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Posts posted by (PSN)chris1pat8twins

  1. Would be nice if linking to a player caused you to gained a bit more range instead of 2 infested trails with first ability. Would benefit players too with their abilities. Some may say “OP” but I haven’t come across a team nidus at all. It’s like I’m the only one. But mainly I use him to link to a roaring rhino to increase damage by 400%, but the increase in range(say 50%?) would allow other players the benefit of roar also. Allow/motivate more teamwork.

    For the first ability I could see it having a life steal effect. Maybe the more enemies hit, the further it goes. Like gains an extra 10% range per enemy hit. 

    Augment mods, from my experience, add small additions or slight change to how it is usually used(banshee). So your ideas may be a little op for augment mods. 

  2. I’ve done the math and every ten meters is 1 second if you’re sprinting. So 600 meters is 60 seconds. That’s how long it would take to reach. If DE added an AFK timer to the bounties then the players would have roughly 1:00 - 1:20 minutes to get to the extraction. Do the rest of the math.

    If the stage is like rescue or capture and they get completed before that timer is up then it becomes and exception and the guys get the rewards as well. But stages like caches(sometimes), armor vault, secure area, or even kill 25 enemies, there is no excuse to why these players be slacking off unless they are brand new to the game and shouldn’t be doing high level bounties. Brand new as in MR 0 with Excalibur, skana, MK-1 paris/braton, lato. We shouldn’t carrry these people across the solar system so we shouldn’t carry them across the high level bounties either. We have recruit chat for that. 

    I joined a bounty where this MR 18 Nezha was mining outside of the circles, usually far away. Until I told him he is being reported and he called me a “try hard loser”. “Try hard”? I could see him calling me that if I was using an arch wing to travel 400 meters. But he was not participating in the bounties at all. Until the last 2 stages where he did join but he barely did anything. So trust me, there’s no excuse. Feel like DE should disable mining and fishing while in a bounty mission. 

    But instead I figured an AFK timer outside of the rings would be a better option. Newbies who fail to reach will have to learn to get better or go to the recruit chat and ask to be carried. But most of the leeches are not newbies. Not the ones I’ve been encountering. The ones with the biggest mouths are usually 15+. The lower ones usually apologize for being tardy and they at least make their way to the stages. But I don’t have issues with tardiness. I don’t just sprint, I bullet jump and Tenno dash. Not everyone is able to do that, not skillfully anyways. 

    Would show pics but not only do I not know how to post them but I don’t know how to blur the names like DE wants. I’m not really a computer geek. 

    But at the very least there should be some sort of Engaged In Bounty time in the stats that could be used to at least report the AFK. So while the bounty itself last for like 10 minutes and other players had like 8 minutes each, the leecher that has 0, maybe 2 minutes, would show proof of lack of participation. But that would probably be too complicated vs putting an AFK timer(1 sec per 10 meters while sprinting) in the bounties. And the rings are what you have to step in to start the stage timer. 

    That’s my suggestion and so far nobody has pointed out a flaw. All I’ve received was, “get better at carrying or go to recruit”. Basically ignorance and lazy responses. 

  3. A post I made was more like an ancient ancestor of the kubrows. Basically a larger, more wolf like kubrow. An Ancient Kubrow. 

    The story was more like the they were nearly extinct and Vay Hek managed to find them which after using some detective dna comparisons with the current kubrows, the Tenno discovered that there is a stronger, more ferocious kubrow. So basically you end up in a race with Vay Hek to find the exact location on earth where their nest is. Maybe even fight Vau Hek and beat him. But before he flees he destroys the nest pretty much yelling “if I can’t have it, no one can!”. But luckily one egg survived and you bring it back to the ship. Due to how complicated the egg is, you may need an imprint of each type of kubrow for the incubator. Then after a good bit of time, probably like 3 days, it hatches and you officially have an Ancient Kubrow.

    The abilities would still be up for debate. I figured it would have the unique capability of using every unique mod of every kubrow due to its dna. But you would need the other kubrows and their imprints in order to obtain such a companion. It wouldn’t be a companion that you can get off bat. You would need to farm and level up the kubrows and gain their imprints to hatch an ancient kubrow. So it would take some dedication. No taxi can help, no short cuts. So the other kubrows wont really be obsolete since they would be needed. Plus there’s still the helm I th charger to switch with. 

    But that was my suggestion for an advanced kubrow. 

  4. Those are just greedy whiners. The same people that are demanding DE nerf every kill frame so that they can “have fun”. Instead of recruiting.

    I think DE needs to make Weapon Only type missions so that these people will be quiet. Most people are focus farming, relic farming, resource farming, and some even go as far as to see how many enemies they could kill in a single round. Which requires using abilities to eliminate as much as possible. Some people have actual lives outside of video games and literally can’t afford to take their time.

    But people like the guy you mentioned are a bunch of greedy trolls. They want more/all kills while slowing everybody else down. Before the nerf, a banshee that killed quickly was way, way more tolerable than a banshee that delayed. Sanctuary onlsaught requires you to kill everything quickly. Even Simaris says “do not relent”. But players will still bring Loki, valkyr, atlas, warframes that don’t kill very much very quickly. Then whine when smart players farming for focus joins the squad and does what they’re suppose to do. Which is bringing a horde killframe. Same thing with defense.

    The sooner they die, the sooner the next wave, the sooner you get your relics, the sooner you farm for parts, the sooner you can rank up or make a profit for sold parts. But nope, some players want to take their time. But then on fissure defense, players want to kill everything before they even get fissured. I can’t tell you how many relics didn’t get cracked open because of noobs, even MR25s. 

    Guys that demand you slow down just so they can get the kills need to be ignored. If a guy told you to wait for enemies to be fissured, or because they have some plan that would benefit everybody then hear them out. Otherwise just ignore them and do what you do. I’ve had players thanked me for helping them level up super fast, while some whined that I “stole all the kills”. Imagine Call of Duty where a slow weak player told everybody else not to shoot just so he could get a few kills and then costs everybody the game.

    DE should create Weapon Only missions for slow pokes, and maybe short timed missions for rushers. Maybe then these whiners will have a game mode all to themselves and will leave the rest of us alone. Would say the Weapon Only missions could only allow buff type abilities but then everybody would complain about “Chroma taking all the kills, 😭”. So no abilities at all. If they want a challenge that badly. 

    That is the only solution I can think of. But making nerfs and more rules for the whining minority will only hurt the rest of the community and then a lot more people will stop playing altogether. I used to bring ember into the plains. Not anymore. Excuses don’t matter, she is now useless in the plains. Maybe if her flames at maxed power strength could melt the bullets and prevent her from taking as much damage, like by 95%, maybe the change wouldn’t be that bad. Range would be super short but she wouldn’t be as squishy. At least not against grineer. Or if DE made her WoF expand while sprinting and sliding. Since one of the excuses is to get her moving around. But if DE keeps nerfing all killframes to be as useless as ember, then there would be no point in playing. DE would have to reduce the amount of enemies and increase the affinity gained per kill in order to balance it out. And super crazy high missions with hordes of enemies for the whiners. 

    Otherwise just ignore these greedy trolls. 

  5. Passive: colors change the type of damage from weapons to impact, slash, or puncture. Like the darkest colors make it impact, medium makes it puncture, and lightest makes it slash. Something like that. So if a weapon did 30 slash + 30 impact + 100 puncture, it would become either 160 slash, puncture, or impact.

    First Ability: turns a target into a copy of the warframe that all nearby enemies attack instead. Basically the ultimate decoy that doesn’t know what’s going on until it’s too late. 

    Second ability: can change appearance to that of the target to blend in with the crowd. Rolls, bullet jumps, wall latches, anything other than sprinting or walking will cause suspicion. But if enemies already see you then they’ll shoot at you. Basically you use the ability while undetected. 

    Third ability: he can copy the stats of teammates for a period of time, such as power strength, range, duration, etc.. or he could gain a buff depending on the enemy such as health from infested, armor from grineer, and shields from corpus.

    Forth ability: could cause confusion amongst the enemies as they wouldn’t know who the imposter is. Less power strength the less likely they’ll attack, the more power strength the more likely they’ll mow each other down no matter who it is. Even if it’s you. 

    Basically this warframe can be the ultimate spy in every mission. Sure he couldn’t hack vaults the way Loki or the even better Ivara could but in every other mission like capture targets, rescue, etc he would be able to walk in and walk out. DE would have to figure out the stats a bit so that he wouldn’t be OP.  But most concepts are too focused on a type of Killframe. Which players will demand be nerfed so they can force everybody else to tolerate their slow “fun” time. So I think it is about time for another support/survivalist type. And NOBODY could be a better survivalist than a shape shifter. 

    His origin could be that he was created to be the perfect assassin. But that also meant he could be their own worst enemy. So the orokin has to eliminate him before he became a threat. But he managed to escape. Not knowing who is the real enemy. Not knowing who he truly is. He wonders the planet/solar system trying to find the truth. His purpose. Until the Tenno showed him the way. 

    Sorry if I did too much but that is sort of how I picture him. 


  6. I can kind of see Stalker returning with the other 2/3rd of the War that he has merged into his other weapons to create a more powerful Dread, Despair, and Hate. Combining the sentient energy with his weapons. Maybe calling them Anguish Despair, Raging Hate, Horrible Dread. Don’t know. Maybe I’m taking the names a little too literal but... either way, Stalker is no longer a challenge and his weapons are nearly forgotten. 

    “The Tenno have gotten stronger. They have allied themselves with Umbra. In order to defeat them, I too, must become stronger... must become... terror... incarnate” - Stalker. 

    “I’m back Tenno” - Stalker

    “I thought he was dead!!!” - Tenno

    ”oh no! You must... KILL HIM... run away operator” - Ordis

  7. Kind of picturing Chroma being able to sky dive faster with his wings flared out. Basically if you bullet jump and aim glide he would go twice as fast with his wings flaring out like a dragon. 

    That or maybe he could activate his Effigy while airborne that causes him to sky dive at super speed and create an elemental burst where he lands before summoning the Effigy. Sort of combining his augment to himself. 

  8. I’ve made a post about having a sentient sentinel. People commented saying that sentinels are already sentient which made no sense. Would get deep into the details but let’s just leave it like that. 

    Onto the real topic, my idea was basically like a smaller vomvalyst but the shape may be slightly different. Kind of like how the Djinn looks similar to the pherlic pods but not identical. For the abilities:

    It’s weapon would fire homming energy balls/bullets similar to vomvalysts. The design could look similar to the amps. 

    One mod would make it where if it dies, before it completely dies, the sentinel would go into that glowing ghost form and charge towards a group of enemies and explode, inflicting damage based on their weaknesses.

    Second mod could be where it can give you over-shields over time until maxed. 

    Other than those, only thing I could see making it more unique is it would actually move around and attack. Not just hover over your shoulder. 

    Other things like you building the weapon that gets equipped, similar to the amps, that allows it to attack in many different ways. From rapid fire and small bullets to long cool down cannon balls. But that would probably not happen since amps are for the tenno’s void beam. 

    But either way, I’m definitely into having my own miniature vomvalyst. 

  9. That’s why I’ve said that there should be like a timer based on distance from one stage to the next and if a player doesn’t make it then it counts as AFK. It would take some calculating to do but it could work. Inexperienced players will fail missions unless they learn so the bounties shouldn’t be any different.

  10. 17 minutes ago, Leyvonne said:

    But isn't that how most online games work? Players making their own group if they don't want to deal with randomness, different playstyles and preferences. Filters for public groups won't stop anyone from afking, leeching and so on.

    I wasn’t talking about AFKers and Leechers specifically. This was more of like an inexperienced rank 5- Excalibur user in a sortie spy mission kind of thing. Or rank 10 inaros user in a Elite Sanctuary Onslaught. I had to carry a rank 6 in ESO who used an Excalibur. I’ve noticed from 2 years of playing that the lower mastery ranks are the most encountered inexperienced players that tend to complicate the missions. Some are even going as far as to make posts demanding that DE change the game entirely so that everyone else has to wait for them before completing the mission and extracting. So clearly there’s problems on both sides. 

    Leechers will always be around, that doesn’t mean DE can’t or shouldn’t try to find ways to reduce the chances or issues caused by them. I’ve already made a post suggesting ways that DE could reduce the issues caused by AFKers, but that didn’t stop people from commenting factless insults. I’m not stating an opinion. They literally did nothing but insulted(such as calling names) me while claiming that I’m insulting them when all I asked was for them to explain. DE eventually closed the comment section and I apologized to that DE member as I never meant for the discussion to get way out of hand and way off topic.

    But I like to be able to just click on a mission and be paired with people that actually play the game. I like to be able to click on Onslaught and meet other players that want to focus farm and keep the efficiency up. I don’t care if they kill everything. I’ll assist them in doing so. Not stand in a corner and whine about my wukong being left out even though I chose him knowing what kind of mission I was going in. 

    Nobody should be forced to recruit people every single time or play solo. I’m not a solo player. Even in COD i almost never play the campaign. BO3 was an exception due to its co-op mode. It takes a while to recruit and most people are just like me who just want to click public and be paired with like minded people. In a mode that requires killing everything as quickly as possible, you’d expect killframes. Some people may be farming for XP. Others Focus. And I’ve noticed for the most part, the MR explains a lot of the players’ choice in warframe. At low ranks they don’t have many options and since they are new they don’t know much of how things work. A MR15 nova user still thought rhino roar increases power strength when it really increases all damage.

    If I wanted to go as far as 24 zones or more, then yeah I would obviously want to click on recruit. But I shouldn’t have to spend hours finding a squad just for regular missions or small simple goals. Yes hours. That’s how long I’ve spent many times. Only quick recruit groups are Tridolon Captures, specific relic users, and relic farming on like Heiracon. Complicated name. And some do Kuva farming on the Kuva Fortress. Those I can easily understand and have no issues with. But I shouldn’t have to create a group for alerts, sorties, focus, etc. ALL THE TIME. Which is what a lot of trolls keep suggesting though I don’t see them anywhere on posts about nerfing a warframe because the OP wants to have fun and take their sweet time, while knowing most people have actual goals in mind. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, BoneBreakerx said:

    a filter to avoid Limbo would be nice...

    Well DE does have gender as part of their identity and there’s multiple types of weapons. Not just shotgun and sniper, but also energy vs metal bullets. So they could probably group them into specific groups like killframes, survivalists/tank, support, etc.. Limbo would be in the more support group since he doesn’t buff nor kill enemies with his abilities unless they are really low rank enemies. But that would be complicated. Inaros is more of a survivalist. So a killframe only mode would be nice, but like I said, complicated. 

  12. I’ve made some comments in other posts that were basically complaining or ranting about pairing or squad set up. So I’ve decided to make a post about it. And before you assume, yes I’ve already looked up to see if anybody else has made this kind of post but I haven’t seen any. Don’t know if I misworded it or what. But to continue...

    A lot of posts have been made about squad pairings in public games involving AFKs, leechers, “try hards”, noobs, etc.. Basically someone joins a public game and there’s always someone not doing what the OP wants. For example: high mastery ranks being paired with an inexperienced newbie that slows them down or cost them the game. Or newbies getting paired with high mastery ranks “taking all the kills”. That is usually the issue. 

    I feel like adding a Mastery Rank kind of filter could solve a lot of those problems. If you’re paired with people of your rank area then you’re more likely to have the same goals. Obviously if you don’t care then you can just select ALL. But some people might want to pair up with people who are farming for resources, caches, etc.. and higher mastery ranks may be more tempted to farm for things like focus which requires a lot of killing. Example: Sanctuary onslaught. 

    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to carry newbies through a mission. Especially sorties. Bounties, spies, bosses, a lot of missions can be failed or complicated due to a player’s lack of skills.

    I understand that DE wants ALL players to be cooperative but let’s face it... A lot of people are having issues. Yes there’s the option to recruit but nobody should be forced to recruit every single time for every single mission. And suggesting me or anybody else to play solo contradicts the whole cooperative teamwork argument/excuse. 

    Players who want a specific team for a specific purpose should obviously recruit other like minded players. Example: “this warframe is taking all the “fun” out of warframe by killing everything”. I’m sure y’all seen plenty of these posts/rants. Or Tridolon captures. 

    But when I join missions like say a sortie spy, I’m expecting to see skilled spy players, mostly Loki, Ivara, ash, sometimes Octavia if they’re skilled. I don’t however, expect to see things like Rhino, Nidus, and most commonly, Inaros. Don’t know why but I’ve been encountering Inaroses a lot in sorties and SO/ESO. The goal for one is stealth and the other is killing. Inaros pretty much can’t do either. Not efficiently anyways. Yet it happens.

    So nerfing a warframe because someone else refuses to create a squad for the so called purpose of “having fun” is definitely not the way to go. So I’m not gonna suggest DE completely alter the whole game or major parts just to suit my needs. I figured a filter for specific MR would help. Basically 0-9, 10-19, and 20+ or All. It would help in many ways mainly cause higher the MR, obviously the more Warframes and weapons they have. 

    Me and a guy have been discussing how we wish some missions required a certain Mastery Rank to participate in. Or at least an option for only people of a certain rank group to join the squad. We are mostly Focus farming and yet some people don’t seem to care or they like to complicate things just to complain at us for their own choice. Most people who play in certain missions are farming. For the most part they are farming for relics and focus. Which requires killing quickly. Most of us have lives outside of warframe and don’t feel like playing it all day, every single day. So sometimes we like to get things done. 

    All I’m asking for is a simple addition. Much like how the sortie requires MR30 warframes. Except this would be a choice. 

    Other options like Weapon Only missions or Wepon Only Onslaught could solve the issue where people want no killframes to “take the fun out of the game”. Like maybe only buff type abilities can be used. Nothing else. Of course some people may complain about chroma but that is pretty much his job. There’s mirage’s eclipse too. 

    I truly believe that could solve some issues. Just something to think about.

  13. When I’m using Saryn as long as other players are killing enemies my spores don’t spread. So for the most part, I’m forced to use miasma in order to contribute to the killings. Of course I play with a guy who uses equinox. 

    All these hate posts about Saryn, I’m surprised nobody created a “useless Inaros in SO/ESO” post yet. They literally do nothing to contribute to a mode that requires killing. I had to stop killing to show this ignorant inaros how useless he was. Which he cussed me out and left. I was even called a try hard... in a game mode... that requires killing... as quickly as possible... by an inaros. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

    Glad to see at least one post that actually cares about a killframe.

  14. 5 hours ago, -NR-Zodiac said:

    yeah not sure in the first place if i would've ever bothered to farm that standing LOL 180's a bit extreme 
    but as i know relic pack luck of mine, i'd probably end up with 3 or maybe 4 of the new ones 

    Well I’ve opened about 240 packs since the rhino and nyx came out and I’ve gotten almost 20 Axi S3s. Which are the most annoying relics. So by my calculations, I’ll have roughly 15 of every new relic when I start opening packs during Chroma Prime’s release. I’ve gotten like 30-40 B4s which I’ve used a lot of times so I lost count. I’m back at 12 B4s after nearly using them all and I’ve used multiples of them(4-6) multiple times. Then I have 18 R1s and I’ve used over 20 N6s and I got 4 left. And still using daily standing to open more packs. So Axis are my biggest concern which I’m sure the bounties will balance out and I’ll be able to go farming for chroma. 

    My point is I don’t know how or why you may be having issues getting the relics you want/need. Just wish members of my clan would’ve also farmed at least a little bit. I’m the highest possible rank besides a founder so there isn’t much else to do other than farm I just bring ember to all my missions and I have over 3,000 ciphers built to quickly hack alarms. So I get missions done under 10 minutes each. Which is roughly 1:30 plus the sortie which makes it about 2 hours maxed. That’s about all I play. 

    Been debating on whether I have enough medallions and should just stop but then I think every relic counts especially if I’m the only one farming for them. Hate not getting the new primes till like 2-3 weeks after their release. At least now I have a head start. And if DE were to reduce the standing cost for the relics or increase the amount per pack, I would have a lot more relics. Like 720 instead of 540 total relics. Plus with 4 relics going back into the vault that is more of a chance to get chroma relics. Out of a total of 38. Currently 42. 

    So im pretty hyped right now. But then again all that hyped would lead to a huge disappointment if none or few of the new parts(11) drop from the relics. 

    Sorry, kind of getting caught up in all the numbers. 

  15. 3 hours ago, -NR-Zodiac said:

     exactly, probably only reason im bringing this up because it really doesn't make sense how it is dealt with; and only reason im buying syndicate relic packs is because of either a new Prime Access or Prime Unvault. 
    although Chances are i don't even get 1 relic eventhough i did syndicate missions for 2 weeks straight ( which i'm doing atm ) 

    Well I have enough medallions to open almost 180 packs. Could’ve used them for the vaulted stuff but I’d rather use them for chroma prime. Probably ain’t gonna farm like that again for a while. 

  16. 56 minutes ago, Ecliptix said:

    The advantage of the syndicate relic packs is all relics are possible. In ESO you can't get the current unvaulted relics as they are void only but you can get them from relic packs. Typically thats when people really buy them. During the unvaulting I have had 27 Axi S3 relics. 21 of them came from syndicate relic packs. Once the unvaulting is over I go back to buyig weapons from syndicates and sell those for plat since I will get a lot of relics through game play anyways.

    The other time I think people buy them is when a new prime arrives since you can get a bunch of the new relics quickly.

    I could’ve had that amount of S3s but I’m saving my medallions for the chroma prime. Like to have a head start for the first time. Too bad nobody else in my clan has that kind of dedication to the contribution of farming. I’m usually the one farming for the relics so I’ve finally decided to save the medallions I collect for the next prime release. I don’t do much else on warframe so it passes the time. 

  17. Downvote would lead to nothing but trolls trying to ruin people’s reputation and then those who make the posts would most likely never know what is wrong with their ideas/suggestions. If I disagree with someone’s post, I comment not only that I disagree but also WHY I disagree. 

    If reputation is the issue with the 😆 emoji, then DE could simply make it not count towards their reputation. But removing it would no doubt lead to the red emoji getting used a lot and then some people will complain about it. So we would be having this same conversation but with another emoji. 

    Then once DE has removed all negative/neutral emojis, people will start commenting the emojis. So then people will say that DE should forbid emojis being used in comments. 

    But yes some suggestions are indeed laughable due to the lack of thought put into them with the whole community in mind. A lot of posts complaining about warframe are usually selfish posts. And people disagreeing with them are always called names instead of having a logical civil discussion towards a more fair, more equal solution. 

    The emojis reflects people’s feelings towards the ideas. But they don’t always reflect what a person truly thinks. And downvoting would only create issues. Go to YouTube and look up harmless funny videos and see all the unnecessary downvotes they’re filled with. 

    DE wants logical discussions, not insulting criticisms. Won’t be done if people just downvote without explaining the flaw in the “ideas”. 

  18. I use her and a guy I know uses equinox to farm for focus. We do regular onslaught to farm for affinity for new stuff or polarized. Including this upcoming Chroma Prime. If a game is that boring then find a squad or play solo. But players like me are gonna use warframes best suited for farming focus. I had an inaros, INAROS, join onslaught. The goal is to kill as much as possible and farm for Affinity. Yet we have players that don’t care. So they demand DE make farming harder and more annoying for everybody else because they are bored and/or too lazy to find their own squad or play solo? Makes ZERO sense. It’s like these players have no idea how to play warframe. You have to farm for resources, affinity, and focus in order to level up and advance. If I wanted to play for “fun” then I would have my own squad. This isn’t some campaign mode or bounties.

    Maybe DE could create some weapon only onslaught for y’all but don’t go demanding DE change the game. Yes by changing EVERY killframe to make farming for stuff longer and harder, they would be changing the game. That is only gonna make players play less. Atlas is OP one on one but Saryn is a horde killer. Chroma is a buff type. All 3 involves killing but one is better than the others in different missions. Most people are gonna bring horde killing warframes to missions that require killing as quickly as possible. To farm for relics on hydron they have to kill quickly. To farm for focus and proceed forward on onslaught they have to kill quickly. Obviously Saryn is not useful against bosses like a chroma.

    People need to start thinking like a team instead of a one man army or lazy AFKer. As a rhino I power up the Saryns so they kill easier while also shooting at survivors. I don’t just sit around doing nothing. That’s yalls problem. Y’all choose to do nothing. During defense people be using an invisible Loki. COMPLETELY USELESS. While I choose to use a DISARMING Loki to bring the enemies closer and prevent teammates from going down. Unless they CHOOSE to go AFK. 

    I think of how I will be able to benefit the whole team. And in onslaught the goal is TO KILL EVERYTHING AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. Which multiple warframes can do but clearly some choose not to. So we shouldn’t farm because some want to “have fun”? Like I said, zero sense. 

  19. Roar increases all damage while vex armor increases weapon damage. And they can be combine to be deadly. Then there’s mirages eclipse. One crazy trio.

    Me and a guy used a maxed strength nidus(374%) with a near maxed strength chroma(337%). And it goes over 2,000% fury. And when we were both fissured... his health was over 5,000 so I’m sure you can guess the numbers. I’ve done some calculations and there’s just way too many numbers. Just know that my maxed strength nidus and near maxed strength chroma, rhino, and equinox would create a Super Saiyan God Chroma. Especially fissured. 

    I just don’t like that his second and third are the only abilities really used. It would be nice if his fury strengthened his Effigy for extra energy cost. That would at least make his forth ability better and balanced. That’s what gave me the idea of chroma’s augment turning him into a flying sentient dragon. It would combine his abilities. Be more in sync. 

    But that’s just my opinion.

  20. Huh? Never happened to me. Only times that anything close happened was when I was in the middle of activating it(due to to it being liquid) or if the enemies weakened parts of the wall to where it cracked. Or they either crawled under it or climbed over it due to the area. Like if there is a slight downward hill, sometimes the wall doesn’t lower and it leaves an opening. Or if there are rocks and crates near the wall that the enemies jump on top of and jump over the wall. 

    But that is my only experience. And I’ve used Gara a lot for certain defending type missions. 

  21. Honestly I could see Atlas being able to merge fist type melees into his first ability. Since he punches with his first ability. Basically add the combine damage of his fist melee with the damage of his first ability. For example:

    Furax wraith, with its mods, does roughly 1,000 damage to enemies while Atlas’s first ability does roughly 2,000 damage. If Atlas is wearing the Furax wraith, he would do roughly 3,000. No status effects or elements. Basically all the elements turns to impact or what ever status his first ability does. Haven’t done research on atlas. 

    That is the basic idea I could see. Would be cool. Could combine ability with combos and be able to make fist type melees more useful. 

    All I know, is I’ll NEVER stop staying “FOR ASGARD” as I charge punch stalker in his ugly face. 

  22. I’ve done many tests with chroma. He is mainly used to bring the weapons back into the spotlight. In fact he was so OP that he could one shot a teralyst’s limb. So hydroid would probably take like 3. Obviously DE did not intend for the eidolons to be easy to take out. So now. Chroma has been somewhat balanced. At least with his third. His forth definitely needs a buff. And almost all warframes’ first abilities are “useless”. Third and forth abilities are usually the most used(and powerful). 

    My only suggestion for his forth other than giving it a buff, is to make it do more than scream and breath elements. Like being able to claw nearby enemies and move a little. Basically follow chroma like a sentinel. And his augment mod basically turns chroma into the Effigy. Basically he sprouts the energy wings and takes flight and can shoot balls of elements instead of a typical stream. 

    I could see him being able to change elements with his first ability if it is double tapped. Which would change his energy color to a basic, red, green, blue, white. DE would have to work on that. Or maybe chroma can switch Configs. Like if you create an ice config, fire, and lightning, he could switch between them. Armor and all. But that might be complicated. 

    Chroma is a complicated warframe. But regardless, I’m ready for him to come out on the 25th. 

  23. 3 hours ago, (XB1)ultamite hero said:

    This is a similar situation to ember where people complained about her being op just because she was able to clear low level enemies in the star chart. The worst part was that embers 4th didn't do anything to level 100 enemies besides cc.  If saryn is clearing every enemy before you kill them it must mean all of you are fighting low level mobs or saryn has been given the time for her spore damage to build up.

    Or is being boosted by rhino. Or enemies weakened by nova. Or both. People are only focusing on the kills, not the skills. 

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