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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. Hm, what the syndicates would be doing in the Plains huh? My thoughts:

    Steel Meridian - Fighting the Grineer? Or maybe just trying to defend the colony, Cetus, and what not.

    Cephalon Suda - Probably just exploring the Orokin tower.

    Arbiter of Hexis - What would they do? scouring the Orokin tower for Tenno history?

    Perrin Sequence - Most likely trading with the colonies. Or scavenging whatever they can find in the bases we cleared out.

    Red Veil - Probably just helping the Meridian, since I don't think they have any interest in the Plain otherwise.

    New Loka - Frolicking in the Plains? or collecting pure samples of Earth plants?

  2. 1 hour ago, ChaoticEdge said:

    but you forgot sequence, need products, that why hijack is one them.  Best products is stealing another products and who do the dirty jobs?  Simple we tennos do the dirty jobs as the sequence act all peacefully and pretend to say "we didn't steal this stuff" looking at each other to do the playing dumb question.

    You know I thought that kind of thing is more of Darvo's antic.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Noble006 said:

    I see. i have already checked the wiki page but there were some things i did not understand, like those questions i had. Hmmmmm so Modding it with elementals is a bad idea coz the only sure proc is cold and blast and whatever elems i slap on top of it will just have a base 5% status chance? 

    Well, it's not exactly a bad idea since the damage is still there, just the Status proc won't happen that often.

    Please note the difference between Status chance and elemental damage. Elemental damage means you will deal damage with the corresponding element, even with 0% status chance.

    While status chance is the chance of various debuff being applied to the enemies. Each elemental damage has it's own corresponding status effect.

  4. 1 minute ago, Noble006 said:

    follow-up questions though. Can i use the innate cold effect as a basis for a secondary element? like, if i just add toxin, it'll have innate Viral and Blast? and if so,Will all 3 instances of damage (the impact, cold and blast) have a chance to status proc?

    What I found is yes. The Cold damage will merged to become Viral (if +toxin). But the pulse when the sphere is generated (the visual blast indicator) will always Proc Cold regardless of mod.

    Though it can Proc if you put the corresponding element, it won't be that often since the weapon itself only have 5% Status chance.

    Anywho, I think the wiki can provide any more info that i might be missing:


  5. For the Critical chance, yes. I found that the Crit chance applies to all three instance of damage: the impact, the cold pulse, and the blast.

    Serration will increase all base damage, and since this weapon base damage is blast, yes it will increase it.

    If by modding for Blast, you mean putting in Heat+Cold damage mod to the weapon, then yes, indirectly. The Blast damage gained will be calculated from the weapon base damage, and it will stack with existing Blast damage.

  6. 13 minutes ago, ThebluedudKTX said:

    But uhhhh... If anyone from DE.is reading this, please never never ever make an Equinox Prime. I'm having a bad enough time getting the regular one.

    I'm sorry to say, but DE said that all frames are eligible for Prime version. Yes, equinox was quite bad, and yes, people are already dreading for Equinox Prime.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Arkion29 said:

    I got some Plat and I think I am just going to buy the Warfare and gun. Once I decide which one to get of course.  That way I can enjoy playing one I really like.

    I would recommend to just farm the Warframe Blueprint and material instead. But I suppose it is your decision.


    7 minutes ago, Arkion29 said:

    Out of curiosity, is Nekros a mêlée or ranged Warfare?  I really like the way he looks. 

    Can't really classify Nekros as melee or ranged, since most of his abilities are supportive in nature. I think I would call him 'balanced'. Can go melee if you want, can go ranged as well.

  8. 1 minute ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

    Clan Tech, Need to finish a quest then wait for Invasions, not availabe till Europa, Spy reward and you need to have unlocked all planets up to at least Neptune, Clan Tech again, last quest in the story line so far...The guy said they are a noobie, at least attempt to mention a frame they can get quickly.

    Well, he said ranged units. I'm just mentioning what I can remember. Because if we want to be technical, all Frames can be used as a ranged combatant, even Excalibur, with the right weapons.

  9. Ranged combatant, huh? There are several range-oriented Frame: Volt, Mesa, Nova, Ivara, Banshee, Harrow. You can try to see which one suit you the best. Or, you can try to do a little digging on other Frames as well if it might also suit you better. Here's a wiki link for more info.


    Big guns? There are some heavy weapons. There are Single-shot oriented weapons such as Opticor, Ogris, Torid, various Sniper Rifles. For heavy machine guns: Soma, Gorgon, Tenora, Supra.


    As for extensive info, the wiki does quite a good job on displaying information most, if not all, player could know


    There are a lot of info, so trying to take them all in would take a while.

  10. Hm, this is quite a tough question to answer. A lot of those limited cosmetic you mentioned are limited for various reason which apply per case basis.

    The most commonly seen (and one which you mentioned) is the Prime Access cosmetic. Those usually represent paid support to DE at the time, and DE release new cosmetic for each Prime Access to attract even long time players. If you feel like you're missing out on the previous Prime Access accessories, I would suggest to just wait and be a little patient. Some of those got re-released in Prime Vault pack when a Prime gets un-vaulted (like the Targis Prime Armor on Mag Prime pack).

    There are some others like Jade or Prestige Skins which are platform exclusive. This one usually to celebrate or give thanks (I think) to those platform players.

    There are also seasonal or celebration cosmetics, such as the Day of the Dead skins, various color palettes. Those are available each year, so you only need to wait.

    Lastly there are events cosmetics. These ones are practically unattainable at this point, since it just some sign to say "you participated in this event". Honestly speaking those cosmetic are the only "bragging right reward" the "veterans" have left.


    All in all, though, I advise not to get yourself to bothered with it. There are already plenty of cosmetics that are available all the time, and those quite satisfied FashionFrame for a very wide range of people.

  11. 1 hour ago, iGnome21 said:

    Sundial archwing so haters wont care and it has less impact than a frame login reward. Plus we already have equinox kinda sun-themed.

    This archwing could have cool powers like a deployable dish shooting a fomorian like beam and an AOE blind.

    Call it the Goldeneye-wing

    Wow, why do I think the salt will be even more enormous if that happens. I like Archwing, but dude...

  12. 19 minutes ago, TacticalImouto said:

    Nerf when


    I'm getting tired of seeing Lenz in everygame or Lenz with ember WoF in any excavation or surv/defence. It's almost like the tonkor days and anyone saying it's balanced has their head up their bottoms.

    And yeah balancing is a thing in coop games simply because they make the content too easy for one or why do u think they nerf things? lmao

    has no status? Who cares when u can easily reach orange crits and one hit lvl 125 gunners anyways. And no, u dont need any thought using this weapon because it has huge AOE with a cold proc  and comparing it to euphona prime is just stupid.

    Really? Will it be, in a few days, everyone is using Lenz to the point of ignoring everything else? Because I saw someone in the Update note thread saying that Lenz is mastery fodder due to self-damage. We shall see that in due time.

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