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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 54 minutes ago, corporal89 said:

    bad news guys i know very good this {free to play games} is not free to play for this they vault all this prime stuffs and oberon prime access is ending in 29 august so im sure goinf to the prime vault fast after this. Digital Extremes guys they get the max warframe players number and now the drive the game in to free to install pay to play. i know this for others free to play games like the warface i left this game becaus they do the same thing nothing is free here anymore :(


  2. 3 minutes ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

    Second, to our most common definition of reality, yes magic exists in Warframe and Void Power is magic.

    The best answer anyone could give. In this game, "Void power" is just what D&D would call "magic". It taps into some kind of unknown source, do weird, physics-defying stunts, and limited to those who knows how to wield it.

  3. 3 hours ago, Shockwave- said:

    Like Primed Chamber? Could have come to Baro any time. Hasn't. Guess the devs are ok with some mods being exclusive to a few people and not available to the masses.

    Oh yeah. That's one asset. I heard it was supposed to be available again in some other way (at least it was supposed to be in Gradivius Dilemma event). But as we know, not even one word.

  4. Well, I suppose I should just chip in my little thoughts on the matter.

    Even though personally I have no problem with the system, I think going too far in the milestone reward would be half of a waste on the developers part. Basically, DE will have to develop and design that only a few people could get access to. As we go further, less and less people could get access to it.

    I just feel like it's a wasted asset in the game when only a handful people could even get it. And those people might not even enjoy it.


    Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the Daily Tribute system, and I personally liked the Sigils given from it. But I'm just seeing this from a developer's perspective. You pour your heart and effort into this thing. You make a new toy, and obviously you want people to enjoy it. But it eventually just sit there, hidden in some game code, with probably only two-three people even able to touch it.

    But I suppose that maybe the reason DE didn't make some of the Daily Milestone reward ahead of time.

  5. 31 minutes ago, Mizque said:

    Yes, but the entire point of the change from relics to keys was to give more options but that isn't exactly more options, now is it, especially when considering the grind to get void traces to make radiants, and getting some of the relics (particularly AXI relics)

    The option was mission variant, where one item is no longer locked to one mission in one tileset.

    Void traces are only there to help, as something extra. Please don't treat it as the mandatory thing to do. You can still run Intact relics if you think the traces are too much of a hassle.

    Getting Axi relics is kind of a pain, sure, when it only dropped on Rotation B and C of endless missions. But honestly speaking, getting Tower IV keys was even more of a pain since it only dropped from Rotation C of Interception.


    Also, I'm advising to just move on and hope for the best next time. You just got an instance of bad luck. That doesn't necessarily mean the system is bad. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, AngelicRhino said:

    http://imgur.com/a/DC53e i couldnt figure it out so i just posted a link ugh why is it so hard. anyways the first picture is were i found them and the rest are some views of them but jesus they would bump into me so much lol and they dont appear in the codex even tho there all green now its probbly because codex isnt finished guess wait till codex 2.0 and a intresting thing they appear to just be named roller even tho ive scanned all rollers and this is a new type that you can scan once you find the stealth room if you dont belive me and think its fake go to the stealth room and you will find them around there just make sure to find them before they get (easily) deystroyed and intresting the greineer shoot at them even tho there rollers so its probbly confiermd they are a orokin or prime roller that i thought of but why do they even exist? why a roller and why only appear in that room? if someone at DE could confirm this that would be a big help thanks (sorry for spelling mistakes im not a good typer)

    So that's the so-called special Roller in the Stealth test.


    Kinda odd that it doesn't have a codex entry though. Maybe DE didn't expect players to see them that often?

  7. 25 minutes ago, lainiwaku said:

    i had done everything   on the game  i had no reason to comeback...

    That means you're a customer that most likely won't come back. Why would any company reward or gift someone who are not coming back anyway?


    26 minutes ago, lainiwaku said:

    Also, if you have some point  on your fidelity card, you still have them if you comeback a year after...

    Yeah. Your previous progress in this game isn't wiped. You can still play the game with whatever gear you have when you left (Boltor Prime, Soma Prime, whatever potato-ed Frame you have). You don't have to completely start over with newbie gear.


    29 minutes ago, lainiwaku said:

    Also people  who have begin the game just when the news system started have less loyality but more rewards, stop finding  excuse, this system is bad !

    I'm sorry, less loyalty? If they logged in for only 20-30 days, they only get 20-30 stuff. You already logged in for 100-150 days in the old system, and you got 100-150 stuff from there. And if you logged in more, you get more. I don't see less loyal player getting shafted here.


    The way I see the Daily Tribute system is just a built-in promotion system. "Hey, you can get nifty stuff just by logging in!". And the milestone is that, a milestone. "Congrats, you logged in for XX days! Here's something to commemorate it!"

  8. RNG is just a fickle thing. Once every while, someone, somewhere, got the most improbable bad luck. It may seem, today, that person is you. Sorry to say it, and my sympathy for your luck, but just try to move on and hope you get better luck next time.

  9. 19 hours ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

    Welcome to Harrow's Pizza, famous across the Origin System for being the only pizza made with organic sOULS OF THE DAMNED

    I feel like I should make some kind of advertising slogan for each of this.


    Welcome to Harrow's Pizza. The taste will get you hooked and it will energize even your souls.


    Welcome to Baro's Pizza. The design will be coated in Prisma crystals and served in Prime Gold plate. Come and try our special Pizza since you can only afford one serving.


    What do you guys think? Adequate enough?

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