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  1. For someone who claims to be an educated enthusiast, you very quickly forgot about associative phobias, which applies to Primary Tokophobia as well as many others, source? my girlfriend, who has a Phd in Neurology and a masters in Medical psychiatry, who is active as a psychiatrist/medical researcher. The associative form of primary tokophobia can be triggered by images of pregnant people or even physical features that resemble those of pregnant people, Tokophobia is one of the phobias that is currently still being investigated and that humanity has in no way perfect knowledge of, you base your opinions and conclusions on what you have read about it, true, but these are publications made with the available knowledge at that time, which is still nowhere near the complete image one would need to judge this case with this much confidence. ~my lovely girlfriend
  2. I keep my arcanes in singular form until maxed, or needed. bonus arcanes are kept singular at all times. That is how i try to tackle it.
  3. So never in the quest is it mentioned or even implied he gives up on his hate for the tenno (narrative), he still hunts tenno in missions, just not the ones cosplaying his wife, because of the memories tied to that particalar warframe. There is no ludonarrative dissonance to be found, although you should give an example if you disagree. Yeah no devstream citation, i told you why, believing it or not is up to you. Your comment was a response to this forum title "Normally at the end of a cinematic quest, DE gives us a free toy to add to our arsenal, what might jade shadows bring", you replied there "Sadly as of the interview a few hours ago. There will be no playable stalker. What a bummer", context implies you are talking about stalker for the arsenal, if you meant otherwise you should have clarified in that original message secondly, no source on the leaks, so you are jus speculating, also you don't know the rest of the story, but I bet you that if you are already expecting a certain ending you will be disappointed anyway, so let DE do their job and make an amazing story for us. the speculation you added in without source also just makes you a hypocrite, good day!
  4. First of all are you a qualified professional (psychiatrist, neurologist, etc.), that has knowledge in these matters? Otherwise this is a very S#&$ty message dunking on someone's fear and experience.
  5. OP sadly posted in the wrong forum for this to happen i think, this stuff belongs more in general feedback then known issues, known issues is mostly for bugs and technical failures of the update.
  6. yeah well giving them away for 10 or 12 motes would not make sense for their business model. The limit for 2 sets is there because last event people would farm up to 31 sets of legendary arcanes, the sets took longer to get during that event as well, so they limited this kind of burn out, not bore out like you mean, currently people are bored out, not burnt out. the lower tiered arcane sets take a fraction of the time it used to take in other events to farm, this results in less burn out, because people get them quicker. Legendary arcanes are now gotten faster than ever, but the time to get lowered tiered arcanes has gotten decreased insanely much. PE a leg arcane set now takes about 8 hours to get, but in the same time you can get a set of every lower tiered arcane in this event, compare that to earlier events, where a legendary arcane set took 10 hours to get, but in the same time you could get only 3 sets of lower tiered arcanes. Do mathematics and please do not be blinded by relative speed. fact is every arcane is faster to acquire than ever before, they did not bolster the price, they lowered the relative price of lower tiered arcanes, the price of a legendary arcane got decreased, just not by as much as the lower tiered ones. they managed to prevent Burn-out, they did not prevent a bore-out, learn the difference.
  7. precedent means in similar situation, in no way is having a toggle for a separate entity the same as having a toggle for something that is currently on a 3D model with single entity, so not similar from a technical standpoint.
  8. there is a difference, Kullervo's knives are not part of his 3D model and are a separate entity, Jade's belly is part of her 3D model, even though indeed they should have made the belly a different entity and have the option of belly or no belly. It's devs choice AGAIN I was playing devil's advocate, i have mentioned that enough now
  9. Unfortunatly I actually do agree with your opinion, and i do hope its for the better of the game, but they are also losing my interest, the complexity and arbitrary armor types kept us from just one shotting everything, when the update launched i noticed that Steel path enemies felt significantly easier than before (can also be the armor change, armor is now capped). Warframe is becoming the neuron activation meme, everyone can do and does big damage, but any CC other than grouping abilities is slowly but surely being phased out. Ironically we had the phased skins in the beginning of the games lifecycle, but now almost everything that required knowledge is being phased out. It has come so far that most players no longer understand how hard Eidolons were to kill on release, or how big of a deal the PoE update actually was.
  10. had calculated how much time you needed to finish a set of every arcane tier in another forum concerning this exact same issue, bronze tier arcanes were full setted in 12 mins, silver in 32, gold in 52 mins or somewhere around that and compared those to the time needed to gain the same items in past event. spoiler alert past events needed a much larger time investment to get to a full set of T1-3 arcanes, legendary arcanes are a little faster than previously, about 8 hours/set instead of 9 hours/set. and yes players who already have all arcanes can farm more arcanes, that is just that, you can do too once you have all arcanes...
  11. Thank you for answering the question, this helps me ground my arguments a bit. I'm sorry OP but warframe is not about robots, I have not seen it mentioned anywhere that warframes are robots, everywhere i have looked they and the tenno were referred to as a race rather than robots (race implies of organic origin, robots don't have races). The question of what happens when people get turned into a warframe when pregnant is a question that has been lingering around the community since the second dream quest as a perpetuation of the theory warframes were humans turned steel, and then was a valid question once the sacrifice confirmed that warframes are turned humans. So we have known for about 6 years now that warframes are in fact not robots and the community has pondered what happens with pregnant persons who get "turned". The quest also has a warning, but i admit, it is scummy to put up a warning, but not a way to get a possibility to evade the sensitive scenes by either obscuring/blurring or skipping the quest while still getting the chance to keep up with the lore, like some sort of text with what happens (dk if reading triggers it as well, sensitive pieces could maybe be redacted) and answer a few questions as a "proof of read" so you still have to do something. They indeed forced your phobia onto you, by locking major content behind it and I'm sorry for that. Sure i'dd like another form for jade (no belly), should be easy enough, I feel extremely uneasy playing a warframe that is alluded to being pregnant into violent environments and feeding her to helminth made me feel even worse. I don't know if or what you have already done to keep the impact of your fear on your live to a minimum, but i sincerely hope you find a way to be comfortable with all of it, does not matter how you get there, however i can't stress enough what therapy did for my fear of needles (therapy works on the emotional side of the fear, no rationale in therapy was the first rule me and my therapist established). I already thought you might have posted this from a ticket, which is why I took it upon myself of what DE will say when it is brought up in a devstream or smtn, simply because the devs are that predictable. By sending you to the forums they try to see how many people react to it, as a measurement to how relevant the problem is for the community, by having people react this issue will most likely get resolved and you don't get enough reactions by only having positive engagement (cfr. the guy who said that dante was too overpowered to be fun, he must be hated by a lot of the community). First of all thank you for the wall of text and boredom therapy for me. I invite you to read through all of the comments I posted, as I think i have already answered most of the first section in previous post, however i will reiterate for you. Your writing style comes over as very aggressive, I do not know if this was intended or not but before trying to word your point, take a breather and refrain from using different styles to highlight words and trying to explain terms everyone is familiar with like the meaning of the word "request" (i know you will counter with "you put a link to the pegi site and explaination of forum", but that was because the person I responded to either showed unfamiliarity with the concept or a misunderstanding of meaning), these things make a text appear aggressive. I will consider this a mistake reading the footnote of your comment I think you missed this line of mine: With this I'm indicating I am not against a new jade model, I'm only giving headwind to make people think about how they present their argument, by mentioning arguments that might be used by opposition (developers). It is not a fear of opening Pandora's box, but it is almost inevitable unless you know a way to choose what phobias you will validate and which phobias you don't with logical reasoning, which for most will not suffice as fear is an emotional case. Validating some fears by acting on them when popping up, while hearing but neglecting others, will make people feel betrayed and invalidated as a person by the developer, which counters the inclusion DE preaches. Hearing all phobias, while only acting on a few of them will cause rifts in your community. We can already see this with Homophobia and transphobia in a more real life setting, these fears polarize society, lgbtqia+ people feel invalidated by people with these fears existing and try to use logic against them, yet use the term to counter anyone who is logical against them, even in arguments that have nothing to do with who they are as a person. What i try to explain is that trying to solve issue cases that are emotional at their root with logic will almost always have the adverse effect of what you are trying to do, because if you consider p.e. fear of tentacles and decide its valid and make an option for saryn's hair and hydroid's ult, but then you consider fear of insects as unvalid and decide to leave the maggots in nidus ult or broodmother be, you can imagine the people with fear of insects to feel excluded and not heard at all. I argue consistency, if you choose to validate one fear, you should accept every fear is as valid as others and find a solution for all other fears as well. What i do not want is Developers walking on eggshells while making a story, because it might trigger some phobias, they should offer alternatives for people, who still struggle with phobias or are not yet in the position where they want to face the phobia. However This way warframe can also be used as a relatively low effort way to challenge your phobias, as seeing them on a screen usually does not invoke the same level of fear as real life. This is irrelevant. It feels like "the house will collapse! the sticks holding the building are going to break and it will down any second" and someone show up "it's actually not "sticks", it's never mentioned anywhere there is sticks holding buildings, they are called pillars" That's not the problem the building will fall! 😂 I have been playing this game for years and finished nearly all the quests, if someone told me "space ninja robots" I would think about warframe instantly. However we are in "this is actually called B not A" and not involved in the subject. No it was absolutely relevant, OP mentioned in the comment i quoted there (which you excluded) that warframe is a game about robots, it is not and never was, its humans turned into organic steel by a virus, how? no clue, but it is a sci-fi game everything is possible. It is just not robots. I understood where OP came from, if you think it is robots, i'dd be surprised by a pregnancy as well. The question of what happens to pregnant people being turned into warframes has been a question long lingering the community, but i explained this in the reply to OP earlier in this post. Associating a game with a certain thing is something personal, sure you associate it with space ninja robots, however other people may not make that same association. Your association is valid, but that does not mean it resembles reality. The game is not about robots, that is a fact, you may try to ridicule an argument you cannot answer, but not reading or even evaluating the context of a statement reflects badly on the arguments that follow and again make your text more personal aggression towards me, caused by an emotion of yours, than a valid argument. I am assuming this is part of argument to show that "pregnancy" should and can exists in the game? I mean like, nobody arguing it should be removed from the game. and taken away from other people experience. I can see this being brought up as a valid point if the OP said "REMOVE THIS CONTENT NOBODY SHOULD SEE IT BECAUSE I HAVE PHOBIA" but all I see is the OP asking for an option to select like kullervo multiple times and made it clear it's separate from affecting other people experience. Like, it can stay no issue. just give an option for those that doesn't want to see it. if you are fine with it don't touch the option and you can see it as much as you please. Again no, this was a continuation of OP not expecting pregnancy in a game about robots. First of all again, not robots, Secondly the game is rated PEGI 18+, which includes explicit sexual activity, which includes pregnancy, mentioned with source, so others can verify i got that quote from the pegi website itself. The game being rated PEGI 18+ is an argument the developers can bring up as to why they might not remove it or add a toggle/option, remember i'm playing devil's advocate as i mentioned in the post you were quoting. We can apply this to the people that have gore phobia or apotemnophobia. We have an option in the settings that only for the player he doesn't see it. other people playing the game and have no issue with the gore but from the other player perspective he sees none of it. Let's say hypothetically this setting didn't exist, would we set here and try to convince the person with apotemnophobia how he should accept and play along then being dramatic about it? Setting exists so the approach feels different. Allow me to display all questions asked, even those you did not include. It was just me asking for more info so i could comment more accurately on this case For everyone reading this apotemnophobia is a fear of amputation or people with amputations (yes this should be clarified, not everyone knows all phobias). I think you are talking about the enable gore setting under system, sure, but hemophobia (fear of blood) would be more apt., funnily enough i have a friend with apotemnophobia who plays warframe with gore enabled, it does not trigger his phobia, because the npc dies and the npc gets sliced in half, which does not include limbs, this is of course personal to him and in no way am i implying this is the only form that fear comes in. It is great this setting exist, again you forgot to read I'm playing devil's advocate. However fear of blood is a very common phobia, so common in fact multiple games have this option. Waframe is a looter shooter focussed on mass killings, it is actually a miracle they have this setting in the first place. But yes if the option did not exist we would be having exactly the same argument, to validate this argument, go have a look at the mortal kombat and doom reddit forums (found via google) where they discuss this option. I'm not convincing anyone to accept and play along, I'm playing devil's advocate, i see a recurring pattern in your text, you forgot to read the first line of my message. People cope in different ways, you deal with yours this way. Honestly YOU should also ask for an option to toggle weapons if they can shoot default shots with what they are designed with or make it "laser" or "regular bullets" in the appearance options. Because your phobia also SHOULD count and it's valid to express it. you might not realize that there might be thousands of people behind you wish for it too but probably can not even speak english or know how to reach developers to voice their issues so they just play the game silently. It shouldn't be an issue to ask than get a whole therapy session to cope in order to play a game. and honestly you should still ask for it because your phobia is valid. Not cope, learn to play with it. In the first phrase you just reiterates my last in the quote. With your explanation about what i should do, you are then dictating what i should do, contradicting your first sentence and the last sentence of my quote. I dealt with mine to a point I'm comfortable with so i do not need these options or toggles, which does not mean others need to do this as well. As for your remark that people not speaking English might face the same problem and don't have a way to express it, there is warframe forums in other languages than English, specifically so this does not happen. Your last sentence again tells me what to do with my fear, at this point you don't accept my approach to my fear. It is not an issue to ask, again I'm playing devil's advocate. Therapy is helpful in general, you don't get it to play a game, get it to be more comfortable in general. You dictating how i should live/cope/deal/communicate with my fear, is crossing a line, you do not have any moral authority over me or anyone else. I choose what, how and with what level of comfort I want to live, as others do. I will ask for help if i need it, i do not want to have to look at a placeholder because i could not face my fear, that is how i think about it and that is how i live and choose to live everyday. Handling fear, communicating it and asking for help with it is a personal matter and not something anyone can be "right or wrong" about. it is a choice, not a question of morality, ethics or even representation of others. Things you don't respect by telling me what I should do, claiming moral authority here is just showing how you don't think anyone who has an opinion differing from yours deserves any respect. "not cope, learn to play with it" ~you, this is you stating the point you are arguing against, honestly what do you mean here? should OP not cope and play with fear? will again chart this mistake up to the medication. I believe you are simply way overthinking it. It could work, one step at the time and what can logically and reasonably be done. Devs can not please everyone. But at least trying and hearing it out counts in my opinion even if they decided they can not do it. And again like I mentioned in the gore example, it can be an option that toggles it off from only the player perspective doesn't see it. ain't nothing wrong with that. You make it sound like you would be the one doing it and stressing how the coding would work 😅😂 But in the end, this is purely up to the developers to decide how it can work and again within logical reasoning and approach for a good solution. Again No, I'm not overthinking, I'm throwing out hypotheses and their potential impact, aka I'm speculating. Yes ofcourse cosmetic checks can work, but already back in 2019 DE had a devstream about how difficult it is tying new content into the game due to it being spaghetticoded, this system would require manier years of work. On top of that lets say bob has a good fashion on a warframe or kavat that they would like to show off, but then dave has no cats toggled, bob will be mad his cat is now whatever DE turned it into. Devs are hearing ppl out about things they can change, that benefit community in general. What you need to understand is that DE is a Canadian company, in North America pregnancy, abortion and children are very significant friction points these days (even though they should not be, your body your choice, then again no reason to turn this page political). This will have impact in the NA catholic community, as they will potentially take it as a pro abortion stance from DE, or it will potentially resonate with pregnant women (yes some play warframe) that their bodies are not desired, which will end in an issue with body positivity. In NA things like this get taken political very quickly and i think they are avoiding that bad publicity. A potential reason they might have added a pregnant warframe, to make one of their currently pregnant employee, or pregnant persons in general feel seen and validated, if skinned without belly, they would take this as an offense equal to the fear of OP, being unjustifiably thrown in her (assumption, tell me if I'm wrong, pls) face, the logic and reasoning is which group will be hurt more and which of those groups guarantees more income. I know how coding works, it is part of my job, i think you underestimate how complex coding functions like this is. Again this is up to the player. if someone wants to enjoy the immersion, they can. Having options never should be an issue. This sort of counter arguments apply only if it's suggested to be stripped from everyone else in my honest opinion. Other players get to decide for themselves what they would find adding to the immersion and enjoyment to the content. This quote of mine was a response to a comment to my very first post in this forum, that comment mentioned how putting a toggle for all phobias in the game would ruin immersion, so the reply is simple, Jade not being pregnant breaks immersion for some players. @sorryh i recommend you backtrack and not make a comment on a quote you take out of context. I'm all for having people make their own choice with immersion, the person i responded to did not. He argued that some fears should be validated with an option (including tokophobia) because they do not break immersion and others that do break immersion should not, so i countered that every fear breaks immersion to some level and once again argued for consistency. You missed the point of the statement of mine you quoted. We don't know. You don't know. None of us know except for the developers. None of us can speak to state something factually and with certainty is "unattainable" unless you are working on the game directly and looking at the source codes and what not yourself from a developers point of view to consider if something is unattainable or not. This is strictly obtainable and possible and only up to the developers to see if it's reachable. the argument is made here for option due to the fact there is options in the game that makes those that struggle enjoy the game. Like gore option in the settings and alternative skins for frames with certain looks that appears disturbing to others and kullervo option to have less stabby look. and such options invites and opens for requests for more options that could be suited for further players to enjoy their gaming experience. I just wish for more people to enjoy the game as I do and it would be sad they can not due to issues that could be solved by minor options in the settings and stuff to be toggled off. I am on medication while writing, please if you see spelling or grammar errors kindly over look it. I hope I am understood. Thank you. Again i expanded your quotation of me to include the context it was written in. Yes we know it is practically impossible for DE to implement brand new core game systems, they explained this 3x in dev streams over the past 11 years (cfr. empiryean update) If one persons fear is validated, so should others fears, keep it consistent, because no logic or reasoning will make you able to get to a conclusion which fear option to include. Again fear is emotional, nothing rational about it. How do you enjoy the game? Do you have any fears that are in the game? the experience of enjoying and playing a game is highly personal as is life, sure you can wish your enjoyment on others, but everyone's experience is different. I think you underestimate how complex the gore option was to implement, it was there since the launch of the game, and remains one of the most demanding calculations the game has, did you know that? anyway i have written an essay again. enjoy
  12. Ok so 100 in game hours is not enough for most players to get to max prestige or max rank in most shooter games, those ranks and levels often have rewards behind them. Games that are finished in 100 hours are most often not live-service games, warframe is live-service it also means content keeps getting added. Yes in 2012 you could finish the game in less than 100 hours, at least if you did not want to forma any weapons, also in 2012 most stuff was locked behind a hard paywall, without the possibility to grind for it, do you rather have the hard paywall and fork up the cash? You are still free to do so! You probably have never experienced the trials or the first eidolon hunts in 2018, I did, i can tell you back then it was hard AF, not just timegated. Teams would have to be well balanced, warframes, weapons and consumables selected carefully (no extended gear wheel). Grinding arcanes the eidolon way will take you about 300 hours, good luck.
  13. You get me wrong here, I'm playing devil's advocate. I wish everything players wanted was realistic and immediatly attainable, but sadly that is not the case. Secondly a forum is inherently a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas, proof: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/forums, so by posting to a forum you invite discussion and exchange of views and opinions. What I'm trying to do is help you make your argument more solid. Questions, does your tokophobia get triggered by broodmothers (infested enemy with maggots) as well? Does the khora urushu skin trigger your fear as well? Do other players playing Jade trigger your phobia? Finally warframe is not about robots, that is an assumption you made, could not find any mention in a description of the game where it said this game was about robots.... The game is also rated PEGI 18 which means that also "The glamorisation of the use of illegal drugs and of the simulation of gambling, and explicit sexual activity should also fall into this age category." source: https://pegi.info/what-do-the-labels-mean. Pregnancy falls under explicit sexual activity. Welp i mentioned i have a phobia that includes needles, a lot of weapons use needles as projectiles.... Therapy made me playing this game and real life in general very manageable., That is how i chose to deal with my fear, by saying enough is enough and then starting to deconstruct it and learning to manage it in cooperation with a therapist. Everyone can choose how they deal with fear, you don't have to do the same things i did, you can choose how you live with it, but every choice has some consequence. There is a lot of players with fear of insects, so they cannot physically bring themselves to play nidus. There is a fear of drowning and water in general that makes hydroid unplayable, another one for hydroid is fear of tentacles. Fear of cats, what to do then, toggle a kavat to look like a kubrow, fear of dogs, fear of animals, there is a lot of fears that are more easily fixable or just require the same treatment being: the developper making another 3D model that can be toggled. Also can't break immersion of the jade shadows quest without a pregnancy. Depending on the phobia this will have impact on a full lobby, in this case I do not know if OP's phobia gets triggered by other people playing Jade, but if that is the case should the whole lobby be automatically switched to playing not pregnant Jade? If the game starts selecting which form of cosmetic you are wearing this will receive a lot of backlash from players, etc etc. This would mean they would need to make a check script for cosmetics and toggled phobias, which would require a whole new system to be built into the spaghetti code that is warframe. There are a lot more questions than answers at this point. And yes i do respect everyone's fears and limits, but you cannot built something that everyone is always happy with, such is life. Having the options to toggle off all of the existing phobias would be nice, but frankly unattainable at this stage of the game, due to the many toggles needing to be made for everyone's phobia. All while figuring out how to have contradicting phobia's in the same lobbies and how to render the game with phobia's etc., so there is not discussion or talk of matchmaking bias, or how DE gives preference to people with a certain phobia etc. It is a really difficult topic, More so than would seem on first glance, and much more than a simple request.
  14. I get that this can cause problems, but if DE needed to change everything that has to do with a phobia, the game would simply not exist as there is something like heliophobia (fear of the sun) or hydrophobia (fear of water) and even aerophobia (fear of flying). These three fears combined, rule out all of railjack, all of archwing, lots of duviri, the earth tileset, PoE and the uranus tileset. It is a hard reality check, but phobia's are as much part of life as the thing the fear stems from. It sucks that you have this phobia, but yeah unfortunately that means you will be excluded from some experiences, unless you are willing to put the phobia aside and go for it. I know that is easier said than done, but i have an associative fear of needles (yes clinical diagnosis), still i have to get my vaccinations, have to go donate blood, etc., it took a lot of therapy and i still feel anxious almost every time, even though it has gotten a lot better. I used to even feel anxious and got panic attacks just spotting a needle, fortunately that is no longer the case and i can finally learn how to sew. I hope you can work through your phobia in a way.
  15. Ill keep it simple, nothing in life is free, you either pay directly with money or indirectly with time (in this case grind). DE has a business model that needs some type of income to function. Ideally they benefit from both time investment by non-paying players, or income from paying players, which is exactly the case here. Non-paying players grind items, either for themselves or for plat, the items they grind and sell, incentivizing paying players to buy plat to acquire these items from others, this way the time of the non paying player gets monetized. By Participating in active trading DE has successfully monetized your free time, for their gain. Thus the longer the grind for non-paying players, the more expensive the item traded, the more money DE makes. This business model also makes sure you are provided entertainment in the form of a game, that I hope you still are actively enjoying. It is a monetization of entertainment. If your entertainment gives you FOMO or controls you to burnout, I recommend you go see a doctor.
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