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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. Not to burst your bubble or anything, but water is actually a very poor conductor and the enemies wouldn't suffer much damage from you shooting the Amprex into the water they're standing in, versus just shooting them directly.

    You're forgetting that Amprex is using air as its current conductor.

    Yes, pure water isn't a conductor, but the water in game is far from pure.


    The unclean water is a much better conductor than the air. Therefore, you'll deliver a greater shock if you shoot into the water. Not to mention, in a much larger area.

  2. Try Stealth for a whole mission. :)


    (and no invis, of course)


    I can do it,but not without countless fails!...

    Not really a challenge.

    I do stealth runs without even noticing it by simply rushing through the mission.


    It's pretty often I hear lotus saying "Keep going. No body knows you're here." while I'm already at the extraction.



    EDIT: Also, I'm running Rhino, so no invisibility.

  3. Did you use macros or something? Good god my fingers hurt after around 10 slide attacks or so...

    Heh, I'll take it as a compliment!

    No, I don't use macros. To be honest, I think macros would mess with the movement flow.


    This has been my playstyle since Closed Beta (slightly over 2 years now), so you get used to it after a while.

    First video I posted demonstrating this is from 2 years ago:

  4. I'd like to see your orthos prime build. Mine could barely last 40 min in a T1 survival. I don't use channeling (only for health replenish with lifestrike), so maybe that's your catch?


    Since I'm running Rhino, Life strike isn't needed, thanks to the Iron Skin and the fact that you're dodging most of the hits with the slide. Also, if you use the Syndicate weapons to replenish HP, you can skip on Life Strike on some other frames as well.


    Anyway, it's not really about the build, it's more about the playstyle. Orthos Prime has an amazing slide attack and an insane range! It's pretty much a mini-nuke. Still, one thing I'd like to point out for the build is the Reach mod. It's a must on Orthos Prime. I personally got a maxed Primed Reach. If the void trader shows up with the mod again, I really recommend getting it.


    Other then that, it's the basic setup: Pressure point, Fury, Elemental mods. You can use Jagged Edge or Buzz Kill if you have it as well. Faction mods are great too.



    And this is the playstyle I recommend with Orthos Prime:


    You can run this way for an hour in T3/4S.


  5. Late game as in a few hours into the T4 Survival / Defence? Or just for an hour + some extra?

    While most melee weapons have struggle keeping up with the guns, there isn't a single gun that can keep up with Orthos Prime in a 1 hour T4S.


    And there are a few good melee weapons that can compete with the guns as well, such as Scindo (especially with Tempo Royale), Dragon Nikana without a stance, Kogake (against infested), etc...


    That being said, I'd suggest the following:

    1. Increase the combo counter timeout to 5-10 sec. Most of the time, 3 sec isn't enough to get from one foe to another.

    2. Decrease the required combo-hits to reach the next multiplier.

    The 15 hits required for a 2x damage boost is alright, but 135 hits for 3x and 1215 hits for 4x damage boost? If you encounter an enemy that needs 100+ melee hits, probably not a good idea to just stand there and combo the enemy that can one-shot you any moment.

    That's why, multipliers should be a lot easier to achieve. Melee should be the "high-risk high-reward" type of playstyle, in my opinion.


    Reason why Orthos Prime can handle the lvl 100+ enemies a lot easier than most weapons is because you slide around at high speed, dodging and damaging the enemies at the same time.

  6. It's when the place is under fire / destroyed.

    There are 2 types of "weather" conditions: fire and ice.


    And during fire, you'll have some of the chests being replaced by deathbodies that you can loot with X (by default).

  7. "Veteran" doesn't exactly mean "skilled", off course, in reality that's pretty much always the case.

    It simply means one has been around for a very long time. Not just registered a long time ago, but has actually been active.


    If you have been around for just a few months and you're really good because you've put 1000+ hours into the game in that short time, you're not what I'd define as a veteran, but rather a very dedicated Tenno.

  8. I really recommend equipping at least 3 Corrosive Projections when running a 1 hour T3/4S. Makes it a lot easier.

    With 3xCP, you shouldn't have any issues killing with your Latron Prime.


    As for me, I bring Orthos Prime to the 1 hour T3/4 Survival runs. Well, I bring Orthos Prime to pretty much everything.




  9. Hard to aim? All I did was get right in their face and just send them flying.



    Nothing viable in conclave? Have you seen the Gram ground pound slammers? Spamming that ability like there's no tomorrow. Why hasn't that been nerfed yet? Have you ever walked into a match with the opposing team using ONLY a gram? It's almost as bad as the Bo prime roflcopter'ing while they're channeling. 

    Because there are a few very easy ways to counter it.

    1. Handspring, you basically get up before the guy is done with the ground pound animation

    2. Slide attack, it has invincibility frames.

    3. Sure Footed + Fortitude

  10. Tempo Royal and Brutal Tide.

    Both deal a lot of damage, offer great mobility in their combo's and feel very fluid.


    The rest of the stances, didn't impress me as much.

    Altough I still don't have the Four Riders. But hope it's at least as good as these two, knowing how rare the stance is.

  11. There was a similar thread a while back. With a pretty challenging idea: T4S with an unmodded frame and a modded weapon OR a modded frame and an unmodded weapon. No powers allowed.


    The one I recorded was a 23min - 24min run:



    Other then that, the challenges I run are usually solo melee-only assassinations against bosses that aren't exactly meant to be meleed, like Lephantis, Ruk, Lech Krill, Raptor, Vay Hek, etc...

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