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Posts posted by Sunder

  1. GTX 980 - Running Warframe from Steam

    Option is greyed out regardless if I set PhysX to Auto, CPU, or the GPU.

    However I have noticed if I installed Warframe from the website and run from my desktop instead of from Steam, PhysX was enabled to be switched on. Tessellation wasn't, but meh. I also didn't really notice much difference when the PhysX was turned, "On" so I'm not sure if it actually worked, or if Warframes effects are just really THAT toned down. Last but not least, I've noticed numerous times whenever in Steam when I choose to "Verify Integrity of Game Cache" it always fails to validate all the files and I'm left to download 50-250 or more. Not sure if that has something to do with it or not.

    I too would like input from DE or a fix :(


    EDIT: Since posting I have went into steam and verified the integrity, 50 files had to be downloaded but it made me download an entire 10.5GB file which was rather odd. Upon completion I went to Nvidia's website, found the latest version of my Drivers, downloaded and performed a CLEAN installation and restarted the computer when all was said and done.

    PhysX is still grayed out, so yet again I've tried switching it from CPU, to Auto and GPU. No change in results.

    EDIT 2: Having just spoken with "Kickbot" he claims the next hotfix should fix the problem and stated it was likely due to us being logged in on two profiles.


    Inside this folder you should see two other folders of random characters. Numbers, letters. Hex. Only one of them is the 'real' folder however. To be clear however, Kickbot did not suggest anyone try this fix, only that it could potentially work. He nor I are responsible for anyones screw ups. He stated to look into the "EE.log" file and look to see which Hex folder is actually the real one. The one being used and that deleting the second one could potentially solve this issue. Once again however, upon deleting this second folder....no luck. PhysX is still grayed out, unable to be switched on.

  2. 9 hours ago, Defendor said:

    The WTS/WTB/WTT emojis are a good idea, but other than that I'd ban emojis in Trade completely. Similarly, Recruiting could have its own set of emojis and nothing else. It should be kept easily readable.

    Not entirely a bad idea. Though in recruiting I'd still suggest having a Grineer/Corpus/Infested emoji.

    People could use them to quickly display what kind of mission they're recruiting for

  3. With Emoji's coming and the chat 2.0 only a day or so away, I'm not thinking this would be implemented right away but perhaps in a hotfix? Trade chat is a spam fest. Always has been, and unless it changes, it always will be. So if DE is still deciding on what to do to handle the difficulty of "fixing" it, they could at least make it a bit easier to view.

    My suggestions?



    1) Limit the amount of Emoji's per post

    • This goes for all of chat.
    • Doing this right off the bat will deny the folks looking to spam walls of faces in chat.
    • Will deny people raging if it's allowed then taken away in a hotfix

    2) Introduce WTB, WTS, and WTT emoji's exclusively for use on Trade Channel

    • Colour coded for easy viewing (Colours subject to change should DE decide to use)
    • Will help narrow down people's search

    3) A 3 second timer when clicking on Trade chat for the first time to show you a "Legend" without vanishing immediately in trade spam

    • WTB = Want to buy
    • WTS = Want to Sell
    • WTT = Want to trade
    • Trades are done within Dojo's at trading posts
    • Trade is limited to Mods, Keys, Platinum, and Prime Blueprints/Parts
    • Mastery Rank 2 Required
    • Etc. --whatever DE decides to write in

    4) Big bold letters at bottom, advising traders to expand chat box

    • Again make for easier viewing (I've seen players have no idea this was even a thing)
    • During the 3 second timer, the corner that people need to drag to expand the chat box could flash/glow repeatedly to signify


    (Will update if I think of anything else, also apologies if in wrong place)

  4. Why is torment alive again?

    Because torment never dies


    The communities collective torment over a time based reward system that relies on RNG was so powerful it brought him back.

    Now enjoy being tormented with having to sit through excavation and survival missions and the like only to get more common mods


    When this post is 30 minutes old, Torment will return. 17:00 p.m EST today will mark this Acolyte's return to allow players to fight them now that we've made fixes to the event flow and such.


    Sadly, people still have to face playing through entire missions now to get common mods.

    A task made more frustrating knowing the fact that it's a timed, limited system based on RNG.

    And even MORE frustrating when it's a survival or excavation or something.

    Spend all that time and get to feel like it was wasted when you finish and get that lovely brown common mod. Again. For the 50th time.

  6. What do you do for T4 Tower Def C Prime parts? I mean...if you don't want to wait 20 rounds for a chance to get something, but want to go farm, yeah, uh, you might not wanna play Void Missions then.


    I'm not being timed to get the T4 Defense parts.

    I'm not worried that if I fail to get the part in time, that the tower will vanish.

    We have open time to get prime parts from the void.


    Saying these mods will be available again is not a good argument to this.

    Patch notes claim the acolytes will stick around after the event but we don't know how often or how long.

    People are STILL waiting for other event mods to make a return.


    I've been running solo all this time trying to grind against the RNG out of fear of missing out.

    This "Fix" just makes it all the more frustrating when I complete 5 rounds of defense or a 5 minute survival and get yet another Common mod drop.

  7. Time it takes me to sit through 5 rounds of defense I could've killed the acolyte 4-5 times.

    I've been going this solo and while I do understand DE's want for people to not abort missions, this is NOT the way to go about fixing it.


    Relying on RNG for a timed, limited reward is a horrible method that's done nothing but cause tons of frustration through out the reddit, forums and chat.

  8. "more equalized distribution of drops across the rarities. In doing so, the rate that Uncommon and Rare mods drop has been increased by double, and the rate at which Common mods drop has been reduced."


    Guess we'll wait for the dataminers to determine if these supposed drop rates are abysmal still or not.


    As it stands relying on RNG to get limited timed rewards is a HORRIBLE idea that should've been done away with.

    Regardless if they're being added in at a later date or not.

    (People are still waiting on other event mods to come back)

  9. It is definitely very turbulent right now with the aborts. Work is in progress for the next Hotfix that will present the Mods on Mission Complete.


    I'm sorry but I think this is a horrible idea with the current drop rates.

    With the time I have to play I'd rather not spend 5 minutes per run in survival or defense for 5 rounds only to get some "body count" mods.

    Aborting the mission is very annoying, however it's sadly the quickest way to obtain the mods given their drop rates.

    That being said I've resorted to solo'ing these missions in efforts to not be a #$&(% to people who join my squad.


    These acolytes are limited. In both time and mission seeing as how they only appear once.

    When they're killed I've ONE more chance of getting the mods I desire from whichever Acolyte drops them all (I'm assuming final boss?)

    If the decision is to change the event mod rewards then I'm truly hoping DE has enough sense to just go with the usual method of,

    "Kill x acolyte y amount of times to get z reward"


    Not everyone can sit around all day farming these guys over and over.

  10. The event itself was fun. I liked the mission and commentary by Alad.

    Story has me wondering a lot.

    However I strongly dislike the way the "Event Mods" are distributed.


    I like the hunting of the acolytes. That's different and fun and kinda cool.

    Feels like I'm the one stalking them now.

    However when it comes to a sense of accomplishment or feeling rewarded for finding them and taking them on I'm just left disappointed.

    Having to  grind/farm against RNG in hopes of getting these mods is a huge pain that's requiring a lot of time to be poured in.


    I'd honestly have preferred if we had to kill "x" acolyte "y" amount of times to get the mods.

    Just make them have a decent drop rate of rare resources and gold cores. People would still farm them then even after getting their mods.

  11. My advice, as the owner of a single-woman-clan, is that reactors are three rooms tall. One room above and below. If I had known this before building most of my second floor, leaving no room for reactors without a ton more connectors to give them enough room, I wouldn't be renovating over 3/4ths of my dojo right now XD

    Jebus...just why? 


    So I guess I'd be better off splitting this up into 3 floors with reactors on the bottom and the 2nd just being a hall connecting to the next elevator?

  12. Why do elevators suck?

    As for open options I figured with all the research and interactive stuff on one floor it'd be the "Main area".

    I'm a sucker for symmetry and having easy access to what I need/want.

    Having a room one sided would bother me to no end...

    And of course, the basement would be planned for expansion as needed to add more reactors and such

  13. The following is my ideal setup for my future dojo

    Was wondering how feasible this is. How difficult/time consuming it's gonna be to set this all up.

    Heard in chat that it's gonna take upwards of around 2 months to complete everything.

    I'm looking to keep this a Ghost clan so low costs. Currently...just me. But I'm confident I have more than enough resources (save for all the forma)


    EDIT : Re-did my plans for the dojo since I forgot the halls have to be built in order.

    Shaded area is the "Core-work" of the dojo. The basics in which I'll need to start researching clan-tech and weaponry.


    2nd EDIT : One last re-work (Hopefully) to accommodate the height factor of reactors.



  14. For the people saying there's "Rules" for Draco, go invite only and play with people that are like minded and share in your method.


    Joining a public match them complaining when people play how they want to is just silly.

    Maybe i have fun using a speed Nova on Draco. Maybe I prefer using Volt, Banshee, or Zephyr.

    Am I supposed to sacrifice my enjoyment of the game for the sake of someone else cause they want "the most efficient farming method"?


    This also doesn't only apply to Draco. Too often now-a-days I get, "Oh great, another player with no CC to contribute"

    Or complaints when I choose to bring a bow or sniper. It's gotten to the point, where if I choose to take what weapons I personally want to play with purely for the fun factor? I'm labeled a griefer and people claim they're gonna report me for purposely messing up their game.

  15. Lotus Tree from Homer's Odyssey


    "The lotus tree is mentioned in Homer's Odyssey as bearing a fruit that caused a pleasant drowsiness, and which was said to be the only food of an island people called the Lotophagi or Lotus-eaters. When they ate of the lotus tree they would forget their friends and homes and would lose their desire to return to their native land in favor of living in idleness."

  16. Honestly, I think the skin should work like Exc Proto Armor.

    Just imagine Exc Prime key-horn clipping through your Proto Armor Helmet...

    Yes, I called it a key-horn, now sue me.

    I feel like the skin should stay as the original concept without any "prime" showing through. I feel like it ruins the skin a bit with pieces that aren't supposed to be there


    This 100%

    Proto-Excalibur and Nemesis Nyx both feature no prime parts showing.

    Just leave it as is, keep the original design for all


    Rhino has his Golden "Iron Skin" for the Prime version so why's it necessary to show a tiny bit of gold when  you're gonna be walking around as an Academy Award anyway?

  17. Was talking with some folks in relay about how Chroma's Helmet and Pelt are that of the "Chroma" from Dark Sector

    And his alternate helmet, the Dragon looking one? Is that of the "Stalker" from Dark Sector and thought to myself,

    "Why not bring more Dark Sector Skins into the game?"

    Chroma's alternate skin instead of an immortal skin or perhaps his "Premium" skin could be based off the Colossus from Dark Sector!

    Then it hit me...why not weapon Skins too?

    (Next anniversary?)

    Chroma Alternate Skin/Helm - Colossus
    Based on the Colossus from Dark Sector
    Bits and pieces stripped from the behemoth


    Lex - Tekna 9mm
    Could be applied to Lex, Lex Prime, Aklex
    Maybe feature original cleaned up sound effect?


    Furis - Vekesk Micro
    Could be applied to the Furis, Akfuris, Dex Furis
    Which would be wonderful if/when they return next anniversary
    People would get their free Dex Furis and immediately want the cool new skin for it


    Tigris - Spectre
    Applied to the Tigris and Sancti Tigris
    Unless of course in the time before then we get a secondary handheld double barrel short version of the Tigris?


    Vastos - Hammer 1895
    This one's obvious, the revolvers match up rather nicely
    Could mean a nice alternate skin for Vasto Prime as well


    Soma - AKS-74
    The suggestions for the machine guns are up for debate, these are just what I think would fit well


    Strun - Striker
    Applicable to the Strun and Strun Wraith
    Strap could utilize those fancy cloth physics :D


    Boar - Protecta
    Could be applied to Boar and Boar Prime or perhaps Sobek instead?


    Latron - VX Carbine
    This one was a no brainer, both Carbine type of rifles, would be pretty awesome have this and Proto Excalibur once again


    Braton - Korbov TK6
    Chose the Braton mainly due to Braton Prime kinda having a similar profile


    - - -

    Last but not least, While they're not exactly a re-skin, they are from Dark Sector and would fit the role of an Infested Manic
    If anyone remembers a particularly annoying enemy in Dark Sector encountered in the second half the game

    The Stingers

    "Stingers are Infected creatures which antagonise the player throughout the second half of the game. Agile and deadly, their presence on the battlefield should not be neglected.
    Stingers appear as slender metallic humanoids with long claws and strange avian-like heads. They are capable of leaping great distances and heights, changing their position frequently to get the drop on the player. They are named for their main method of attack: their forearms appear to split open, revealing strange, red, glowing organs which fire lethal projectiles towards the player in a shotgun-like pattern. They are rarely encountered solely, preferring to attack in large groups to overwhelm the player. They are tenacious as well, often taking significant amounts of damage before dying.


    Would you like to see more Dark Sector throwbacks like these regardless if they have to do with the lore or not?

    Or would you only want items/skins in the game that revealed more about the story and had a reason for existing in our current Warframe universe?

    - - -

    (Just realized where I posted this, if in the wrong location feel free to move, my apologies, 3AM in the morning is probably not the best time to be typing up ideas)

  18. Since when have we known Warframes have infested parts?

    We don't know how many cephalon there were originally. We have Ordis and his Infinity copies, Simaris, Sun and Moon and Jordas.

    A lot of speculation on your part veiled as truth.

    Im not sure I think preciept 44 was Jordas's real name? I didn't read the original mail from him so maybe that mentions something.

    All I know is were getting some day of the dead skins for weapons, I forget which though.

    Saryn herself looks infested.

    Also if you played Dark Sector you'd know that Hayden Tenno's "Excalibur" started out as just an infected arm from the infested virus, then came the glaive, then he got the "Combat suit" (Warframe) and the virus pretty much started to merge with it. Making it his body.

    Plus way back when we used to fight the old J3 Golem and such they'd comment we're one and the same, why do we resist, etc, etc.




    As for Cephalons, no clue as to how many. But do take into consideration during the intro the Liset sent to pick us up was shot down, we find the older Liset with Ordis on-board and he helps us to escape. This could potentially mean that every tenno had a cephalon in their own ship. They were probably common, like a computer in each house-hold or something




    As for Precept 44? The intro message to the Jordas Precept





    Definition of Precept?

    A general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought.

    "moral precepts"
    So like someone else said, it seems to be a code for Cephalons that they use to ask for help.
    Like the term, "Parley". People use it or signal for it and it's generally respected.
  19. 4 Forma'd Raksa named, "Sif"


    Going into a high level mission or going for a long trip into the void? He comes along.

    Low level missions I randomly use whatever sentinel I'm in the mood for. Usually Helios to just scan stuff

    Farming or if I get the 2 resource boosters, then I go to Carrier.


    Looking at my stats, Helios is most used but that's just cause I wanted scans and such.

    (Wish he'd scan targets faster...also that he'd use the Simaris' scanner so I don't have to keep buying 'em and take up a gear slot)


    All in all I usually rely on my Kubrow for any alerts or events that I'm heading into.

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