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Posts posted by Sunder

  1. Being 'salty' usually means that you're upset with DE in some way and aren't hiding it in anyway.


    Your original comment came out as a backhanded compliment 'Good job but next time do it better.' kind of thing. 

    More so a, "Thanks...but you could perhaps take a look at an issue that's existed for over 2 years? =/" -type of comment.


    Also I still don't see the correlation with salt having to do with being upset about something o_O

  2. I always thought an infested nullifier type would have an aura similar to the gas clouds in HIVE missions that expanded and contracted like it was breathing.


    As for Grineer I can't see them having the tech to sustain such a thing for long.

    Maybe in a grenade format that lasts only a certain amount of time

  3. I don't care if you sizzled your previous comment with something nice to say but why you come into an appreciation thread with all that salt

    Don't know what salt has to do with my request on having a fix for FOV

    If it's some new slang term I don't keep up with that sort of thing


    But re-reading my post you'll notice despite this old topic that's been brought up countless times (Threads all the way back to 2013 relating to it) I still admire DE for their game and hard work.

  4. I love 'em for all the content they release

    All hotfixes put out and communication with their community.




    Been waitin' little over 2 YEARS for a fix to the FOV....

    DE needs to realize people have different sized monitors/screens, sit different distances, and have different resolutions.

    Some people like default, others like the max it's at now.

    I'm playing at 3440x1440 and I feel claustrophobic playing most of the time.


    C'mon DE...give us a fix for this age old problem =/

  5. A reason for no 3 moniter support might just be something the evolution engine just can't do as of yet. DE might look into upgrading their engine (Which is pretty hard to do i think) if enough players are requesting it. Because if the the engine was capable of preforming at 4K or with 3 moniters, they would've put that option into the game.


    A higher FOV isn't labor intensive


    Not for staff who have to implement it or on the evolution engine.

    It really is as simple as altering a few numerical values.


    I can understand DE wanting to keep their game files hidden and un-tampered with so no cheaters/hackers mess with their game.

    But if that's the case there really is no reason to not give us a higher FOV.

  6. Im pretty sure the in-game FOV slider is the only thing we're going to get.

    This is what I'm assuming...but DE's been pretty good about getting Warframe to Run on such a variety of machines/rigs

    ...why not optimize it for another crowd? Those who play with 3 monitors, ultrawide, or even projectors.

    Adjustable FOV is pretty much a staple in games today and to have such a limited one in a game such as Warframe just feels...odd. Silly even.

    Not to mention...it's a very simple fix. Players often adjust it in their configuration files when developers forget to include it.


    I'm sure most of us have started your game and seen a camera that's backed out more-so than usual

    Or joined a Relay and were greeted with a wider FOV. It's awesome, it looks WAY better and relieves the feelings of everything being squashed..


    I can't think of any reason why DE hasn't included this fix yet in any of their updates..



    Use Volt's speed

    Aware of it's wider FOV when "Speed" is in use but that shouldn't be the only way to address this situation.



    I wouldnt be messing with the files like that if I were you

    I'm not


    If you read it's more-so a question as to if there's a safe way to go about it

    A graphical mod or perhaps a script to run to automatically change it. Something. Anything.

    The current FOV is rather...bad. Even at max.

  7. First off, not sure where this belongs.

    Doesn't really have to do with art/animation really

    It's more-so the system than the UI

    But feel free to move if you believe otherwise





    Is there any method or way to go about altering the FOV to a higher value than what the max is?

    An edit to any particular file? And before this sounds like a player help request.


    Why has not DE not implemented this yet?

    With the number of people who play on Ultra-wide or triple monitors setups rising among gamers one would think it'd just make sense. Presently I'm playing at 21:9, 3440x1440 and the game feels rather squished at time...almost claustrophobic.


    My suggestion thus is give us a FOV slider with actual number values presented and increase the maximum for those who need it. I'm sure it's been suggested many times before but I don't see it and honestly feel as though another thread stating it's importance will hopefully get someones attention.

    ....been waiting for 21:9 support for a long time now =|

  8. I like how survival missions always start with the Lotus saying "A lone tenno operative..."


    take that however you will.


    Survival itself needs an overhaul


    Why are we letting a Tenno Operative search for stuff? Why not just do it ourselves?

    Why do we need life support? Our frames don't have it?

    If not...why not just bring Archwing? That thing lets us stay in space infinitely if we wish


    But Survival needs some sort of timer/countdown so people don't combine powers and camp somewhere for as long as they want...

  9. I'm not sure why this whole life support thing is relevant or interesting. Okay, the idea seems to be that you want people to move rather than stay in one room and camp-but here's the reason we're doing what we do in Survival-we're supposed to be distracting the enemies from Tenno agents who are pilfering stuff while we're killing all the guards and generally making a nuisance of ourselves.


    So the failure mode shouldn't be "we run out of life support and must extract," it should be "the enemy is not distracted and they stab the guy looting the lockers in the face repeatedly with bullets." At a minimum it should require you to reach objective rooms and clear them to keep the enemy's attention. You could add more interesting objectives to them-killing minibosses, for example.


    It even makes more sense than "these sealed armor suits don't come with their own life support."

    Not to mention ya know....Archwing.

    When we have that equipped we can literally be out in space for as long as we want.

    Why not just bring it with us to Survival missions?


    That  being said, Survival really needs an overhaul.

  10. god forbid we are allowed to choose what frames/companions/etc we take into a mission.


    Want to play Survival?


    You must have Nekros

    Must have Carriers

    Must have maxed Rush

    Must have a weapon that can one shot many enemies at once (Punchthrough or AOE required)


    Only then will you maybe have a chance to survive


    /end sarcasm

  11. Said it before, I'll say it again

    Life support should be the second thing you worry about in a "Survival" game.

    The main concern SHOULD be "surviving" against the onslaught of enemies with their ever increasing difficulty

    They want "Frantic" gameplay? It WAS frantic before the change.



    When you got to around 30-40 minutes and were trying to fight difficult enemies? Then you had to worry about "Surviving" the enemies in order to get to life support. That was frantic. Worrying if you'd make it, if your team members would go down or not. Where the nullifiers were, where all the heavies were.


    It was FUN.

    Now it's just stressful...


    Honestly, if we need life support so bad, send us in with our Archwings.

    They enable us to breathe just fine out in space.

  12. Changes like these...really makes me wonder...if theyre actually playing their game....


    Soooo much this.


    Pick some players to test the game out with. Actual, normal players from all different experiences/ranks.


    I feel as though Life Support should be a SECONDARY objective/worry

    And the PRIMARY should be ya know..."Surviving" against the constant stream of ever stronger enemies?


    I understand the life support makes it a tad frantic to keep an eye on but it's just downright stressful rather than frantic when life support is your MAIN concern.

    Players in survival way more concerned with life support than the enemies who're actively trying to kill them.

    Simply dying because you couldn't breathe...if that's the case send Archwing into the mix.

    That thing enables us to breathe out in space just fine.

  13. Recently ran a T4 with 3 other members.

    We all ran Corrosive Projection in anticipation to murder the corrupted as quickly as possible and of course...survive for as long as possible.

    Roughly 15 minutes we stood around doing jack-all collecting the Life Support killing the occasional few enemies that popped up. Eventually splitting up in attempts to find more enemies fearing they were stuck or something.

    From then on we struggled to get our Life Support % up.


    I understand DE wants that "frantic" gameplay of running from room to room collecting it but with Parkour 2.0 I have no problem bypassing hoards of enemies. Around the 15-20 minute mark enemies started to spawn decently and we were all engaged constantly which was nice. But the fact enemies hardly dropped any Life Support ATOP the fact we used it all waiting for spawns to pick up just really ruined it for me.


    I don't want to feel like I'm going into survival KNOWING I'm going to be standing around for 15 minutes or so

    I don't want to feel like I'm being pressured into REQUIRING a Nekros be on my team just to spam desecrate

    I don't want to limit people from playing something like Nova in my squad who slows enemies down in fear of lesser enemy spawn rates and costing us chances at more life support.


    The new changes absolutely ruined Survival for me I'm afraid.

    Guess it's on to camping Defense/interception for Prime parts then till they fix this

  14. Recently ran a T4 with 3 other members.

    We all ran Corrosive Projection in anticipation to murder the corrupted as quickly as possible and of course...survive for as long as possible.

    Roughly 15 minutes we stood around doing jack-all collecting the Life Support killing the occasional few enemies that popped up. Eventually splitting up in attempts to find more enemies fearing they were stuck or something.

    From then on we struggled to get our Life Support % up.


    I understand DE wants that "frantic" gameplay of running from room to room collecting it but with Parkour 2.0 I have no problem bypassing hoards of enemies. Around the 15-20 minute mark enemies started to spawn decently and we were all engaged constantly which was nice. But the fact enemies hardly dropped any Life Support ATOP the fact we used it all waiting for spawns to pick up just really ruined it for me.


    I don't want to feel like I'm going into survival KNOWING I'm going to be standing around for 15 minutes or so

    I don't want to feel like I'm being pressured into REQUIRING a Nekros be on my team just to spam desecrate

    I don't want to limit people from playing something like Nova in my squad who slows enemies down in fear of lesser enemy spawn rates and costing us chances at more life support.


    The new changes absolutely ruined Survival for me I'm afraid.

    Guess it's on to camping Defense/interception for Prime parts then till they fix this

  15. They confirmed we will have a similar version to the China exclusive. No one ever said "the same" or even stats. Which is why it's still up in the air whether it will be a new frame or skin.

    DE really needs to clarify the obvious and stop avoiding/being cryptic about this


    Is the Umbra Excalibur going to be a skin or new frame?

    (3 Excaliburs?...Really? And when other Umbras are released, 3 version of the same frames floating around?)

    Regardless which it is, will Excalibur Primes or normal Excaliburs be seeing a buff as a result?

    Or are Umbra's supposed to outclass the Primes?


    Honestly I'd be more-so happy if they just buffed Excalibur Prime to match Umbra's stats and made it a skin.

    Founders get Umbra Excalibur Prime

    Normal players get Umbra Excalibur.

    They both look the same

    (Could even perhaps give the normal players versoin a buff. Arcane skin anyone?)

  16. Meh, not a fan of Michael Jackson

    As for playing music over the mic?


    1) Most people don't have a decent enough mic for it to come through clearly

    2) Even if they did, the voice chat in Warframe is mediocre at best. Skype has better quality than us


    Honestly I tend to play with the music completely turned off, I like being able to hear enemies close-by, when someone's using an ability.

    The few times I DO put music on? It's music that I feel suits Warframe somewhat




    Or just classical/neo-classical and the sort like Ludovico Einaudi, Ólafur Arnalds, Max Richter, etc

    Nothing like murdering hoards of corpus/grineer to calming music :D

  17. In its current state I feel like Archwing is just tedious.

    Everything takes ages to level up and being unable to unequip other items forces affinity to be split between your already ranked 30 gear and what you're working on

    Tiles are often rather repetitive and need more action, more life to them.
    I feel like perhaps in the future if they intergrate Archwing with the missions people would enjoy it better.


    Imagine having to deliver a bomb into the heart of a ship, no time to get to the hull on foot so you find some sort of exhaust, load into your archwing and haul &#! before the time counts down. Upon escaping fighting your way to your liset while the ship blows up in the background

    Archwing levels are rather huge and pretty empty. Perhaps a map that interacts with you and changes depending on the combat and objectives and such would make it feel more alive

  18. Miss wall running.

    Mostly cause it was easier to run on wall, hop to the one next to it and keep going.

    "Wall jumping" sideways down a hall and trying to bounce from left wall to right wall is too clunky and slow


    I am much happier with bullet jump though. Glad coptering is gone.

    Though I do wish they'd give us just a slight direction boost in the direction for aerial attacks.

    Nothing insane like with the Tipedo, but just a slight distance


    Also door frames need to be smoothed down. Getting caught on them is infuriating when you're going all fast and then BOOM. Stuck. Back up, go through and keep moving.

  19. Gotta agree that the Chesa Kubrow was a bit of a let down.

    1 item at a time?

    Disarm random enemy rather than high priority targets? (Bombards, Heavy Gunners)


    My proposed fix/change to the Chesa Kubrow?

    Don't leash them to the Tenno

    Chesa's should be the only Kubrow that just takes off. Doesn't wait for you.

    Is faster then other Kubrows and just goes through out the level breaking containers, grabbing items.

    And when the Chesa grabs it? It should automatically count as you grabbing it. No more carrying an item back to you.

    This gives them independence.

    (Alternative behaviour below)


    Depending which mod you put first Disarm or Retrieval, could have an effect on the Kubrows behaviour.


    - - -


    Disarm placed first priority?

    Chesa will stay in the same tile-set as  you.

    Help out in battle when you need but still looks for items to grab and crates to break

    Very quickly mind you


    Retrieve placed first priority?

    Chesa will advance to other rooms/tiles in search of more items/crates.

    Items take priority over aiding you in combat.

    Perhaps a 2/3 tile/room limit ahead of you so as to not clear out low level missions by itself?

    The alternative behaviour that could be included would be you could have to catch up to the Kubrow and brush past them to retrieve your items from it.

    Or maybe have it wait at the entrance to extraction tile for you, sitting patiently for you to come get your items

  20. Ying Yang warframe...I haven't followed much about it but some random input?


    IF we can switch between light and dark, black and white as this new frame...there should be some badass super powerful stuff be done if two players  come together while they're using the same frame but opposing forces.

  21. To this day I haven't seen anyone use the Speed Holster Aura in-game.

    Would love to see how fast a group of at least 4 would switch if they all had it equipped.


    However on topic...


    Burst shot...single shot. Sound pointless really since there's so many weapons with different firing types.

    Disabling reload would be a good idea. As quickly as we can melee with any gun equipped let us fire our secondaries the same speed.

    Want to reload? Either switch and do so or equip that mod that restores ammo while the gun's holstered.

  22. Guns in Warframe generally don't have recoil. The Aksomati follow the same trend. Barely any kick. Just vomits ammo everywhere. The barrel feels like it's a funnel to me. 

    Akjagara would like word with you.


    But on a feedback sorta note,

    We got Soma/Soma Prime for longer distances

    Dual Raza for obviously close range


    Shouldn't the Aksomati be mid-range? =/

    Would more-so complete the "Soma Package" rather than giving you a choice between the Raza and Somati for close range, lol

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