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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. I have grown some kind of irrational hatred towards Comba and Scrambus units. You can never know what powers they disable, and their aura is big and invisible. Nullifiers are at least up front and obvious. I'm practically hunting them down whenever I hear their buzzing sound. The swarmer Detron they carry hits like truck, accurate as heck, and has massive range. (seriously, they sniped me from across the map with it!).

    Any parasitic Eximus also on my list, since they cripple my caster-heavy Frames.

  2. Ivara for going all sneaky. I can practically kill the entire map without them even knowing I'm there. I find some fun and thrill trying to duck out of sight, killing each enemies systematically.

    Titania has been giving me quite the giggle. What can I say, I like Archwing. Dex Pixia is also quite satisfying to use.

    Nova with the Antimatter drop Augment is also quite fun. Embrace the sun!

  3. 17 minutes ago, (PS4)Joshhwwaaaaaa said:

    Speed Trigger, Ammo Mutation. Easy as pie to avoid AOE because 1: the round goes exactly where you expect it to and 2: you get an entire full second to escape the AOE area. I have 1 catalyst on it and 0 forma. I steal literally everyone's kills with it. It's obviously overpowered. 

    I like to see you try to escape it with a cold Proc. You can only get out if you're already nearing the limit of the blast radius.

    You steal everyone's kill with the Lenz? Are you playing only at the Star Chart? 1 second blast delay, charge time to fire, and I've seen a lvl 80 (I think?) heavy gunner survive my full damage build Lenz.


    19 minutes ago, (PS4)Joshhwwaaaaaa said:

    The Tonkor used to be fun. You all nerfed it. So now Karma is coming back. The Lenz will get a nerf. UNLESS... you UN-NERF Tonkor then I'll be quiet about the Lenz. 

    Side note yeah... Lenz is super fun to play with. But it's a horrible taste in my mouth after what was done to Tonkor. I want justice.

    Point blank AoE annihilation is fun to you huh? Pre-nerf Tonkor can just shoot with abandon, and can afford many missed shots. Lenz, if you're not aiming where you shoot you either get downed and/or wasting your precious ammo.

  4. 1 hour ago, Sajochi said:

    OP, I get what you're trying to do, but it's poorly delivered. And those detailed inside knowledge things? Some players have not stopped playing since this game started and know the mechanics and inner workings of the game so well they can seem like a developer. It's like this in every video game on the planet. 

    Dude, lighten up. Can't you just enjoy a joke?

  5. 5 minutes ago, Seij said:

    Meh, had nothing to do so here's the numbers:
    Using Growing Power Aura instead of Sprint Boost will result in:
    Sprint Speed: 2.87
    Ability Strength: 367.0625
    Volt's Speed Ability: +183.53125% or 2.8353125 times faster
    Resulting in a Sprint Speed of: 8.137346875
    Translating to a real speed of: 58.18203015625 m/s or 209.45530856248325 km/h or 130.1494948019193032 mph

    I see. Compared to your calculation with Sprint Boost: 58.5768129375 m/s or 210.8765265749831 km/h or 131.03259873277556835 mph

    Slightly slower alright.

  6. 2 minutes ago, 321agemo said:

    Indeed i would, along with Nezha blazing Chakram.

    There's an argument that loki and ash doesn't count since its enemy dependant instead of self.

    Nezha's Blazing Chakram is still dependent on the Chakram flight speed, so I doubt Nezha can win a race using it.

    Loki can still use his decoy, so even when he's alone he can still teleport.

    Ash was made able to teleport to objects. I wonder if the plains have any objects Ash can teleport to.


    6 minutes ago, 321agemo said:

    but since its theorectical, i dont see why not.

    Hm, can't argue with that.

  7. 40 minutes ago, torint_man said:

    Lockjaw & Sol codex entry.

    Huh. DE need to do some cross-checking with that. Wiki admins made speculations about Sentinels being docile Sentients. We need more direct statement from DE.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Ershardia said:

    Well, they did prime the Helios when it had lore about being designed by Alad V

    I would like to know where in-game it implied that Helios is designed by Alad.

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