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Posts posted by (PSN)chris1pat8twins

  1. 5 hours ago, SuperSchoolbag said:

    None taken, I feel even more sorry knowing at least someone else had to go through even worse ._.

    Btw I am not done yet, so these numbers could still rise (touching wood).

    Try playing Kuva Spy 100+ for the Harrow Neuroptics. Or playing like 100+ Assassination of Tyle Regor for full equinox set.

    All frames require playing for quite some time. Many games require a lot of grinding to obtain something. Warframe ain’t much different. 

    Some people get lucky and get all 3 back to back. Few times I’ve gotten all 3 off bat. Like Hildryn, while others needed me to play like 20-30 attempts for them to get Hildryn. 

    So I wouldn’t call playing like 20-30 missions “unhealthy”. I would understand if the boss that dropped a rare part of a frame was something like Hydrolyst. Something that you can’t just hop into and complete easily or quickly. But the way most frames are achieved, including Nidus, it doesn’t count as unhealthy. 

    You may be having issues now but you will achieve a few frames almost instantly. It is all RNG. 

    • Like 1
  2. I can see a Kirby, PAC-Man, Cookie Monster, or just a pig styled deluxe. Can also picture a Jack-O-Lantern skin with his stomach being the mouth. That or just some teeth covered skin where he has sharp teeth like mouths on his joints and such that open when he bends them and even larger ones on his stomach. 

  3. On 2020-05-17 at 11:30 AM, giangtrungls said:

    Dear teno

    Cause we have gunblade, sword and shield so i wanna something strange and familiar Gun and Shield - The SWAT style sidearm

    This weapon use Shotgun pistol for atk and shield for defend. When armed you will block atk from 40 degree front of you, when aiming block angle up to 70 degree and absort projective to rise pellets of next shoot.

    Here is my amater hand draw of my ideal

    SWAT like version of real shield


    Lotus type: Six barrels shotgun and enegy shield


    Kind of got me picturing one with a rapid fire gun that can be thrown while the gun shoots while spinning. Similar to the Zenith or Azima.

  4. Since Frames are sort of expanding beyond the basic typical abilities/themes. The sky’s, or should I say space’s, the limit.

    With robotics becoming a popular thing with grineer, corpus, even the companions, what about a robot themed frame? Some may mention Hildryn, but she is more based on a shields theme. Thinking the name could Jiqiren. 

    This Frame would be focused more on the advancement in robotics. Such as enhanced physical strength. Heavy weight to some degree. A lot of armor. And high tech weapon system. Example of ability kit would be like:

    Sheilds - 150 maxed

    Health - 300 maxed

    Armor - 1,000

    Speed - 0.8

    Energy - 225 maxed

    Passive: Flinch-less while standing still. Greater jump height. Ground slam radius and damage increased a little.

    1st Ability: dashes forward a short distance with heavy seismic stomps. Radius of stomps roughly 5 meters. Could possibly be a hold ability.

    2nd Ability: Can summon a drone that provides an increase in shield health, additively, which can be multiplied by shield mods. Over shields are buffed even further. While hacking the drone will turn you invisible. Also the drone is equipped with wide range enemy sense. Possibly loot detection. Also becomes primary target for all enemy fire. 

    3rd Ability: Can Summon 3 different Moas. Assault. Defense. Support. Assault would come equipped with a high damage gun and can target many enemies. Defense provides a wide barrier, that can also be ordered to stand still but only up to a certain distance. If too far it will be canceled. Support will allow the moa to come equipped with items ranging from ammo, health/energy orbs, and can stun enemies who get too close. 

    4th Ability: Creates an exalted armor in a sense. Basically like a body shaped energy barrier. Gains tons of health based on armor and power strength. Can be cast on allies. Enemies that shoot or hit the armor will receive 200% of the damage returned. Also gains some additional buffs to other abilities.

    Such as 1st ability deals a ton of impact damage. If run into an immovable object, the armor will burst a deal heavy impact damage within 20 meters. 2nd, can equip a drone to each player but with much lower health. 3rd, sacrifices all the armor to summon all 3 moas but with lower health than normal. If 4th is casted again, the moas will disappear. 


    Now I may have gone a bit overboard but these are just examples. These are just to get the conversation going.

    Kind of picturing this Frame’s origin involving Alad V trying to build his own idea of a frame by using one that was capable of controlling machines. He figured she would be the only one designed to be able survive the transformation after experiencing with many to make his Zanuka. 

    With that said, what do y’all think about the theme? Any ideas/suggestions? 

  5. 12 hours ago, (XB1)DA ZACHYZACHY said:

    Remove (or extend) the timer. I want to hear the dialogue but the timer is way to short.

    When walking around (in the investigation mode), stop idle animations. Seeing wisp clip through my screen as I’m looking at a clue breaks the immersion. You could even put us in “operator” form, or some sort of projection for new players.

    Increase the bloom of the clues. I had to search up where the Ayatan Star was. It should “glow”.

    More like allow us who completed the test to be able to go back and just listen. No cephilite charge or timer. Just listen. If anything else, the path would already be laid out for us to follow. 

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, FLSH_BNG said:

    I'm all for this to be honest, make it similar to sentinels where the tools are interchangeable but you still need to get them to be able to use them.

    And, ideally, a re-balance of the existing air support abilities wouldn't break anybody's heart either.

    Also the Prime Liset Air Support should more advanced. Unless I’m missing something?

  7. 7 hours ago, Kurambik said:

    Why is Cephalite wasted if you fall during the platform segment of the Glassmaker Simula?

    I have to go through the pain of grinding to get 10 more just because I sneezed at the wrong moment... This is really annoying to deal with and completely unnecessary

    Completed it on my second attempt. I actually liked the challenge. It is not hard. The enemies spawn roughly every 25 minutes. Sometimes 50. Just play survival on Venus and bring a Nekros. They die easily and Nekros increases the resources. So roughly 1 hour is all it takes. Plus Zephyr can make the test itself easier.

    Why would DE make the game boringly easy? Make it one and done in just a few minutes? For only a few people? They aren’t. Plus they shouldn’t have to. Get better at the game. Also the episodes are like 2 weeks apart. You have way more than enough time to collect cephilite, memorize the clues, and complete the test. 

    Not even a week and people already getting impatient over something so easy. 

  8. 10 hours ago, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk said:

    There's multiple concept art threads that suggest a mimic warframe, someone that mimics powers.

    But this one is different, as he has more grounded powers than suggested before.

    Theme: Copying attacks and moves instantly just by observing your enemies and allies, 

    Passive: echo> 10% chance for any damage dealt to be dealt again. 

    Arsenal> can equip another melee weapon at the cost of not equipping a secondary weapon 

    First ability: Holographic projector> project a holographic cloak image of the last enemy you've killed, disguising yourself from the same enemy faction

    Second ability: Fastforward>cast a long range aura that increases melee speed/reload speed and sprint speed of any ally standing in the aura. Capped at 2x speed

    Aim and hold at an ally while the aura is active,  to mimic the current reload speed value of their primary and secondary weapons, the current melee speed value of their melee weapon and their current sprint speed value of their warframe.

    Third ability: mirror shield> cast a shield on yourself that mirrors enemy attacks, any form of melee attacks/projectiles/bullets/status effects is mitigated and replicated with multiplied damage in an Aoe, you can only mirror one attack each second, the ability mirrors any kind of attack and moves, like moa's stomp attack or anything that affects you...the mirrored damage taken is dealt back as impact with 90% status chance affected by strength.

    Fourth ability: Copycat> "i posses the fighting techniques of the greatest fighters in the world"

    equip your current melee weapon with an exalted melee stance, 

    If you have a sword>equip exalted blade stance with guaranteed slash status effect.

    If you have a polearm>equip primal fury stance with increased range.

    If you have claws> equip hysteria stance with guaranteed life steal.

    If you have sparring weapons>equip desert wind stance with guaranteed impact status effect.




    That last ability won’t be accepted. It takes away the uniqueness of other frames. That’s why the shapeshifter concept I’ve made has different abilities. If DE is not gonna make a frame whose abilities are very similar to another, why would they create a frame that has identical abilities? Also that last ability becomes useless without melees. Something DE changed for all exalted weapon users. Last, it would make Valkyr and others obsolete. Why use Excalibur if you could use this frame with the exact same fourth ability, and then some?

    DE won’t allow it. This isn’t mortal Kombat or some other create-your-own-character-with-identical-abilities type game. DE intends on making all frames unique. Similar yet mostly different. Copycat goes against their entire concept or intent for warframe. 

    Copying teammates’ stats like health, armor, shield, speed, etc. is one thing that could be allowed as long as it can do something for solo play, like gaining a stat buff from enemies. Similar to Nidus’s link having 2 uses. But copying abilities is not acceptable otherwise DE would have been done it. They know all about Shang Tsung(MK). Amazo(DC). Rogue(marvel). They have no intention on making an ability copying frame. 

  9. On 2020-05-15 at 12:24 AM, Xaero said:

    A tracker for what?

    If 1 Umbra Forma costs 1000 shards, it will take at least 170 hours of pure anomaly farming to get one. How long would it take for a potential extreme no-lifer to "umbrafy" all their frames and melee weapons? And how long would it take for most players?

    So no, the existence of such a thing isn't a problem as long as it's difficult and time-consuming enough to keep Umbra Forma very rare.

    Not mention there is 40+ frames(not including prime) and there is 3 Umbra mods. That is roughly 120 Umbra Formas needed. Which would be like 12,000 hours with a good team and a booster. Which is equivalent to 500 days straight. Which would be like 4,000 days for people that only put in 3 hours each day. Or 1,200 days if they play 10 hours each day. 

    So in other words, it would be years before all frames had all forma mods. Plus most frames would only get like 1 maybe 2 Umbra mods equipped. 

  10. On 2020-05-14 at 12:35 AM, Xaero said:

    Oh I wonder how easy it's going to be if 1 Umbra Forma costs, for example, 1000 shards.

    Roughly 100 hours of non stop farming with a resource booster but no kavat. And that’s if you have a good team. Bailing out on the mission causes the shards to disappear. Like any other resource. 

  11. On 2020-05-11 at 9:18 PM, tangxinjing said:

    Got some ideas for a new frame, don't really know what to call it yet.


    Deconstruction- frontal blast that damages enemies, enemies that are damaged drops ammo, energy and health orbs, and possibly resources/mods

    Reconstruction- heals and grants an armor bonus for you and any allies around you

    Energy Station- put down a small tower that grants energy regeneration to anyone in the area (enemies can destroy tower)

    Overclock- toggle it to give your weapon increase in fire rate/attack speed, damage, crit and status chance, and each attack does not consume ammo but instead consumes energy

    I don't know if these are too overpowered or under-powered, but if they're overpowered there can be a mechanic, kinda like Atlas's rock pickups, where you pick up "scrap" that enemies drop from deconstruction and you use to cast your other abilities

    The first ability made me imagine a frame called something like Artillery or a word that means the same thing from another language.

    But basically the ability kit would be like:

    Passive: enemies drop universal ammo. Ammo clip size increase with no melee equipped.

    1st. Additional ammo picked up causes instant reload. As long as enemies drop ammo, the shooting is endless. 

    2nd. Increases fire rate and projectile flight speed for a set duration. Adds +1 punch through. Increased with power strength. 

    3rd. Increases physical damaged based on the energy color of the warframe. Light = impact, medium = slash, dark = puncture. Along with adding 50% status chance. 

    4th. Summons an exalted shielded turret where ever the hit mark is. Has infinite 360 degrees turning. 

    I chosen these abilities due to synergy. That can buff the fourth greatly although high energy cost. 

    But the abilities you chose may not exactly work. Got plenty of frames that have armor abilities. That increase energy. And the first ability is basically what already happens. The fourth sounds a bit OP.

  12. On 2020-05-12 at 5:44 AM, Spectro_Sinjkai said:

    We already have a warframe that shrinks to the size of your foot, so perhaps it can be made so no matter what weapons and armor/color you have on it will be replaced in appearance to the affected individual with the visuals of the enemy that way there doesn't have to be a new skeleton, animation, or position of that enemy because it'll all be a copy of the enemy.

    Don’t forget the helminth charger and other pets are different sizes and the new skins fit their sizes also. My charger is huge. Made the juggernaut look small. 

    • Like 1
  13. On 2020-05-12 at 2:01 PM, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk said:

    Speed gauge(Redline augment): gauss gets a critical chance buff everytime he uses one of his buffed stats. 

    Reloading adds 8%, firing adds 3%, melee swings adds 4% and holstering adds 6% extra critical chance.

    Description: gauss provides a dps increase for all of his offensive animations, but he lacks any damage buff to compliment his DPS

    This augment might be OP, but i want something that directly fuels your DPS with even more DPS, however numbers and descriptions are placeholders.


    Be nice if Mach Rush augment can allow Gauss to run across walls. Or can allow him to hold single handed melees to deal damage to enemies he runs into. Which was also an ability I wash K-Drives had. 

  14. On 2020-05-14 at 1:25 AM, (PS4)Grand_Sheba said:

    "Gas damage is one of the six secondary elemental damage types, composed of Heat and Toxin elements. It is particularly effective against light Infested types, but deals lower damage to Corpus and Grineer bodies.

    Status Effects

    The status effect of Gas damage is Gas Cloud. It produces a gas cloud that deals a tick of damage each second to all enemies within a 3-meter radius; subsequent procs increase the radius by 0.3 meters up to 6 meters in total after 10 stacks. The cloud has a 6 second duration. Each tick deals Gas damage equal to 0.5 × Modded Damage × (1 + Faction Damage mods). As can be seen from the formula, tick damage does not scale with any Elemental mods. Multiple instances of the effect can stack on the same target, with each instance having its own timer"

    -warframe.fandom.com/wiki current effects as of 5/2020


    Gas damage is currently the most single purposed Element in the game where all other elements, I would have to exclude blast as well, having a multi-purpose use. Gas currently effects infested and only infested but due to infested also being weak to fire it makes having gas a wasted slot when you can stack it with anything else to have that weapon effective in taking down more than one faction.

    I'd like to see Gas a more reliable element, especially since it requires 2 mod slot to create an "Advanced" element. So This is my Request for Gas to be effective.


    Gas Update Concept

    The status effect of gas damage is infested spores, this status effect releases a small green gas cloud with spores floating with in them that infects the target. Targets that are infected produce a gas cloud around their bodies up to 6 meters while taking a tick of Gas damage per second for 6 seconds. Enemies that come within 6 meters of the infected target become afflicted taking half the damage per tick as the Infected host and are covered in an brownish orange gas.

    Those infected by the host cannot spread the infested spores further, only damaging them with another Gas status effect increasing stack to 10 will create a new host. At 10 stacks of tick damage an afflicted target can become a spore host which will then be able to apply a stack of gas damage to enemies with in 6 meters of them.

    Infested spores reduces the accuracy of the afflicted target by 30% for 6 seconds. Subsequent procs add 5% reduced accuracy up to 75% in total after 10 stacks, with each proc having their own duration.

    The damage formula would remain the same.

    Gas damage is weak to Corpus Proto shields but effective against flesh, machinery is completely immune to gas damage.  Tenno (whats the plural for Tenno, just Tenno or is there an s?) affected by the Gas proc will have the screen turn a brownish/yellowish. While a Tenno is infected they can pass the infection on to allies that are with in 3 meters of them.

    when adding color to your weapon's element(emission or energy) the afflicted will take the second color that the infected host takes.

    Ex: emission color red and blue, infected host gas cloud is red with blue spores. Afflicted gas cloud is blue.


    My ideas for these changers were inspired by the infested,Mostly the Gas infested Hive as well as the Mutalist Ospreys, and the gas city's breakable gas chambers.

    I feel like it should have a unique effect of reducing enemy accuracy. Having gas sprayed into your eyes hurts and partially blinds you. Having it hit your throat makes it hard to breath which can weaken your movement and other things. Figured at least living things should have their accuracy reduced and movement slowed some. 

    I even made a Gas Based Frame I called Hazard where the gas does just that while also being ignitable for serious blast damage. Basically he was created as a fail safe against the infested. 

    • Like 1
  15. On 2020-05-11 at 3:47 PM, Infiniteonvitae said:

    Loving your knowledge had a look into it its like two side of a coin, both photosynthesis and respiration create energy in different ways maybe gain 0.5 per sec in dark/night and 1.0 in light/day...the possibilities are endless! 

    I’ve been in multiple plant frame concepts. Even made a couple myself. Each one so far haven’t survived without encountering a troll comparing them to an animated effect that DE added to one of Oberon’s abilities: Hallowed Ground. Which a plant/flower theme concept is not the same as a frame simply making grass grow. Stupid argument made by narrow minded trolls. Hope you don’t encounter them.

    But for the concept itself, there is like hundreds of abilities for DE to choose from that are plant based. But also Synergy is important. Having the abilities be able to work together to sort of amplify each other, makes for the perfect set up. I’ll get to that later.

    A concept I made once included a possibility that the frame has 2 forms thus creating 2 sets of abilities. A light form and a dark/shade form. The light form occurs while standing in lit areas. Causing flowers to bloom along with her abilities. While the dark/shade form becomes a deadly force of nature. Causing her to sprout thorns.

    The ability sets for each are pretty simple. The blooming flower form she creates plants that primarily causes buffs or debuffs. Such as removing certain status effects, buffing power strength, and weakening enemies. Cause plants can heal you, cure you, even strengthen you. But some can cause hallucinations and such also. Imagine a field of flowers producing a gas that puts enemies into a daze. Or even sleep. Toxic too but we already have Saryn. Also imagine her creating a pheromone that lures enemies.

    The shaded thorns form, her ability kit is based on inflicting damage or traps. Like creating a field of thorns where enemies who step in it become slower and suffer puncture status. Creating thorny vines to trap enemies, maybe cast again to cause the thorns to enlarge and deal sever puncture damage. With the release of Khora’s new deluxe coming, it has made the idea of carnivorous plants that much more clear. I’m talking like creating an army of vicious looking plant monsters/animals that will attack and even paralyze enemies. Khora’s kavat’s new skin is closer to what I pictured. 

    We don’t have a frame that focuses on puncture damage. Garuda does heavy slash. This frame could be the idea for a puncture one. 

    Now the synergy between these forms is basically while the blooming flower form provides great survivability, the shaded thorns form provides a balance of defense and offense. One combination is she creates the luring pheromones to draw in enemies to their daze/sleep. Or using both forms she can draw the enemies in, step into a shaded area and trap all the enemies into her thorny garden. Then she can buff herself and allies up and inflict sever puncture damage to the doomed enemies.

    There is a lot of combos with other frames this could create. And I’m a team player. I use my Nidus to make frames like chroma become OP. Then combine them with rhino to create a 250k iron skin. 

    Either way, there are many direction for DE to go with this kind of frame. And the name you chose definitely sounds fitting for the concept that I’ve been thinking of. Mainly cause in the Marvel series Luke Cage, Nightshade was a plant used to enhance a dude’s physical strength and toughen him up. 

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, MetalGrayFox said:

    Loaded a couple missions since the update where Nora says she has detected this resonance, but I don't see anything (I am running Cassini for a larvling). What are we meant to do to obtain this resource?

    EDIT: Thanks all, it seems it's just a little inconsistent atm, will lure enemies to their glass doom soon 🙂

    It’s random enemies in the area that have glass in them. You destroy the glass part and then kill them. Figured it out on my first attempt. 😝

    • Like 1
  17. 6 hours ago, Infiniteonvitae said:

    Just throwing ideas onto the table thats all...!!

    That’s why my shapeshifter concept is the way it is. I chose the abilities cause I figured that would be the easiest for DE to implement. And they have synergy. 

    Many people suggesting a shapeshifter/copycat frame always have the same idea. An ability to copy other frames’ abilities. People already complain about new frames copying another: Gauss vs volt, harrow vs Oberon, grendel vs inaros, etc. However I still see people using older frames more often than newer frames. So the complaints were childish. I’ve made concepts just for the same type of people to throw them out the window cause of a tiny itty bitty similarity to another frame. 

    The thing is, most players aren’t gonna like a frame that relies on copying another frame and DE isn’t gonna want to implement a frame that requires crazy codings to have the ability of pretty much all abilities. Not to mention it would take away the uniqueness of every other existing frame.

    I was just simply explaining the flaw in the copycat ability suggestion that many have already used on many posts. Like how many time frame concepts always tried mentioning the ability to basically reset the game itself. I mentioned how that wouldn’t work nor be allowed by DE. But I also suggested that the only kind of time reset ability that I could see possible, is the ability to reset the frame itself back a certain amount. Sort of like the Glitch skill from Black Ops 3 prophet. Basically sets a recorded mark of some sort and the frame just teleports back if the ability is canceled or takes fatal damage. Guess what, DE added that exact same ability, with a few additions, to the new frame coming soon

    Doesn’t mean you can’t suggest more/better ideas for abilities. Such as copying the health, shield, armor, and speed of a teammate. So if a tanky teammate joins, the... Mofang could mimic and be tanky also, while having a high power strength build. Wouldn’t really be considered OP since DE encourage teamwork. Which I use my Nidus to over double anybody’s power strength. Made newbies not feel so weak. 

    Man, got me picturing like a dozen ability ideas right now. 

  18. 1 hour ago, Infiniteonvitae said:

    Hello mexican_titan111, Here is a few positive ideas up to now for your frame, including abilities that benifit allies too also a few names I found might fit well.

    Names coming from the word mimic

    -Mofang (Chinese)

    -Meniru (Malag)

    -Manahaka (Malagasy) 

    -Mimos (Greek) 

    1)Having the skills of Mimicry you have the power to replicate allies/enemies abilities for the duration of the ability. Increasing strength mods will stack from enemies base attack. 

    2) Chosen enemy will be seen as a replica of you, causing surrounding enemies to attack, selecting an allie will be seen as an enemy and be left alone. 


    The name Mofang makes me imagine a very creepy fanged frame. Like it is covered with fangs and due to its creepiness, it copies or mimics the appearances of others in order to walk amongst them without spreading fear. 

    I don’t know about the whole replicate abilities. Why bother creating new abilities just to have another frame copy? Like some warframe Shang Tsung. Then that would be a lot to add to a frame. It would be more complicated than you think. In MK Shang Tsung basically switches places with another character. That is much easier coding. So unless this frame completely copies another frame, which I doubt DE would allow, the whole replicate ability concept would require a lot of coding to add basically every type of abilities coding to the frame for it to successfully copy another. And using the ability while looking at a frame basically unlocks the ability for that frame. 

    It’s too complicated to implement and takes away the uniqueness of every frame away. Which is why I doubt DE would even attempt to go through with it. 

    Mimicing appearances, stats like speed/health/shield/armor etc. is one thing. But mimicing abilities is way more complicated. I could see it mimicing Inaros’s large health, but not his sandstorm. Not to mention it would have to cancel a lot of abilities the moment it mimics another which would add more complications. Cause copying Chroma’s Vex Armor Buff and copying Excalibur’s Exalted Blade would be way too OP. DE would have to make a lot of limitations for this to be allowed. And that’s if they even want to go through the complications of trying implement this ability. 

  19. 1 hour ago, FeralKuja said:

    The Kuva Spinntokk is a dual-purpose Grineer Minigun with a massive magazine size and fire rate, alongside an alternate fire mode that opens a missile pod on the side and activates a wide-angle sight that can lock on to multiple enemies at once before firing multiple seeker missiles to track and strike all marked targets.

    I was thinking as a minigun, the magazine-size would be 1000 rounds, and alternate fire would use multiple rounds per seeker missile. Targets could be locked onto with alternate fire up to 3 times and lock-on would persist until firing since the missiles can turn mid-air to track targets. Maximum target cap would be around 10 enemies total for lock-on.

    Primary Fire would have low accuracy, high crit and status chance, a short spin-up to reach full fire rate (And full fire rate would be significant), and multishot would scale up from 1 to 5 at full fire rate.

    Alternate Mode would have the lock-on visor, moderate crit, high status, high per-missile damage and large blast radius, but would need to re-arm for a few seconds between missile volleys.

    Would probably be a while before another arch-gun gets made. However I have thought of this as an exalted for a grineer technologically enhanced frame. Basically a frame that was severely injured and rebuilt/enhanced by the Grineer. And with the new parazon, the Tenno must use it to free him from the grineer’s control.

  20. On 2020-05-04 at 12:42 PM, (PS4)mexican_titan111 said:

    So I was looking threw lots of warframes and there might be a couple warframes similer to this new idea of a warframe I had.I call him Navajo, This warframe would be a mimic warframe and we dont have this yet a warframe that can mimic enemies and or sounds to draw fire or maybe as a distraction.

    Now I dont know what i would call these abilitys but if you guys like this idea id love to here what you would call these abilitys.

    1st ability: The warframe will mimic sounds of enemy fire or noise and draw nearby enemies atention or to draw fire 

    2nd ability: The warframe will duplicate it self up to 6 ghost like replicates and they will go in different directions drawing enemy fire and then exploding after a certain time or they dont have to explode and they can continue to draw enemies confusing them and making lots of noise and making them see things witch will make all enemies start to run around and or stand still and go crazy with a chance of shooting a t a different enemy or allowing you to finish them off.

    3rd ability: The warframe will literally take on the form of an enemy and go unnoticed allowing you to clean out a room without actually going in or taking out enemy's more easy then you can detonate your controlled enemy and jump to a different enemy and continue but ofc at the cost if energy consumption.

    4th ability: you will duplicate any enemy you have looked at or controlled and replicate up to 10 enemies and they will fire at other enemies also drawing fire from you and when they kill or touch another enemy they will also be controlled and and fire at other enimies as well.

    So yes there's a couple warframe that kind of the same idea but ofc you can change this around and play around with the abilites i feel like this has potential so please met me know your ideas hopefully this reaches De for a future warframe.

    Well for the name DE tend to use Latin or something for names that reflect the warframe. Like Persequor, which is Latin for imitate. Also the spelling of names would be slightly different. Like Saryn vs Sarin. 

    Now this link is my idea of a shapeshifter which focuses on copying enemies and tricking others into attacking each other. The whole mimic concept could share somethings in common. Like it could take on the form of something and trick enemies into walking pass you, but you would have to move very slowly to not draw suspicion. 

    Not a lot of people actually try discussing such ideas. They either argued or criticized. I for one like to discuss concepts. Believe it or not, the last 4 frames plus the new one coming were concepts I’ve either discussed with others or made myself. Each one, people just criticized. But here they are. 

    With sentient mimics, I’m pretty sure a Mimic Frame Concept(title suggestion for post) would be taken into consideration by DE. 

  21. Yeah kind of confusing but in Kuva Fortress missions there are holes blown in certain areas for players to go through. Just a few minutes ago I was in a mission where there was no exit. Other players went through blown holes but there was none on my screen. Luckily there was a nova who created a portal through a small opening for me to walk through. 

    Saved a video of it but don’t know how to post those videos. But it definitely is an issue for such a maze like map layout.

  22. 8 hours ago, Xaero said:

    How do you abuse a system where voting for kick can start only after player has been considered afk by the game? Smh people don't read properly before typing their copy-paste opinions.

    They’ll still use the same excuse they are using against this post. People just want to be allowed to go afk and reap the benefits. 

  23. 5 hours ago, IgnisWings said:

    This idea is good in theory, but in execution it needs a lot of work. How you determine "AFK" before the minute timer counts down? What if a leech/abuser is using keyboard macros? Is it really fair to do this to players that say, face an emergency in real life, which are theoretically impossible to distinguish from abusers?

    Well for starters those leechers would have to make sure they are moving. Which would easily reveal them to be intentional. But many of them don’t pay attention to time so it would be a while before any expert leecher comes around to avoid Misery.

    Also, this is mostly for higher level public games. Lower level is usually full of newbies who may have not fully adjusted to the game. But by the time they reach higher levels, they should be well adapted into the game. Don’t be carried into a mission you’re not ready for. Like any other game. No other game softens up just cause a few players can’t handle it. Warframe shouldn’t go easy on them either. Or else they will never learn and leechers will continue to exploit such an easy to exploit game. 

    Also, it doesn’t matter how important real life is. You put the controller down in the middle of any other game like Call of Duty, you will get slaughtered. And many of those games can take a while to reach the end. Warframe is a pretty fast paced game. So one mission fail or incompletion wouldn’t do much to you, especially if you’re not doing anything anyways for whatever “emergencies” you encounter. So your presence only burden other players. If the emergency is that bad, the mission would be over regardless, unless you’re in a created squad playing an endless mission. Which you would still miss out on a lot regardless, if you take too long. 

    This addition would affect me sometimes. And I don’t play long missions with a buddy being afk. And they understand that. It would be a waste of my time waiting for any of them to move. If DE got rid of double doors and made the extraction timer start with one player in non-endless missions, I wouldn’t care as much. 

    These “emergency” excuses don’t work on any other game. You can’t tell the entire COD to just cease fire because of your “emergency”. Same thing should be done with warframe. 

    This would reduce AFKers. Not completely prevent them. To completely prevent them, DE would have to make many changes that AFKers and newbies will not agree to. Such as:

    Open World Maps having a green circle around the door/gate that counts as afk when inside for 1 minute. Many AFKers just stand by the door/gate and don’t move until everybody else tries to leave. For the bounties themselves, a timer between each bounty based on distance. That would require DE organizing the stages location to not be spread so far from each other and measure the distance. It takes 1 second to run 10 meters. So 600 meters would be 60 seconds. Unless you’re a newbie who doesn’t know how to simply run/sprint. And if you’re not inside the circle by then, it would count as AFK no matter what you do unless you finally step in. And you’ll have to be inside the circle for roughly 30 seconds to count if the afk timer runs out. If the objective is completed before the afk timer runs out, then you still get the rewards. 

    The only people who would struggle with this change are the newbies. But many AFKers will try to make dozens of excuses for why they slacked off. Doesn’t matter. You slack off, you lose rewards. Period. 

    Other missions would be a bit more complicated. Such as adding a circle like the bounties into mobile defense. If you’re not inside them for at least 30 seconds each console, then you don’t get the completion reward. Or Misery comes out and hunts you. Consoles take over a minute to complete, no excuse on being late unless you’re a newbie. 

    Exterminate would have to be a sort of room by room, kill by kill, kind of set up. Like if you’re damaging an enemy the timer never starts. Once you stop damaging enemies, the timer does start but resets per room. So no amounts of moving will matter if you’re sitting in the same room not damaging anybody. So Misery would spawn. 

    Survival would probably require inactivity/no damaging for roughly 2-3 minutes. Seems pretty long but I’ve encountered moments when no enemies spawned because they were all going somewhere else. But many AFKers will hide somewhere unreachable to enemies. And not shoot. 

    Defense would probably have a much larger circle that teammates staying outside for like say 2-3 minutes would spawn Misery. Cause most AFKers like to hide far outside of the map. Away from the defense. This would force them to be in the line of fire. 

    Again. These wouldn’t completely prevent leechers from exploiting loopholes. But it would definitely make things more difficult for them. While the more lazier ones will having more to worry about. 

    If you read my responses above, I mentioned that I’ve NEVER encountered an afker that had an “emergency”. How do I know? Cause they always moved when it was convenient. Such as returning to Cetus or Fortuna. Such as going through sanctuary portal. Every time I used a disarming Loki build and switch teleported them to the middle of the map where the objective is, they ran back to their hiding place. None of them ever just went down. They moved when it was convenient. Sometimes Stalker spawned and had them on the run. 

    Plus, it doesn’t matter what emergency you have. If it will stop you from playing the game, then don’t go into a mission. Otherwise Misery would be knocking on your door. No different than if you stopped mid game in many other games. 

    Players should take responsibility. 1 innocent AFKer doesn’t outweigh the leechers that exploit the afk system. Especially in bounties. 

    And this suggestion would simply reduce them. The only people that would have a problem with this suggestion, are frequent AFKers. Which is a problem. Many dudes who sometimes go AFK, agreed with me about this suggestion and even said it may be fun. Sort of like “having your own Mr. X” or something? 

    I have gone AFK many times before. And I’MMM making this post. That should say a lot. And I have many people who have sometimes gone AFK. And there is no sign of them stopping cause of, like you said, “emergencies”. Yet they agreed that I should make this post. So I did.


    Just so you know, I don’t make posts without asking people I know who play this game, how they feel about the idea. 

  24. 12 minutes ago, Cobalt313 said:


    Bathroom emergency.

    Almost certainly takes longer than a single minute and probably shouldn't be punished for an otherwise-active player.

    Again. Oh well. Many times I’ve had to put my controller down and lost. Like a time where I found multiple rare medallions during a rescue syndicate. Was gone to the bathroom for a while. Came back to the mission failed. I was playing solo. 

    The chances of you having to go to the bathroom is slim. And you would have to really go, as in a giant D, to put your controller down while still in a mission. And that is still slim unless you have problems and need a doctor. 

    And that shouldn’t outweigh the Leechers. Call of Duty shouldn’t make you invincible just cause you put your controller down. Neither should warframe. And the death toll caused by Misery would not be even close to the death toll caused by anything else in the game. 

    Those are lame excuses. You make it sound like people have to go to the bathroom 24/7. Again, I don’t encounter AFKers in a bathroom. I never did. All were leechers. Read my response to another comment above. 

    Bathroom breaks is no excuse. And doubt you’ll be killed by Misery more often than any other assassin, boss, or difficult mission. Unless you’re a frequent AFKer. If so, then this definitely is needed until you learn to stop playing the game during times of... crisis... You do in any other game. Except other games you’re sometimes forced to wait way longer than in warframe. 

  25. 35 minutes ago, bad4youLT said:

    Perma death , no rewards after just 1 minute of AFK sounds good how ?

    What if a guy needed to go AFK for reason other then atempting to "leech" , I konw AFK'ers are a problem we have but this suggestion is just terrible.

    Then oh well. You stop in the middle of call of duty, you die, a lot. You stop in the middle of a lot of different games, you lose a lot more than just a chance at some rewards. This game shouldn’t be much different. 

    If you are gonna have to go afk out of nowhere, then don’t go into a mission during public games. Or abort/leave. Or hope you have squad full of buddies to carry you.

    The chances of you having to go afk out of nowhere is slim compared to how often people go afk to leech. I’ve seen it all. There has NEVER been some unintended afk during my whole time playing this game. How do I know? Cause they always move right when the bounties are over and we are leaving. Every time I’ve used Loki to teleport them to the objective they ran back to hide. Every time a new portal to the next zone opens. 

    Every single time. Not one time have I encountered a player sitting still and not avoiding death or loss. They always moved when it was convenient. So no. The chances of Misery killing an innocent AFKer is very slim compared to full on Leechers. 

    And again, he is fully capable of being killed by your squad. If you’re gonna put your controller down, then be prepared for consequences like if it was any other game. Except you have an actual chance of getting away with AFKing. by killing Misery the first time.

    That whole “what if so and so has to do this” excuse is old. It never happened with me and it according to like hundreds of people who play this game, they rarely encounter an AFKer who wasn’t a leech. 

    If you’re gonna be AFK, don’t play the mission. DE added solo extraction for endless missions. So one minute on the extraction and you’ll avoid permanent death. 

    If I ended up dying and losing out on rewards because I chose not to leave the mission when I had the chance, then it would be my fault. There were times when I had to put the controller down. I was quick to return. And I only did it in a squad that I knew would have my back. Not in public games. In public games I’ve left early when I had to put the controller down. 

    1 player’s newbie of a loss should not outweigh the dozens of leechers. And I have buddies who had to go AFK a few times and even they agreed with this idea. Heck, they think it would funny to be chased by Misery. 

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