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Posts posted by Dabnician

  1. Trading between accounts controlled by the same player gets into a grey area because we have a max cap on rivens and this is some times seen as a way to circumvent the riven limitation. the best way to avoid it is to simply not trade anything between both accounts. Also were not allowed to log into other peoples accounts even if they wanna give us all their stuff. not to mention you have a credit tax and trade limit per day.

    • Like 1
  2. On 2019-01-07 at 11:37 AM, -Tulipa- said:

    Players that are AFK should get out of the defense if doesn't choose "Stay". It really makes me mad when a players with rhino who doesn't move for the entire mission, ends up on wave 25 with the rest of the squad. If you don't choose anything you should get out of the mission (and the squad so that me and my friends dont have to leave the squad because of an AFK Leecher)

    is It so hard to notice the guy disappears 1 wave into hydron into one of those side rooms? to co-ordiante the next leave so they are the only ones that stay?

    On 2019-01-07 at 11:37 AM, -Tulipa- said:

    On survivals or excavations there should be a way to leave alone and not need all 4 players to get out of the mission.

    There is, you sit on the extraction point and message the rest of the team, throw some obscenities at them and threaten to report them, after about 5-10 minutes of sitting on "waiting for team" it will pull everyone out. even if the other members are actively defending the extractors.

    I went into an endless fissure, i ask the first dude that joined "hey how long you wanna stay" dude said "as long as possible" the next guy that joined wanted to extract after we poped 1 extractor..... he then proceeded to tell us where griefers and hes going to report us and all this other stuff.

    after like what seems 3 or 4 extractions the mission ends. he was on the pad the whole time.

    honestly i dont know who was in the wrong but it pretty much showed me we need to have extract mechanics in all endless mission types.

  3. 18 hours ago, AntonioKr123 said:

    1. have different raids every week, by this i mean something like weekly arbitrations that have more missions but can be done multiple times, like say 5 missions each with a specific debuff and you cant swap frames between missions.


    18 hours ago, AntonioKr123 said:

    2. i think DE should try punishing the meta, by this i mean if people are spamming warframes that can kill enemies with AoE abilities faster than you can blink (saryn), enable friendly fire, that way people cant use the abilities unless they actually think, if people spam Energy vampire Trinity, make Energy vampire heal the enemies with allowed over heal of 2000 HP, what i am trying to say is don't allow people using a specific frame or mod that just makes it easy to pass the raids

    I really wish you all would stop trying to punish other people from playing the game as it is, the nerfs have got to stop


    18 hours ago, AntonioKr123 said:

    3. make specific weapons and a warframe that can ONLY be farmed in raids, not tradable, not in the market, just raids.

    Oh god no, not only do you not understand how this would piss players off, this would also cut off potential revenue from the loss of said sale. this is a lose-lose situation

    16 hours ago, AntonioKr123 said:

    true, but my point is if something is beeing overused, try counter it

    Its not overused if that's all that works, it means that there is a flaw in the system and players are finding the path of least resistance, Are you going in to spy missions with Vauban? Or do you use Ash/Loki/Ivarna/Limbo?


    Instead of focusing on "nerf this rawr its op" you should be looking for "buff that, rawr its underused".


    I would LOVE to use vauban, the fact that i built my non prime vauban by watching those missions pop up and completing them.... was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY... more satisfying that actually using vauban... first thought was ...wth is this... this warframe's problem? he seriously needs a buff... I could have however singled out any one of my teammates and cried they were using a OP warframe but that was not the case. I could say "oh its unfair limbo & gara can block an unlimited number of enemies but im only able to block 10, nerf them" but thats stupid.

    Stop asking for nerfs, if you feel something is OP then you need to find something that needs to be buffed. I hate all this "oh but the player power creep" so what.. they can add more enemies that have more hp and do the same crap as now

    18 hours ago, AntonioKr123 said:

    the lack of content especially for the veterans is kinda bad for the game it self.

    Ive been here since 2013 you DO NOT speak for me

  4. 21 hours ago, eurotransient said:

    extra void traces for whoever's relic gets chosen

    I notice most out of those screen shots is the lack of communications about picking some one elses reward when you have the same one. a lot of missed out void traces

  5. normally you would look up the mission in the wiki and see what mob drops that mod and then do a mission where that mob spawns. However Flow, Intensify & Continuity are all noob mods everyone needs, so everyone tends to know some one that stocks them and you can some times get them for free in the trade channel. just ask.

  6. 1 hour ago, Feyangol said:

    this goes to both DE and the community here. I am sincerely concered about all the threads and all the talk about reworks, because most of them simply are not reworks.

    Most reworks are "hey i have a great idea that makes this easy mode", a lot of players lack the ability to suggest things that wouldn't be to their benefit.

    • Like 1
  7. Why does everyone feel the need to write encyclopedia's of changes in suggestion threads? why not make individual suggestion threads so that people that want to talk about just limbo and nekros can go to those respective threads and comment on them.

    If i start saying: "well i dont reall agree with the changes to the 4th ability"

    What am i talking about? am i talking about shield of shadows or how you want to make limbo into a moa?

    Whats worse is when "walls of text" get "pages of replies".. go read that "what ever of tau" suggestion the dude puts so much into the post but half way though the thread im like.. im not reading all this junk.

    Also i dont want my limbo 4th to be a moa globe thanks.

    also the changes to hydroid are just to get more loot and remove 1 card...

    • Like 3
  8. Honestly at this point i want to turn the pop up animations that are not specific to the missions off, then they can save money on paying some one.

    They are cool for the first month or so....

    then the 2nd month its like yes, i know operator thank you well do that...

    then after a year its like... yes ordis  i know your hap..angry....no i wont sell you for mods because i haven't figured out how... please shut up ordis.... yes you said that the last time i change my photonic wave lengths to this.


    Half the time im working on my load out and ordis pops up just as i go to look at my abilities.... blocking the right half of the screen.... with something i already heard.

  9. I will give them money (in the form of pre-purchased platinum) for dedicated servers. I even suggested a way that makes clan halls actually useful besides crafting all the blueprints and trading:

    Sadly players don't understand how accounting or businesses work.
    (protip: businesses have to be able to make money off of an idea for it to be a "good" idea, the more profit potential the "better" the idea.)


  10. 2 hours ago, LAWD said:

    Right now it has no use.

    FTFY, If they do anything with soul punch they need to rework it, like make it do true damage no mater the level of the enemy. Honestly i only use it in super rare occasions.

  11. The white is too bright, you need to keep your colors at 200/200/200 max.

    Also if you want to preview what its going to look like in game, go into photoshop, duplicate the layer, set the top duplicate to "screen" and then apply a gaussian blur set to 3.0

    This is what i would guess the game will make it look like once it gets in game:


    The outside is also going to have issues because of the boarder being white

    This is my clan emblem:

    This is the original before i lowered the levels: Qj7Lkeb.png

    Same image with the white set to 200:PhlLNco.png

    This is how it looks in game:



    You can see that the "dark purple" turns into a "bright violet", still too bright for me but im lazy and its eh okay...


    Id go with something like this: YAgGkn8.png

    Which should be something like this in game: 32da9f8590.png


    thats using the info in this thread:


    From that thread, this: 80w.png4e9.png
    Becomes this: fqp.png

  12. On 2019-01-01 at 12:12 AM, PoisonHD said:

    Honestly, dedicated servers are just really expensive, the costs to run them grow with your playerbase as well. So even if they're making more money then ever before, they also have more players then ever before..

    Personally, it's not an issue for me most of the time, but I know it is for a lot of people.

    They can go with the SaaS model and just let us rent them and make even more money.


    but sadly every time i suggest this the players go "dur hur yur stoopid, how can you rent a server with platinum", they seem to lack the understanding the platinum turns into real money for them, but what ever.

    • Like 2
  13. 4 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    I imagine Equinox Prime will be the standard Prime build not her 7 piece normal.

    It would really screw with Relics adding her. Ugh.. my relics are already such a mess the search functions is required.

    Pretty sure they wont require 7 pieces, they can get away with it by saying you needed to hack up war frames to build Equinox because we didn't have the original blueprints.

  14. On 2018-12-24 at 4:37 AM, Ekemeister said:

    You want people who've been playing warframe since March 2014 to be more interested in coming back!?

    I started playing in 2013, left and came back after a 3 year break because warframe was released on xbox one and i just bought one.

    I left because it was the same 9 missions and the same unrandomized tile set and if you didnt play rhino you really had to actually try to play the game.
    (i picked loki as my starter, needless to say the game was not fun then and i died a lot)

    We also had zero ways to earn plat apart from pulling out the wallet. (ironically i spend more now then i ever did)


    I was having fun again until i started reading the forums and started to notice all the recent nerfs.......

    Here's a tip:
    You want people who've been playing warframe since March 2014 to be more interested in coming back!?

    Maybe they should stop trying to get rid of the "war" in warframe.


    You know how borderlands was fun because you would find stupid guns that did insane damage and had OP perks? that stuff was fun. We should do more of that here.

    Nerfframe isnt fun,
    Everyone-is-equal-Frame isnt fun

  15. On 2018-12-21 at 10:47 PM, Datam4ss said:

    Macros are a grey area anyway - until DE comes clean about it I won't use it all the time because I am not risking my account getting banned.

    The macro that dude got banned over was due to him using macros to abuse a bug, he would have gotten banned by just spamming the same thing over and over using his fingers albeit slower.

    with out going into detail he just had to "Stand in a certain place, press a button get free XP, as fast as you can click the button" basically zero effort entirely except for the part where he just needs to stay awake.

    Not only that he went a made a how to video on youtube that showed others how to abuse the bug, he could have got a slap on the wrist, but when you spit in the face of the company and encourage others to do it youre kinda asking for a ban. 


    On 2018-12-24 at 5:37 AM, MPonder said:

    The thing for me is not how fast I can click, it is that I don't want to rape my mouse to play with them, nor I'm going to use duct tape.

    This is my deal, i really dont like semi auto on the console cause after 60 minutes in a mission semi autos sorta start to suck on consoles because my fingers begin to physically hurt due to the travel distance on the controller, i need to really mod my controller and put a end stop in it so i can just tap it.

  16. Honestly they just need to let players leave team during the mission and let them leave all endless missions just like in defense.

    As far as the Mot issue, this is because we have 0 match making, its all based on ping, so your just getting randos for groups that have almost no chance of getting a good load out.

    We honestly need a ranking on equipment so you get a power level rank sorta like how destiny does it and just group players with people with in a % of deviation of their level... done. Of all the things it got wrong or right, the power level was pretty good for figuring out who could group with who.


    99% of the whining on the forums about "nerf saryn shes too powerful, nerf limbo hes too this, nerf rhino hes too that" will go away cause then "vets" will be grouped with other similar power level players and the ones that dont know how to kit a frame will be grouped with other people that dont know how to kit a frame.....


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  17. 41 minutes ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

    I find it quite odd that an Xbox master can't identify possible sources of distress....on Xbox...

    I had a host downloading fortuna to his pc while we were playing on xbox and we had massive issues.

    This issue occurs on both Xbox and PC, its just a bad connection to the host. You can force your session to be the host by inviting everyone to your squad and being the one that launches the session.



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