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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 24 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:



    I hear some (if not a lot of) people want this. For me, personally so I can finally justify using my Deth Machine Rifle Riven.


    As for other Sentinel variants, why not? more options sounds good. Taxon could be a while though, since it is the newest Sentinel.

  2. 3 hours ago, phoenix1992 said:

    . Bonus veteran points if you go in the forums and lament on the good old times.

    This. So much this. Reminds me of a saying someone said:

    "The difference of old and young people? Old people kept saying 'Back in my days...'; Young people kept saying 'tomorrow I will...' "

    The same can be applied to newbie and veterans, IMO.

  3. Honestly speaking, I once thought that the high cost for the Cipher is DE indirectly telling us that they want us to fail. Maybe after Nef take it over, we will have some kind of follow up event to take it back?

    Okay, I'm going all conspiracy theory here, but I'm just saying.

  4. My short answer: No. I don't miss the old Void. Wouldn't want it back, very glad to have Relics now.

    Reason: The over-repetitive grind for Volt Prime made me ridiculously burned out of Survival mission at the time, Endless mission in general afterwards. After 15 mins in Survival I was fighting over sleepiness instead of the Corrupted enemies. Now I can actually see different tilesets, different enemies, different missions, even though I'm looking for the same part. Good riddance to that over-diluted Rotation C only reward table.

  5. 3 minutes ago, AlphaSierraMike said:

    Delivering twin streams of highly accurate, rapid-fire ordnance, the Decurion are specifically designed for combat in the vacuum of space.

    My arse.

    Well, it is quite accurate if you shoot one bullet at a time.

    Other than that, yeah the recoil kill a lot of it's accuracy.

  6. Well, I suppose the reason for it being an operative is to give a little variant, and to make it harder. Sorties are supposed to be harder than normal starchart missions.

    I wouldn't say no though, to make the operative at least behave like the Grineer foot soldiers (taking cover, running away from the enemies).

  7. For me:

    1. Warframe / Weapon slots

    2. Syandana or Armor set that I'm interested in

    3. Random Prime part or Mods that I already gave up farming directly.


    Even saying that, I hardly bought any cosmetics lately and my trading activity is kinda bare-bone, so you can say almost no plat output.

  8. 10 minutes ago, ShadowFel said:

    I don't care about the mastery, really.  I care because someday, the Hema research might be a requirement for more research, and the Hema could serve as a road block for that weapon too.

    That is what some, if not a lot of people feared as well. DE did say that they won't repeat this, but refused to say anything more about Hema.


    13 minutes ago, ShadowFel said:

    And because there frankly aren't that many good burst fire weapons, and I like burst fire weapons, so I want to be able to try the Hema and make up my own mind about it.

    Well, some people said that the Hema is quite good, enough to handle Sortie-level content. Haven't tried it myself though, so I can't say from personal experience.


    14 minutes ago, ShadowFel said:

     I mean, even steps like bumping up the Eris drop rate to match the Derelict drop rate would be helpful, because it would mean I was spending hours and hours in two tilesets instead of just one.

    That, or removing the keys for the Derelict so it is open to Fissure and Sorties. Unfortunately, DE refused to even buff the Mutagen drop rate on Eris, and no more word on the matter other than "it won't change".

  9. 11 hours ago, KIREEK said:

    you sure your clanmates can't donate 15 samples, are thay always out of samples to donate every single day? Man confront those clanmates, because that doesn't smell right.

    Because not everyone run Derelict everyday. They can have fun virtually everywhere else. Why lock it to just the Orokin Derelict?


    To OP, I know you're upset, but DE is already quite adamant about this situation. Mutagen Sample droprate will not be touched, Hema won't be tweaked, regardless of how many people complaining. Just ignore it. After some time, Hema won't even be required for Mastery.

  10. I like the sound of this. Rewarding skill-based gameplay, and very in-line with Warframe's fast-paced nature.


    Perhaps the window of opportunity will be right before we fall flat on the ground. As our Warframe head reach the ground, we hit spacebar to perform a backflip.

    Just my small input on the idea.

  11. 4 minutes ago, CoolPsyco said:

    First, at least you can actually share the t4 key. not like what "share" in relic system is.

    True, that is the con of the Relic system. No more taxi and overall less reward to keys/relics ratio.


    4 minutes ago, CoolPsyco said:

    Second, sadly, even tho you are right. we are still want to get the chance higher because it still more appealing to the eyes than that tiiny tiny pixel bit of rare on intact relic. even tho the result is mostly the same!

    Then it is your choice to put yourself into it. Like I said, traces are just something extra to somewhat alleviate the grind, even though it might seem unchanging.


    5 minutes ago, CoolPsyco said:

    Third, getting forma bp is my PTSD of this game and the fact that NOW THE GAME FORCE ME TO TAKE FORMA WITH ALL THE POSSIBILITIES TO AT LEAST GET A CRAP BRONZE PRIME IS BS! 

    This is like my first time i pick forma bp after the system changed into relic! FIRST TIME!

    Wow, count your blessings first then. The Relic system is already here for over a year, and this is the only time you are forced to take a Forma? Not even on solo runs? Consider yourself lucky actually. I personally have amassed over 40 Forma from the Relic system, even though I'm not looking for it.


    All in all, just calm down and move on. It's just one instance of bad luck. Laugh about it and go on.

  12. 47 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    You have an abysmal chance at getting the relic you want too. Axi E1? Axi R1?

    Sure, and getting those specific TIV keys was so easy, huh?


    47 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    You have to farm a specific key, then farm a resource, then make sure there is a specific mission type available (you can't even play what you want if it isn't in the alert screen), and then a small chance at your part.

    You know, you don't HAVE to farm for those traces. If you said it's just to delude ourselves, then you're free to use intact relics. It's just the same, right?


    Also, just to cap things off:



  13. 22 hours ago, Aeon66 said:

    Shot an ancient with Lenz, it died and ragdolled all over the place, which ended with it flying straight into my face and explode. gg ragdoll physics

    That could happen?! Wow, I guess the Infested are smarter than we thought. They can manipulate physics against us.

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