is clearly Eidolon, I think the vampiric theme for his powers diluted a bit from his first introduction in a devstream, except for his 4, he has mind control, sucks the life force of others and turns into mist, which are common abilties for vampires.

  10. warframes are a technoorganic product, you all have seen the building requirementes, infested materials, metals, circuits and such. Its obvious powers are decided by the builder and not the mutation or the original body, as we can clearly see Teshin castin ice wave and clones and certainly no tenno or mutation came with the  power to throw grenades or hidden blades. And to some extent there is a division from the outer warframe and what is within as mentioned by Alad V not understanding what was inside the warframe.

  11. from the community inbox

    Q: Is Excalibur Prime ever coming back?

    A: No, he’s not. Excalibur Prime was offered to Warframe’s founders who believed in Warframe early in its development. There would be no Warframe without their support, and Excalibur Prime is how we acknowledge their invaluable contribution. Excalibur Prime was offered once and represents that history, so he will not be released again.

     We are delighted that Warframe has grown and that our community is so unique and amazing. Even as we remember that our founders are Warframe’s foundation, Warframe is defined by all Tenno. We will continue to make more great Warframes, Prime Warframes, and content for all of our players!

  12. they just mentioned in prime trime that this was not supposed to be a rework and it also does not prevent a rework in the future, just that they are very busy with Nyx, Revenant and who knows what else, so keep the feedback coming, the more the better.

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