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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ITDeveloping said:


    My clan and alliance members have been getting both jolt and voltaic strike from hive missions recently.

    Like I said in the other post, I'm not sure if they are supposed to be dropping there, but I can confirm that on console they have been.

    Would be nice if you can get the screenshots from your alliance members, since the official drop table is in line with my experience. Days of farming Infested Hive, got about 3 High Voltage and Shell Shock, but no Jolt or Voltaic Strike.

  2. 1 hour ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

    Bring low ranked gear as well. Never fails.


    5 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

    I hate to say it, but this is just so damn true.  LOL

    Oh come on guys, you know it's just a myth.

    **remembers the time he showed up 3 times in a row while using an un-potatoed lvl 0-10 soma**

    but I do know why you would think that...

  3. You're late to the party, man. Yes, this is a bug that happens with the Dominion Skin on Zenistar. A bug that DE intend to keep existing since the community asked for it.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Arniox said:


    Then grab a Nova, any explosive Primary, Primed Slip magazine Angstrum, Vulcan Blitz Jat Kittag, and make a scene that rival a Michael Bay movie! We'll be waiting for the glorious screenshot.

  5. I don't think there's any best Relic for Ducat farming. Just get any random Relic you get from missions and pick the type that are the most plentiful.

    General rule, vaulted Relic could be slightly more valuable, especially if you don't have all of the vaulted parts, so don't use them for Ducat fodder unless you have plenty already.

  6. 7 minutes ago, SolarDwagon said:

    Also chill the prodman out guys, this was meant to be lighthearted. Feedback had enough complaint threads, take your salt there, this was meant for memes, talking crap, and moments of stupidity and heroism (or both).

    Hm, My view still stands that I won't miss them. I swear, if I don't use some kind of hard CC or outright ranged invincibility, those guys will put me down quick.

    I guess if about dark memories, I remember that one time I used Volt's Discharge trying to CC them for rezzing a downed teammate, only for the Discharge to wore off and have the Tech down me right before the rezz is finished. And I was in full health and shield to boot!

  7. Well, we already got Helios Prime last Prime access, so another Prime Sentinel will take a little while.

    Honestly, I found the Djinn dies that often because the enemies seems to like targeting it directly instead of us.

  8. 3 minutes ago, korndolorous said:

    it not fun if there is no challenge in the game ,imagine that you can kill everything in 1 shot. it will be fun at first ,but later it will be boring

    Yes, but the Lenz already has a massive draw-back: Self damage and very low ammo pool. First you need to be careful on using it or you blow yourself up. And even then it could run out of ammo quickly, forcing you to use another weapon.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

    No, it's about the new weapon called Lenz, its legit called that. Cuz think about it...

    Focus Lens, he puts it on the new bow Lenzs, so..he gets a "Focus Lenzs", hence the weapon name and the purpose of the Focus Lens itself


    It's still a bad pun, though.

  10. 1 minute ago, GrayArchon said:

    Deathsnacks says the ETA is 98 hours. Not sure I trust that exactly, but I'm sure it'll still be a couple days. Think DE may be artificially slowing this one, as I've seen potato alerts gone in a few hours.

    That ETA is for the Invasion to disappear without one side claiming victory. Invasion usually ended when one side reaches 100%, and that is when participant receives the reward. And considering this is a potato invasion, many people will flock to it and end it fast.

  11. 32 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    this is a good thing. I will not miss the old Tech at all. since DE are in the mood to look at enemies, they should look at Sapping Ospreys as well.

    The funny thing is, I heard that DE already nerfed Sapping Osprey a few times. By limiting the number of mines the osprey can deploy, and probably the damage as well (I think they used to hit even harder a few months ago. I forgot already).

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